But he can miraculously observe other worlds he has been to.

What is the principle of this remains to be studied, but now, Sun Xianyun is going to play a big game.

In the star port, the space base, and even the central office, the staff from the old man Yang to the command hall of the star port are all looking at the asteroid as the experimental subject through the monitoring equipment at this time.

"According to the test schedule, first, Commander, try to change the appearance of this asteroid at will."

After Chang An finished speaking, he stared at the holographic projection.

In the eyes of everyone, the asteroid suddenly began to spin faster.

Large pieces of rubble splashed out and were thrown into the deep space.

After a while, the asteroid, which had an irregular shape and uneven surface, turned into a weird shape.

"what is this?"

Chang An asked.

"Well... I originally wanted to make an emoji, but it seems to have failed. I really am not good at drawing."

"...Ahem! All in all, the conventional interference is passed, so let's proceed to the second experiment, Commander, can you change the atomic composition of the target object?"

"The main component of this asteroid is iron. Try changing it to other elements?"

Time, a minute and a second passed.

After half an hour——

"There is a situation! Laser detection shows that the content of iron in the target object suddenly drops! It is replaced by carbon!"

The exclamation of the frontline observers sounded in the command link.

"Huh... is it a success?"

Sun Xianyun's voice came, and there was obvious fatigue in it.


"Manipulation at the atomic level is too exhausting, I just want to sleep now."

"Thank you, Commander."

Chang An also had a look of amazement on his face.

She looked at the test schedule, and then patted her cheek: "There are still a few experiments, and the next step is to change any physical parameter of the target object, which is a routine parameter."

"If you say this, I won't be sleepy."

Even if he didn't enter the Void Realm, Sun Xianyun could still do what Chang'an called "changing physical parameters".

With the assistance of Daedalus, the first ability Sun Xianyun mastered was the manipulation of the gravitational constant within a certain range.

At that time, the gravity was randomly pinched and flattened, but it was not easy to toss the Lord of the Sky.

After a while, Nuwa's warning sound suddenly came to mind in the frontline observation platform.


"Warning, there is an abnormal gravitational source nearby! 』

The entire observation platform suddenly began to vibrate.

Fortunately, this kind of vibration came and went quickly, and it just disappeared in an instant.

"It's unbelievable! We found that the gravity of the target asteroid suddenly increased sharply. Obviously, the mass and density have not changed, but the gravity has increased dramatically!"

"Commander, how did you do it?"

Sun Xianyun's lazy voice sounded——

"I added a few zeros to the gravitational constant of that little guy, and then deleted those zeros."


At this time, Nimf suddenly inserted a message.

"Master, why don't you try to change the speed of light?"

"...Sorry, I can't do it."


In the void, Sun Xianyun scratched his head in distress.

"It seems that I can't interfere with things that involve the lowest basic structure of the material universe, at least for now, and the speed of light is one of them."

"As for gravity, because its essence is a kind of 'mutant force' produced by the material entity distorting the space around itself, the essence is still the distortion of space, so I can modify it."

"But I can't change other more basic things, whether it's the speed of light, the force of strong and weak interactions, or the electromagnetic force, I can't change any of these."

After finishing speaking, Sun Xianyun fell into silence.

He can't change it.

Moreover, when he tried to interfere just now, he—was warned.

"Little guy, if you don't want that universe to collapse, don't interfere with the most basic structure. 』

Chapter 269 This is the roar of CPU0!

Sun Xianyun never imagined that one day, he would have the feeling of looking up to a simple voice.

The voice that came out of nowhere and came directly into his head carried a heavy echo.

In an instant, Sun Xianyun felt that he was facing some kind of very great existence.

"You... who are you? Are you a god?"

"god?Heh... Interesting, little guy, your belief should deny the existence of 'God' in the sense of legend. 』

"As for me, I am not a god, and there has never been such a thing as a god. 』

"So, you are?"

Sun Xianyun asked again cautiously.

"It's just a species consciousness that developed some time before your race. 』

"My identity is not important, the important thing is, little guy, since you have already taken this step, there are some things you must know, no matter which universe, no matter what form it exists in, its underlying structure is extremely sophisticated , move the whole body with one hair. 』

"Any modification to the underlying logic is very likely to cause the continuous collapse of the modified universe. Don't say you can't do it now, even if you do it in the future, if you are a little careless, the universe modified by you will be destroyed in an instant." Between collapse, the civilization in between will be destroyed in a blink of an eye.Can you afford such a debt? 』

"Or, you, want to become a natural disaster? 』

Somehow, when that will said the word "natural disaster", Sun Xianyun felt a certain kind of anger.

