After a while, Jin Ling also left.

The little girl circled around and quietly walked towards the other side of the bath.

In the commander's mansion on the top of the mountain, in addition to this large indoor hot spring, there is also a small outdoor hot spring.

Surrounded by huge pebbles, there are various flower shrubs and several peach trees planted.

If you are there, you can see the bright Milky Way when you look up, and you can have a panoramic view of the entire space base when you look down.

——After the number of ship girls increased in the base, the indoor hot springs were used by everyone. Every time Sun Xianyun and Lexington wanted to soak in the hot springs, they would go there exclusively.

Now, Sun Xianyun must be there, and it is self-evident where Belfast slipped away.

However, on the way, Jinling was suddenly stopped by someone.

"Stop, what are you trying to do sneakily!?"

Turning around, Jin Ling stared at his own Chaoge with hands on hips in surprise.

Unlike her slow and tidy dressing, Chao Ge obviously came in a hurry, and she was only wearing a bath towel at this time.

"Oh, isn't this sister Chaoge?"

"It's sister!" Chao Ge raised his eyebrows, "I was born before you."

After finishing speaking, Chaoge turned the topic back again, raised his hands on his hips, raised his right arm and pointed at Jinling, with an appearance of "I have seen through everything".

"You really want to sneak away! That's the direction of brother Xianyun!"

Sneak away?

No, no.

She does not deny that as a ship's mother, she has a very high innate affection for Sun Xianyun as the commander, but it is not enough to let her sneak away.

Although Chaoge found out, Jinling didn't panic at all.

Because someone will panic more than her later.

Besides... the cricket, Chaoge, is not much smarter than Astrea, and she can sell herself to pay back the counting money with a few words of deception.

He could even use this opportunity to encourage Chaoge to come forward, get a handle on Belfast, and then sit back and watch the perfect and handsome maid show embarrassment.

Although he did not rely on the idea of ​​asking the maid to do anything, Jin Ling enjoyed the process.

——Just thinking about it, Jin Ling felt his body trembling with joy.

As expected, I am a scum!

Realizing this, Jinling was even happier.

Turning his eyes, Jin Ling chuckled, and suddenly threw something at Chaoge.

Hastily catching what Jinling threw over, Chaoge discovered that it was actually a camera.

"Why give me this?"

"Before you ask this question, think about where Belfast went."

"Didn't you go to help Brother Xianyun sort out the files?"

Chaoge said something along the way, and then suddenly realized.

"You mean, that terrible maid now—!?"

Seeing Chaoge looking in the direction of the outdoor bath, Jin Ling covered his mouth and nodded.

"Want to see it?"

"Of course!"

Chao Ge stomped his feet.

"Also! Don't even try to sneak away!"

Chapter 272 Belfast: I am the winner!

Turning left and right, passing through the wooden corridor, Jinling and Chaoge walked around to the outdoor hot spring by the faint light from the scattered stone lamps on both sides of the bluestone road.

When the cool night breeze blew, Chaoge, who was only wearing a bath towel, sniffled.

I don't feel cold, but there are still drops of water on my body, so I won't feel comfortable after being blown by the cold wind.

"Okay, keep your voice down, it's right in front."

Jin Ling made a gesture of silence with his fingers in front of his lips, and then pointed upwards.

Sun Xianyun and Lexington's special hot springs are located at the highest point of the mountain, and the two are still a little lower.

After approaching on tiptoe, Jin Ling and Chao Ge immediately lowered their bodies.

Not long after, the two little ones sneaked into the outskirts of the hot spring.

Chaoge wrinkled his nose, feeling sore in his heart.

Jin Ling peeked at Chaoge, his eyes filled with joy.

Tsk tsk tsk, is this the scream of a defeated dog who doesn't even have a chance to push his butt?

It's a pity that the camera is now on the singer, otherwise it will be a great joy in life to record this scene and use it to tease the other party when there is nothing to do in the future.

"You should be fine with blonde hair and twin ponytails."

After all, the blonde double ponytail is a classic lose dog look.

Do you think so, Yinglili?


I don't understand why Jin Ling suddenly said such a sentence out of nowhere, but Chao Ge always felt that the other party was mocking him.

"Okay, please don't pay attention to these trivial matters, and quickly record the current embarrassment of that proud maid!"

