The expert who was explaining suddenly had a subtle expression.

"In addition to being extremely pro-foreign, the Brog civilization seems to be a militaristic civilization."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone fell silent.

Mr. Yang was a little dumbfounded.

"Militarism? Can militarism be linked to pro-foreigners? What is the situation of militarism and pro-foreigners?"

The so-called militarism refers to advocating force and military expansion, taking militarism and aggression and expansion as the foundation of a country, putting the country under military control, and making all aspects of politics, economy, culture and education serve the purpose of military expansion and preparation for war and foreign wars. ideological and political systems.

Judging by human cognition, this is an extremely cruel and reactionary system.

Lexington thought for a while, and tentatively replied: " the door! Make friends! What? Don't want to? Have you seen this cannon? Say it again, make friends! ——like this?"

The meeting room was suddenly filled with cheerful air.

The air force commander kept shaking his head: "After all, this is the first time we have come into contact with an alien civilization, and we cannot judge the other party's behavior and habits with the human way of thinking. For example, what if the other party is just a pro-foreign military government? "

"Not impossible."

Mr. Yang nodded and agreed with the air force commander.

"So, how do we deal with the Blog civilization? Should we try to contact each other now?"

Everyone discussed for a long time, and finally agreed that it would be better not to contact Brog Civilization for the time being.

The other party is related to foreign relatives, but it is also a military civilization. Before the country's own space army is formed, it is best not to contact Brog.

What if the other party really ran to your door with a giant cannon and yelled to make friends?

The country hopes to be able to take the initiative in its own hands.

"By the way, have you researched the civilization that sent radio signals to the Brog civilization?"

Lexington asked again.

"On this point, there are no clues. The Brog seem to take what they call their 'best friend' very seriously, and did not disclose any information on the probes they sent."

The discussion on the Brog civilization came to an end for the time being, and the center decided to wait for the initial formation of the space force, that is, the delivery of the first batch of warships including ship mothers and conventional starships before formally contacting the other party.

Prior to this, even the necessary detections were put on hold—as the first contact with aliens by human civilization, the Center maintained the utmost caution.

……Dividing line……

In the past few days, Sun Xianyun has been busy discussing with other countries about the signing of the military mutual trust agreement.

Although it is more than one step behind in the space competition, in many ways, unlike Maozi who is almost determined to stand with the rabbit, Yingjiang is still trying to get benefits from the rabbit.

Speaking of which, the reason why Maozi is like this is also because their own family is really not very rich, and there is no other way to go except to take a rabbit's car.

Just when the negotiations were deadlocked, a sudden incident broke the deadlock.

On this day, when Sun Xianyun was still arguing with Ying Jiang, and Lexington was dealing with official business, Belfast suddenly ran into the office in a panic.

"Commander, we have received news that something happened to the spacecraft that landed on the moon at Fort Eagle!"


Lexington, who was buried in the documents, raised his head, and helped the flat glasses on his delicate nose bridge that he took out from nowhere to set off the atmosphere.

"what's the situation?"


"Look at this!"

Belfast hurriedly put the latest report on Lexington's desk.

Picking up the report and quickly glanced at it, Lexington couldn't help shaking his head.

"The spacecraft that has adjusted its attitude in orbit around the earth and officially entered the earth-moon voyage phase suddenly had an engine failure?"

"Yes, their earth-moon flight originally relied on inertia to advance, and the engine stopped working after only providing the initial thrust. It needs to wait until it enters orbit around the moon before starting. However, during the latest daily self-inspection, their astronauts found that The engine failed!"

"And... it can't be repaired."

"Judging from this situation, there is no way for them to successfully enter the state of orbiting the moon. They will just hit the moon with their heads and die."


Belfast explained quickly.

Lexington took off his glasses and put them aside, chuckling.

"It's still too rushed. Although we have the trump card, but it takes less than two months to prepare people to go to the moon. It's not surprising that this kind of thing happened. What are the opponents going to do now?"

Belfast shook his head, indicating that he didn't know.

Lexington thought for a while, and suddenly raised the corners of his mouth.

"Do you think there is anything they can do other than ask us for help? Now we are the only ones who want to save their astronauts."

"On the other side, will you come to us?"

Belfast has some misgivings.

"Yes." Lexington nodded, "Unless their top management wants to be scolded to death by people all over the world, they will not sit back and watch the three aerospace heroes die in vain."

"But in this way, they will be completely passive in this agreement discussion. Let's take this opportunity to 'chat' with their representatives."

Having said that, the smile on Lexington's face grew wider.

This is really God giving a chance.

"It's like that movie...what's it called? "The Martian"? In the movie, we provided the rocket at the end to allow the other side to successfully save people. This time, we are also going to save the other side's astronauts."


Lexington snapped his fingers.

"Notify Chaoge and let her get ready."

Chapter 210 Chaoge: I Found You!

『The following is a news that our station just received. 』

"At 9:36 a.m. Beijing time today, the spacecraft that Yingjiabao sent to land on the moon suddenly had an engine failure after entering the earth-moon flight phase. 』

『After trying all possible emergency repair plans and failing, the Eagle family contacted our country, hoping that our country would send a space force to help rescue their astronauts. 』

"In the spirit of humanitarianism and the concept that the fate of all mankind is closely related, we agree to send the space force [Xia] class destroyer Chaoga to rescue. 』

"This is a great rescue operation, it shows the unity of mankind..."

