Sun Xianyun tapped the small light spot with his finger, and the light spot immediately enlarged, turning into a silly eagle sauce detector.

"Is their Mars rover? Forget it, at least it's used to explore space, and nothing else. Things in this area are worth encouraging——Nimf, help this little guy correct his orbit."

Nimf nodded immediately and closed her eyes.

It didn't take long for the detector that deviated from the orbit to return to the predetermined position again.

From the beginning to the end, because of the opening of the electromagnetic barrier, Ying Jiang didn't understand what happened at all. He only knew that the signal sent back by his detector more than ten minutes ago indicated that it had deviated from the route, but waited until the next communication. , but miraculously found that the probe returned to the normal track.

Seeing that he can play with Yingjiang's top technological creations at will, Sun Xianyun feels a little delicate.

A few years ago, who would have dared to think...

"All right!"

Sun Xianyun clapped his hands.

"Let's go home! Then you can—hey! Astrea! Why are you tearing down my crystal lamp!?"


Astrea, who was wandering around the bridge, was curious about everything and wanted to tap and fiddle with it, was startled by Sun Xianyun's call, and was trying to remove the beautiful crystal lamp on the ceiling to have a look. The idiot angel who saw it immediately became unsteady and fell to the ground.

"Halve your snack supply this week."


"It's useless to be cute."


"...Icarus, tie up this idiot angel who is trying to seduce the master."

A few minutes later, Astrea, who was tied up, could only squat in the corner, falling into some kind of autism.

Sun Xianyun, who was flying towards the earth, also sent a signal to the country.

The plasma propulsion was accelerated at full power, and the huge starship rushed to the earth, and at the same time the electromagnetic barrier was lifted.

All of a sudden, the major countries on earth that mistakenly detected the starship as a meteorite with a diameter of one kilometer outside the sky were taken aback.

It wasn't until the rabbit who received the news notified the various countries, telling them not to worry, that our flagship was returning to Earth after we went out to perform missions, and the countries that were all ready to launch various missiles to intercept the meteorite in outer space were relieved, a group of The terrified executives wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads, and at the same time, uncontrollable envy rose in their hearts.

Chapter 193: Look!It's our super starship!

It was noon.

The new year has just passed, and the taste of the year has not dissipated.

The major shops in the streets and alleys are still pasted with various festive decorations to celebrate the New Year, and all kinds of red stripes are hung on the street trees on the side of the road.

Perhaps because today happened to be the first rest day after the New Year, some young people who hadn't fully recovered from the relaxed state of the New Year were playing outside one after another.

If you look carefully, you will find that the number of anti-gravity vehicles in the streets and alleys has obviously increased a lot, and there are even full-floating traffic lights and signs that were originally owned by the capital.

Even the buses on some busy routes have been replaced with brand new anti-gravity floating buses.

In order to better ease the traffic, the new traffic law divides the space above the road into three layers. The bottom layer, the road surface, is still used by traditional wheeled vehicles, and the middle layer belongs to various social vehicles. As for the top layer, the It is the exclusive airspace for special vehicles such as urban buses, military, police, firefighters, and ambulances.

For all floating vehicles, except for vehicles with special needs, all other anti-gravity floating vehicles are set to a floating height during driving, which cannot be changed by private car owners.

In order to ensure the high efficiency of 29, major bus stations have even begun to be remodeled and built into flyovers. Passengers need to climb up the stairs to take the bus, stand on the platform at the corresponding height of the third-floor airspace, and wait directly for the floating bus to arrive. take.

When the floating bus first appeared, many people who couldn’t afford the anti-gravity car even came here to experience it. People, try to change the way of travel to public transportation.

Due to various factors, let alone Tianjingwei, the traffic situation in even a mega city like the capital has been eased very well.

Nowadays, traditional luxury cars can no longer be as eye-catching as they used to be. Because Rabbit launched the anti-gravity floating car, almost all traditional car companies in the world have experienced a wave of market value drops. Originally hundreds of thousands, millions or even millions of car prices are getting lower and lower day by day.

