Since I can't fall asleep, I naturally get up and take a walk.

Although it is unreasonable to stay in someone else's house as a guest and wander around in the middle of the night without sleep, but Eli Hill and even Wei Na and Satos have said more than once that they regard this place as their own home, and Sun Xianyun and Lexing Dun was just walking around in the yard assigned to them, so it didn't matter.

The wind at night is cooler than during the day, and there is a fragrance in the air that has never existed on earth.

Along with the unknown sound of insects, the rustling of leaves, and the meowing of cats coming from who knows where, it constitutes a unique scene in Morita at night-Sun Xianyun suddenly wonders why he has such good hearing, and why What happened to those cats named Chun in the middle of the night!

What about singing Ode to Joy?

Shaking his head, Sun Xianyun walked to a stone bench and sat down, and Lexington got into his arms.

Stretching his arms around Lexington's waist, he buried the tip of his nose into her flaxen hair and took a deep breath. Only then did Sun Xianyun realize that he and her hadn't been alone for a long time.

There are more and more people in the family, and the surroundings are always lively. Compared with when I was alone at the beginning, the situation has long been very different.

At that time, because they had just become one soul and two bodies, the unprecedented freshness made Sun Xianyun and Lexington not feel impatient and boring even if they stuck together all day.

Occasionally, on a whim, I would control two bodies at the same time, or use Lexington's body alone to dance various shameful dances called black history and record them.

He even thought more than once that it would be good to live his life with himself like this.

But now, the burden on his shoulders is getting heavier and heavier, not to mention the people around him, and even the rapid development of the whole country depends on him.

Elder Yang even hinted more than once that as long as conditions permit, as long as he is willing, there is no problem for him to take that position.

But considering his own personality and the fact that the system would regularly ask him to leave this world for a month, Sun Xianyun chose to refuse every time.

I don't know when it started, the various hobbies in the past seem to be getting farther and farther away from him.

The game is no longer played.

The new show is no longer chasing.

Gone are the days when two bodies teamed up to kill all directions in the bottom lane of the canyon and then be happy for a whole day.

The endless things and work constantly consumed his and her energy. Sun Xianyun couldn't even remember how long he hadn't stopped to take a good look at each other with Lexington.

Even if he came out to participate in festivals like this time, Sun Xianyun could not help thinking about various issues during the day.

About the country, about the space army, about the various situations that may occur after humans set foot in the starry sky on a large scale in the future...

Only without thinking about myself

"You are lucky."

Rubbing his face with plain hands, Lexington raised his head and said in a low voice.

"You too."

The two looked at each other silently for a while, and laughed together.

""Really...what are you doing here with yourself...""

Seeing that it was getting late, they finally felt a little sleepy, so Sun Xianyun and Lexington got up and prepared to go back to their room.

As soon as he looked up, he saw that the window of a certain room on the tower not far away was still lit.

If I remember correctly, it was the bedroom of Eliseel as a princess.

Is that girl still up so late?

Thinking this way, Sun Xianyun suddenly saw the window of that room was opened from the inside.

Then, a rope was thrown out of it.

In the next second, the cat girl deftly flipped out of the window, grabbed the rope and began to land jumping and jumping.

"What is this girl doing at home? Playing Rainbow 6?"

Out of curiosity, Sun Xianyun and Lexington dispelled the drowsiness they had finally experienced, and found a place to hide, secretly observing every move of Eli Hill.

After landing, Eli Hill turned left and right, avoiding the sight of the guards, and sneaked into the courtyard of Sun Xianyun and Lexington.

At first, he thought that the girl would go straight to his bedroom, but unexpectedly, the little cat girl went around and ran under a tree in the yard.

After looking around at 4.4, the girl breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's okay, it's okay, it hasn't been discovered... It would be too embarrassing for Xianyun to find out."

After finishing speaking, the kitten girl began digging at the roots of the tree, and soon dug out a small box.

The little box had clearly seen some age, and the ribbon that tied it with a pretty bow was a little faded.

Sharp-eyed Sun Xianyun and Lexington, taking advantage of the not-so-bright starlight at night, clearly saw a few Morita characters on the surface of the box, and there was a cute catgirl smiling face stick figure next to it.

