"Once they are allowed to grow, they will pose a great threat to our abyss world!"

"Fortunately, they haven't grown up yet!"

"The total number is only about 200 million, and the overall strength is very weak!"

"With our strength, it is enough to easily destroy the Holy Empire and the Angel Clan!"

Hearing this, the devil masters nodded one after another.

They have paid attention to the war between the Holy Empire and the Glorious Empire.

They all saw the astonishing achievements of the angels on the battlefield.

So they don't want the angel family to grow stronger.

"The half-step god king of the Titan pantheon should not come to the blood moon, but we can't be careless! We must send the Burning Legion and the Twelve Demon Army over as soon as possible!"

"Also, contact His Majesty the Demon Emperor urgently!"

"I request His Majesty the Demon Emperor to come to the blood moon as soon as possible to avoid accidents!"

"it is good!"

All the Demon Lords agreed.

The half-step god king hidden in the Titan pantheon put tremendous pressure on them, making them dare not be careless in the slightest.

But they don't know

The 'half-step god king' they thought was not in the Titan pantheon at all.

But in the Holy Empire!

And it was the ruler of the Holy Empire that they wanted to get rid of.

If they knew this, I'm afraid they wouldn't dare to 'talk big' and claim to destroy the Holy Empire and the Angel Clan as soon as possible.

It can even be said that they dare not even approach the Holy Empire!

It's a pity~

They are unaware of these.

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Chapter 404 The Army Gathers!One in the east and one in the west!We have an army of ten trillion!What are you afraid of?

Time flies fast.

In the blink of an eye, it was a new morning.

This is the fourth day since the Holy Empire declared war on the Glorious Empire.

Up to now, the territory of the Glorious Empire is bounded by the Nasitino River, the northwest, west, and southwestern regions, and the large, medium and small cities, as well as the noble territories, have almost all been captured by the army of the Holy Empire and the castle forces.

According to incomplete statistics.

There were as many as tens of thousands of cities that were captured.

There are too many noble territories to count.

At this time, the area west of the Nasitino River is equivalent to no longer within the jurisdiction of the Huiyao Empire.

It can also be seen from this that the loss of the Huiyao Empire is very large.

In addition to a large number of regular legions and professionals being killed and captured by the army of the Holy Empire and the castle forces, the economic loss was even more immeasurable.

Of course, even so~

The foundation of the Huiyao Empire remains unshakable.

Because the core area of ​​its empire is located east of the Nasitino River.

That is the central area of ​​the Glorious Empire.

Not only is the economy prosperous and the population is prosperous, but it also possesses countless mineral resources, which belong to the core of the Huiyao Empire.

As long as this area is not captured, the strength of the Glorious Empire can be quickly restored.

and so……

In order to protect the core area and delay the progress of the war between the Holy Empire and the castle forces, the Glory Empire mobilized all the legions and professionals in the territory and stationed on the eastern bank of the Nasitino River.

Build a strong line of defense to resist the attack of the army of the Holy Empire and the castle.


The sun is rising.

Bright rays of light enveloped the earth.

The surface of the vast Nasitino River is undulating and full of waves. Under the reflection of the golden sun, it is shining densely with golden light.

On the east bank of the Nasitino River~

The army of the Glorious Empire has already established a line of defense.

The total size of the army reached nearly two trillion.

Among them, one-third belonged to the regular legion of the Glorious Empire, well-equipped and well-organized.

The other two-thirds were professionals from the Glorious Empire. They received a call from the top of the empire and joined in this battle to defend the empire one after another.

A call to war is not absolutely mandatory.

Because the professionals of the Glory Empire are after the truth.

Truth is not the same as belief.

The God of Faith can use one sentence to ask believers to dedicate everything, even life.

But professionals who pursue the truth are not suppressed by power.

If they are unwilling, even the high-level gods of the Huiyao Empire have no way to force them to do anything.


In order to protect the empire, protect your own homeland~

The professionals of the Glorious Empire are still here!

