star ring.

Chapter 319 Good guy, you also want to be Jian Qiao Wujie?

"What is certain at present is that a civilization that theoretically has no intersection with the pioneers is likely to inherit a certain secretariat from the pioneers like us, and it is still a well-preserved secretariat."

"After that, the civilization that obtained the technology of the pioneers guided the vassalization of the Morita tribe as a 'god'. In this process, although the technology of the Morita tribe has advanced by leaps and bounds, it has also formed a completely dependent society. technology development model."

"Later, the civilization disappeared due to unknown reasons, leaving behind an artificial star ring around Morita's parent star. While defending against the threat of deep space, the star ring is also preventing the development of the Morita family itself, plus The dependent technology system of the Morita tribe collapsed due to the disappearance of the subject to be attached, making the development of civilization stagnant or even regressed for a long time."

"The previous king of the Morita family died because he wanted to break through the restrictions of the star ring. The queen took all the blame for protecting the prince Satos. The old king of the previous generation rebelled and regarded the prince Satos who declared himself a conservatism as an enemy. , in order to take refuge, Satos fled to us with another member of the royal family—the above is a summary of the information.”

During the online meeting, the assistant secretary in charge of sorting out the materials gave a detailed description of the report in hand to the participants.

Mr. Yang took a sip of tea, moistened his throat, and said, "This is the detailed situation. What do you think?"

"I think that in the spirit of humanitarianism, we can provide a certain degree of protection to the prince and princess of Morita, but it is not appropriate to get too involved in their internal affairs. This matter has nothing to do with us in essence."

"The so-called star ring should have a very high research value. Perhaps, we can take this opportunity to sign an agreement with the Moritas? Help them break through the restrictions of the star ring. As a reward, we get the research power of the star ring."

"But this means that we have actively interfered in the internal affairs of other countries, which is not in line with our consistent principles."

"It involves the pioneers and the secretariat, and it's not a problem to deal with special matters. Besides, Vega is not too far away from us."

Hearing this, Sun Xianyun, who also participated in the meeting, suddenly felt a little funny.

Since when have they been able to casually say "not very far" when talking about alien galaxies tens of light-years away from the solar system?

"We don't know anything about the specific strength of the star ring at present, and getting involved in this matter is likely to bring unnecessary trouble and loss."

"You can send a reconnaissance ship to investigate the situation first."

Mr. Yang looked at Sun Xianyun's projection.

"Comrade Sun Xianyun, what's your opinion?"

Sun Xianyun pondered for a moment, then said: "Why don't you let the AI ​​of the secretariat connect and ask her for advice?"

It didn't take long for this proposal to be approved by everyone.

Nuwa and the librarian, although their identities are AI, but in view of their particularity, they often have a power status almost equal to that of a natural person, and their suggestions on some matters will be seriously listened to and adopted by the high-level.

After a while, the administrator of the secretariat connected to the meeting.

"...The details, I think Comrade Administrator should already know the details, do you have any thoughts on this matter?"

Facing Mr. Yang's inquiry, the administrator gave the answer directly without spending any thinking time.

"My suggestion is to recycle the star ring."

"Regardless of whether the star ring is the real legacy of the pioneers or a relic left by a civilization that inherited the pioneer's secretariat, the technology contained in it is very useful for repairing the severely damaged secretariat. If it can be recovered, we will Be sure to restore 3% to 5% of the library materials."

Obviously, the administrator AI is completely considering the problem from the perspective of interests.

"In addition, depending on the proportion of pioneer technology adopted by the star ring, I can control 20% to 68% of its functions in the simulation calculation."

"Can you control the star ring!?"

Even Mr. Yang was a little surprised this time.

The librarian nodded.

"Yes, as a management AI, I can successfully take over most of the things created using pioneer technology. But because of permission issues, even if the star ring is 68% created by pioneers, my upper limit of control can only reach 0%, at most Make sure the Halo doesn't self-destruct, and doesn't see our units as a threatening target and attack [-]"

"Please don't have any worries. Since you have inherited the will of the pioneers, you are the legal heirs to the property of the pioneers."

"According to the legal provisions in the remaining documents, your act of recycling the star ring will be considered as a legal recovery."

The will of the pioneers.

Break through the illusion, find the truth, and break through the limitation of the fourth wall.

In Rabbit's view, exploring the mysteries of the virtual world is also pursuing the most real side of this world and even all universes.

Judging from this perspective, the rabbit can indeed be identified as the successor of the will of the pioneers—this point has also been recognized by the librarian.

This is why the administrator AI agreed to join the rabbit's internal organization.

"...Having said that, we also need to consult the other party's opinion on this matter. Comrade Sun Xianyun, in this regard, you need to communicate with the prince of Morita."

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

In this way, the meeting ends.

……Dividing line……

After the online meeting ended, Sun Xianyun called Belfast.

"Where are Sartos and his sister Elithil?"

Belfast smiled gently: "In the temporary residence, they haven't behaved abnormally these days, but Eli Hill is often played with by Aurora and the others, but Satos is always looking at us Various books on Humanities and Social Sciences 0.7. I heard that a complete set of Marxism-Leninism was taken away from the library yesterday..."

Sun Xianyun: "..."

A prince, see Marxism-Leninism?

Is this going to vote for the Communist Party!

If he really had this idea, wouldn't the first thing be to wipe out his "feudal remnants" first?

