Who is this uncle of Qiyana?

Compared to the eldest lady of ME Club who just guessed in her heart, Paramecium Baimaotuanzi chose to ask directly.

"Uncle, Uncle, why do they call you Commander?"

"Remember what I told you when we first got in touch?"

Sun Xianyun let Qiyana get close to him, and asked a question.

Qiyana tilted her head and thought for a while: "Well, remember, uncle, you asked me if I was hungry!"

"It's not this sentence." Gently patted her on the head, Sun Xianyun said, "I said at the time, I'm a soldier."


Looking at the whole world, except in the rabbit family, it is not necessarily a word that can make people let go of their guard and create a sense of trust in any country.

Instead, the overwhelming majority of people's instinctive emotions when they learn that a person belongs to the military are alienation and fear.

Situations like Rabbit are the anomalies - and Son Hyun Yoon is proud of it.

Qiyana shook her head, and suddenly leaned into Sun Xianyun's ear and whispered: "Uncle, why do I think everyone else here is weird?"

Can you not blame it?Everyone has a straight Sima face, no matter what happens, there will be no change in expression, like a plaster cast, normal people will not feel strange, then there is something wrong.

This is also normal. In fact, these researchers are all robots remotely controlled by countless scientists in the local world. When they were manufactured, they did not consider adding expression changes to them, which is of no practical use at all.

If it weren't for the consideration that human beings are used to using their own bodies for activities, these puppet research robots would not even be set in human form when they were manufactured.

Sun Xianyun roughly explained their situation, and the two girls whispered.

Because of the collapse, the level of science and technology in this world is much higher than that of the local world at the same time, but those advanced technologies are not something that two girls can come into contact with casually. There is no 2.5 difference between other ordinary people in the native world at the same time.

"Okay, here we are."

Entering a research room, Sun Xianyun turned around and looked at Mei behind him with a smile.

"Here we can conduct a comprehensive analysis of Miss Thunder's physical condition. Please rest assured that our researchers are the most professional. If there are hidden dangers in your body due to the implanted conquest gem, they will definitely find out for you."

Glancing at the suspiciously shaped training cabin-like thing in the center of the laboratory, Mei blinked, her calves trembling a little.

She felt as if she had become a guinea pig.

PS. Because the title of the book should not have words such as [Cultivation], so I have to change the name again, and change it to "Journey to the Star Sea with the Guardian of the Galaxy", and the cover is also changed. Sorry for the inconvenience caused~

Again PS. In addition, I am busy at work today and can't find free codewords during working hours, so the update is late~.

Chapter 460 The personality of the frightened Herrscher of Thunder

Sometimes, Sun Xianyun would also think about it himself, why he looks so young, even if he is only 24 or [-] years old on his ID card, why is he often regarded as his father's generation?

Especially when he came to this world and found that Qiyana was transforming into a paramecium at an extremely fast speed when facing him and at the same time was still approaching the position of the eldest lady, he became more and more entangled.

Later, the eldest lady explained to Sun Xianyun like this:

"Dad, why do you always omit the time you spent in other worlds when calculating your age, and only count the time in your home world? Could it be that you did it on purpose? You don't want to admit it?"

Then, Sun Xianyun was hit violently.

If you count the time in the mission world, he is more than 30 years old...

The time on the ID card can be deceiving, the time calculation in the local world can be deceiving, and the appearance that never changes after spiritual awakening can be deceiving, but the time that Sun Xianyun has personally experienced can never be deceiving.

Realizing this, at this moment Qiyana suddenly called Dad in a strange state, and Sun Xianyun found himself accepting it very quickly.

(Comrade Siegfried, is this another way of prying corners?)

Thinking silently in his heart, Sun Xianyun looked at a certain white-haired dumpling who was so ashamed and wanted to blow up his hair but inexplicably calmed down because he touched his head, a very subtle sense of pleasure surfaced in his heart.

"Uncle! You laugh so disgustingly!"

