"I see!"

Sun Xianyun gave a military salute.

This was the first time that someone was sent directly to the Great Hollow, and the mission was extremely risky, but it was precisely because of this that Sun Xianyun, the commander in chief, had to go there in person.

The high-level executives hid behind themselves, yelling, "Brothers, come for me." However, they sat on the Diaoyutai and watched others go to death. That's a bald man, not a rabbit.

Beside Mr. Yang, there are still a few old friends.

Satos, the current king of Morita, was holding the hand of his younger sister, Elisir, and nodded slightly at him.

The current supreme leader of the Phoenix Federation, the elf Korano is also there.

Mimitar of Brog is there too.

The reason is naturally that there are many people from the Morita tribe, Brog Mushroom, and the Phoenix Federation in the fleet that accompanied them to the Great Hollow.

The fate of the three clans has long been firmly bound to the rabbit, and this is also their reward for their long-term support for the rabbit. For this mission, people from the three clans who served in the Space Force signed up even more enthusiastically than the rabbits themselves. enthusiasm.

Afterwards, Sun Xianyun's eyes swept over the members who were about to follow him to the big hole.

On the ship's side, there are three sisters from Belfast, Saratoga, Chaoge, Chang'an and Yixian.

In addition, there are three little Icarus, as well as Ulandal, Rita, Fu Hua and Himeko.Among the remaining people, Qiyana and others were forced to stay by Sun Xianyun because the course had not yet ended.

Twelve regular starships, with one scientific research ship, four engineering ships, and the Hornet's Cybertron heavy attack group.

Even so, such a combat power is unlikely to find an opponent in the known world.

What's more, the L star gate has been completely repaired. In case of emergency and support is needed, the huge fleet can be called from the mainland at any time.

The only problem is probably because the distance is too far away, even if it is super-dimensional fire support, Sun Xianyun will be more confident-if it doesn't work, he can let the star ring fire a shot on the earth, and the long-range Setting off fireworks for the enemy, isn't it?

"Then, off we go!"

Nodding to Elder Yang, Sun Xianyun looked down at the soldiers who had already lined up in square formations.

"All of them, board the ship!"

The order was issued, and tens of thousands of soldiers walked in neat steps, making strong footsteps, and slowly walked into their respective starships.

In the distance, the huge star gate began to start slowly, and a rather dazzling torrent of energy flowed through the energy conducting tube, making the star gate seem to turn into a small sun.

Even if the vacuum cannot transmit sound, people who occasionally look up at the star gate have the illusion of hearing a low roar.

『The boarding of A013 is complete! 』

『The boarding of A014 is complete! 』

『The boarding of A015 is complete! 』


"Attention all units, start the self-inspection of the hull system!Confirm the formation situation!Check the destination coordinates!All officers at all levels reconfirmed the status of their subordinates on duty! 』

"Start the fleet roll call..."

"...The roll call is over!Final confirmation is complete!Ready to go anytime! 』

When such news came from the command link, Sun Xianyun turned around suddenly, raised his cloak, and walked towards the Lexington ahead.

"The whole army, set sail!"

The huge nozzle of the propeller at the tail of the starship gradually lit up with a faint blue light.

The plasma tail flame pushed the huge hull of 513 to slowly break away from the anchor bracket of the port. When the Lexington was completely out of the port, the follow-up starships quickly followed.

The ship girls showed their bodies and guarded the Lexington, followed by regular starships.

Standing in the port, watching the scene of the fleet's journey, Mr. Yang led the people to salute silently again.

As the fleet got closer and closer to the L star gate, the distortion of space became more and more intense.

Even though Realization has used the unmanned ship to conduct jumping experiments, and has even collected some data in the large cavity through the advance unmanned ship, and confirmed that the L-star gate can work normally, everyone is still nervous at this time.

In the passage in the center of the star gate, a huge space-time vortex slowly emerged.

The head of the USS Lexington plunged headlong into it, and the entire hull quickly became unreal.

The next moment, the starship disappeared.

The following starships followed immediately, and the space-time vortex disappeared until the last starship passed through the star gate.

Mr. Yang took a deep breath——

"Start contacting the fleet! Keep calling! Until a response is received!"

Time began to pass by every minute and every second.

I don't know how long it has passed, and finally, cheers resounded in the headquarters.

"We have received a response! The fleet has safely arrived in the Great Hollow!!!!"

PS. The work unit has a dinner party tonight, and it may be very late when I come back. The remaining chapter will be added tomorrow~~.

Chapter 590 A Straight Ball from Miss Himeko

PS· I don’t go home until 10 o’clock, and write a chapter before going to bed, hehe~ sleep!

Following a slight vibration of the hull, a notification sounded in the command link——

『The subspace voyage is over and has entered the main material universe. 』

『All ships are starting system self-inspection. 』

This is also a traditional process. After all, subspace navigation is different from normal cruises, and routine inspections after each completion are necessary.

Similar tedious work abounds in the daily work of the fleet. It is a tradition inherited by the Space Force from the Rabbit’s original tradition of the three armed forces—probably because it was poor in the past, and every good thing is carefully maintained like a lifeline. , Even now that it is rich enough to launch more than 100 space projects at the same time, this fine tradition has not been lost.

