"I really want to go home..."

"I really want... I really want to eat buns again... just once..."

Sun Xianyun's heart was about to break when he saw it.

Instinctively, she wanted to hug the child tightly, but she was afraid of hurting her already fragile body, so she could only squat on the spot with her whole body stiff.

On the other side, the slightly injured Ping Hai woke up slowly in Lexington's arms.

She blinked her eyes in confusion, and vaguely heard Lexington's extremely gentle soothing voice: "Ping Hai, Ping Hai, are you awake? How do you feel?"

"You...you are...?"

"I am your commander, Ping Hai."


Ping Hai repeated it, and suddenly his face turned pale.

"Don't...I...I don't want...I don't want to help you fight anymore...I don't want...I want to go home..."

Obviously, the kid misunderstood something.

The two children were salvaged by the books of the year after the sinking of Jiangyin and forced to be recruited. At this time, Ping Hai, who had just woken up, obviously mistakenly believed that he was still in the hands of the other party.

Lexington quickly lowered his head and kissed Ping Hai's face, his voice softened a bit again.

"Go home, go home kid, this is the rabbit's house, you go home 4.4, we brought you back."

returned home?

Ping Hai sobbed, and gradually realized something was wrong.

She tried to raise her head, but couldn't do it.

Lexington quickly helped Ping Hai, gently holding the back of her head, helping the child look around.

Strange dock.

The ones hanging on the wall seem to be Chinese characters, but they are not the same as the Chinese characters in my memory - the simplified characters in the era when the child was active have not been actively promoted by the government.

She also saw a huge bright red banner hanging on the wall.

Although it wasn't any flag in her memory, the bright red color made her feel at ease for some reason.

So, did you really go home?

Ping Hai sniffled and suddenly burst into tears.


Chapter 390 Commander, You Want to Come Together

Those were desperate times.

Those were also hopeful years.

There are roaring enemy planes in the sky, and the roar of enemy ships firing cannons can be heard in the distance.

As for himself, he was already scarred.

The armor was broken, the steering gear failed completely, the power system was almost down, and even the ammunition depot was flooded.

But even so, none of the officers and soldiers of the navy left their combat posts. The captain, deputy captain, helmsman, gunner... Even if all of them were seriously injured, even if their eyes were blurred by the blood flowing from their heads, Gritting his teeth, he continued to fight.

Even the hygienists rushed onto the deck with their guns in hand.

Therefore, you can't lose yourself.

Absolutely, absolutely can't lose!

It hurts, but as long as you hold on, you'll be fine.

Persevere, when the battle is over, eat a steamed stuffed bun and you'll be fine!

She is not greedy, she knows that everyone is having a hard time now, many, many people can't get enough to eat, and people starve to death every day, so she only needs a very small bun to eat.

It’s fine if it’s really small, just as small as your own fist.

If you really can't do 19, it's okay to be smaller, it's okay to have no meat, and it doesn't matter if the filling is all wild vegetables.

Well, half of this bun can be given to my sister.

It's like a pair of socks, she and her sister wear them separately, one for each of them-this saves some money, which can be used to support other people.

Perhaps thinking of the smell of steamed stuffed buns, Ning Hai showed a smile on his face, but soon he let out a wail because of the wound.

"Captain! Captain! If this continues, it will sink! What shall we do!?"

"Ninghai is a precious property of the country! We must keep the hull! Advance to Bayu Port!"

Bayu Port?

No, no!

If I go to Bayu Port, what will my sister do?What about others?

What should we do?

I can continue to fight, don't worry about it!

Get moving!Body!

hateful……!Why can't I move!

Eh?I seem to be stranded?

Lying on his back helplessly on the shallows, Ning Hai watched the enemy planes buzzing over in the sky.

She sighed.

After all, he is still too weak. If he can be stronger, he can protect everyone and win the battle, right?

After driving away all the enemies, everyone can grow food safely, and then there will be a lot of steamed stuffed buns to eat!

It's a pity that I have come to an end now.

But I am not completely useless, the turret on my body can still be dismantled, and the turret can be removed and transported away, and it can be used to support other places.

"Quick, quick! Destroy the fort! Take away the ammunition that is still usable! Hurry to Jinling! The enemy will definitely attack there next! That is our capital! We must keep it!"

