Sun Xianyun's question made Maoshou silent for a while, and then he said slowly:

"Although I don't want to mention these things, since you have also accepted the inheritance of Wo Taomu and know the Void Realm at the same time, it will be a matter of time before you come into contact with these things."

"Listen, little guy, a meme is a particle of information, invisible and intangible, but it can be transmitted and received, and its carrier can be strange, it may be a word, a trivial radio signal, a piece of paper , a painting, a piece of music or even a fleeting thought..."

"Do you think it's nothing? No, on the contrary, memes are very dangerous, at least the memes across the fourth wall... extremely dangerous!"

"It is pervasive and ubiquitous, and if it is accidentally infected, it will bring about a huge disaster!"

Sun Xianyun nodded.

"So, after accepting the inheritance of Wotaum, when you tried to break the fourth wall, you came into contact with the opposite... um, I don't know what the hell?"

"Then, that thing is like a virus, infecting you?"

"That was an unbearable past."

From the cat beast's throat, a series of purring sounds similar to that of a kitten on the earth first came out, and then it spoke quietly.

Turning his head to look at all the Morita cat people present, the cat beast grinned.

"What I'm going to say next may overturn all your previous cognitions. Kittens, are you sure you want to listen? Sometimes it's better not to know anything."

At this moment, Wei Na and the rebel commander, who were originally hostile, stepped forward at the same time with firm expressions.

Seeing this, Maoshou shook his head, and told an old story in a vicissitudes of life——

……Dividing line……

Like all intelligent life.

The original Moritas were cats that lived and multiplied freely in the forest.

The magic of evolution allowed them to gradually start to walk upright over millions or even tens of millions of years, freeing their forelimbs and turning them into hands.

The increase in brain capacity has allowed the Morita cat clan to have social attributes, and finally created language and writing, and civilization was born.

Relying on the imaginary community, the original Morita civilization established one country after another.

They traded, communicated, fought with each other, and finally merged into one country, starting a new journey to the stars.

The heavens seem to love this cat race civilization so much that they are ready to set foot in the universe. They found a library left by the ancient pioneer Wo Taomu near their home star.

Unlike the secretariat discovered by humans under Enceladus, the records of this secretariat are very complete. The king at that time accepted the inheritance of the will of the pioneers, allowing the whole family's technology to advance by leaps and bounds, and at the same time embarked on a breakthrough. The road to the fourth wall.

The prosperity of the Morita race in its heyday was far from comparable to today's human civilization.

In the narration of Cattaro—the name of the cat beast—Sun Xianyun even discovered that the original Morita had even arrived in the solar system and discovered the human civilization that had just entered the Stone Age.

They were delighted to see a promising junior appear, but they didn't interfere too much.

Because they have more important things to do - to explore the truth of the universe, to break the fourth wall, and to fulfill the last wish of the entire Wortam family.

So, they finally came into contact with the Void Realm.

Through the study of Void Realm, the Morita cats gradually realized that Wortom seemed to be wrong, but not entirely wrong.

Behind the fourth wall that Wortam thinks is actually a virtual world, not the so-called "true reality".

But the fourth wall seems to really exist.

It was a horror far stranger than the Void Realm.

By the time the Morita cats noticed something was wrong, it was too late.

The memetic infection, following a completely imperceptible vein, swept through their entire clan in a very short period of time.

The free and peace-loving cats have turned into bloodthirsty hunters who tear apart all living things in sight.

They know that they have touched a taboo and opened a box that must never be opened.

Therefore, the surviving Morita cats and cats, using the technology inherited from Wotaum, struggled to clean up all the heavily infected areas outside the parent star.

Then, they built the star ring, turned the parent star into a cage, and imprisoned their own race in it.

By the way of self-imprisonment of the whole family, they try to eliminate this disaster that may affect the whole universe.

"At that time, we were divided into two factions. One faction believed that our whole family should be responsible for this disaster, and the only way out was to imprison the whole family."


"But there are also more people who believe that we can atone for the mistakes of our generation, and we cannot let the innocent next generation bear the burden. At least...they hope to leave the seeds of Morita civilization."

