Sun Xianyun raised his eyebrows.


Chapter 558: Big Void

Sun Xianyun didn't know how to explain his complicated mood now.

The Rabbit family finally found a planet that has no owner and can be colonized without transformation. They happily made a series of plans, but found out that this planet actually has an owner?

If this was changed to Yingjiabao, I am afraid that there will be no worries. Maybe a reward order of "one curator's scalp 5 eagle yuan" can be issued on the spot, and then the land can be used as a peace of mind. Own.

Oh, considering the physical characteristics of the curators, maybe they don't want the scalp but the big... ahem, geoduck?

But in any case, it is absolutely impossible for a rabbit to do such a thing.

In the current situation, the best result is probably to reach an agreement with the curator to jointly develop this planet.

"...So, is this planet your curator's?"

Hearing this, the curator shook his long nose on his face.

"No, no, this planet does not belong to us."


These words made everyone's disappointed faces light up again, and Sun Xianyun asked anxiously: "You mean, this is an unowned star?"

"If there is currently no third-party civilization on this planet that has issued an announcement to show its ownership, or has established a space building similar to an outpost in the galaxy."

The curator winked at Sun Xianyun.

This is really good news. I originally thought that this planet would change hands, but I didn't expect that it was still in the hands of the rabbit in the end.

With this understanding, Sun Xianyun's attitude towards the curator in front of him became more and more cordial.

Stretching out his right hand to the curator, Sun Xianyun smiled and said, "Well, let me introduce you formally. My name is Sun Xianyun, the commander-in-chief of the Rabbit Space Force. We are a peace-loving civilization. Our country discovered this planet not long ago. At present It is under construction."

The curator looked at Sun Xianyun's outstretched right hand in a strange way, which made Sun Xianyun realize that the other party didn't know human etiquette.

But just when Sun Xianyun was about to take back his hand, the curator on the opposite side imitated him and stretched out his hand, and then touched his palm.

"Is it your social etiquette to touch hands like this?"

"No, it's a handshake."

"Oh, that's interesting."

The curator imitated Sun Xianyun and shook hands with him before introducing himself:

"My name is Abrak Politastali Sufarahi..."

After reporting a series of at least fifty notes, the curator whose name was too long to remember added cheerfully: "Our name is very long, and each verse contains a special meaning. Among us curators, we only need to rely on the name to judge a person’s family, history, hobbies, position, important achievements and other detailed information, but for you of foreign races, just call me Abrak.”

Very interesting alien culture. It seems that some relatively ancient tribes on the earth maintain similar customs. Because of backward productivity and lack of perfect bookkeeping habits, they rely on long names to record the past of a person or even a family in disguise. history.

This situation is especially common in the Black Africa region, where the matching mechanism is extremely good.

Sun Xianyun did not expect that such a troublesome custom would be maintained in an advanced interstellar civilization.

"By the way, you can activate my hibernation pod. Are you the newly recruited subordinate civilization of the "Manager"?"

"Administrator? What is that? Our country does not have a sovereign state in any sense. It is a completely independent country in terms of diplomacy."


Sun Xianyun's explanation made Abrak groan in doubt, and looked at the people in front of him with some doubts.

After a while, he tentatively asked again: ", are you also the 'Pioneer of Silence'?"

This time, there was a bit of awe in his eyes.

"The Herald of Silence?"

Sun Xianyun's reaction obviously told Abrak that the Tu family was not the so-called silent pioneer at all.


Abrak's eyes gradually widened, as if he had discovered something very remarkable.

"Not the pioneer of silence, are you a descendant civilization? The descendant civilization can actually analyze the dormancy technology of the manager... Wait, have I been dormant for more than an era?"

"No, I need to confirm!"

After finishing speaking, Abrak hurriedly ran towards the operating table beside him, as if he wanted to activate some equipment.

Sun Xianyun gave a look, and Aurora, who was closest to the console, immediately stepped forward to stop Abrak.

"Friend, are you...?"

"I'm sorry." Sun Xianyun smiled slightly at Abrak, "It's your first contact with me. In order to ensure safety, I don't want you to activate some equipment that I don't understand unless you explain to me your motives and what you just said. the meaning of those words spoken”

"Sensible and calm decision."

Abrak was unexpectedly not angry, but nodded approvingly.

"It is very necessary to maintain this kind of calmness in the first contact with a strange civilization. We curators have seen too many little guys who are too xenophobia and eventually perish."

Abandoning the original idea, Abrak tidied up the robe on his body a little, and then slowly explained:

"I want to find out how long it has been since I last hibernated."

"I can help you with this. We can accurately calculate how many years have passed since the birth of the universe."

In the past, human beings could only give an approximate value of 138 billion years for the age of the universe, but now, the rabbit family has been able to accurately estimate this time to within ten years.

At the same time, directly telling Abrak the specific age of the universe can also judge the technical level of these curators from whether the other party can use this data to obtain their own sleeping time.


Abrak nodded, and Nimf quickly gave the data.


"...Already, is it almost 2000...?"

Abrak swayed for a while.

"How come, in 2000, why didn't other clansmen come to wake me up? The manager... Did something happen to the manager..."

Seeing that the other party's mind seemed to be shaking violently, Sun Xianyun remained silent and did not disturb him.

After a while, after 2.5 came back to his senses, Abulak, who had collected his thoughts, nodded to Sun Xianyun in apology.

"Sorry, have you waited for a long time?"

"It's okay, as long as you can solve the doubts in my heart, for example, what kind of civilization are you, and what are the managers and silent heralds you speak of?"


