There is no need to hide it, after all, this is an extremely glorious thing, and it is something that the whole family can be proud of.

This point was also taken into consideration by the people above.

As the treasure of the country, everything about Sun Xianyun must be properly arranged, and no problem can be tolerated.

If the accident was caused by family factors, they would have nowhere to cry.

Therefore, after consulting Sun Xianyun's opinion before, the country began to arrange people to contact his family, and told Sun Xianyun's parents in secret - your son, now is just like the group of people who made contributions to the country incognito, A classified mission is being carried out.

What tasks can not be said.

Can't say where.

It is impossible to say when to leave and when to return.

The only thing that can be assured is that Sun Xianyun will not always live without seeing people or dead bodies.

At first, the parents of the family did not believe it, but when the mayor of their locality, the chief of the local army, and even the senior military officials came to the door to do ideological work for the two, Sun Xianyun's parents accepted this fact.

Their son, when they didn't know it at all, had completely gone to a place they couldn't see at all.

And this phone call was the first phone call my father made to Sun Xianyun after learning about this incident.

"Hello, Dad?"


On the phone, my father's voice came.

After a moment of hesitation, the father asked, "Your body, are you okay?"

"It's all right, don't worry, Dad. I eat well and sleep well."

"That's okay, your mother and I are not by your side, you have to take care of yourself, don't be too tired from work, take a break when you can..."

"...Don't worry at home, your mother and I are fine..."

The father's voice made Sun Xianyun feel a little nervous.

He knew that his father must have misunderstood something.

He must have thought that he was eating sand in the Gobi desert like the unsung heroes back then.

Sighing, Sun Xianyun said: "Dad, don't worry. Although I can't say the specific situation, I live a very good life, and I can come back this year for the Chinese New Year."

"Hmm... huh? You can come back during Chinese New Year!?"

"Strange, why can't you come back during the Chinese New Year? You can even get through on the phone. How do you think I'm doing now? What did they say to you and Mom? Why does it feel like I'm about to make a heroic sacrifice? Same……"

"Uh...haha, it's good if you can come back, it's good if you can come back, and then let your mother make you your favorite sausage. Oh, by the way, you don't have to force yourself, your parents won't bother you, us……"

Hearing that his father seemed to be a little worried, Sun Xianyun had no choice but to hang up the phone, then took a photo of himself with his mobile phone, and sent it to his father via V letter.

A few seconds later, my father's phone rang again.

"—Brat! Is there a woman lying next to you!? Is that your girlfriend!!!???"

Sun Xianyun: "......???"

He hurried back to look at the photo, only to realize that he had accidentally photographed a corner of Lexington's dark purple gauze.

"No, Dad, I showed you the photos to reassure you, I didn't eat sand, and my life is fine, why did you pay attention to strange places?"

"I don't care! It doesn't matter what you are doing now, kid. I don't care if I eat sand. I can come back during the Chinese New Year, right? Bring that girl doll back for me and your mother to see!"

Sun Xianyun: "...Oh puff!"

Alright, now I really have to pretend to be my girlfriend.

Chapter 44: Going Home

Just before the Chinese New Year, a group of experts from the Academy of Sciences finally basically understood the technology given by Sun Xianyun.

Even outside of the plasma propulsion, the cold nuclear fusion reactor was fumbled and built as an experimental product.

The effect is very good, although there are still some problems, and the performance is not as good as the sample given by Sun Xianyun, but it is far beyond the current technical level.

After all, this is nuclear fusion, and it still skips the cold fusion of thermonuclear fusion.

Strictly speaking, the energy source of Iron Man's suit in Marvel, the palladium reactor that was blown into the sky, is this kind of thing.

After basically understanding the technology, the experts from the Naval Ship Design Institute gave a time limit and promised to give a complete design plan within one month.

With the experience of independently designing and building two domestic aircraft carriers, coupled with the ready-made drawings of the power part and propulsion part, although the one-month time is very tight, it is not impossible to complete.

(PS In reality, the construction of an aircraft carrier is based on the design alone, but it is naturally impossible to do this in the novel, otherwise the progress will be too delayed)

Calculated according to the time, it won't be long after the Chinese New Year that Sun Xianyun will be able to carry out renovations and upgrades!

And when there are countless people serving Sun Xianyun behind this scene, the New Year has finally arrived.

Son Hyun-yoon University's exams have long since ended. Although he was always absent from class from time to time because of national missions, he and Lexington still achieved excellent results in their respective majors.

Even thinking about skipping a grade.

The super mental strength brought about by the system transformation made it easy for Sun Xianyun to study physics and mathematics at the same time, even if he had to do two things at once.

After the exam, Sun Xianyun took a plane with Lexington, departed from the capital, and returned to his hometown.

Sichuan Province, Meicheng.

When the high-speed rail stopped at Meicheng East Station, Sun Xianyun and Lexington walked out of the high-speed rail station together.

As a small city in the western region, although Meicheng is close to the provincial capital of Sichuan Province, its economy is not developed, the pace of life is extremely slow, the population in the city is not large, there is no airport, and the main means of external transportation are high-speed rail and highway.

It is a city that is very suitable for living, but not suitable for personal work and career development.

Sun Xianyun and Lexington first flew back to the provincial capital of Sichuan Province, and then took the high-speed train from the provincial capital to Meicheng.

"Phew...he's finally back."

After walking out of the high-speed rail station, looking at the familiar buildings outside and listening to the familiar local accent, Sun Xianyun stretched his waist to relieve the discomfort caused by the long-term flight and high-speed rail.

