"And look, the largest starship in the opponent's fleet is only 700 meters long, while our most advanced flagship has a long axis of a full kilometer..."

Following Chrysanthemum's flickering...ah no, explain, many domestic audiences who were originally on tenterhooks finally felt a little relieved.

Looking at the shabby fleet model on the screen, and thinking about the extremely magnificent shape of their own fleet that they saw on the news, no matter how they think about it, they should be more powerful.

Although it is not advisable to judge combat effectiveness from appearance, human beings are visual animals after all.

However, although the domestic audience calmed down a little with Chrysanthemum's flickering, it was different abroad.

Many people still continue to express their opinions in various places, thinking that rabbits will involve all human beings in the interstellar war, which is irresponsible and arrogant.

Whether the Proxima Centauri is alive or dead has nothing to do with them?


There are even people who believe that this incident was a conspiracy concocted by the rabbit from the beginning to the end. There is no alien civilization in Proxima at all, and there is no fleet invasion this time. The rabbit just discovered some treasure in the universe and wanted to release smoke bombs .

When ordinary people discuss these things, many religious people have a headache.

With the development of modern science and technology, the anthropocentrism and creationism advocated by some religions are becoming increasingly untenable.

But because no other alien civilization has been found, the anthropocentrism can still fool some people who are not clear-headed.

But now, Rabbit has confirmed that there are aliens in Proxima Centauri, and others are now preparing to deal with interstellar pirates from nowhere!

0 0

Humans are not alone in the universe at all!

This discovery almost destroyed the core of many religions from the root, making it difficult for some fanatics to accept.

If humans were created by gods, what about aliens?

Was it also created by God?

What about...?

If you dare to go in front of others and say that you were created by our gods, others will probably put a cannon on your forehead in the next second.

In the midst of the commotion, most people are concerned about the situation of Proxima Centauri and the fleet that the Rabbit is going on.

However, in a small city in Sichuan Province, Wang Xueyan is not feeling well these days.

She knew Sun Xianyun's identity, and the news also said that the expedition fleet was led by the commander-in-chief of the Space Force himself.

In other words, my son is on the battlefield!

And still go to Star Wars!

"Okay! Why are you crying! Xianyun is a soldier! Soldiers go to the battlefield to protect their families and the country is their bounden duty!"

Looking at his wife whose face was washed with tears, Sun Chengbo sighed and spoke in a somewhat stern tone.

"But... but... that's on an alien planet... hitting an alien... is... my son really not in danger?"

Sun Chengbo looked at his wife's expectant eyes, trembling his lips, but he was still unable to say "Sun Xianyun is safe".

Looking up at the sun outside through the window, Sun Chengbo lit a cigarette for himself.

Chapter 239 Arriving at Proxima Centauri, ready to fight

Since being equipped with the jump engine, Sun Xianyun has never personally experienced what it feels like to start the jump engine.

But now, Sun Xianyun knows.

"According to our research on space science and the analysis of the technical drawings of the jump engine, we found that there will be some kind of very magical hyperspace channel between stars within a certain distance threshold."

"The current theory holds that the existence of this 'hyperspace channel' is the result of the star's excessive mass and its own nuclear fusion reaction in high-dimensional space."

"The detailed mechanism of action is still unclear, but there is no problem in using this hyperspace channel to move faster than the speed of light. It is like a highway that connects the stars adjacent to each other in the vast universe. The super space for civilization Traveling at the speed of light provides a path that doesn't have a high barrier to entry."

"From this point of view, the essence of the so-called 'jump engine' is not a jump, but a dimension increase, allowing the starship to enter the hyperspace channel of the high-dimensional space, and realize the movement across the distance of light years in a short time."

"The wormhole is another kind of hyperspace channel. Logically speaking, this alternative hyperspace channel should be unstable, but it does not rule out the phenomenon of stable wormholes under certain circumstances."

"However, if we can only use the hyperspace channel for interstellar travel, then we can only circle in the Milky Way and cannot go to other galaxies, even the nearest Andromeda Nebula, because the Andromeda Nebula The closest star to the Milky Way is far beyond the limit distance that hyperspace lanes can support."

Having said that, Nimfu turned to look at Sun Xianyun.

