The joy that Teresa had just raised dissipated in an instant.

Sun Xianyun almost laughed at the picture of changing face like a child.

People who are dozens of years old in terms of actual age are still so innocent, that is to say, Otto really took good care of Theresa, so that she can support her after facing the disaster of collapse in this world. into such a temper.

Frowning, Teresa began to think about the possibility of only taking Kiana and giving up Mei.

A Herrscher put her outside like this. Although it was also taken in by a force, she didn't understand this force at all.

This put Theresa in a dilemma.

Fortunately, judging from the third collapse of Changkong City, Sun Xianyun and the forces behind him can be trusted to a certain extent.

It has to be mentioned that Sun Xianyun forcibly saved Changkong City and saved millions of lives, which won a lot of goodwill from many people.

Chapter 481 Mr. Bishop crushed the wine glass

In the end, Teresa took Qiyana and left alone.

After promising all kinds of benefits and promises, and even promising that the girl would come back to play every weekend and that I would definitely visit her when I had time, and other conditions, a certain white hairy dumpling cried out with tears in her eyes. Follow Teresa and Himeko on the way to Saint Freya Academy.

Because Siegfried left without saying goodbye, Paramecium was actually extremely afraid of parting.

And a few days after Teresa and the others left, another person came to the door.

"Gui'an, Lord Xianyun, I'm very sorry for disturbing you without prior notice."

After returning home from the research institute, Sun Xianyun saw Rita who was bowing to him respectfully.

This S-class car rollover Valkyrie who is beside Otto who specializes in doing dirty work for him.

Many people mentioned that Rita always thinks of her various overturns, but in fact Rita's situation is a normal performance of an S-rank Valkyrie.

Ulandal or the real Kiyana?She was rated S rank because the highest is only S rank.

Theresa?Eliminate Judas and let her try?

"It is you."

Sun Xianyun took off the coat on his shoulders, handed it to Belfast who had already stepped forward, and then walked to the side sofa and sat down.

"What's the matter? Otto asked you to come?"

"As expected of Mr. Xianyun, his eyes are like torches."

"There's no need to say any more compliments, what did Otto ask you to do?"

Rita was a little uncomfortable with Sun Xianyun's straightforward way of speaking.

Because of her personality, she is more used to playing around in circles with people, and achieves what she wants to achieve in an atmosphere that seems to be chatting unconsciously.

But the excellent quality still made Rita adjust in an instant, she put away the somewhat business-like smile on her face, and said in a respectful tone: "Master Bishop hopes to have a direct chat with Master Xianyun some time chat〃."

It's not just a direct chat, Changkong City doesn't know how many fate's eyeliners are in it now.

Sun Xianyun's previous actions almost attracted all the attention of this man.

Herrschers, angels, mechanical troops who obviously have super artificial intelligence, as well as powerful means with unknown principles that I have shown.

All this interested Otto too much.

However, Sun Xianyun directly surrounded an area near his home and research institute with psychic energy, and set up a permanent spiritual hint similar to the dispersal of idlers.

Under such circumstances, the eyeliner sent by Tianming to Changkong City could not get any useful information at all.

That is, Sun Xianyun left a back door for Otto—after all, he will go to this man sooner or later—so Rita, who got the order, was able to enter Sun Xianyun's house unimpeded.

Thinking of the jittery feeling she felt when she arrived in Changkong City, Rita seriously suspected that she might be targeted by various deadly attacks without her knowing.

——In fact, this is exactly the case. Sun Xianyun glanced at the command link consciously and found that Rita is now being targeted by the fire control radar of more than a hundred directional particle cannons.

There are even a few mischievous little Transformers aiming their rail guns at the poor maid.

This group of guys played like this because it was impossible for these attacks to cause damage to Sun Xianyun.

Not only her, but even the Destiny special plane that she was driving and parked at Changkong City Airport at this time.

During this period of time, Sun Xianyun was not only doing his best to study Honkai, but the energetic little Transformers of the Cybertron Heavy Armor Attack Team under him had turned the entire Changkong City into a super military fortress because they had nothing to do.

More than [-] hidden cannons of various types, all-weather and full-band wide-area radars, missile launch matrices and even satellite orbital guns were sent to the sky.

If it wasn't for Sun Xianyun's permission, these guys would even cover the entire Changkong City with a city-level energy shield...

At present, it seems that these things are still at the acceptable level of the world's technological level, and have not caused a violent reaction from the "civilization examiner" of the collapse, but Sun Xianyun does not know that if these guys really put the items in the plan After [Hyperdimensional Fire Support], [Tactical Vacuum Implosion Bomb], and [Synchronous Orbit Gamma Ray Generator] are also deployed, will Honkai go crazy?

The external forces are not clear about the changes in Changkong City, but they do know that this originally normal city seems to have turned into a black hole-like existence in a very short period of time, no matter how much manpower and material resources they invest in, even a single Can't even hit the water splash.

As for the Far East officials who theoretically manage Changkong City?

They are already lying flat.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Changkong City has now fallen into the hands of a mysterious force that can wrestle with destiny, and the officials of the Far East simply don't have the guts to come out and make trouble.

