Looking at the two sides, you can't see the end of the base at all, as if this huge steel monster will extend to the border of the universe.

After a while, the leaders of Belfast, Chaoge, and the virtual reality research team also appeared beside Sun Xianyun.

The performance of Chao Ge and Belfast was not much better than Sun Xianyun, but the team leader probably had experienced it before, so he didn't show much surprise.

"Huh? Why is it only Brother Xianyun and you, sister Lexington?"

After Chaoge was having fun, he suddenly found that one person was missing, so he ran to Sun Xianyun and asked.

"Silly girl, this is a virtual world, and individual generation depends entirely on the individual consciousness in reality. Your brother Xianyun and sister Lexington are essentially the same person, sharing the same consciousness. Naturally, there will only be one body in this world."


Sun Xianyun hooked the corner of his mouth, and the next moment, his body suddenly turned into Lexington's appearance.

The wife's charming voice sounded: "Look, isn't my sister coming here?"

"Cough cough..."

The person in charge coughed next to him, looked strangely at Lexington, and then said, "Comrade General, please follow me."

Along the way, under the leadership of the person in charge, Sun Xianyun and others visited this huge star base.

In fact, the star base, which is almost comparable to half a super city on the earth, is simply not something that a few people can visit in a short time.

"The recovery rate of the base is [-]%, because it is in the testing stage, so we set that people here can move freely in a vacuum without relying on various out-of-cabin equipment, but when training in the future, this part will be modified accordingly. "

"The hardware of the entire base allows an artificial intelligence like the Red Queen to perform central control and undertake most of the work, so we injected it with [Nuwa] developed through the source code of the Red Queen. Her intelligence is not inferior to The Red Queen, but there are a series of more restrictive measures than the Red Queen. After you, Comrade General, officially launch the star base, Nu Wa will be transplanted into the base in reality simultaneously. Just like this—"

The person in charge paused and shouted:


A translucent virtual image suddenly appeared beside everyone.

This is a black long straight Yujie wearing a female space army uniform similar to Lexington.

"I am here. 』

Nuwa's smile is extremely sweet, and if you look closely at the outline of the facial features, there is actually a bit of Lexington's shadow in it.

"Nice to meet you, General Son Hyun-yoon...or should I call you Colonel Lexington?" 』

Sun Xianyun noticed that Nuwa used "you" when addressing Sun Xianyun, but became "you" when addressing Lexington.

"...How are your authority levels assigned?"

After pondering for a moment, Sun Xianyun asked this question.

"My core control is divided into two, which is jointly controlled by the then Supreme Consul and the then Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Space Force. All orders involving the highest authority need to be jointly issued by the two authorities before they are allowed to pass. 』

『Only when one party is unable to order due to accidents, a single highest authority controller will be allowed to pass the final authority determination. 』

『In addition to the highest level of authority, there are eleven levels of authority from low to high, corresponding to the ranks of Space Corps Sergeant to General. 』

"Ordinary soldiers only have basic consultation rights, without any control rights and active access to information. 』

『In addition, the shipboard AI of the starship belonging to the Space Force has the same authority as the captain of the starship corresponding to the military rank, and this is also applicable to the ship girl. 』

Very reasonable authority distribution method, but what Sun Xianyun didn't expect was that he actually had the highest authority.

Although the orders corresponding to this highest authority still need the cooperation of Mr. Yang to take effect, this is the normal situation.

Even if it is only half, this power is already quite terrifying.

Chapter 223 Powerful star base, another year of college entrance examination season

According to the setting of Stellaris, any space civilization needs to build an "outpost" near the star in the center of an unowned galaxy, which can be regarded as an external declaration that the unowned galaxy is included in the civilization's territory.

When the outpost is established, with the improvement of civilization technology, the outpost can be upgraded in turn, gradually evolving into "Star Port", "Star Fortress", "Acropolis" and finally "Sky Fort".

At the same time, there will be a so-called initial star base near the star where the initial parent star of any space civilization is located. This base is not an outpost, but a star port.

This is what Sun Xianyun and others have seen.