Chaoge's head is basically single-threaded, and Chaoge, who can't handle two or more things at the same time, was indeed diverted by Jinling.

He took out the camera and adjusted it. After a while, Chao Ge frowned.

"No, these leaves are so annoying, they are in the way. Help me push the leaves away, and be careful not to be discovered."

Jinling had no choice but to stretch out his hand to slightly push away the bushes in front of Chaoge, revealing a gap.

"It's not enough, just push it away."

"Okay, if this continues, we will be discovered."

"Um... no, the water vapor is too strong, so I can't see clearly. You maintain this posture and don't move, I will seize the opportunity."

Jin Ling rolled his eyes.

He was actually summoned?

It would be fine if he was ordered by the commander, but he was actually ordered by Chao Ge, which made Jin Ling a little unhappy.

……Dividing line……

In the bath.

Lying in Sun Xianyun's arms, Lexington panted a little, his blue eyes stained with water.

After a while, both of them looked at the side of the bath at the same time.

How could the sneaky behavior of the two little ones not be discovered?

If he didn't notice it when he was touched at such a close distance, Sun Xianyun's psychic awakening would be useless.

"What is this? Overhearing the corner?"

Sun Xianyun twitched the corners of his mouth, and Lexington got up from his arms, brushing up his long flaxen hair that partly covered his palm-sized face.

However, it was actually Chaoge and Jinling, how did they get together?

Still holding the camera, what are you trying to do?

If it was Chaoge alone, Sun Xianyun would definitely think that this girl who talks about running the train but is actually extremely innocent probably misunderstood something, but Jinling...?

What is this crumb doing?

After thinking about it, Sun Xianyun had a thought, and the water vapor in the hot spring suddenly became thicker.

"Yeah... the fog has increased, and I can't see clearly."

"Tsk, what a hassle."

Jin Ling pushed the bushes away a little bit, and moved forward a little bit.


With a thought in Sun Xianyun's mind, a stone at the foot of Jinling, which was used as a tiptoe, suddenly became loose.


Unsteady, Jin Ling couldn't maintain his balance, and threw himself forward.

"Yeah... ah! Not good——!"

Suddenly planted from the bushes, Jin Ling looked at the hot spring water close at hand, and subconsciously closed his eyes.

Chaoge was taken aback, his hands shook, and he pressed the shutter with a click.


Jin Ling fell into the water and got up in a hurry. After his whole body was wet, the Ming-made lady's clothes were tightly attached to his body, revealing the delicate skin inside.

Chao Ge instinctively wanted to slip away, but how could Sun Xianyun make her do so?

"Stop, Chaoge."

After being called by name, Chaoge could only obediently stand up and walk out.

Then, she and Jin Ling saw Sun Xianyun and Lexington who had covered their bodies with bath towels at some point.

So... what about Belfast?

What about people?

The unexpected situation stunned the two little ones.

"Eh? Brother Xianyun? Where's Belfast?"


Sun Xianyun diffused his spiritual energy for a moment, and his brows twitched.

"Beffa is working hard to sort out the documents, why are you asking this...huh? Doubt that she is with me?"

Jin Ling's mouth suddenly became bitter.

That maid, is that true?

Should not be!

Her expression when she left was not right no matter how you looked at it, no matter how you thought about it, she was here to steal something.

Just at this moment, the instant camera made a clicking sound.

The photos I just took were slowly spit out from the output port.

Jinling, Chaoge, and Sun Xianyun and Lexington who were not far away glanced over, and saw that in the photo, only Jinling fell into the water in embarrassment, and everything that should be seen and should not be seen was clearly captured.

So, I am being fooled by my own cleverness, and in the end I have screwed myself to death?

Jin Ling's bright eyes quickly dimmed, lost the light in his eyes, and black air began to radiate from his body.

In any case, Chaoge must be made to forget about it.

"Ah! Jinling, you were photographed just now!"

— Forget it, let's find a chance to shut Chao Ge forever.

Chaoge, who didn't realize that she was being targeted by someone, was looking at the photo repeatedly.

Seeing the scene of Jinling losing his composure, and Belfast not stealing food, Chaoge was in a good mood.

Sun Xianyun and Lexington, who had a panoramic view of the expressions of the two little cats, cast a pitiful look at Chaoge at the same time.

I'm so happy, Chaoge.

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