That's right, come on everyone, remove everything that is still usable from me, and go protect Jinling!

If Jinling is gone, we won’t be able to taste the delicious Jinling buns!

Eyelids became heavier and heavier, and his body became more and more tired, Ning Hai gradually couldn't help closing his eyes.

The moment before she lost consciousness, she suddenly thought that it would be great if she could see the plum blossoms in Jinling again. When the plum blossoms in Meihua Mountain are blooming everywhere, even if she is in the port, she can see them from a distance.

After an unknown amount of time, Ning Hai in the darkness seemed to hear the voices of people talking again.

Mmm... so noisy.

There seems to be someone around, has he been salvaged and repaired?

Great!This will help everyone fight again!

I don't know what happened to my sister...

It wasn't long before the joyful mood rose, and Ning Hai felt something was wrong.

How come what these people say is the same as the enemy?

The uneasiness and fear in his heart were getting bigger and bigger, Ning Hai tried hard to open his eyes.

She was salvaged, and it was the enemy who salvaged her.

She was forcibly dragged away, repaired by the enemy, and became their training ship.

The scenery here is beautiful, and the cherry blossoms are beautiful, but she doesn't like it.

The only thing that comforts her is that she doesn't have to be forced by them to point her guns at her hometown, right?

I thought that this would be the way to go in the future, but I didn't expect that after a few years, these people seemed to show signs of decline in the war.

Because of the heavy loss of the warship, the speed of shipbuilding in the shipyard could not keep up with the loss, so they turned their ideas on Ning Hai.

She was renamed Five Hundred Islands, and was driven to set foot on the ocean again.

This time, her "enemy" is the mighty Eagle Sauce.

Ning Hai watched coldly, watching the person who drove him go from fanaticism to fear, from fear to hysteria, without any emotional fluctuations from the beginning to the end.

Until, she saw the scene where her sister was forced to fight for those people just like her, and then she was sunk.

Ning Hai finally collapsed.

A shell that fell from the sky accurately hit her hull and pierced her keel.

Body hurts.

The sea is cold.

It's so strange, when I was in my hometown before, every time I rode on the sea, I felt the sea was warm, why did it feel so cold this time?

The sea is so cold, my sister will be afraid, right?

Don't be afraid, sister, because sister, I will come to accompany you soon...

At the last moment of his life, Ning Hai thought of his hometown again.

I don't know how everyone is doing now, can you eat buns happily?Can I have warm clothes?

If you can eat enough and wear warm clothes, it will definitely be the happiest thing in your life.

I really hope that stuffed buns are no longer a wild vegetable.

……Dividing line……

So comfortable.

The lower body is soft, and the body is also soft.

And it's warm.

It feels like there seems to be some fragrant smell around.

Ning Hai's long and curled eyelashes trembled slightly, and he slowly opened his eyes.

What I saw was a strange ceiling, very beautiful and smooth.

Instinctively, she wanted to sit up from the bed, but found that she couldn't exert any strength on her waist.


With a cry of grief, Ning Hai pulled his hand out from under the sheet, and then supported his body with his arms, but he still couldn't get up after several attempts.

At this moment, the door of this beautiful bedroom was suddenly opened from the outside with a creak.

Ning Hai turned his eyes to look at the door, and found that a very beautiful silver-haired sister came in.

She seemed to be very careful, walking silently, and her movements were as light as possible.

After closing the door, the silver-haired sister turned around and looked at Ning Hai who was lying on the bed.

He was startled at first, then stepped forward quickly, with joy in his tone.

"You're finally awake! This is great! I'll inform the commander and everyone right away!"

"Oh yes, my name is Belfast!"

Familiar, hometown discourse.

Did you... go home?

Ning Hai thought in confusion.

Chapter 391 When Sister Yixian comes back, I have to steam buns for her

Among the treetops, the birds that had returned from predation had just landed on the edge of the nest, and the chicks in the nest raised their heads one after another, opened their pointed beaks, and uttered continuous clear singing.

The mother bird opened its beak, and the insects it held fell down, and were eaten up by a group of chicks in an instant.

In the shade under the tree, Saratoga looked up at this scene, and then sighed.

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