"Master, if you are interested in this theory, I have about three hundred T text files for you to read."

Sun Xianyun was sweating coldly on his forehead, and waved his hands again and again: "No, no, I don't want to gnaw on information that is thicker than a Xinhua dictionary just because of the catalog."

That is to say, but Sun Xianyun is not ignorant of this knowledge, after all, he is constantly learning.

To put it simply, stars that are relatively close to each other naturally have some kind of "highway" that can connect each other. At present, the country can allow starships to enter this highway to move faster than the speed of light.

But also because it can only sail by this natural highway, the fleet must be in the weak gravitational area of ​​​​the stars at the edge of the galaxy to make a successful transition.

It is also because of this method that when the fleet wants to travel from the solar system to an extremely distant galaxy in the Milky Way, it must use the solar system as the starting point and "jump" over star by star.

To achieve a truly free-spirited transition requires a completely different level of technology.

According to speculation, more than [-]% of the interstellar civilizations in the universe should use this method of moving faster than the speed of light.

Because it has a low threshold, controllable cost, and is extremely safe and stable.

After careful research and analysis, the top space physicists in the country believe that if they want to realize the free jump navigation that ignores this kind of hyperspace channel, they can jump from one end of the galaxy to the other in an instant, or even directly jump out of the galaxy to reach the constellation of Andromeda. Other galaxies like the Great Nebula will most likely require technology similar to the [Stargate] in Stellaris.


"Psychic leap."

Sun Xianyun pondered.

After discussing like this, the fleet suddenly broke away from the hyperspace channel.

Originally seen through the porthole of the bridge, the ever-elongating star light in the outer universe began to shrink sharply.

After a while, the stars that were pulled into "luminous lines" that were rapidly approaching the fleet re-condensed into points of light.

The situation in front of everyone's eyes suddenly changed drastically.

An unfamiliar sky area.

The surrounding interstellar space is covered with faint dust clouds, because it is far away from the star light source, so it is pitch black, except for the faint light of those luminous bodies that can be seen many light years away, nothing can be seen around.

Of course, this only refers to the results observed by ordinary humans without relying on any equipment.

Sun Xianyun, whose dark pupils had already been stained with a layer of undetectable purple light, had already diffused his psychic perception.

Coupled with the signals fed back by Lexington's own various detection equipment, combined with the two, Sun Xianyun grasped the surrounding situation immediately.

"The edge of the Proxima galaxy...the asteroid belt."

In the asteroid belt where the fleet arrived, there is a rare situation where asteroids are densely packed.

Looking at the asteroids that hit the outer shield of the fleet from time to time, Sun Xianyun immediately connected the communication: "Command center, the fleet has successfully arrived at the asteroid belt on the edge of the Proxima Galaxy. Please reply if you receive it."

After a while, a cold female voice sounded on the communication broadcast in the bridge:

"Report to Comrade Commander, the star base command center has received it, congratulations on your successful arrival at the destination, according to the detection, your current sky area is the third phase of the fourth sky area of ​​the Proxima Galaxy, and the detailed coordinates are being uploaded!"

The speed of light compensation communication has successfully enabled the fleet in the neighboring galaxy and the star base in the solar system to realize real-time communication!

After a few breaths, inside the huge bridge, a star map of the Proxima Galaxy was projected in front of everyone, on which the distribution of celestial bodies in the galaxy and the coordinates of the highlighted fleet were marked in detail.

"Fly in formation, enter alert posture, and release probes!"

"The electromagnetic barrier is on!"

"Electronic interference is on!"

"Unmanned reconnaissance 3.0 aircraft launch!"

Following Sun Xianyun's orders, the garages on both sides of the Lexington's hull were opened, and densely packed probes and unmanned reconnaissance aircraft were ejected.

At the same time, a group of destroyers, including Belfast, simultaneously activated the forward detection system.

"According to the combat deployment, our primary goal is to blow up the wormhole, so as to prevent the follow-up support fleet that may exist from the target of suspected interstellar pirates from arriving on the battlefield."

"After completing the expected goal, decide whether to provide support for the Brog civilization according to the actual situation!"


The voices of all the ship girls sounded on the communication broadcast at the same time.

