Everyone is human, so how can your rabbit from another world develop so well?

More than a year ago, Gu Gu and Son Hyun-yoon, who thought it necessary to tell the truth to other countries after careful discussion and research, voluntarily exposed it to the world.

When a huge, one-kilometer-long starship appeared above the earth's orbit, it really scared the high-level officials of various countries.

Everyone has gone through such a difficult time, and we are about to face the flood of annihilation, why are there still aliens running over at this juncture! ?

However, after carefully studying the photos of the starships taken, the top leaders of various countries were strangely silent again.

Gu Gu received inquiries from high-level officials from all other countries almost immediately.

Even a fool can see that this starship is inseparable from the rabbit!

Didn't you see the huge red star and sickle and hammer marks on that starship!

"So... you all knew about it a long time ago, so you are so determined to build a shelter?"

After learning the truth, Thomas the Owl asked bitterly.

"That's right." Gu Gu nodded, "Our compatriots in another universe, after careful calculations using their advanced super AI, think that this is a completely feasible solution, that's why we insisted on doing so back then."

This answer made Thomas and other high-level foreign officials feel mixed emotions.

Why is it a rabbit?

Shouldn't this kind of story of saving the world be the patent of their Yingjiabao?

Also, the rabbit from another universe has developed too scary, right?

Originally, I thought that if the rabbit digs a hole, we will also dig a hole, so that at least we can preserve a lot of strength together, and avoid the countries where the rabbit family dominates after the disaster, but now I suddenly feel like a clown.

Even if there is no such thing, it is already a certainty that the rabbit family dominates.

However, since the rabbits from another world have come, what about them from another world?

Why didn't they come?

Regarding this question, Thomas and others naturally contacted Sun Xianyun to inquire, but the result they got made them extremely disappointed, and they were even unwilling to believe it.

They in another world are no different from them in this world, and they are still struggling on the earth.

But the rabbit there has already rushed to the sea of ​​stars!

You can even cross the barriers of the universe and go to another universe to help your compatriots!

Whenever they think of this, Thomas and the others toss and turn, unable to fall asleep.

But the reality will not keep them entangled in this kind of problem, because Sun Xianyun's appearance also brought another news.

Earth's disasters are man-made!

The photos of the fleet sent back by probes and reconnaissance planes, as well as the destroyed planet of Tianhe-[-], made these people fall into the anger of leaving.

Why did you come to snatch us when your home was gone?

After anger, it is replaced by deep powerlessness and hopelessness

Don't look at the movies where human beings are always able to hit the alien's head with a hammer when the technology is extremely inferior, but that is simply a plot kill.

In reality, when they encounter a fleet that can cross the star sea, they don't think they can beat it.

Therefore, no matter how reluctant they are, the great powers can only pin their hopes on the rabbit.

Since then, Sun Xianyun has officially entered the eyes of all high-level officials in the world.

"The opponent's strength is not considered strong. I successfully invaded the communication network within their fleet and deciphered their language. 』

During the online meeting, Sun Xianyun who was standing on the bridge continued to speak.

『Honestly speaking, the other party's current situation is quite bad. After all, they have lost their homeland and wandered in the universe for hundreds of years. It would be hard for anyone to change. 』

"Population has dropped sharply, technology has been retrograde, and even when they set off, their fleet had nearly a thousand starships, but now only about half of them have successfully arrived in the solar system. 』

"The current research and analysis results show that the opponent has energy weapon technology and unique electronic information technology, but does not have shield technology and transition technology, and the main attack method is high-energy laser beams. 』

"The opponent's fleet is already slowing down. Compared with our disaster timetable, they should have entered the Kuiper belt of the solar system on 2.7 when the first wave of earthquakes collectively erupted, and then it took nearly a year to reach the earth. 』

"In addition, one thing that needs special attention, because of their living environment, they are aquatic organisms and do not need to consume oxygen at all. They use anaerobic respiration. According to the information I found by invading the opponent's fleet, the opponent has a super bomb, only It needs to be put on the earth to detonate, it can trigger a chain reaction, and consume all the oxygen on the earth in a short time. 』

"For them, as long as there is water, oxygen is not needed, so the opposing fleet must not be allowed to reach the earth, and it is best to destroy them near the Kuiper belt." 』

The energy utilization rate of anaerobic respiration is lower than that of aerobic respiration. Under such circumstances, such an advanced civilization can still evolve. Sun Xianyun was not surprised when he first found out this point.

Chapter 290 Fish?Your head is blown to one side!

"Do you need our help to provide weapons? 』

Thomas asked Sun Xianyun seriously.

"Although we have no way to assist Mr. Sun to fight in outer space, there is no problem in providing you with some weapons. 』


On the bridge, Sun Xianyun, who was sitting in his command chair, shook his head.

"According to our war theory, a party with shield technology has an overwhelming advantage when fighting a party without shield technology. Unless the opponent's armor protection technology is like a god."

Speaking of this, Sun Xianyun couldn't help but smile.

