With the official deployment of the star ring, all countries have mobilized their detection equipment to study the star ring.

It's a pity that they are doomed to be unable to research anything, even close to it.

Because the star ring itself has a shield!

The third brother's satellite bumped his head in disbelief, and it turned into a pile of space junk from a long distance away.

Speaking of satellites, this point was fully considered when the star ring was deployed, avoiding satellite orbits, even the highest orbit satellites are theoretically impossible to come into contact with the inner ring of the star ring.  …

After owning Star Ring, Rabbit doesn't even need to release satellites in the future—all the work that satellites can undertake can be done by Star Ring.

Of course, considering that the star ring may leave the earth for expeditions in the future, the necessary satellites still have to be launched into the sky.

While almost everyone was paying attention to Xinghuan, Mr. Yang and others were paying attention to Sun Xianyun.

It wasn't until Sun Xianyun and Lexington were sent back to the Space Force Headquarters that they slept on the bed for a whole day before they finally woke up.

Opening his eyes, Sun Xianyun felt that his right arm was being pressed by something. When he turned his head, he saw a pair of slimes with Q bombs.

Looking up, there are indigo eyes under the pink hair.



Seeing that Sun Xianyun woke up, Icarus called softly, and suddenly leaned forward and approached Sun Xianyun and Lexington.

"Master, do you have any orders?"

"As long as it is the Master's order, I will complete it, as long as... the Master can get well soon..."

"...You're crushing me, Icarus."

Withdrawing his hand from under Icarus' slime, Sun Xianyun touched the little angel's head.

"How many days have you guarded me?"

"9 hours, 23 minutes and 32 seconds."

You don't have to be so precise, you silly angel.

After Sun Xianyun complained, the door of the room was suddenly opened, and Belfast walked in softly.

"Icarus, it's been replaced, and I will hand it over to 2.7——Commander, are you awake!?"

In the middle of speaking, seeing Sun Xianyun and Lexington looking at Belfast who was smiling at him, he hurried up.

"Commander, don't move, you've just woken up. Really, just falling asleep like this frightened us, and we were worried that you would cause problems if you lay down like this without eating. The medical staff tried to give you an injection and infusion, but the needle was broken Dozens of them can't even break their skins, and they can't even be fed liquid food. Old Yang and the others have been here several times..."


Feeling his own body, Sun Xianyun frowned obviously not hungry.

"So, how did you let me eat?"

Belfast paused the hand holding the porridge, and suddenly raised his lips.

"you guess?"

After finishing speaking, Belfast took a sip of porridge by himself, and then kissed Sun Xianyun.

Chapter 334 Strange Daily Life and the Catwoman Who Takes the Headlines

In fact, it is always reviewed because the website seems to have updated the review mechanism. Generally, as long as it is updated during the day and the review editor is at work, it will be passed quickly. But if the update is late, the review editor will have to wait for the next day after get off work. I will try to update as early as possible during the day in the future - try my best, after all, there is work in the third dimension, so even if the small black room is closed, it can be released soon~

...the text below...

Sun Xianyun and Lexington enjoyed a wave of benefits.

Although he has woken up and can barely get out of bed and walk, no matter whether it is Belfast or others, as long as they see such signs on their bodies, they will immediately cast a death stare.

The Master consumed so much this time, it would be impossible not to cultivate for a while—this is the pure thinking of little angels.

After finally having the opportunity to see the commander in a sick and weak state, and taking care of all kinds of things, how can he give up so easily-this is the ulterior motive of some bad girls.

07 After learning that Sun Xianyun and Lexington had woken up, Mr. Yang originally wanted to visit him in person, but he was too busy with business, so he could only chat with him in the holographic video, and hurried away.

However, he still sent his secretary-general to search instead of himself.

The number of people who can enjoy this kind of treatment in the whole country can only be counted.

That night.

"That... Befa, I can really do this by myself..."


Belfast suddenly said a strange line, and then he seemed to have a delicate face, but with a smile in his eyes, he stretched out his hand to test the water temperature, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Okay, Commander, you can leave everything to me with peace of mind."