Sun Xianyun looked at the huge star map in front of him.

That wormhole is not far from where the fleet is currently...

Chapter 240: They Come From the Andromeda Nebula!

It is not that the country has not thought about researching that wormhole.

What if something is discovered from it?

However, the alien fleet drilled out of the wormhole completely dispelled the high-level idea.

Without guaranteeing safety, rashly researching this kind of thing can easily attract unknown enemies.

Rabbit, who has just stepped into the interstellar era, now faces all the unknowns in the universe with trepidation and a mentality of walking on thin ice.

The fleet flying at full speed finally arrived near the wormhole after 78 hours of Earth standard time.

From a distance of hundreds of kilometers, Sun Xianyun saw the abnormal space phenomenon that was constantly glowing like a whirlpool.

The fleet even detected some fragments of the probes around the wormhole, which were the wreckage left after the probes launched by the Brog civilization were destroyed by the sudden alien fleet.

"There was not even a little bit of strength left to guard the wormhole, but the whole family rushed towards Brog's home planet in waves."

Sun Xianyun shook his head.

"The Strategic Center believes that this method of combat is similar to the northern nomads who gathered almost all their forces to go south to plunder the Central Plains in every difficult season in the cold weapon era.They should be holding an all-or-nothing mentality.If the analysis is correct, then the situation of this alien fleet is quite bad-it is not already in a desperate situation, and it will definitely not adopt this method of combat. 』

"Of course, it is not ruled out that the other party relies on its own strength and believes that there is no civilization in the neighboring galaxy that can threaten the safety of the wormhole, so this major strategic mistake occurred. 』

Zhang Lili's voice sounded on the bridge radio.

This is the first time Rabbit has dispatched a fleet expedition, and almost everyone in the country is paying close attention to it, and the star base maintains communication with the fleet 24 hours a day.

And there are still a large number of military strategic agencies in the rear that are constantly analyzing various intelligence collected and providing support to Sun Xianyun.

"In short, blow up the wormhole first, then drop the cold fusion bomb."

Four carrier-based aircraft were ejected from the gantry by Lexington. These relatively small carrier-based aircraft simply cannot fly smoothly in the atmosphere due to their aerodynamic layout.

However, the anti-gravity engine brings super flexibility, the miniature plasma thruster is powerful enough to fly, and this type of carrier-based aircraft itself was originally designed to fight in space, so this kind of weird appearance was created. body shape.

The distance of hundreds of kilometers may seem long, but not to mention the fleet, even the four carrier-based aircraft flew to the edge of the wormhole in a short time with full propulsion.

Lexington stood side by side with Sun Xianyun, observing the wormhole up close from the perspective of the carrier-based aircraft.

After a while, she raised her right hand and made a fist.


Therefore, another reconnaissance plane that had already been in place at the edge of the wormhole and had arrived here beforehand plunged into the wormhole.

That's right, before blowing up the wormhole, Sun Xianyun decided to see the situation on the other side of the wormhole.

Lexington can share the perspective of the carrier-based aircraft, but Sun Xianyun can't guarantee whether this sharing of senses can be maintained after the reconnaissance plane flies to the other end of the wormhole.

So he embraced Lexington's slender and soft waist, lowered his head, and kissed his wife's red and full lips.

With slightly closed eyes, a purple light flashed faintly under the eyelids.

Lexington groaned, then raised his head, stretched his arms around Sun Xianyun's neck.

This scene made the three little omnipotent angels in the bridge and the other little ship girls who kept in communication all the time couldn't help but blush.

Except for Belfast, which has already been tidied up by the combination of the two bodies. The maid lady even licked her lips expectantly in the bridge of her hull.

Under the sharing of senses, Sun Xianyun and Lexington felt dizzy at the same time when the reconnaissance plane entered the wormhole.

Fortunately, this dizziness came and went quickly, and it didn't take long for him to get used to it.

Moments later, the scout plane passed through the wormhole.

The good sensory connection was still maintained under the psychic power increase, allowing Sun Xianyun and Lexington to see the situation on the other side of the wormhole.


"Explosion! The wormhole is about to explode! Launch a fusion bomb!!!"

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