So, this is a little girl's unique little secret?


"There's something wrong with that box!"

Sun Xianyun has almost never appeared before, and the danger perception brought by spiritual energy suddenly moved! .

Chapter 430 Let Fushun and Yixian wake up

It is undeniable that although today's Morita civilization looks a bit stretched because of the incomplete technology tree, the technical strength of the previous Moritas is quite strong.

At least, they can independently carry out the super project of the star ring.

As the "predecessor" of the rabbit in a certain sense, the Morita civilization, which also inherited the will of Wotaum's pioneers, is not impossible to grope to create a crystal similar to Wotaum's reality hole penetration instrument project.

Thinking of this, Sun Xianyun carefully put away the miniature galaxy, and prepared to wait until tomorrow to ask Satos to contact his ancestor, the ancient Morita named Reginald.

On the second day, Satos, who learned of Sun Xianyun's intention to come, immediately rejected the event that he was supposed to personally participate in that day, symbolizing the joy with the people, and quickly contacted the ancestor through Morita's official channels.

Reginald's movements were quick, and he rushed back in the afternoon. At that time, Sun Xianyun was being dragged by Belfast to go shopping outside.

After hastily rushing back to the palace, when Reginald saw Sun Xianyun, the cat face that was quite similar to a tiger immediately showed a dignified expression.

The tall Reginald jumped in front of Sun Xianyun in two or three steps, and patted his shoulder with a huge cat's claw.

"Grandson! See you again!"

Sun Xianyun: "......????"

"Huh? Is there something wrong? I deliberately learned about your culture. Adding '子' after the last name is a very respectful address for people. Am I mistaken?"

"In a sense, you are not mistaken, but please do change your name."

The original serious atmosphere was instantly dissipated by Reginald's actions.

After asking Satos to arrange an undisturbed room with only Reginald, Sun Xianyun and Lexington in the room, he carefully took out the miniature galaxy.

"It really is it!"

As soon as he saw the miniature galaxy, Reginold's electronic eyes immediately flashed red with high frequency.

"Where did you get this thing!?"

Sun Xianyun roughly explained the strange experience of the kitten girl Eli Hill.

After listening, Reginald was dumbfounded, and he patted his head for a long while, shaking a pair of cat ears and snorting: "It's too dangerous! It's really too dangerous! That little girl actually raised this possibility Doomsday things as collectibles!?"

"So, what the hell is this? Is it some kind of device you've made yourself, imitating Wortum's Reality Perforator project?"

"Yes, your guess is correct."

Reginald nodded, and pointed to the miniature galaxy in Sun Xianyun's hand.

"We also call this thing the reality piercer, but compared with the reality piercer made by the pioneers, its effect is much worse. It can break the fourth wall and spy on the other side of the virtual world. For a short time—but even a glimpse is enough for the monsters on the other side of the void to transmit the memetic infection~~."

"No wonder..."

No wonder his psychic energy is frantically warning, this thing is really likely to cause memetic infection.

That kind of invisible, intangible, dangerous thing that may be contagious even if it is just a thought, a piece of text recorded on a piece of paper that can be seen everywhere.

Once the memetic infection gets out of control, just look at the former Morita's fight against the whole family at the cost of self-destruction.

"Wait, you said the reality piercer made by the pioneers? But the management AI of the secretariat we have told me that the reality piercer project of the Wotaum pioneers failed."

"I don't know about that." Reginald shook his head, recalled some memories, and finally said, "Although the information in the library we inherited is incomplete, it does have some detailed procedures for the real hole penetration instrument project. , otherwise we wouldn't be able to come up with such a thing. Although it is impolite to say so, I estimate that the pioneers of Wotaum have fallen into considerable chaos at the end of their civilization, and it is likely that different secretaries The situation is completely different…”

"Unfortunately, our library has been completely destroyed in the war against meme infection."

"Back then we made a total of three Reality Hole Penetrators. Together, we could have a glimpse of the other side of the virtual world. After the disaster happened, we desperately destroyed the other two, but the other one was infected. The crazy people took it to nowhere, and they didn't expect to see it again after so many years."