Just like the first part of "Independence Day", if the invading Reapers don't have shields, the first wave of human attacks might be able to deal with them.

After all, as long as it can cause effective damage to the enemy, it is possible to win.

Didn't you see in the movie that after successfully shutting down the opponent's shield, humans turned defeat into victory in just ten minutes?

Everyone who had already prepared for Sun Xianyun's possible evacuation of their nuclear arsenal did not know whether to be happy or sad when they heard this.

It's good to keep their own weapons, but doesn't this just mean that the rabbits in the other world have completely thrown them away?

……Dividing line……

22 o'clock, just a little bit passed in such a tense atmosphere.

In the vast sea of ​​stars, in the Kuiper belt, there is a fleet of strange shapes passing slowly.

The fleet is huge, and its appearance doesn't seem to have anything to do with the word "star warship".

Inside the largest battleship.

In the bridge filled with seawater, a huge sea creature that looks like a combination of a devil ray and a dolphin, with a body length of more than two meters, swims gently.

Relying on the unique ultrasonic communication method of the race, it said to another fish beside it:

"Kakata, have we entered the solar system?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The lieutenant named Kakata wagged its tail, then curled it up—this is the way lower-level individuals of their race pay respect to higher-level ones.

"We have arrived at our new home."

"New home..." Poros spit out a string of bubbles, "The monkeys here should be extinct, right?"

"According to the plan, it should be like this. They have no way to survive in the sea, Your Majesty." Kakata shook his tail again, "It's a pity that the star cannon we built with the power of the whole family should have Melted inside this star, if it is still there, we can gather more information through it."

"never mind."

Poros' tail tapped the ground lightly.

"After the oxygen vapor bomb is dropped, even if they still have surviving individuals, it is impossible for them to survive."

"By the way, I remember that the monkeys here also have radio technology. This is already the solar system. It will be easy to intercept their radio signals and let the information department collect some information—if they still have radio stations working."

Neither Poros nor Kakata knew, and Nimf, who was always monitoring them, listened to their conversation verbatim.

Inside the Lexington bridge hidden behind Pluto, Nimf licked her lips excitedly: "Master, what are we going to do?"

"Well...give them something healthy."

"no problem!"

Nimfu smiled and went to work immediately.

It didn't take long to invade the shape of the fleet flagship.

"Your Majesty, we have successfully intercepted a radio signal from the monkeys, which is a video file."

"let me see."


After a while, a section of Nimf's special gift for them was played in the flagship.

In the picture, there is a fish struggling on the chopping board.

In the next second, the fish was slapped unconscious, and then its belly was ripped open.

At the same time, a magnetic voice sounded——

"High-end ingredients often only require the simplest cooking techniques. After a busy day, Master Zhang decided to eat a fresh sea fish to reward himself..."

Poros, Kakata: "...? ? ? ? ? ""

Although they can't understand human language, they can understand the picture!


Feeling inexplicably upset, Poros turned off the video.

"do you have anything else?"

"Some, some, and a new signal has been intercepted!"

So, in the following picture, a certain West Wind Knights who did not want to be named were cremated... Ah no, Little Spark Knight Lolita was constantly throwing bouncing bombs into Xingluo Lake.

"Although the fried fish is likely to be caught by Captain Koto, the fish is delicious, so it's worth it!" 』

"Your head is blown to one side!" 』

"Boom! ! ! ! ! ! 』

After the bomb exploded, countless fish were blown into the sky.

Poros, Kakata: ""......! ! ! ! ! ! ""

Inside the Lexington Bridge.

Sun Xianyun slapped himself on the forehead: "There is no original god in this world!"

"So the paragraph just now was added on my own initiative."

Nimf stuck out her tongue.

On the other side, Poros stared at Kakata with very subtle eyes: "Are you dissatisfied with me?"

Kakata spit out a string of bubbles in fright: "Your Majesty! Let's... let's look at the third paragraph!"

Therefore, in the third video 590——

"Hey!guys!Look what I found!A fish so stupid that it jumped to the shore and couldn't get back!Let's approach it carefully!Oh I got it!This time, you can eat it without removing the head, and its protein content is five times that of beef...』

"Your Majesty, this subordinate is going to shoot the head of the Information Department!"

However, the next moment, a burst of cheerful music suddenly sounded on the ship's radio.

dang dang dang dang dang dang dang dang dang dang dang dang dang dang

In a daze, Poros and Kakata seemed to see a few black-skinned monkeys showing their white teeth and smiling professionally.

"what's the situation!?"

"I don't know! Your Majesty! How strange! We can't detect any traces of electronic intrusion at all! All equipment reports that everything is normal, but...but...the fleet radio is playing this inexplicable audio! And...the log shows that it is Your Majesty, you personally ordered the broadcast!"

After connecting to the communication, the person in charge of the information department explained to Poros in a panic.

Poros laughed angrily.

But then, a strong sense of unease hit.

Inside the Lexington Bridge.

Nimf whistled.

"Black people carry the coffin, professional funeral, let them listen to this BGM to die - Master, you are so bad!"

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