In this case, the new anti-gravity floating supercar can really scream and excite like the luxury cars of the past.

Over a busy intersection, a huge floating display screen was broadcasting the noon news.

Some passers-by and drivers who were waiting for the traffic lights occasionally raised their heads for a casual glance.

"The sixth phase of my country's lunar exploration project is about to officially start. This phase of the lunar exploration project will further expand the permanent lunar surface base. It is also the first lunar exploration project of the nature of cooperation among countries. A total of [-] friendly countries participated in the construction... 』

"Relevant departments of the central government are discussing and studying the document on 'opening private outer space exploration and mining authority'. After the document is officially passed, it will greatly mobilize the forces of all sectors of society to jointly participate in space development..."

"The brand-new education law has been formally reviewed and passed. Starting from September this year, the first batch of freshmen in primary and secondary schools and designated colleges and universities will start to implement a brand-new education plan, striving to train more space talents for the country..."

"The test of my country's first nuclear fusion power station has been successfully completed. The power department is stepping up research on the work of 'comprehensively promoting nuclear fusion to replace traditional high-pollution energy industries'. It is expected that the first batch of thirteen fusion power stations will be built simultaneously across the country. The new skill training work for practitioners in related traditional industries is also being carried out in an orderly manner, and we strive to prevent one person from being laid off because of this...』

On the screen, the host in a suit and leather shoes was wearing a commercial smile, playing news one after another.

"It's amazing..."

An old man who was out for a stroll looked up at the news.

"Who would have thought that the country has changed so much in just two or three years, it's like a dream."

When the people around heard the old man's exclamation, they nodded in agreement.

From time to time, someone looked at the children in the crowd.

These little guys really caught up with a good time.

Some social people who have already left the campus and started working are also thinking, should they find a way to go to school again?

However, ninety-nine out of [-] people can only give up when they think of the frighteningly high admission requirements for majors related to space development.

"Oh! Look! The sky! The sky! It's a starship!"

Suddenly, a child held by his mother suddenly pointed to the sky and yelled loudly.

This sound was terrible, and everyone around raised their heads to look at the sky.

In the line of sight, somewhere the original white clouds suddenly became as black as ink.

Gradually, a cold gray steel monster poked its head out from the clouds.

Covering the sky and blocking out the sun, it was like an alien warship invading the earth in a movie, causing the hearts of those watching this scene on the ground to press down a mountain.

"Good... so big...!!!"

"It's bigger than the Belfast and Chaoge I saw before...!"

"I see! This is the flagship of our national space force! This must be our flagship!"

"It's so handsome!! This is the romance of a man——!"

For a while, almost everyone in the city who saw the Lexington took out their mobile phones and started taking pictures and videos of the 580 sky.

Some foreigners who were traveling or working in Tianjingwei made exaggerated exclamations, causing the surrounding rabbits to show proud smiles on their faces.

"I must join the Space Force!"

Among the crowd, a certain young man who was determined to join the army raised his head and stared at the Lexington slowly flying over his head, his expression became more and more determined.

"Damn it... My grades are a little bit worse when I apply for the space major. Forget it and stop playing. I will go back to study later!"

"Is this the rabbit's space flagship? It's terrible!"

"My family! My family, have you seen it! First brother, my live broadcast happened to meet our space battleship!"


USS Lexington, inside the bridge.

Sun Xianyun looked at the familiar city below through the holographic projection, with a faint smile of a wanderer returning home on the corner of his mouth.

"Is this the Master's home?"

Nimfu looked at the street scenes in the streets and alleys, and beside her lay Astrea, who was staring blankly with her.

Only Icarus, who was completely uninterested in these external affairs, always stood obediently by Sun Xianyun's side.

At a certain moment, a communication from Belfast suddenly sounded in the bridge——

『Commander, welcome back!

Chapter 194: Is there really such a Q bomb?

The huge starship slowly landed in the port of the Tianjingwei space force headquarters.