Because the New Year is approaching, the atmosphere in this small city is also starting to change. Along the way, Sun Xianyun saw many people with large and small bags, obviously returning home after working outside for the New Year.

As a major exporter of labor services, almost every city in Sichuan Province has such a grand occasion during the Chinese New Year.

Randomly found a taxi waiting for passengers outside the high-speed rail station. After getting in the taxi, Sun Xianyun told the driver his home address.

The driver glanced at Sun Xianyun and Lexington through the rearview mirror, and then started the vehicle.

The city is very small, even if Sun Xianyun's home and the high-speed rail station are located on both sides of the city, it didn't take more than half an hour to arrive outside his own community.

Couplets welcoming the New Year have been hung on both sides of the gate of the community, and there is a row of red lanterns on it. On the ground, you can still see the ashes of firecrackers that have been swept aside by the cleaners and have not had time to deal with them.

Although in principle it is not allowed to set off firecrackers in the urban area, it is a small city after all and the management is not very strict, so even now, Sun Xianyun can still hear the sound of firecrackers coming from nowhere from time to time.

Entering the community, there are many parents playing with their children in the garden, and you can also see some old people playing cards and chess together under the gazebo.

When passing through the garden, Sun Xianyun and Lexington almost attracted everyone's attention.

"Mom, she is a big sister from a foreign country"

There were children who were still waddling and yelling at Lexington.

"Whose child is here?"

"That little foreign girl is really pretty."

Ignoring the waves of discussion, Sun Xianyun and Lexington quickly came to the deepest part of the community.

Different from the high-end apartments in front, there are several villas in the deepest part.

One of them is Sun Xianyun's home.

Standing at the door with Lexington, Sun Xianyun rang the doorbell.

In the living room, the atmosphere at this time was extremely lively.

The uncles, aunts, and cousins ​​who returned to Meicheng from the provincial capital, the grandmother who lived in the next neighborhood who were taken over as members of the regiment, the uncles, aunts, and cousins ​​who worked in other provinces, plus Sun Xianyun's parents, a large group A bunch of people are watching TV while chatting about homework.

The sudden ringing of the doorbell interrupted everyone's chatting, and the cousin volunteered to run to the gate. First, she took a look at the video captured by the camera outside the door through the monitor hanging next to the door, and then—


"What's your name, girl?"

The aunt subconsciously scolded her daughter.

However, the cousin didn’t have time to respond to her mother. After she saw Lexington standing with Sun Xianyun through surveillance, she exclaimed excitedly, “Brother brought his girlfriend back”, and then opened the door impatiently. .

As soon as the door opened, Sun Xianyun saw his cousin's wicked smile.

"Hey hey brother hey hey hey hey"

Sun Xianyun: "..."

Seeing this thief girl's smile, Sun Xianyun couldn't help the corners of his eyes twitching slightly.

"Hey, brother, is this sister-in-law?"

Looking past Sun Xianyun to Lexington, the cousin's eyes were full of amazement.

This foreign big sister is so beautiful, she looks like someone who came out of an anime.

The little girl knew that her cousin was too good-looking since she was a child. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is a handsome male character in a girl manga. She never thought that her cousin would find a girlfriend who was so good-looking when he grew up.

"Okay, don't block the door anymore, go in first."

Seeing my cousin directly entering the door without any explanation, my cousin immediately uttered strange noises and stepped aside.

Chapter 45: It's time to eat!I've reached CP!

"Oh! Is Xianyun back?"

"Xianyun Xianyun, come quickly, I was talking about you just now!"

"Xianyun, is this little girl your girlfriend?"

"So lovely……"

When Sun Xianyun and Lexington walked into the house together, it was no surprise that he became the focus of the whole family.

Everyone looked at Lexington, and the so-called aunt smiled.

"Dad, Mom, grandma, uncle and aunt..."

Sun Xianyun greeted everyone one by one, then turned slightly sideways.

"This is my father, this is my mother, this is..."

Although he is essentially a person, it is better not to let his family know about this kind of thing, so Sun Xianyun had to show the illusion that he and Lexington are two people.

Every time Sun Xianyun introduced someone, Lexington nodded slightly and greeted in a low voice.

Listening to Lexington's well-spoken Chinese, the family breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, this little foreign girl can speak Chinese, otherwise they really don't know how to communicate with her.

You can't just sit there and stare blankly, right?

At that moment, after changing his shoes, Lexington was dragged by his mother to sit down on the sofa beside Sun Xianyun.

"What's your name?"

Looking at Lexington sitting next to him, the mother's eyes are full of love.

Although he is a foreigner, he does not have the rough pores and strong body odor of ordinary white women. On the contrary, he looks like a porcelain doll, perfectly in line with the aesthetics of oriental people.

His long flaxen-colored hair was draped like silk and satin, his eyebrows were as light as the distant mountains, his eyelashes were long and thick, slightly curly, and his eyes were as blue as the sky after the rain. Being looked at by Lexington with such eyes, my mother felt that she was My heart is almost melting.

"Auntie, my name is...well, Sun Xington."

"Oh, Sun Xington, huh? Chinese name?"

"Yes, this is my... Chinese name."

Everyone nodded, thinking that many foreigners would give themselves a Chinese name when living in China, so they didn't ask any more questions.

However, the surname is Sun?

To have the same surname as Sun Xianyun, if it is not a coincidence but a deliberate choice...

The eyes of everyone looking at Sun Xianyun became more subtle.

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