When Cattaro said this, he lowered his head and touched Wei Na's head, just like looking at his own child.

She was originally a queen of a country, and it was extremely uncomfortable for someone to do this in public, but Wei Na didn't respond at this time.

"In the end, the opinion of the second faction was adopted."

"In order to completely eliminate the possibility of further spread of memetic infection, we have carried out a thorough genetic modification of the uninfected cubs, making them what you are now."

"Then, using Wotaum's technology, the home planet is divided into two. The outside world is the normal world, but the Morita home planet of different dimensions is purgatory, a cage, and a place for sinners like us to redeem our sins."

"We fabricated a false history, faked the existence of the so-called 'God', and let the new generation of cats think that Morita once had God's guidance, but God disappeared in the end-this is also impossible, The situation was too urgent at that time, and we didn't have enough time to clean up all the traces of civilization on the surface of the home planet of the watch world, let alone remove the star ring, but leaving those things will definitely make you doubt your past .”

"We hope that you don't set foot in the starry sky again, but we are worried that you may step on the path of us old guys again when you enter the sea of ​​stars. Instead of this, it's better to let you children know nothing on the home planet and live your life. A safe life."

"Thinking about it now, intelligent life looking up at the starry sky is an instinct engraved into its DNA. How can it be completely stopped?"

When Sun Xianyun heard this, he deeply agreed.

The iron in the human body comes from a brilliant supernova explosion.

The zinc in the blood comes from the dust ejected into the universe after two neutron star collisions.

That trace amount of copper is needed to witness the death of a white dwarf.

Even the tiniest amount of cobalt originates from nebulae billions of light-years away.

In a sense, it is normal for human beings—even all intelligent life to be curious about the starry sky and eager to explore the end of the sea of ​​stars, because everyone is a child of the stars.

Chapter 329 Let's Go Deep into the Earth's Core Together!

Cattaro's story touched Sun Xianyun and others, but it was obviously the Morita people who were present the most.

No matter what, they couldn't believe that the past history of their entire family was fundamentally forged.

They are not "chosen people of God" because God is their ancestor.

And they, too, are the offspring of sinners.

The expression on Reginald's face was extremely ferocious, obviously his heart was shaking.

Just when Sun Xianyun even thought that this guy might have an emotional breakdown in the next moment, he gradually calmed down.


Letting out a breath slowly, Reginold stared at Cattaro without blinking.

"So, after self-imprisonment?"


Cattaro sneered, and pointed to the monsters around him who had been standing still.

"After self-imprisonment, those of us old guys who still have reason, and those former compatriots who have gone completely crazy, started killing each other."

"In the beginning, some people naively thought that as long as we persevere and wipe out all the infected people, maybe the disaster will be completely ended, and we can also get relief from the different dimension of Morita."

"However, when the first batch of robes who died in battle were transformed into half-dead monsters under meme infection, we knew it was impossible."

"There are fewer and fewer people fighting. After all, it is not someone who keeps looking at the comrades who were fighting side by side one second, and then rushes towards him like a bloody enemy in the next moment, and can not be shaken."

"Me too."

Cattaro rubbed the corners of his eyes, the place where the electronic eyes should have been, actually shed tears.

"If there is no accident, I should be the last group of people who are still fighting, but I didn't last long, and finally fell down on a certain hill at a certain moment."

"By the time I regained consciousness again, I had become the monster I once was, the enemy I was once."

"I found that I could control some low-level units—yes, that's right, we used to have high and low positions, but we never called our compatriots in the way of high or low units. But after becoming monsters Finally, for those individuals whose authority is not as good as mine, I will call them low-level units without hesitation."

"I clearly remember everything in the past, and I know that I have now become the enemy I once hated the most, but I don't feel sad or even angry at all, only the endless desire to kill, want to tear everything up and destroy everything... "

"And then... it was you little cats who activated a certain console that we had no time to destroy, and overlapped the planet Morita of another dimension with the world of Morita, making me appear here again. Think carefully Thinking, since our self-imprisonment, it seems to have passed...nearly ten thousand years? I have been dead for about five or six thousand years."

"Is your lifespan that long!?"

Sun Xianyun let out a low cry.

