At the same time, the suzheng lady who was handed into Lexington's arms by him finally woke up leisurely.

"you're awake?"


Seeing herself being hugged by Lexington, Miss Suzheng called softly.

"Do you know anything?"

4.4 Noticing the complicated and guilty expression on the eldest lady's face, Lexington thought, could it be that the child understood something after going through the series of events just now?

It would be great if I could help them out.

Sure enough, Miss Suzheng nodded, and after she got out of Lexington's arms, she bit her lip and glanced at Sun Xianyun who couldn't let go, then lowered her head and said:

"I...Actually, I don't know what I am anymore."

"Don't worry."

Lexington gently rubbed Miss Suzheng's head.

"Son, if you don't know how to say it, then start from the beginning of everything and speak slowly."

"I see, thank you mom, the story has to start more than 1000 years ago...".

Chapter 419: The True Origin of Missy

Almost at the first moment when the captain of the starship investigating Phoenix A sent a warning through the command link, Nu Wa also connected to the command link.

"Comrade Commander, the central star port detected that the star ring you are in now released a full-band signal 37 seconds ago, and 24 seconds ago, a super-wide-area wide-area monitoring signal swept across the entire 130 light-year range of the Phoenix constellation." all galaxies. 』

"Where is the source of the signal?"

"Analyzing... The analysis is over, Comrade Commander, the signal is from Fomalhaut! 』

Sun Xianyun frowned.

At the same time, Miss Suzheng, who seemed to be stuck in a strange logic bug on the platform, suddenly opened her closed eyes.

There was a broken smile on her face, the corners of her mouth were grinning, and an inorganic and accented voice sounded.

"The core command is activated..."

"No. 477 node of the Suzheng Agreement is officially launched..."

"Begin execution of the removal plan..."

The next moment, a signal far exceeding the speed of light filled the entire constellation of Phoenix, Antarctica, and Eridanus with a radius of hundreds of light years in a high-dimensional jump.

"Notice: Organisms, this is an order from the final defense unit of the universe. 』

"All organisms ceased their activities immediately and committed suicide on the spot. 』

"This is a necessary measure to prevent the heat death of the universe, don't resist, don't resist, don't resist. 』

"Everything will eventually return to nothingness. Life is just an accident of elementary particles in a low-entropy environment. It is meaningless. 』

"Every particle of your body comes from the radiant emission of stars long past. 』

"Now, it's time to return to this universe everything that doesn't belong to you! 』

Sun Xianyun, Lexington, all the ship girls, and even the three little Icarus all held their heads in discomfort.

This signal is like a robber breaking in, unreasonably invading all communication systems.

"You guy..."

Auror suddenly raised the naval gun and pointed it at Miss Suzheng in front of her.

"Wake up, you bastard! Don't force me to fire!"

Although it is still unclear what exactly happened, there are indications that Miss Suzheng really activated the Suzheng agreement unit hidden in this star area.

Now, this so-called purge agreement seems to intend to wipe out all organic life in this star area.

I don't know if Aurora's words had an effect, but Miss Suzheng, who was smiling like a maniac just now, began to distort slightly.

She seems to be struggling with something.

The next moment, she lost all expression again and returned to a numb state.

『Activation of active purification center detected, verification in progress... Verification passed!Suzheng agreement node starts activities! 』

"In the reactivation agreement, trying to contact the central processing unit..."

『Error: The subspace link is offline, unable to contact the central processing unit. 』

"Querying the processing unit... The seventh defense array is online, fully activated and suspended, and the backup protocol is activated, ready to guard the galaxy... The power supply of the spaceport is restarted... The war factory is restarted..."

"mistake!Spaceport restart failed!War Factory restart failed!There is a serious fault in the core AI... Troubleshooting... Troubleshooting failed... The core AI has been eroded by the Zhengzheng agreement...』

"Prepare to format the core AI forcibly..."

Formatting is mandatory!

Hearing this, Sun Xianyun's face finally changed drastically. He no longer hesitated, and flew up lightly on his toes, and drew out the ship-slashing knife Kaitian in mid-air, and slashed fiercely at the beam of light covering Miss Suzheng.

It was obviously a light beam, but when Kai Tian's blade slashed on it, it seemed as if it had really hit something.

Accompanied by a blinding flash of lightning, Sun Xianyun forcibly broke into the light beam, hugged the eldest lady, and brought her back to the ground.

"Return to the starship and prepare for battle!"

"I will find a way to make the activation of the Suzheng Protocol of unknown origin temporarily unable to complete the jump. Before that-the Free Army Starport Fleet listens to the order and fully supports Phoenix A! The coordinates have been uploaded! The front is clear, and the jump is allowed !"

In the command link, subordinate units continue to return instructions to receive signals——

『Cybertron's Heavy Armor Attack Team is online, guarantee to complete the task! 』

"Bastion ship No. 104 is online, and the task is guaranteed to be completed!" 』

"Bastion ship No. 105 is online, and the task is guaranteed to be completed!" 』

『Special Type Ship No. 112 is online, the mission is guaranteed to be completed! 』


One order after another kept returning, and Sun Xianyun also led his people back to the ship near the star ring

"Well, do you need our help? Although our strength is not strong, we still have some fleets."

Korano, who was stunned from beginning to end, had no chance to speak until now. He glanced at the soldiers who were busy running back and forth on the bridge, with worry on his face.

"The enemy is terrible, isn't it? You are so powerful and behave... After all, this is the home of our race, and I think we have the right to participate in the battle."