More than 1 trillion professionals, in response to the call of the high-level leaders of the Huiyao Empire, gathered from the major cities, and gathered 493 to the east bank of the Nasitino River.

Joined the defensive front built by the Glorious Empire.

The age, rank, strength, equipment and other aspects of these professionals are all uneven.

Some are very powerful.

Some are extremely weak.

But no matter what, they all have a common goal, which is to stop the army of the Holy Empire and the castle forces from crossing the Nasitino River.

The barren area west of the Nasitino River can be abandoned.

However, if the army of the Holy Empire and the castle forces captured the central and prosperous area east of the Nasitino River, their Glory Empire would be completely finished.

Not only is the empire to end.

These professionals will also become people who have subjugated the country.

No Huiyao people hoped that their country would be destroyed by invaders.

So no matter how weak their strength is, as long as they have the identity of professionals, they will come to support without hesitation.

"Invaders from the castle forces have captured all the areas across the river!"

"Tens of thousands of cities, and even more villages, towns, and noble territories were destroyed by the shameful invaders of the castle forces, and countless people died in the hands of the castle forces!"

"This is a blood feud!"

"It must be washed away with war and blood!"

"Other local empires in the Endless Continent are unwilling to support us for their own benefit! But I believe that as long as we unite, we will be able to defeat the invaders!"

"We want to expel all the army of the Holy Empire and the castle forces from our land!"

"There are countless people living behind us. If we retreat, they will be finished! The cities and territories behind us will also be destroyed and wreak havoc by the creatures of the Holy Empire and the castle forces!"


"Even if we die, we can't take half a step back!"

"Let's not let the army of the Holy Empire and the castle forces cross the Nasitino River!"

"Battle! Fight!! Fight!!!"

On the east bank, countless legion fighters and professionals from the Glorious Empire raised their weapons and roared.

There are so many!

Nearly two trillion!

At a glance, it is densely packed with people, and there is no end in sight.

And besides the sea of ​​people, on the east bank of the Nasitino River, there were also hundreds of giant military cities, which were relocated overnight by the gods of the Glorious Empire.

These hundreds of military cities are one of the most powerful defense forces of the Huiyao Empire.

Apart from these important military cities, on the defense line of the Glory Empire, there are still countless magic cannons, super giant trebuchets, giant continuous crossbows and other war weapons.

On the thousands of kilometers wide, sea-like river...

They are warships and building ships in groups.

Hundreds of thousands!

At high altitude, there are densely packed war airships, as many as one million (cddh).

Not only the war airships of the Glory Empire were all mobilized, but also all civilian commercial airships were mobilized, and a large number of magic cannons were added.

The sky, the ground, the water...

There are figures of Hui Yao people everywhere!

It can be said that the top management of the Huiyao Empire has already done their best.

Except that the gods of truth of the empire were not sent to the battlefield in order to protect the imperial capital, almost all other forces have been brought out.

The purpose is to prevent the army of the Holy Empire and the castle forces from crossing the Nasitino River.


at this time.

On the west bank of the Nacitina River, a large-scale army was also assembled.

It is the army from the castle forces!

After a long night's journey~

The armies of hundreds of castle forces in various regions have basically gathered here.

In this process.

The army of the Glorious Empire has organized attacks many times, dispatching large-scale legions to attack the assembled army of castle forces.

These several wars between the two sides can be said to have their own winners and losers.

What they have in common is that both the Glorious Empire and the castle forces suffered heavy losses.

Numerous corpses were left near and on the Nasitino River.

The Huiyao Empire wanted to take advantage of the fact that the army of the castle forces had not yet finished gathering, divide and attack them, causing huge casualties to the castle forces.

But obviously.

They didn't make it!

Or it can be said that they did not achieve the record they hoped for.

Although some castle forces were severely injured by them, they also suffered a lot of casualties.

When time drags on to the morning of a new day.

The army of the castle forces in the major regions all gathered together, and the scale reached trillions.

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