"A natural disaster? What is that?"


This time, the will did not answer immediately.

But the next moment, a memory that came out of nowhere appeared in Sun Xianyun's mind.

In a daze, Sun Xianyun saw a scene that made him shudder.

It was the end of a universe.

A normal universe should be full of bright stars.

But in that universe, there is almost no light.

Most of the stars are covered by the majestic man-made objects of the machine. The huge steel creations like Dyson balls firmly lock each star inside, preventing them from revealing a single bit of light.

Then, all the stellar energy in the universe was drained.

Countless civilizations tried to resist, but all of them turned their seemingly powerful fleet into large pieces of space junk in front of those unreasonable artificial objects.

In despair, the universe fell into dead silence.

"This is once, a natural disaster in a certain universe. 』

"A civilization that is trying to sacrifice the star energy of the entire universe to achieve the transcendence of the whole family. Their actions directly lead to the premature destruction of a universe that has not even ended the first era. 』

"That race knows the Void, and even understands the Void, but their individual talents make it impossible for them to awaken psionic power anyway. 』

"The screening mechanism of the Void Realm fundamentally denied their contact, so they tried to use the energy of the entire universe to forcibly break through the way to the Void Realm. 』

"From their point of view, everything is worthwhile. As long as they succeed in transcending their clan, they can become a great existence like the god of creation. Using the particularity of the virtual world, they can build a world they want at will... 』

"Did they succeed?"

Sun Xianyun asked anxiously.

From the bottom of his heart, he doesn't want that civilization to succeed.

For a race that drags the whole universe to die for the sake of its own race's transcendence, it's hard to imagine what they will do after transcending to the void.

"success?How is it possible, if the Void Realm is so easy to open, how could it be... Forget it, these things have nothing to do with you for the time being. 』

Although Sun Xianyun didn't know what the process was like, he was relieved by the result.

After thinking about it, Sun Xianyun said, "Can I ask you some questions?"

"Let's talk. 』

So, Sun Xianyun asked the biggest question in his mind these days.

"Era disaster, what is it?"

The era disaster mentioned by the pioneers, the disaster that made their entire civilization begin to doubt the authenticity of the world, what is the truth, Sun Xianyun will have trouble sleeping and eating if he doesn't figure it out.

"A self-healing mechanism of the universe itself. 』

"...Huh? Self-healing? The universe can still be like this?"

Sun Xianyun never thought that the answer would be like this.

"Won't your computer become stuck after running for a long time? 』

"The history of your race's civilization is only a few thousand years, and the history of science and technology is only a few hundred years. See how many disasters this short few hundred years of technological development have brought to your race's home planet?" 』

"The core criterion for us to judge the potential of a civilization is how it repairs the damage caused by this development."

"Some civilizations dismiss it, and some civilizations say good things but don't implement them at all, but there are also civilizations that will personally make up for this damage. 』

"And if the ailments brought about by development remain unresolved, the universe itself will initiate a compensatory mechanism. 』

"In the words of your little guy, it's probably—CPU0's roar? 』

Sun Xianyun: "..."

Good guy, you can also play tricks?

But after laughing, Sun Xianyun noticed a detail.

I wait……?

Besides the owner of this voice, is there any other existence on the same level as him in Void Realm?

"Any universe will come to an end sooner or later, but the doomed end does not mean that civilization can develop itself regardless of everything. 』

"Little guy, your civilization is currently qualified, which is why one of us chose you. 』

"But you still have a long way to go in the future. Knowing many things in advance will only make you fall into self-doubt. This is not a good thing-develop well and do it yourself"

"Okay, it's time for you to go back. 』

"It's not good for you to conceptualize yourself for a long time. 』

"Before I leave, let me tell you one more word. 』

"Truth and falsehood are not important, because falsehoods don't care. 』

After saying this sentence, Sun Xianyun only felt a shock in his brain.

The next moment, he returned to the laboratory.

People around stared blankly at Sun Xianyun and Lexington who suddenly appeared. After a long while, a young researcher finally spoke.

"Comrade Commander, are you back?"

"Ah... I'm back."

Sun Xianyun immediately raised his head to look at the clock on the wall next to him.

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