Looking at the miniature galaxy in Sun Xianyun's hands, Reginald's expression was quite complicated.

This thing carries the highest achievement of their civilization, but it is also the chief culprit that destroyed their civilization.

"This thing is so dangerous, it seems better to destroy it."

"It's really dangerous." Reginald sighed, "But we have three Reality Hole Penetrators in total. If we only have this one, it won't be very useful. Otherwise, it would be impossible for nothing to happen after so many years."

Is there really no danger?

Sun Xianyun expressed doubts.

His psychic power was an early warning.

He just put away the reality hole penetrator named Miniature Galaxy by himself, and planned to find a chance to go to the Void Realm and ask the riddleman.

After that, nothing special happened in Morita for the festivities.

The hospitality of the cats made Sun Xianyun and Lexington forget their troubles for a while, and devoted themselves to the carnival with the little ones at home.

On the last night of the festival, tens of thousands of people dance around a bonfire in the square in front of the palace.

Eli Hill plucked up the courage to invite Sun Xianyun and led him to dance a catgirl dance.

The light from the bonfire made the cat girl's face, which was already flushed from shyness, even redder. The girl even poked her tail over intentionally or unintentionally, and scratched Sun Xianyun's arm.

Afterwards, Eli Hill was surrounded by the girls of the small ship.

"How bold."

Jin Ling half-covered his cheeks with a round fan, and looked at Eli Hill who was hiding behind Belfast with a smile.

"I heard from Bianliang. She read it in Morita's book. You are courting the opposite sex with your tail, right?"

"Is this really good?"

Belfast rubbed Eli Hill's head, and looked up at Sun Xianyun, who was standing side by side with Lexington and looking into the distance.

"The commander doesn't know about your custom, why don't you tell him? If you're shy, we can pass it on for you."

"No need." Eli Hill held her face in her hands and shook her head slightly, "That's good, I'm very happy now, and besides, it will be a long time in the future."

She looked down at her chest. Although it had begun to take shape, it was still not enough to compare with the fighting power of Belfast.

It would be nice to wait until I grow up a little bit more. Now, it seems not bad to be pampered by Brother Xianyun as a daughter.

Thinking of this, Eli Hill smiled.

……Dividing line……

After returning to Earth, Sun Xianyun and Lexington were once again busy with the backlog of work these days.

He reported the matter of Kong Touyi to the center immediately, and Mr. Yang also ordered people from the Academy of Sciences to study this thing, but in the end nothing was found.

But Miss Clerk is always at a loss.

She is quite sure that the secretariat she manages does not have any relevant records, and the only text file involving the reality hole penetration instrument also shows that the project failed in the end, and there is no relevant data left.

But the news from Morita revealed a disturbing fact—Watauum's secretariat didn't seem to be that simple, and the situation in different secretariats might be completely different.

This shows that Wotaum civilization is very likely to be split at the end of the period, and more seriously, Wotaum itself does not know that it has split.

They are likely also meme-infected, resulting in cognitive confusion.

Maybe Wo Taomu is completely destroyed, but Wo Tao Mu that has been divided from each other must have left different legacies, and these heritages are quite dangerous things in the universe of this era.

The deeper the analysis, the more headache Sun Xianyun felt.

A prudence agreement is enough for people to pay attention to. Just one node of the Phoenix constellation makes the current rabbits bet all their wealth to fight. The whole universe knows how many prudent agreement nodes exist.

Now it is discovered that Wotaum is suspected of splitting, and it is likely that many dangerous things have been left behind.

".‖You, you just love to worry about things."

Zhang Lili looked at Sun Xianyun who asked Lexington to rub her temples, and rolled her eyes.

"Okay, it's useless for us to think about this kind of thing for the time being. The strength has not yet reached that level. Let's talk about something happy. A new starship will come off the production line tomorrow. I promised Anshan and the three sisters earlier. , Let a new child inherit Fushun's name, you can fulfill your promise."

"This is really good news, and it's not just Fushun, there is another one who can come back this time."

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