Big brother, Jian Qiao Wujie is watching you...

Tapping the table with his fingers, Sun Xianyun said with a smile: "In that case, let's go and see the prince, it just so happens that I have some important matters to discuss with him."

Things are even more interesting than Sun Xianyun thought.

When I saw Satos, he had dark circles under his eyes, holding a red book, and kept taking notes in a notebook with Morita's words while reading it.

Chapter 320 The Gathering of the Rabbit Family Warships That Caused the Riot

"It seems that you have had a good life recently."

Hearing Sun Xianyun's teasing, Satos was not embarrassed at all, he gently closed the book and notes in his hand, got up and walked aside, poured tea for Sun Xianyun and invited him to sit down.

This pie, if it weren't for a pair of cat ears and a tail, it would look no different from their own people.

"I also want to thank you, General Sun."

After Sun Xianyun took his seat, Satos said with a smile.

The position is commander, but it is not wrong for Sun Xianyun, who has the rank of general, to be called General Sun.

As for the rank of Marshal?

Ever since the generation that created the world had left one after another, they had appeared again without the rank of marshal.

"Thank you for opening the library of this base to me, and it is because of this that I can see these wise words."

Saying this, Satos lightly stroked the book on the table, a pair of cat eyes shining brightly.

"If you have a common belief, you are a comrade. It seems that I will call you Comrade Satos from now on."

With a smile in his eyes, Sun Xianyun looked at the dutiful son in front of him who was likely to make a series of decisions against his ancestors after returning home.

However, he wouldn't really point fingers in this regard.

Rabbits have suffered a lot from this.

Hitting the wall one after another has made today's rabbits realize one thing very clearly - liberating all human beings is a lofty ideal, but when it comes to reality, they can't just rely on their own blood.

In the final analysis, it is still necessary for the people of all ethnic groups to wake up and find a path that suits them.

Just like the lyrics, to create human happiness, we can only rely on ourselves.

This is also applicable to the whole universe. It is not feasible to apply the concept of rabbits to other races and civilizations mechanically. The best way is to guide them to awaken and let them explore their own path.

After all, it is better to ask yourself than to ask others.

Obviously, Satos did not completely rely on Sun Xianyun's ideas. After learning about the history of the country he is in now, while admiring those who had created great achievements, he also understood how to forcibly graft that set into Absolutely no way on Morita Kingdom.

What Morita needs is a road that fits Morita.

That doesn't mean Morita can't accept any help from the bunny, though.

and so--

"General Sun, I hope you can help me return to my hometown. I have the obligation to lead my people to break the cage and shackles."

"However, if possible, I hope to keep my younger sister here. If she goes back with me, she will face great danger."

"This can be regarded as my...a little selfishness."

Sun Xianyun nodded slightly, then shook his head.


Nodding and shaking his head, what does this mean?

Satos looked at Sun Xianyun in puzzlement.

"Is such that."

After deliberating his words, Sun Xianyun took off the military cap on his head and put it on the table beside him.

"Don't you think it's strange, why do we have the 'ancient divine words' you mentioned?"

Satos did not speak, and waited patiently for Sun Xianyun's explanation.

Next, Sun Xianyun roughly explained the situation of the pioneers, and how they themselves are now more or less the will of the pioneers to inherit civilization.

"...I see, is that so?"

Satos was thoughtful.

"Above gods, there are... gods? No, it should not be said to be gods, but ancient pioneer civilizations."

Shaking his head, Satos couldn't help but smile wryly.

Even after reading those books, he was not used to changing his words for a while.

"However, if this is the case, then you are indeed qualified to participate in the issue of the star ring."

"Sorry, I am willing to believe General Sun's explanation, but the matter is very important. I hope... I can get in touch with the librarian you mentioned, General Sun."

"Of course, we also have this plan."

If you want to win people's trust, you must give enough convincing evidence.

Otherwise, it is impossible to get the other party's sincere help.

……Dividing line……

The contact with the administrator AI was very smooth.

Even Sun Xianyun personally took Satos to Enceladus the next day.

Now a permanent scientific research base has already been established on Enceladus, and a large number of scientists are studying the city ruins under the ice layer of Enceladus day and night.

In the secretary building, Satos met the administrator AI.

From the mouth of the other party, he learned more stories about the pioneers. While feeling sorry for the final outcome of this god-like civilization, Satos finally completely got rid of being a Morita. [God] filter.

The god their family believed in was probably just a high-level civilization that inherited a secretarium from the true pioneer.

Satos was grateful for the help that civilization had given Morita, but he also hated the shackles imposed on Morita by the other party.

However, looking at Satos who was chatting happily with the administrator AI, Sun Xianyun was thinking about another question.

What happened to the genes of the Morita people?

A race where the whole race has obviously interfered with the genetic structure, but there is no record of such a major event.

617 as if this period of history did not exist at all.

The intuition brought by spiritual energy made Sun Xianyun think that this matter was not simple.

Behind this, there must be a bigger secret.

After finishing the communication with the secretary's administrator, Satos went to the capital and formally met with Mr. Yang again.

As Crown Prince Morita, he signed a bilateral agreement with Rabbit.

The content of the agreement is unknown, but half a month later, people all over the world noticed something was wrong.

Now, with the rabbit completely opening up the civilian spaceship market, in addition to the starships and various ships under the establishment of the Space Force, there are also a large number of civilian spaceships in the solar system.

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