Even Lin Yi himself held his breath.

It was the first time he had seen so many angels.

Just like the stars in the universe, there are too many to count.

The most important thing is~

Lin Yi also sensed a large number of gods in it, with hundreds of nine million.

In other words~

Among the angelic holy spirits conceived in this batch, there are millions of angels with at least sixteen wings.

Millions of 'Sixteen Winged Archangels'!

What is this concept?

It means that as long as they all grow up, under Lin Yi's command, there will be millions of powerful angel gods at the peak of the upper gods.

"Originally, including the gods who believe in the beast gods, I only have about 200 million gods under my command!"

"This time it directly increased by nearly 500 million!"

"That is to say..."

"Aside from the gods of the castle forces, I have about 700 million gods under my command!"

"If you add the gods of the castle force, the number of gods in my Holy Empire will directly exceed 1000 million!!"

"Add 500 million gods at a time, who would believe it?"

Lin Yi himself was a little absent-minded, let alone external forces.

However, Lin Yi thought about it carefully~

I also feel that it is not inconceivable that about 500 million angel gods can be bred at one time this time!

After all, Lin Yi gave birth to nearly 3000 billion angelic holy spirits!

3000 billion versus 500 million~

This is a ratio of sixty thousand to one!

That is to say~

Among the [-] angelic holy spirits, only one holy spirit is a sixteen-winged angel of the true god level.

In this way, is the data much more normal?

However, what Lin Yi thought was normal was unbelievable to those castle masters and rangers in the imperial capital.

This is the first time they've seen Lin Yi 'recruit' an angel.

The dazzling scene completely shocked them.

Of course, it doesn't matter.

The important thing is that Lin Yi recruited a full 500 million god-level angels at one time, which made them feel like a fantasy.

Even the top castle lord among them has never recruited godly troops.

Not to mention 500 million, there is none.

Because the level of the initial unit is directly related to the limit of the growth potential of the unit.

Only those units that have reached the limit of the growth potential of the upper god peak, after being recruited, can enter the true god level at the initial level.

Can the arms they recruit reach the limit of the growth potential of the upper god peak?

Obviously not!

Even if there is such a possibility, the probability can be said to be pitifully low.

so far~

Except for Lin Yi, there has never been a unit recruited by the castle lord that has directly reached the level of a true god.

"Is this the angel (cddh) unit of boss Lin Yi?"

"so horrible!"

"Nearly 500 million gods appeared in one recruitment! You know, the total number of gods in the Holy Empire is less than 100 million!"

"Including belief in the beast gods, that's about 200 million!"

"The gods and angels recruited this time exceed the sum of the gods of the Holy Empire by one and a half times!"

"The number of gods in the Holy Empire has been directly increased to a full 700 million!"

"One faction, 700 million gods! Looking at the entire endless continent, which local faction has so many gods? Not a single one!"

"Five million gods are not the scariest~"

"The most frightening thing is that the 500 million newly recruited gods are all sixteen-winged archangels! It is said that the sixteen-winged archangels of the angel family have the limit of growth potential to be the peak of the upper god!"

"This means that as long as they grow up, Boss Lin Yi will have 500 million peak highgods under his command!"

"It seems that all the peak high gods in the entire endless continent add up, and there are not 500 million!"

"500 million? Just kidding!"

"There may not be five thousand!"

"It's not an easy task to have the position of the pinnacle of a highgod!"

"Now I finally understand why Lin Yi is able to sweep the endless continent and coerce the entire plane world! The reason is very simple, the angel family is terrifyingly strong!"

"It's really scary!"

"Among the 3000 billion angelic holy spirits recruited this time, only [-]% are demigod-level two-winged angels and four-winged angels, and the remaining [-]% are all multi-winged angels with the potential to become gods!"

"The number of multi-winged angels has reached more than 2000 billion!"

"These 2000 billion multi-winged angels have the limit of growth potential at the level of gods, even if they don't use the blueprints for the evolution of arms!"

"That is to say~"

"When they grow up, the number of gods under Lin Yi's command may reach more than 2000 billion in the future!"


In an instant, countless castle masters and rangers gasped.

The more they counted, the more frightened they were.

Before the storm of 500 million gods and angels was over, another 2000 billion 'gods' angel jumped out, which instantly stunned countless castle masters and rangers.