The central control hall of Xinggang covers an area of ​​thousands of square meters, and its height is also about 400 meters. Like the central hall of the country, in addition to the bottom floor, there are several arc-shaped spaces on the upper part.

Each floor is distributed with various consoles that Sun Xianyun can't understand and many unknown devices. There is also a huge holographic projection in the center, showing the star map of the entire solar system.

Standing in the core control area on the top floor of the hall, Nuwa patiently introduced Sun Xianyun and others beside her:

"The outpost has its own wide-area detection system, which can accurately monitor everything in the galaxy where it is located, ranging from the movement of celestial bodies, to the trajectories of asteroids, comets, and even any aircraft that break into the galaxy—unless the other party has a system beyond wide-area detection Stealth technology."

"And this star port, which is still above the outpost, has two independent sub-modules in addition to the wide-area detection system of the outpost—"

Speaking of this, Nu Wa did not see any movement. The huge holographic projection in the center of the control hall suddenly zoomed in, and the star base near the sun was displayed.

The shape of this star base is exactly the same as the architectural style of the human race in the stars. In the center is a huge main structure, and on both sides of the main structure are two relatively smaller independent building areas.

"These two independent sub-modules, one is the dock module, which can be directly used to construct starships, including but not limited to various scientific research ships, engineering ships, colonial ships, transport ships and combat starships, etc."

"It comes with a complete set of starship manufacturing industrial system inside, which can completely get rid of the dependence on the parent star. It only needs to mine various resources from space to carry out the design and construction of starships."

"In addition to the dock module, another independent module of the starport is the anchorage, which is used to provide long-term support for the space fleet including the starship, including docking, maintenance and repair, etc."

"In addition, within the main structure of the star port, there are currently a 'command center' and a 'hydroponic cabin', Comrade General, I need to remind you that any star base, no matter which galaxy it is located in, no matter what its level, the command center is essential It is a necessary component for the normal operation of the basic functions of the base, and if there are no habitable planets in the galaxy where the base is located, then the 'hydroponic cabin' is also indispensable, because it can ensure that the base can be self-sufficient and produce food and meat by itself Classes, without relying on the necessary life resources to be called from other places.”

"Finally, the star port comes with light speed compensation communication, covering the solar system as the core, with a radius of [-] light years. If you want to increase the range of action, you need to further improve the star port. According to the design drawings, if it can eventually become a fortress, the speed of light Compensation communication can cover almost the entire galaxy."

"If there is an outpost as a support for signal amplification, the range of effect can be even greater."

"Even the star base at the first level of the Sky Fort has an extremely powerful function. It can communicate with any other Sky Fort in real time regardless of distance, even if the two fortresses are located at opposite ends of the universe."

After Nuwa's introduction, Sun Xianyun immediately asked: "What you said just now, scientific research ships, engineering ships... do these ships have corresponding construction drawings?"

This question is too important. If the star port only has construction capabilities but no construction blueprints, then even if the country gets the star port, everything will have to start from scratch.

But if Xinggang comes with a ship design drawing, then...it's perfect!


Nuwa smiled and nodded.

"But there are only the most preliminary design drawings, and they are all design plans that can be realized with the current technological level of the country."


Sun Xianyun slapped his hands suddenly.

In a sense, scientific research ships and engineering ships are more important than starships that are purely used for combat.

These are the foundations for an interstellar civilization to successfully develop space!

After visiting the central control center, the group boarded the shuttle in the base and quickly visited other major areas.

Finally, standing on the open-air starship take-off and landing platform, Sun Xianyun gazed at the distant stars for half an hour before leading everyone out of the virtual space.


He took off his helmet, opened his eyes, and looked at the room in front of him. He didn't recover for a long time.

It was still in the boundless space one second, and returned to the ground the next moment.

The huge change in the environment, not to mention him, Belfast and others did not fully wake up for a while.

A few minutes later, Sun Xianyun told everyone to take care of these devices, and then made a phone call to the central confidential line.

……Dividing line……

Time always flies by inadvertently.