".‖ Let's talk, Otto will come in person?"

Sun Xianyun looked at Rita leisurely.

He did not believe that Otto would come in person.

Sure enough, Rita apologized again: "I'm sorry, the bishop is too busy with affairs, and I hope to have a direct online call with you, Xianyun."

Is Otto not coming?

Tsk, he still wants to try to see if he can catch this guy.

"I'm free from ten to eleven tomorrow morning, how about that time?"

"Thank you very much for Mr. Xianyun's agreement. I will pass on your proposal to Mr. Bishop."

After speaking, Rita left.

It wasn't until she walked out of Sun Xianyun's house that she breathed a sigh of relief - the feeling that she was locked by a weapon that could easily kill her disappeared.

At the same time, Otto in the distance was sitting in his exclusive office for the Archbishop.

"Master Bishop..."

Rita's connection came through.

Otto gave a low laugh.

After Rita entered the range of Changkong City, all the means he left on the other party to allow him to understand the situation in real time all collapsed.

At this time, although Rita contacted him normally, there was still no news of the other people who went to Changkong City with her.

"It's really watertight."

Shaking his head, while listening to Rita's remote report, Otto picked up a document at hand.

That's about Kiana's recent situation.

"It seems that we should start from this aspect."

Chapter 482 Training

The next day, in the morning.

Humming an ancient tune from 500 years ago, Otto in a clean white suit stood in front of the full-length mirror, carefully arranging the tie on his chest.

After wiping his hair, he looked at the mirror with a smile like the hero who came out of a girl's manga, as if countless red rose petals were blooming behind him and popping pink bubbles, Otto turned around and looked at Shi Li Amber behind.

"How is this image?"


"Well, I know it's not much use asking for your opinion."

Shaking his head, Otto sighed in his heart that Rita was more useful at this time, and said, "How are you preparing?"

"Master Rita has sent back the news that the bishop is ready to talk to the other party at any time."

Taking Amber to an open-air balcony, under the warm sunshine, Otto sat behind a round table, and asked Amber to put high-end red wine on the table.

After finishing all this, Amber placed a holographic projector on the opposite side of the round table.

With the start of the projector, a figure in military uniform and a cloak appeared on the opposite side of the round table.

And behind him, there was a silver-haired maid standing quietly and quietly.

897 At the same time, in different places, the two actually met in this disguised face-to-face manner with extremely similar gestures.


Raising his wine glass, Otto greeted Sun Xianyun.

"your good friend."


Sun Xianyun also toasted.

Opposite him is Otto's projection, and next to the projection is Rita, who is in charge of communication on his side.

Taking a sip, Sun Xianyun put down his wine glass and looked up at Otto. His right leg was resting on his left leg, and his fingers in white gloves were interlocked on his thighs. His eyebrows were raised slightly.

"Mr. Bishop sent Ms. Rita to convey the meaning of contact in his busy schedule. I don't know why?"

"Naturally, it is to solemnly express my gratitude to my friend for fighting against the third Honkai."

Sun Xianyun would not believe a word of this.

Cocolia has done such a big thing, how could Tianming not know about Changkong City beforehand?

It can be said that Otto was watching the third Honkai outbreak with a cold eye.

It's just that Sun Xianyun was killed halfway.

"Thanks are not necessary. Ensuring the orderly development and prosperity of civilization and protecting potential intelligent civilization from threats from outside civilization is one of our highest goals."


Otto's eyes flickered slightly.

The information revealed by these words is too great.

Combined with the information Rita passed back before and the investigation of Sun Xianyun, Otto felt as if he had caught something.

Of course, he also knew that Sun Xianyun said this sentence to him on purpose, and how much credibility it is remains to be discussed.

"It's a very lofty concept, it's amazing." Otto pondered for a moment, then said slowly, "This makes me more interested in your story, my friend."

"In addition, apart from the things in Changkong City, I would also like to thank you, my friend, for taking care of Qiyana during this time. This child is more or less me... Well, I grew up watching it."

Could it be that you grew up watching it?Kiyana or K423 was even born into this world because of you.

"Who wouldn't like Qiyana, who is so innocent and even a little silly?"

When he said this, Sun Xianyun adjusted his posture slightly, and his back became straighter and straighter.

Otto nodded.

So, is this warning him not to do bad things to K423, to keep that kid happy like this?

If this is the case, some things will have to be changed in terms of implementation.

In addition, these words seem to imply that Sun Xianyun knows something.

Otto's thoughts changed sharply, but his expression remained calm.

Although the current situation does not give him a headache, it feels somewhat tricky.

The other side is too mysterious and like an iron bucket, water can't get into it, needles can't get in, and there are too few chips in his hand that can be used to communicate.

"My friend, what are your plans for the future? If you are determined to fight against Honkai, I think we can cooperate, um, great cooperation."

Sun Xianyun kept silent, just looked at Otto.

Obviously, he was waiting for the other side to show sincerity.

Otto didn't know about this, he snapped his fingers lightly.


Rita, who was standing opposite Sun Xianyun, immediately took out a document and handed it to Belfast, who then handed it over to Sun Xianyun.

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