Reaching out his hand involuntarily, he hugged Sun Xianyun horizontally, and Befa carefully put his commander into the bath.

Later, she followed the same pattern and put Lexington in.

In the end, the girl even stepped into the bath wrapped in a bath towel herself, and while humming an unknown Bredin tune that showed her happy mood, she began to wipe the two bodies in front of her eyes.

Although he could barely move around, his body was still a little weak after all. After soaking in the Jianniang hot spring, both Sun Xianyun and Lexington immediately became drowsy again.

Not long after, the two bodies even leaned on Belfast's smooth and thin shoulders, and closed their eyes together.

Belfast looked down carefully.

Both Sun Xianyun and Mrs. Lexington have a beauty that seems to be blessed by the gods.

Sun Xianyun has sharp eyebrows and always has sharp eyes when he is awake, while Mrs. Lexington has soft eyebrows and eyes.

Sun Xianyun has a straight nose, and her wife is small and delicate.

Both of them were born with long and curled eyelashes as thick as butterfly wings.

Originally, the contours of the facial features could not be regarded as similar, but standing together always reminded people of such beautiful words as a match made in heaven.

The two bodies leaned against Belfast together, and their slow and warm breaths even miraculously synchronized, brushing against Belfast's delicate collarbone together.

This made the corners of her mouth uncontrollably start to rise.


In Belfast tonight, I feel that I have won again.

……Dividing line……

In addition to receiving almost meticulous care in daily life, Sun Xianyun and Lexington don't even need to deal with work these days.

Belfast and Zhang Lili joined forces to handle all the work in an orderly manner.

Even the little girl from Saratoga began to handle some less sensitive matters on her behalf after obtaining consent, thinking of sharing the worries of her elder sister and brother-in-law.

For this somewhat illegal behavior, everyone tacitly kept a blind eye - according to this situation, it will be a matter of time before my sister-in-law becomes a naturalized rabbit family.

So, after becoming the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Space Force, Sun Xianyun and Lexington finally thoroughly enjoyed a leisurely and carefree holiday life that really didn't need to think about anything.

If the weather is fine, he/she will even be helped to find a deck chair in the yard to bask in the sun lazily.

The warm sunshine in the afternoon always lulls people to sleep. Accompanied by the crisp sound of birdsong in the courtyard and the rustling sound brought by the breeze blowing through the treetops, Sun Xianyun can’t help but sigh—it’s so nice to have such a peaceful and beautiful daily life...

Then Astrea flew overhead and successfully hung herself on the eaves.

On the second floor of the mansion behind him, a distraught voice came from Nimfu's room: "Nuwa! Block all the trumpets of that bumblebee from bee bee bee 10001 to bee bee bee 10311! This wicked thing You actually recommended Little Butter to me!"

On the opposite side, Icarus sat on the courtyard wall with a watermelon in his arms, stretched out his pink wings, and Chaoge held a brush behind her and combed the feathers like brushing a pet dog. He muttered: "The angel velvet pillow is here, and the angel velvet quilt is here... Icarus, raise the left wing a little bit, that's right."

In the woods next to 897, the sounds of Aurora and Jinling fighting could be heard faintly. I don’t know who was thrown into the sky by the white silk that was pulled off. Astrea's head.

"My life is really colorful..."

Sun Xianyun sighed quietly.

He looked sideways, and saw that Saratoga and Lexington were lying close together, sharing the same tablet, watching the latest news.

The little girl stuck to Lexington like a koala.

Noticing Sun Xianyun's gaze, Saratoga raised his eyes and said with a smile: "Brother-in-law, do you know how much sensation catgirls have caused all over the world recently?"

"I can guess without you telling me."

Sun Xianyun waved his hand, even if he didn't guess, the sense of Lexington he shared just now allowed him to see the situation clearly.

The Morita mission led by Wei Na officially appeared in the capital of the rabbit family.