When Sun Xianyun and Lexington walked out of the starship with the three angels, they saw a group of people headed by Mr. Yang.

Belfast and Chaoge stood together, the little girl Chaoge poked her head, Belfast was dignified and steady, with a smile on her face.

However, when he saw Icarus, Nimfu, and Astrea appearing behind Sun Xianyun, Belfast's smile was slightly stiff, and Chao Ge's waving arm paused, even Mr. Yang's brows twitched. one time.

Some bigwigs around who were also qualified to participate in the meeting before Sun Xianyun's crossing, everyone gathered together to watch the thing that fell from the sky, and some even directly cast a rather subtle look at Sun Xianyun.

That look speaks for itself—

You kid, you can.

He actually brought back the protagonist, the three angels, in a package.

A large group of people suddenly appeared in front of them, slightly startling Nimfu.

Icarus was inherently shallow, Astrea was an idiot, and among the three angels, only Nimf was the most sensitive person.

Because of Sun Xianyun, in Nimfu's eyes, the people in this world, especially those from the Rabbit family, are completely different from the original "earth worms" in Nimfu's eyes.

It was impossible for her to treat these people with an attitude of looking down, which caused Nimfu to feel a bit of fear at this moment, and hid behind Sun Xianyun for a while.

——Especially the silver-haired girl in the maid outfit in the crowd. Although she was smiling, there was no trace of a smile in her eyes.

Walking in front of Mr. Yang, Sun Xianyun gave a military salute.

After the routine greetings, Sun Xianyun asked a little strangely: "Why didn't I go to the capital to land this time?"

In the process of returning to this world and flying to the earth, Sun Xianyun had a preliminary information exchange with the country, and learned that this time he did not need to go to the secret base on the outskirts of the capital as before.

"I happen to be doing research here, so you don't need to run away anymore. In addition, in the future, you shouldn't have to check every time you come back like before. The Academy of Sciences has confirmed that you won't come back with unknown germs from another world."

"In addition, deliberately letting you use your body to fly around the city is also to better improve the morale of the people. It is a belated New Year gift from us to the people."

Mr. Yang was in a good mood, not only because Sun Xianyun came home, but also because he was very satisfied with the results of this survey.

Feedback from all aspects is better than expected, and the chaos that the center was worried about because of the rapid infiltration of new technologies into people's daily lives has almost never happened.

After finishing speaking, he looked cheerfully at the three angels.

"The three are Comrade Icarus, Comrade Nimf, and Comrade Astrea, right? You are welcome to join our big family."

With that said, the old man stretched out his hand.



Icarus kept staring at Sun Xianyun without responding.

Nimf looked left and right, still feeling apprehensive.

On the other hand, Astrea, perhaps because she was an idiot so she couldn't feel the atmosphere, ran out bouncing around.

During the action, it swayed up and down...does it really have such a Q bomb! ?

That is to say, during the half month of living in the human world, Sun Xianyun changed them into the clothes of ordinary human girls. Otherwise, if they were still wearing angel armor, many people here would definitely not be able to stand it on the spot.

"Damn's too bad!"

"One Belfast is enough, and now there are cows! Two at a time!"

"Sure enough, they are class enemies again!"

Chaoge began to emit black air around Belfast.

"Hello, hello! Are you Master's Master?"

Astrea, who just saw Sun Xianyun saluting Mr. Yang, asked naturally.

"Huh...? Huh? Master's Master?" Old Man Yang was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, "No, we are like-minded comrades. Although there are high and low positions, there is no difference other than that. We are family members. "

"That's it..." Astrea didn't know why she looked a little disappointed, "I thought you were the Master of the Master, so I wanted to sue you, and the Master stole my snacks... Obviously I said it when I engraved it Snacks are enough..."

Mr. Yang, who hadn't seen a young child in front of him for a long time, was in a better mood.

He looked at Astrea like his own granddaughter.

"It's okay, Comrade Sun deducted your snacks, you can come to grandpa and me, you can eat whatever you want."

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