Kiyana's voice brought him back to his senses, and then he put down the hand touching his head.

As the warm palm left the top of her head, Qiyana suddenly felt a huge emptiness and reluctance.

Shaking his head violently, the two big braids slammed into a ball around his body, and Qiyana slapped himself hard on the face again.

Calm down, Kiyana!Uncle is uncle, stinky dad is stinky dad, it's different!


If the smelly dad can be as good-looking and reliable as the uncle, how good would it be?

She couldn't help but secretly raised her eyes again, and carefully glanced at Sun Xianyun so that he wouldn't notice. Qiyana bit her lips lightly, and a strange sense of grievance emerged from the bottom of her heart.

Although he felt the peeping eyes of this paramecium very clearly, but now is obviously not the time to continue teasing this girl.

Similar to how he treated Asakura Miyuki, but different, Sun Xianyun's spiritual energy poured into Mei's body.

Then, he touched the gem of conquest in her chest.

After the spiritual energy invaded, the Houkai energy in Mei's body rushed forward just like the Houkai energy in Asakura Miyuki's body before.

But unlike Asakura Miyuki's Honkai Neng, or even the Honkai Neng free in the air, the Honkai Neng in Mei's body did not show obvious mania or the backstab feeling of trying to overcome it, on the contrary, it was much more docile.

In other words, although it is still restless, it has maintained the greatest degree of restraint.

Reminiscent of Mei's ability to suppress the Herrscher personality in her body to a certain extent, maybe this has something to do with it?

"Honkai energy, or the Honkai energy that enters the individual instead of dissociating in the air, is it still affected by the individual's own situation¨〃?"

As soon as this guess came into being, Sun Xianyun glanced at Qiyana.

I have to find some time to also look at the Houkai energy in this girl's body, and maybe I have to look at other people's more.

If Kiana, Mei, Asakura Miyuki, and even all the people he observes in the future have different properties in their Houkai energy, then this guess is likely to be true.

And just as Sun Xianyun was thinking about this, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Who are you? 』

Similar to Mei's voice, but much colder.

Herrscher of Thunder?

In an instant, Sun Xianyun judged the owner of the voice.

"What do you want to do to Mei! ? 』

Seeing that Sun Xianyun did not answer, Lei Lu asked again.

(Don't worry, I won't do anything unfavorable to Miss Thunder.)

"Damn... If you dare to harm Mei, I will not let you go!" 』

Sun Xianyun raised his eyebrows.

This Leilu is a bit weird.

Logically speaking, shouldn't she put on a high-ranking posture and say "human" and shut "human" when facing her?

But now, although Lei Lu's tone is still quite aggressive, Sun Xianyun found that she seems to be...

(are you scared?)

"Fear?ridiculous! 』

(You're just scared. Although you are not human, the emotional aspect is common. Unfortunately, I am very sensitive to the emotional perception of the signs of intelligent life.)

This time, Lei Lu remained silent, as if acquiescing to Sun Xianyun's judgment.

(Don't worry, since you're already awake, you should also know about Qiyana's affairs. With the relationship between me and that child, and Miss Thunder as the person she cares about, do you think I will be disadvantageous to Miss Thunder?)

"Who knows? 』

(I'm curious, what am I to you?)

What Sun Xianyun asked was ".‖What am I", not "Who am I".

He really wanted to know what kind of existence he was in the eyes of Herrscher.

Asakura Miyuki regards him as a god, but Asakura Miyuki is not a Herrscher, not even a pseudo-herrscher. If it weren't for Sun Xianyun, she would have already become a monster. The Houkai can maintain a delicate balance, endowing her with powerful but not comparable to Herrscher and Quasi-Herrscher's abilities, while maintaining her rationality as a human being.

Therefore, although Sun Xianyun in Asakura Miyuki's cognition has reference, it is not great.

"I don't know, you're weird. 』

Sun Xianyun was a little surprised by Lei Lu's answer.

(I think I'm human.)