The appearance of these cats directly triggered a carnival among the whole people—let alone mushrooms with strange shapes, who can refuse a cute and lovely cat girl?

In the past few days, the mature and sexy royal sister cat girl Vina, and the petite and cute loli cat girl Eli Hill directly dominated the headlines almost all over the world.

Chapter 335 The First Interracial Love Between Humans and Catgirls

It is undeniable that the power of LSPs is very strong—whether domestic or foreign.

Their enthusiasm directly suppressed all the news about Xinghuan, as if people only paid attention to the cat girl for a moment.

Sun Xianyun is naturally aware of this: there are countries involved.

Instead of making people stare at Xinghuan, it's better to go and see the cuteness of catgirls.

This kind of operation is the same as that in the past, in order to suppress some news, it directly lifted the news such as [such and such a celebrity model couple divorced], [such and such a pure and beautiful girl is actually the scum queen of the sea] to divert attention.

Of course, there is also the reason why catgirls are so cute.

As the news of the visit of the Morita envoys was continuously broadcast through the news, the world gradually understood the story of the Morita family in the Vega galaxy tens of light-years away.

While being shocked by the determination of the whole race to try to eliminate the disaster, the rabbit was also so envious and jealous that the rabbit could get such a big treasure as the star ring.

It's a pity that Wei Na announced in her capacity as Queen Mother Morita that [the star ring will be given to Morita's best friend Rabbit to express her gratitude], which made some people who are full of small thoughts suppress Guangming and shout out "this is the common wealth of mankind".

common wealth?

Let's "jointly" those capital consortiums in your family first, okay?

Sun Xianyun was in a good mood thinking about these interesting news.

At this time, Zhang Lili suddenly hurried into the yard.

As soon as she saw Sun Xianyun and Lexington, she walked over quickly.

"Sir, I need to inform you about something."

"what happened?"

Sensing that Zhang Lili's expression seemed very strange, Sun Xianyun also became curious.

Zhang Lili twitched the corners of her mouth, and finally sighed and said, "That's right, isn't the Morita envoy visiting us recently? In order to protect their safety, we have sent many elite bodyguards to protect them. Then ...々ˇ..."


"...Then, there was a noble lady Morita who came to visit with her father in the envoy, and fell in love with our people."


Sun Xianyun squirted out the half-drinked black tea, and Zhang Lili who was on the opposite side was smeared.

She looked at Sun Xianyun mournfully, and then Belfast who appeared miraculously took out a clean towel from under the maid's skirt and handed it over.

"How did you do it, Biffa!?"

"Ah, Commander, a qualified maid needs to take out everything needed by the master and the people around him from the skirt anytime and anywhere, including towels, brooms, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, changes of clothes, and strategic missiles."

Belfast lifted the hem of his skirt slightly and bowed his knees. Noticing that Sun Xianyun and Lexington were looking straight into his skirt, he immediately raised the corners of his mouth and stood up to hold down the hem of the skirt.

"Sorry, Commander, the secret scenery under the skirt can only be appreciated at night."

After wiping off the tea on her face with a clean towel, Zhang Lili handed the towel to Belfast, and then coughed and continued: "Don't get off topic, it's fine for you to play at night, and work now!"

After a pause, Zhang Lili began to explain the details.

It turned out that in the envoys that accompanied Wei Na to visit Rabbit this time, some noble cats and cats also brought their families, and one of them was a young lady.

Perhaps because of the cat's natural curiosity, this cat lady can't help but go outside to play alone, and the elite bodyguards arranged by the rabbit family who are in charge of protecting her can only keep up.

Fortunately, this little girl knows the seriousness. Every time she goes out, she will disguise herself, cover her ears with a hat, and block her cat pupils with sunglasses.

The eldest lady and the bodyguard protecting her were always wandering outside alone, and they actually met eyes after coming and going.

To be precise, the bodyguard kept all kinds of regulations in mind. Although he had a great affection for the foreign cat girl, he never showed it. However, the cat girl's enthusiasm exceeded everyone's expectations, and the little cat girl directly launched an offensive.

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