Sun Xianyun didn't answer. After entering the bridge, he immediately diffused all his spiritual energy.

Before our main fleet arrives, we must find a way to prevent the Suzheng Agreement of unknown origin from successfully jumping to this galaxy.

This was the first time that Sun Xianyun used his spiritual energy with all his strength, and after a few breaths, fine sweat appeared on his forehead.

"The speed of gravitational collapse has slowed down! 』

"The other party's expected jump completion time is being corrected...the correction is complete...Commander, we have three hours of spare time! 』

Three hours...not enough.

Sun Xianyun still needs to continue to strengthen the space around the jumping point on the opposite side.

At the same time, the suzheng lady who was handed into Lexington's arms by him finally woke up leisurely.

"you're awake?"


Seeing herself being hugged by Lexington, Miss Suzheng called softly.

"Do you know anything?"

4.4 Noticing the complicated and guilty expression on the eldest lady's face, Lexington thought, could it be that the child understood something after going through the series of events just now?

It would be great if I could help them out.

Sure enough, Miss Suzheng nodded, and after she got out of Lexington's arms, she bit her lip and glanced at Sun Xianyun who couldn't let go, then lowered her head and said:

"I...Actually, I don't know what I am anymore."

"Don't worry."

Lexington gently rubbed Miss Suzheng's head.

"Son, if you don't know how to say it, then start from the beginning of everything and speak slowly."

"I see, thank you mom, the story has to start more than 1000 years ago...".

Chapter 420: Start the War

According to the understanding of the Suzheng Agreement, the level of technological development is from low to high, and the highest level is called [the 30th level singularity].

A civilization that has reached the 30th-level singularity has the ability to destroy the entire universe with just a flick of a finger.

There is no doubt that this is a very dangerous ability. If the civilization that masters this power does not have enough background and self-correction ability, then it will inevitably bring irresistible disasters to the entire universe.

Thus, the Suzheng Agreement, this existence called [Universal Final Defense Unit] was born.

No one knows how the Suzheng Agreement came about, but there are indications that the Suzheng Agreement should have been created artificially.

It has its own nodes all over the universe, and it is always in a silent state under normal circumstances. Unless it is a civilization with quite advanced technological strength, it is absolutely impossible to discover the existence of the Suzheng agreement node.

In some unknown way, the Suzheng Protocol monitors the entire universe. Whenever there is a civilization with the ability or potential to impact the 30th-level singularity, it will be activated, and then the civilization will be cleaned.

No compromise, no room for negotiation.

Until the target civilization is destroyed, the purge agreement will not stop.

However, I don't know when it started, the logic of the Suzheng agreement seems to be in confusion.

The object of its cleansing is no longer a single civilization that may impact the No.30 singularity, but the entire universe...all organic life.

The source of the error has not been verified, but what is certain is that at the same time as the error occurred, the Suzheng Agreement seemed to have made a final struggle.

It splits into an independent entity - the guardian of supervision.

Like the Suzheng Agreement, it is completely composed of autonomous machines.

Whenever the Suzheng Agreement is activated, the supervisory guardians will be activated at the same time, and these two civilizations, which are also composed of self-discipline machines, will fight each other.

One is for destruction, the other is for protection.

After the appearance of the supervisory guardians, the Suzheng Agreement completely became a natural disaster representing destruction and death.

The supervisory guardians are the final bottom line of the Suzheng agreement.

"This star area does not belong to the Zhengzheng agreement, but the core area of ​​the seventh defensive fortress of the supervisory guardian."

The eldest lady spoke slowly, and at the same time raised her hand and tapped lightly, a holographic projection screen appeared in front of her, which was the influence of the surrounding star area.

"It includes the Phoenix constellation, Eridanus constellation, Fomalhaut, and extends to five hundred light-years away."

"More than 1000 years ago, the Suzheng Agreement was activated. It is very strange that the activation was for no reason. According to the log records, no civilization capable of impacting the No. 30 singularity was found. The preconditions of the agreement were not met, but it was activated."

"At the same time, there are supervisory guardians who are activated together."

"The two are fighting in the whole universe, and the battlefields are all over the galaxies... the Milky Way, the Andromeda Nebula, and everything - the observable universe of human beings and the far side that cannot be observed are all battlefields for the prudence agreement and the guardians of supervision .”

"how is this possible……"

It was Zhang Lili who spoke—after entering the wartime state, the solar system star base also remained online, and Zhang Lili appeared beside everyone in the form of a holographic projection.

"Wars all over the universe are simply unimaginable."

"Human beings more than 1000 years ago couldn't even build a steam engine? Naturally, it is impossible to notice that the starry sky above their heads has already been smashed into a pot of porridge. In addition, the universe is too vast, and the battlefield has affected the entire universe. Yes, But there will always be quite a few lucky ones where there is no war, and they have developed steadily."

"In fact, the universe more than 1000 years ago was much more lively than it is now. That war... directly destroyed more than [-]% of the civilizations in this universe that had set foot in the starry sky."

"The Milky Way is actually quite a remote place, and it's no surprise that you who are in it don't feel anything about it."

After explaining Zhang Lili's confusion for a while, Miss Suzheng continued to talk.

"The result of the war is that both losers."

"The purging agreement did not achieve the purpose of cleaning the entire universe, and the supervisory guardian did not protect the children it wanted to protect."

"However, no one knew that at the end of that war, a very interesting thing happened."

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