Abrak nodded.

"Pioneer of Silence is what our curators call those super civilizations that have survived the last natural disaster in the last era and continued to this era, because most of them have been severely damaged by natural disasters, and the entire civilization has maintained extreme inertia. People seem to have no desire to explore the outside world at all, and keep their own galaxy behind closed doors."

"Of course, as far as we know, more descendant civilizations have another name for the Silent Pioneer."

"That is—the Fallen Empire.".

Chapter 559: A Civilization Struggling in an Isolated Island

"Close the door? Refuse to explore outside?"

Sun Xianyun frowned.

This kind of behavior, which was similar to seclusion, made Sun Xianyun suddenly realize something.

"It's not that they don't have the idea of ​​​​exploring the outside world, but that this universe basically has no secrets for them, right?"

"It can be understood in this way, after all, it is a pioneer civilization."

Abrak nodded, and was a little surprised that Sun Xianyun could realize the key point so quickly.

"We don't know exactly how many silent pioneers there are. Among the silent pioneers we know, some have completely perished in this era, while some may still survive."

Sun Xianyun thought of Wo Taomu.

This civilization is also a pioneer, and it also continues from the last era to this era.

But then they committed suicide en masse.

"Among the silent pioneers we know, there are four silent pioneers, or fallen empires, which deserve special attention. They are "Knowledge Managers", "Holy Land Guardians", "Military Isolators" and "Mysterious Observers" .”

19 Zhiguan, Shengwei, Jungu and Secret View.

"Of course, no one knows their real names, and the above titles are just code names given by our curators based on their behavior patterns."

"And among them, knowledge managers, that is, managers, attach great importance to the supervision of some extremely advanced and dangerous scientific knowledge. In order to prevent some reckless junior civilizations from opening the gate to hell unknowingly, they often Intervene on the eve of those civilizations that are about to point out dangerous technologies."

"Our curator was approached by the other party for this reason, and then accepted as a servant."

"After that, we abandoned our home planet, wandered the entire universe with giant space stations as settlements, and assisted the managers in dealing with those dangerous relics of the previous era. At the same time, when necessary, we will give some potential descendant civilizations Help in scientific research, guide them to the right path, and prevent them from developing dangerous technologies—by the way, do you need our help in scientific research? Please rest assured that our charges are very fair, and we promise not to tamper with any data , now you can still enjoy it when you place an order... Ah, sorry, I was used to sales before, and I haven't changed this habit yet."

Sun Xianyun's head was full of black lines.

However, Abrak told Sun Xianyun a lot of very useful news.

Fallen Empire, or Silent Herald?

Since there are silent pioneers, is there an awakened pioneer who is not silent?

Thinking about it carefully, Wotaum seems to fit this setting, but they are too awakened, and they believe that this universe is false, and finally adopt the method of collective self-destruction to try to get rid of the so-called falsehood.

It is indeed difficult for human minds to understand this idea.

Could it be that in such a huge civilization, among the tens of billions or even more individuals, there is not a single person who has the desire to survive?

"So, what's going on with this base, why are you sleeping here?"

Sun Xianyun asked another question.

Abrak sighed.

"It's a long story to tell."

"It's okay. We have melon seeds, peanuts, mineral water and even beer stools. You speak slowly, and we listen slowly."

Sun Xianyun took out a bunch of small benches, placed a row of snacks in front of him, led the girls to sit down, and then collectively looked up at him.

Sun Xianyun even waved to him.

"Would you like to try it? Drink and talk?—Hey Saratoga, give me that bag of boozy peanuts."

"Good brother-in-law!"

Abrak was dumbfounded, apparently in his past years of life experience, he had never seen such a scene.

But soon, this guy was very happy to join in.

——Anyone who hasn’t eaten for nearly 2000 years can’t help seeing this scene suddenly, right?

As for whether aliens eating snacks on the earth will directly cause indigestion, endocrine disorders or even food poisoning, Abrak is confident that he can completely solve these small problems with his technical level.

"I was originally the leader of the exploration team under the curator's space station. During a regular space jump, my teammates and I encountered a rare space turbulence, and then strayed into a big hole."

"Big hole?"

With a spicy stick in her mouth, a series of question marks popped out of Qiyana's head.

"Hmph, you really are an idiot!" Xiao Suzheng glanced at her contemptuously, and then explained, "The so-called big void means that on a very, very large scale, the number of galaxies is extremely rare or even non-existent. It’s as if a huge empty space appeared in the universe.”

"totally do not understand!"

Kiyana continued to shake her head, her face full of pride.

"This is not something that can be said in a very proud tone!"

Lexington tapped Kiana's head lightly, and then further explained: "Taking the Milky Way and the Andromeda Nebula as examples, it is about 250 million light-years away from the earth, which is extremely far away from the perspective of humans. , but on a cosmic scale, the distance between Andromeda and the Milky Way is very close."

"The same is true for other galaxies. Galaxies are close together to form a larger galaxy cluster on a macro scale. Under astronomical observation, you will find that this area is full of bright stars and stars."

"However, there are also such situations in the universe, that is, in an extremely large area macroscopically, the number of galaxies is very rare, or even none at all. A place like 463 is called a large void. Take the void as an example. It is a void with a diameter of 2.5 million light-years. In other words, within the range of 2.5 million light-years in diameter, you cannot find any stars. If you look in the direction, you will find that in a bright starry sky, there will be a huge black area that does not exist."

Only then did Kiyana nod in understanding.

Sun Xianyun turned his head to look at Abrak, and found that this guy was already full of oil.

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