"No." This time it was Wei Na who answered, "The average life expectancy of Morita people is only 80 years now."

"This is also a problem. Since the meme infection has become more and more intense, we seem to have lost the concept of biological death."

Cattaro scratched his cat's head.

"Okay, cats, the story of the ancestors is over, now how are you going to deal with me, a sinner? If I want to execute, I hope to die in Lake Politamia... Well, but so many years have passed, there It must have changed a lot, right?"

Wei Na and Reginald looked at each other.

After a while, the two nodded, and Wei Na said: "Ancestor, we have no right to judge you. On the contrary, what we are doing now...may have disappointed you."

After that, Wei Na informed Cattaro of the current situation.

After hearing the truth of all this, the rebel leader Reginald was hit hard.

"General Reginald, your loyalty to your late husband is admirable, but unfortunately, the handbook you got is incomplete, and the complete diary is here with me."

"After the deceased husband discovered the ruins left by the ancestor, he has been working on the research of the secrets of the ancient times. At first, like you, he thought that the star ring was the shackles imposed by the gods on the Morita family, and we have long been The ancestors of the past left the hope of breaking free from the shackles, which is to activate the ancient ruins and realize the phase shift of the entire planet."

"But later, with the deepening of his research, he finally understood everything in the past, but he has also been under tremendous pressure since then."

"Trying to fly in a starship is not so much about chasing hope, it's better to say that the deceased husband was completely desperate at that time... It's a pity that after his death, you have made wrong guesses from the few words he left behind, And I only found that handbook not long ago when sorting out the relics of my deceased husband. When I wanted to contact you, it was already too late."

Reginald plopped and knelt in front of Wei Na.

"Queen...I should die...Damn...!"

Before, anger, hatred, and longing for the future made Reginald reject Wei Na's communication requests countless times. If he had seen Wei Na at that time, he would have shot the person in his eyes right away. The "evil woman who betrayed the former king" was shot directly.

Behind him, the original rebel soldiers looked at each other, and finally put down their weapons and knelt down in front of their queen.

"Okay, everyone, get up, the top priority now is to solve the current crisis."

Wei Na raised her hands, and Sun Xianyun on the side said at the right time: "Ms. Wei Na, I have good news for you."


"Is such that."

Sun Xianyun, who just received the AI ​​report from the secretariat, said with a smile:

"It seems that the ruins activated by General Reginald have been inevitably damaged in the long history. Although the phase shift of 3.7 seems to have affected the whole world, it really happened in areas where different dimensions overlap. Currently There is only one here. In other words, the ancient Moritas who were imprisoned in different dimensions and turned into monsters did not come to the surface world."

Before Wei Na and the others were happy, Sun Xianyun sighed again.

"But there is still bad news—this situation will end soon, and we don't know how to stop the phase transition at the moment, and at the same time, there will be 28 regions with overlapping dimensions in the three rotation cycles of Planet Morita in the future. Looks like there's still a tough battle to fight."

"I know how to abort the phase shift!"

Cattaro waved his huge futon-like paws.

"But only if... we have to find a way to get to Morita's... core."

Chapter 330 You guys, have you already taken a fancy to Xinghuan?

Go to the core.

Don't look at it as just a "hole-punching" behavior, but in fact, even the current rabbit family can easily travel to galaxies tens of light-years away. An almost impossible thing.

The technology system of the rabbit is complete, and a civilization with a normal technology tree cannot do it. It is even more impossible for a civilization with a technology tree like a twisted tree spirit like Morita.

In other words, this is also the result of the Morita people in ancient times.

They don't want their younger generations to follow their old path, so that they have the idea of ​​"rather than rushing to the stars, it's better to stay on the mother planet", so they created the weird technological system of the Moritas.

Unless the Morita civilization of the younger generations has great perseverance, completely abandons all existing technologies, and builds their basic technology system from scratch, don't expect to make much progress.

And if they can really achieve this step, predecessors like Cattaro will have no regrets.

However, the fact that 07 cannot enter the earth's core using traditional technology does not mean that Sun Xianyun has no other means.

In front of him is a building that can be called a miracle.

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