"Are you fooling me?Humans are the answer that should be ruled out in the first place. 』

"Your existence confuses me...soft"

Lei Li was really confused.

She has heard the voice of the will of the Houkai, and she also knows that she is the Herrscher who stands on the opposite side of human beings.

Because of this, she knows exactly what it feels like to be in contact with the will of the collapse.

The Sun Xianyun in front of her gave her a sense of uncontrollable surrender when facing the will of the Houkai, but it was different from the real will of the Houkai.

Facing the will of Honkai, Lei Lu couldn't think of any resistance, so he could only obey unconditionally.

But in the face of Sun Xianyun, her subconscious mind told her that this was an existence more terrifying than the Honkai will, but Lei Lu did not have the all-round sense of oppression when facing the Honkai will.

It's like, one is a tyrant who doesn't have any emotions, says what he says, and is arbitrary.

And the other is a benevolent gentleman who is rich in emotion, relatively gentle, and able to listen to opinions.

Chapter 461 Kiana feels cheated

Sometimes, Sun Xianyun would also think about it himself, why he looks so young, even if he is only 24 or [-] years old on his ID card, why is he often regarded as his father's generation?

Especially when he came to this world and found that Qiyana was transforming into a paramecium at an extremely fast speed when facing him and at the same time was still approaching the position of the eldest lady, he became more and more entangled.

Later, the eldest lady explained to Sun Xianyun like this:

"Dad, why do you always omit the time you spent in other worlds when calculating your age, and only count the time in your home world? Could it be that you did it on purpose? You don't want to admit it?"

Then, Sun Xianyun was hit violently.

If you count the time in the mission world, he is more than 30 years old...

The time on the ID card can be deceiving, the time calculation in the local world can be deceiving, and the appearance that never changes after spiritual awakening can be deceiving, but the time that Sun Xianyun has personally experienced can never be deceiving.

Realizing this, at this moment Qiyana suddenly called Dad in a strange state, and Sun Xianyun found himself accepting it very quickly.

(Comrade Siegfried, is this another way of prying corners?)

Thinking silently in his heart, Sun Xianyun looked at a certain white-haired dumpling who was so ashamed and wanted to blow up his hair but inexplicably calmed down because he touched his head, a very subtle sense of pleasure surfaced in his heart.

"Uncle! You laugh so disgustingly!"

Kiyana's voice brought him back to his senses, and then he put down the hand touching his head.

As the warm palm left the top of her head, Qiyana suddenly felt a huge emptiness and reluctance.

Shaking his head violently, the two big braids slammed into a ball around his body, and Qiyana slapped himself hard on the face again.

Calm down, Kiyana!Uncle is uncle, stinky dad is stinky dad, it's different!


If the smelly dad can be as good-looking and reliable as the uncle, how good would it be?

She couldn't help but secretly raised her eyes again, and carefully glanced at Sun Xianyun so that he wouldn't notice. Qiyana bit her lips lightly, and a strange sense of grievance emerged from the bottom of her heart.

Although he felt the peeping eyes of this paramecium very clearly, but now is obviously not the time to continue teasing this girl.

Similar to how he treated Asakura Miyuki, but different, Sun Xianyun's spiritual energy poured into Mei's body.

Then, he touched the gem of conquest in her chest.

After the spiritual energy invaded, the Houkai energy in Mei's body rushed forward just like the Houkai energy in Asakura Miyuki's body before.

But unlike Asakura Miyuki's Honkai Neng, or even the Honkai Neng free in the air, the Honkai Neng in Mei's body did not show obvious mania or the backstab feeling of trying to overcome it, on the contrary, it was much more docile.

In other words, although it is still restless, it has maintained the greatest degree of restraint.

Reminiscent of Mei's ability to suppress the Herrscher personality in her body to a certain extent, maybe this has something to do with it?

"Honkai energy, or the Honkai energy that enters the individual instead of dissociating in the air, is it still affected by the individual's own situation¨〃?"

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