However, they didn't say anything more.

After all, it is completely meaningless for the two groups of them to argue here. At most, they can only mock each other and get no benefit.

at this time.

A god of truth in the distance suddenly said: "The castle masters of the castle forces who are hiding behind the battlefield are going to teleport away again!"

Immediately, all the gods present looked over in unison.

Their eyes traveled hundreds of millions of kilometers, watching the castle masters who were teleporting away one after another in several newly built cities.

"I can sense that the masters of those castles have been teleported all over the world!"

"They have returned to their castle!"


"Because a new day has come!"

A god of faith said: "The castle masters of the castle forces, every new day, can use the arms buildings in their castles to recruit a large number of arms!"

"The same is true for the Holy Empire!"

"The angels, natural elves, dragons and other units loyal to His Majesty Lin Yi were all recruited by His Majesty Lin Yi from the military buildings of the Holy Empire!"

"I really envy this ability!"

The God of Truth said with emotion: "The master of billions of castles can recruit trillions of castle troops every day! This is a heaven-defying ability that our local forces do not have!"

"Not bad!"

Some people echoed: "When war was first declared against the Glorious Empire, the number of arms of the Castle faction was only a few trillion! But after many large-scale battles, the number of arms of the Castle faction has not decreased but increased, reaching ten Yu trillion, the overall strength has increased by at least ten times!"


"Not to mention anything else..."

"As long as you give the castle forces some more time to develop, the size of their army will expand beyond anyone's imagination!"

"With enough development time, the castle forces can even wipe out the abyssal demons directly!"

"After all, the spirit of the world law of our endless continent has given all the favor to the castle forces!"

Hear this.

The gods of truth present were all a little sad.

Their God of Truth ruled the Endless Continent after the God of Faith.

Originally, they were the favored sons of the world law of the Endless Continent, and with the help of the spirit of the world law, their pantheon of truth could become as powerful as it is now in just 10 years.

However, compared to the castle power...

Their God of Truth is still far behind!

If it is said that the world law of the Endless Continent has given the castle forces a lot of love, then the love given to them before the God of Truth is only one point.

How could they not be sour?

It's a pity that they were sour as well.

The spirit of world law in the endless continent is beyond their control.

Compared with the gods of truth present, those gods of faith who believe in the pantheon are not sour at all.

Although they were once the rulers of the Endless Continent, after all, that was already 10 years ago.

Today's endless continent is dominated by the gods of truth!

As for what the Endless Continent will look like in the future, and whether it will be dominated by the castle forces in the future, they don't care at all.


All they cared about was the [God King Throne] that appeared on the battlefield of God.

Once the battle for the [God King Throne] is over and the [Pantheon] returns to the Supreme God Realm, their belief system will definitely withdraw immediately.

Give the endless continent to the gods of truth and the castle forces to fight for it.

Anyway, they have a large number of belief plane worlds and belief planets in the extraterritorial starry sky, which is no less than one-third of an acre of Endless Continent.

A god of faith with powerful divine power squinted over and said lightly: "The castle is powerful, you should be happy!"

"After all, this time, the abyssal demons are invading with their entire clan!"

"Its war strength far exceeds that of ancient times!"

"If nothing else happens, even the legendary Twelve Demon Army will descend on the Endless Continent!"

"Just relying on the strength of the thousands of races in the endless continent, they are no match for the abyssal demons!"

"Only when all races and castle forces in the world are united, can it be possible to contend against the Twelve Demon Army and the Burning Legion of the Demon Race in the battle of gods!"

"I agree with that!"

A God of Truth who also possessed powerful divine power nodded and said, "Most of the time, we will have to rely on the power of the Holy Empire and the castle to survive this battle of Gods!"

"As for the future, the battle between the castle forces and our local forces for the dominance of the Endless Continent will be after the war of gods is over!"

"What we have to grasp is now!"

"Not bad!"

The other gods of truth agreed.

Thinking of it this way, their hearts are not sour.

After all, maybe the castle forces were directly wiped out by the abyssal demons in the upcoming battle of gods?

Especially the holy empire with the angel family~

It is bound to become a thorn in the side of the abyssal demons!