It was noon, and many people who were watching the news while having lunch at home suddenly heard such a voice coming from the TV.

At first, everyone thought they heard it wrong. People put down their bowls and chopsticks and gathered around the TV, watched the news repeatedly, and even took out their mobile phones to search for relevant news on the Internet. Finally, they were convinced. The Hawk family's lunar spacecraft really has an emergency failure, and this time, the rabbit will save them! 03

"Oh my god! A real-life The Martian?"

"Obviously "Moon Rescue" (funny)!"

"The country is awesome!"

"I thought that everything shot in the movie was fictional, but I didn't expect such a thing to actually happen in reality."

"Ah, ah, it's not like we didn't help others to pull their people back when we evacuated overseas Chinese before, Ji Cao, don't 6."

In a short period of time, #兔兔will报论空战船救阳家月边航空船#'s super chat directly reached the top of V blog's trending searches, leaving a lot of comments from netizens in the comment area below.

And on overseas networks, countless people are discussing this matter on major social media platforms.

People in most countries have the mentality of eating melons and watching dramas, but each of the Eagle Sauces has mixed feelings.

In "The Martian", the last plot arrangement for the rabbit to help provide the rocket is completely specially set up to open up the huge movie market of the rabbit. In fact, they themselves never thought that such a thing would require the help of the rabbit.

As a result, reality taught them a lesson.

In the relevant comment area on the extranet, ghosts and monsters from all walks of life gathered for a while.

"Eagle Castle can also come to us, the great Ah San is very willing to help our brothers!"

"Go away, what can you offer? Cow dung?"

"Hahahahaha, Javelin, you have today too!"

"Si Country One! Si Country One!"

"We should seriously consider our relationship with the rabbits, because I think we will need their help in space in the future."

"Our Royal Highness Princess Virlia has a very good personal friendship with their commander-in-chief of the space force, which indicates that the belt will also occupy a pivotal position in the great interstellar voyage in the future!"

"Personal friendship? What friendship? Mortar?"

"Go away! You won't even be able to afford baguettes soon!"

There are not many comments that really discuss related content. Most of the comments are chatting and chatting, and the topic is turned to other places. For example, Ah San’s daily honey juice is confident, Dai Ying and Gallic Chicken are in love and killing each other, and monkeys are fighting beside them , Maozi laughed at it, and by the way, there were a few yin and yang comments from the book.

At the same time, Chao Ge, who received the order, has already manifested his body and flew out of the atmosphere.

Inside the bridge, the little girl was sitting on a chair, her legs dangling in the air because she was not tall enough.

With a lollipop in his mouth, he shook his head slightly, causing the long straight black hair on the back to follow Chao Ge and glanced at the holographic projection star map in front of him.

The content of the star map is not complicated, and it just shows the structure of the Earth-Moon system.

It marked the location of Chaoge's own ship, as well as the location of Ying's malfunctioning spaceship at this time.

"Chaoge, how's the situation?" 』

Suddenly, Lexington's voice came from the communication channel.

"According to the situation, they should be captured by the moon's gravity in about four or five hours before hitting them head-on."

Chaoge made a rough calculation, and then he crunched the lollipop in his mouth, and while answering, he bit out teeth marks on the white candy stick.

There was no panic on the little girl's face.

Four or five hours is enough for this girl to run back and forth between the earth and the moon.

Countless people on the ground are paying attention to this rescue. In the perception of ordinary people, the rescue party must be extremely nervous in such an extremely critical situation, racing against time to speed up.

But in fact, Chaoge even thought about playing BGM on the bridge...

"Very well, after you find the opposite spaceship, store it directly in your warehouse. Although your shipborne warehouse cannot carry carrier-based aircraft like mine, it is not a problem to store the opposite spaceship urgently." 』

"After capturing the opponent's spaceship, send it to our base on the moon. 』

"The comrades from the lunar base will help them fix their engines together. 』

Chao Ge nodded.

"Aren't you going to pack those people in 307 and send them back?"

"Heh... They want to save face, and they have to continue to perform tasks. 』

Lexington laughed mockingly.

"However, these are decisions made by the people on the ground. I guess the three astronauts are afraid that they will hate those high-ranking big shots to death." 』

"Fortunately, they were so relieved to let us help repair the engine together. It would have been impossible if it was replaced before."

Chaoge seemed to have thought of something, and his brows and eyes were crooked with a smile, quite cunning.

"Ah! Report to the command center! I found the target!"

The little girl suddenly jumped off the chair and looked at the starry sky through the panoramic window.

Although she still couldn't see anything with human eyesight, as the ship's mother, Chao Ge, with her extraordinary vision and the assistance of the ship's radar, easily found the lonely and floating spaceship in the vast starry sky.

The little girl was even able to see the three astronauts waving wildly towards her through the airtight window of the spaceship.

"Then, speed up! Don't be intimidated!"

Thieves laughed, Chao Ge thought, and the thrusters of the hull suddenly began to increase their output.

With the plasma tail flame, the huge starship accelerated and galloped towards the Eagle family's spaceship.

Chapter 211 Over there, the spaceship Ganaku is forbidden to make loud noises!

Lying on the side of the porthole of the spaceship, Tennyson, wearing a thick space suit, looked at the approaching Chaoge through the helmet of the spacesuit and the double glass of the porthole.

"God, I swear this is definitely the most handsome warship I've ever seen! The Ford-class aircraft carrier is a child's toy compared to it!"

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