If the Holy Empire really has 2000 billion god-level angels, why not rule the Endless Continent?

Don't talk about Endless Continent~

Even the abyss world located in the 'unknown star field', or even the world of thousands of planes, may not be able to withstand the attack of the angel army.

Of course, the premise is that the more than 2000 billion multi-winged angels must grow up.

Now they are all at the mortal level.

It's just that their growth potential limit has reached the level of a true god.

However, this did not prevent the Lord of the Castle and the rangers from admiring Lin Yi and their reverence for the angel family.

It wasn't until now that they realized that the Angel Clan was so powerful!

Completely beyond their imagination!

"I'm very fortunate to join the Holy Empire!"

"It's the same with me. Even though I have top-level troops and am one of the top-level castle masters in the castle faction, I am nothing compared to Lin Yi!"

"I believe more and more that the endless continent in the future will be ruled by Lin Yi and the angels!"

"This is for sure!"

"What I'm looking forward to now is when Lin Yi will become the supreme king of gods, master the supreme divine power, lead the vast army of angels and the army of our castle forces, attack the abyss world, and push thousands of planes across!"

"Don't worry, that day will come soon!"

"This time the battle of the planes is the holy empire's military training competition! The 3000 billion angelic holy spirits newly recruited by Lin Yi, whether they are true god-level angelic holy spirits or mortal-level angelic holy spirits, need to be used this time The Plane God War enhances the strength!"

"The abyssal demons came at just the right time!"

"If there is no army of abyssal demons, if the 3000 billion angels and holy spirits of the Holy Empire want to grow up, it will be very difficult to wipe out all the local empires in the central area!"

"The arrival of the abyss demons has laid the foundation stone for the growth of the angel army!"

"The Burning Legion, the Twelve Demon Army... endless demons, high-level demons, pouring into the endless continent! For all the races in this plane world, this is a disaster, a catastrophe! But for Lin For Brother Yi’s army of angels, this is an excellent growth opportunity!"

"When the army of 3000 billion angels grows up, and Lin Yi is promoted to the level of the half-step god king or the supreme god king, the Holy Empire will be completely invincible!"

"Of course, not the invincibility of the Endless Continent!"

"I mean the invincibility of the entire real universe!"

"Let's not talk about the Supreme God King. As long as Lin Yi becomes a half-step God King, no force, or even any plane world, can destroy the Holy Empire!"

"Well said!"

There are plenty of castle lords and rangers talking.

However, they didn't know that Lin Yi already possessed the position of half-step god king, and he still mastered the top-notch law of creation god king.

In the Holy Empire, there are already two half-step god kings.

Three half-step god king level combat power.

Lin Yi's strength is the most powerful!

In the past, the Holy Empire needed Anastas' protection, but now it no longer needs it.

Because Lin Yi's divine power has surpassed Anastas.

Even if the ruler of the great world of the abyss, the demon king of the abyss, Sargeras, appeared in front of him, he would still be suppressed by him.

Only the Supreme God King can suppress Lin Yi.

But it is clear that there is no Supreme God King in the Endless Continent and the surrounding star field worlds.

Therefore, Lin Yi can be said to be invincible!

Just like what the castle masters and rangers said, as long as Lin Yi is there, no force or plane world can threaten the Holy Empire.

"and many more!"

"what is that?"

"The divine breath of the median god!"

"Behind that angel, there are eighteen angel wings!"

"Oh my God!"

The master of the castle exclaimed: "That is the Archangel with eighteen wings! Mr. Lin Yi actually gave birth to an angel with eighteen wings!"

"Not one, but two!"

A ranger said: "Among this batch of angels, there are two eighteen-winged angels!"


"The eighteen-winged angel, that is the strongest angel of the angel family, possessing the limit of the growth potential of the peak of the main god! In other words, these two eighteen-winged angels can be promoted all the way to the level of the peak main god!"

"As expected of the main god-level eighteen-winged archangel, he possessed the position of the early middle god when he was born!"

"As the lord of the castle, I have developed for such a long time and killed countless enemies, and I have only just stepped into the peak of the next god!"

"Eighteen-winged angels, so terrifying!"

Many castle lords and rangers opened their mouths.

His expression was full of shock.


the other side.

Lin Yi was also shocked.

As the master of the faith of the angel family, he also did not expect that using the [number of arms blueprint] this time, he would be able to breed eighteen-winged angels.

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