They absolutely have reason to believe that the fate of the Holy Empire and the castle forces in the battle of gods is very worrying!

Because the Holy Empire and the castle forces are too much of a threat to the abyssal demons!

If it were them, they would also immediately remove the Holy Empire and the castle forces to reduce the overall strength of the Endless Continent.


the other side.

The rear of the battlefield in the core area of ​​the Glorious Empire.

More than a dozen large cities rose from the ground, and they were castles built by the owner of the castle with the help of [Castle Heart].

In these cities, there are no redundant castle buildings.

Some are just densely packed space teleportation magic circles!

And the masters of the billions of castles behind the battlefield use these spaces to transmit magic circles, and send them back to their castles around the world batch after batch.

Bright morning light envelops the earth~

It means a new day has arrived!

For the castle masters, the arrival of a new day means that their strength will become stronger.

Soon, the castle masters who teleported away returned to the battlefield one after another.

Along with them, there were one army after another of castle arms.

This is another four to five trillion castle army!

As these castle units join the battlefield...

The size of the army of the castle forces on the battlefield directly exceeded 16 trillion. Including the dead castle units, the number of castle units participating in the battle was as high as 17 trillion.

This is a very scary thing!

Enough to deter any local empire in the endless continent!

As for the professionals from the Dark Empire on the battlefield, they were trembling even more!

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Chapter 436: More and more enemies are fighting!Collapsed Dark Empire professionals!Everyone wants to run away!Crash across the board! (please customize

The core area of ​​the Glorious Empire.

On the battlefield, the army of professionals from the Dark Empire was in chaos.

The battlefields in those small areas are not a big problem. The professionals of the Dark Empire are also fighting with the soldiers of the Holy Empire and the castle forces with their alchemy puppets and undead servants.

But the main army of Dark Empire professionals located in the central area of ​​the battlefield had rather ugly expressions.

Because they found something was wrong!

No matter how many enemies they killed desperately, the size of the enemy's army was still mighty. Every time a batch was wiped out, densely packed enemies would immediately emerge.

Just like the tide!

Wave after wave!

Can't finish killing at all!

Most importantly...

Now that the battle has progressed, they suddenly found that the number of enemies in front of them seemed to have increased.

After fighting for nearly a day and a night, the size of the enemy's army has not decreased but increased?

This simply makes their scalp tingle!

In previous wars, their dark empire has always had an absolute military advantage.

This is because there are a large number of necromancers and dark alchemists among the professionals in the dark empire. They can transform the enemy's corpses into undead slaves and alchemy puppets~

As a result, the size of his army became larger and larger.

Until the end, defeat the enemy with an overwhelming force advantage.

The result now?

Things are completely reversed!

The size of their dark empire's army is getting smaller and smaller.

However, the size of the army of the Holy Empire and the castle forces is getting bigger and bigger.

The Dark Empire itself is not the opponent of the Holy Empire and the castle forces, and now this kind of "emergency" occurs, many professionals of the Dark Empire on the battlefield feel dark in front of their eyes.

"How could this be?"

"Why do I feel that the size of the army of the Holy Empire and the castle forces has suddenly skyrocketed?"

"The number of enemies I encountered has increased dramatically!"

"The army size of the Holy Empire and the castle forces has increased by at least one-third in a short period of time!"

"One-third, that's a full trillions of enemies!"

"Do you feel the same way?"


"We are located in the center of the battlefield, facing the main army of the Holy Empire and the castle forces, even the rumored army of angels is also within this battlefield area..."

"It can be intuitively felt that the size of the enemy's army has skyrocketed!"

"What the hell is going on here?"

Some dark professionals who didn't understand the power of the castle yelled in horror.

Soon, a high-end professional said with a cold face: "There is no need to make a fuss! This in itself is one of the special abilities that belong exclusively to the castle power!"

"Whenever a new day comes, the castle masters in the castle forces can use the arms buildings in their castles to recruit castle arms..."

"The master of billions of castles can recruit trillions of castle troops every day!"

"Now, a new day has arrived!"

"The castle masters naturally returned to their castles, recruited new troops, and brought them all to the battlefield!"

"Oh my God!"

Hear this explanation.

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