When the calendar turned to mid-July, all the students and their parents who participated in this year's college entrance examination across the country ushered in the most stressful day.

Wang Xingyu sat in front of the computer, his hand holding the mouse trembled slightly.

Behind her, the little girl's parents, Sun Xianyun's uncle and aunt, as well as her parents Sun Chengbo and Wang Xueyan, were also nervously staring at the computer screen.

"It's time! It's time! Girl! Check your score!"

The uncle who had been staring at the time suddenly patted Wang Xingyu on the shoulder, and the little girl tremblingly entered her student number and password in the inquiry window.

In an instant, the page froze.

Sniffing, Wang Xingyu entered the student number password again.

This time the site didn't freeze, but it loaded extremely slowly.

But no matter how slow it is, there will be a day when it will be loaded.

Finally, Wang Xingyu saw his college entrance examination scores this year.

Chinese 139, Mathematics 147, English 149, Comprehensive 296.

The total score is 731!


The moment Wang Xingyu saw the score, he was so excited that he jumped up from his chair.

"I made it! I made it! Mom and Dad! I made it!!!!!!"

Cheering and hugging his mother, Wang Xingyu jumped up and down, tears streaming down his face.

Aunt Sun Xianyun, who knew how hard her daughter had been studying during this time, also hugged Wang Xingyu, patted her on the back, and said with a smile: "Congratulations, Xingyu, congratulations!"

After a long hilarity, Wang Xingyu calmed down a little, and suddenly said: "Mom and Dad, can I apply for space major!? Can I go to see my cousin and sister-in-law!?"

When Sun Xianyun and Lexington were mentioned, the family members fell silent.

They haven't seen those "two people" for a long time.

Chapter 224 Star Base, Expand!

A burst of phone ringing suddenly rang.

Wang Xingyu was stunned, and quickly picked up the mobile phone on the table beside him, and then exclaimed: "It's my cousin!"

As soon as this remark came out, the family who were still thinking about Sun Xianyun and Lexington surrounded him again.

Wang Xingyu connected the video call, but Lexington appeared on the screen.

"Ah! It's sister-in-law! Hello sister-in-law! Long time no see!"

"Xington, is that you? Hey, where are you?"

Wang Xueyan, who was standing behind Wang Xingyu, asked curiously.

Lexington, who was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, turned the camera and said, "I'm at the base."

"The base... the base of the Space Force!"

Wang Xingyu's eyes widened suddenly.

Sun Chengbo on the side frowned: "Xingdun, will this be bad?"

"It's okay, this is Xianyun's official residence, and it's not a work area involving confidentiality, it's a living area, so it doesn't matter."

Lexington shook his head.

"Xianyun is busy, so please call me and ask about Xingyu's college entrance examination."

Upon hearing this, Wang Xingyu immediately reported his college entrance examination results proudly.

"Is it such a high score? I think you may be the champion of Sichuan Province. Congratulations, Xingyu."

"Hey..." Wang Xingyu rubbed his head, "Well, sister-in-law, can I join you and my cousin as a soldier? I want to drive a starship!"

Joining the Space Force and driving a starship to conquer the stars and seas has almost become the ideal of the younger generation of the country.

For this reason, many foreign media have used this to exaggerate the crisis argument, saying with certainty that "the younger generation of rabbits is full of aggressiveness and is worrying".

"Want to join the space army? At present, the first batch of space army is composed of elites drawn from the original army, but in the future, if there is no accident, it will only be supplemented from the relevant majors of major military academies. After all, the space army is a high-level Technical arms, soldiers recruited by the ordinary conscription mode are not qualified."

"However, it doesn't mean that enlisting in the army like in the past means that there is no chance to go to space at all, but there are some secrets involved, so I can't disclose it."

"All in all, if Xingyu wants to come here, the best way is to enroll in the military academy."

"Yeah, yum, I know!"

Wang Xingyu kept nodding his head.

The aunt on the side looked worried.

"Xingyu, you haven't had a hard time since you were a child. Is it okay to go to the military academy? The training is very hard."

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