It is also thanks to Rabbit's extremely serious and responsible attitude towards weapons and equipment. Looking around the world, the failure rate of Rabbit's military equipment is extremely low, and some old men who have served for decades can even shake their prestige from time to time.

Look at the third brother next door, if you don’t crash a few planes or capsize a warship every month, you feel that something is missing, and you can even shoot a few missiles by mistake every now and then—still facing your own port.

After the end of the self-inspection process, the fleet officially entered the regular cruising state.

For the fully enclosed bridge, the surrounding walls began to gradually become transparent, and finally disappeared completely to the naked eye.

Even the alloy floor under everyone's feet disappeared.

Except for the fact that there are various glowing landmarks on the ground as indicators, and that the necessary equipment is not optically invisible, the people in every starship in the entire fleet seem to be directly in the starry sky.

Holographic exterior simulation, real-time simulation of the outer space of the starship, can make people on the bridge feel like they are directly in space.

In front of you is an incomparably magnificent grand outer space scene.

The Big Void is called the Big Void, but it's not really a void where nothing exists.

Here, there used to be the Garden of Eden with countless prosperous galaxies, and the so-called barrenness was completely created.

Although almost all the stars here were destroyed due to the past wars, the interstellar dust left behind after the stars exploded will not disappear.

A large amount of dust pervades this vast space, showing colorful colors due to the different types of elements.

The Pillars of Creation, the Butterfly Nebula, the Horsehead Nebula, the Cat’s Eye Nebula... These breathtakingly beautiful starry wonders are fascinating just by looking at them in photos, not to mention that everyone is directly sailing in the sky over these nebulae. Want a magnificent starry sky?

"It's so beautiful...¨〃..."

Standing on the highest podium nearly [-] meters high in the bridge, even Ji Zi couldn't help but let out a sound of admiration.

Standing beside her was Youlandelle, who had a tight delicate face, trying hard to put on a serious expression because it was her first mission, but those shining eyes and the eyes that kept scanning the magnificent spectacle around her Her gaze revealed her restless heart.

Fu Hua stood behind with his arms crossed, his eyes were closed and he was recuperating, but now he opened them with a little surprise on his face.

Sun Xianyun and Lexington stood side by side in the center of the crowd, enjoying this beautiful scene as well.

The fleet is now at the periphery of a nebula. The probes ejected from the gantry and the signals fed back by the fleet's own full-frequency wide-area radar are combined into a simulated picture, and the virtual map of the entire nebula is projected. displayed in the bridge.

The fleet that is advancing towards the depths of the nebula is like a school of fish trying to explore a beautiful coral reef on the shallow seabed.

Because Belfast was following the Lexington in the form of a starship, Rita became the only maid beside Sun Xianyun at this time.

Serving the brewed black tea, Sister Tazi said with a smile: "I never thought of having such an experience before, although it is not that I have not sailed in the starry sky with the general, but it is so direct into the deep space, and I have experienced it." This is the first time for such a vast beauty, um... the BGM is also very suitable for the occasion!"


"Xiao Suzheng! Turn off the BGM for me! Do you think this is an outing?"

"Huh?Doesn't it sound good?This song "Icarus" is obviously super suitable for the occasion! 』

In the command link, the eldest lady's astonishment sounded.


Icarus, who had been silent all this time, moved the dumb hair on his head, walked silently behind Sun Xianyun, grabbed his sleeve and raised his head, his indigo eyes met Sun Xianyun's lowered gaze.


"Okay, let's keep it..."

Therefore, Tangtang Tujia Space Force's first exploration of the large cavity was actually carried out with the BGM.

"Is this song called Icarus? It's really appropriate to say it..." Fu Hua sighed silently and walked over.

"." In the myth, Icarus yearned for the sun and flew towards it desperately, and finally fell from the sky and died. It is a tragedy after all. The beautiful starry sky here is the remains of the collective destruction of the prosperous civilization. The more beautiful it is, the more embarrassing it is—ahhhhhh!!!”

The Shangxian's temperament is cold, the Shangxian's appearance is peerless, and the Shangxian's compassion——

——Shangxian, she stepped on the ground and fell from the [-]-meter-high platform...

"I just wanted to say."

Sun Xianyun slapped himself on the face.

"Although the entire bridge is optically invisible, can't you see the beacon on the ground, Fu Hua? You've already reached the edge of the podium..."

Immortal Chiyuan, who stepped on the air and fell from the [-]-meter-high podium, and fell to the bottom of the bridge with a thud, chose to play dead without love.

With such an announcement, everyone who was shocked by the beautiful starry sky immediately laughed, and the slightly heavy atmosphere before was swept away.

In the end, Fu Hua shut himself off directly, hid in the space of consciousness, and kicked Xiaoshi out with one kick.

"Father, my butt hurts!"

Xiao Shi leaned in front of Sun Xianyun, his face full of grievances.

"That old woman is really old and has dementia! I'm sorry for being implicated."

"Father, please comfort me? Give me a rub? Alas! What are you doing, old woman! You won't let Father hug you and you won't allow me, right? Don't rob me—!"

While talking, Xiaoshi rubbed his little butt against Sun Xianyun, but the autistic Fu Hua couldn't stand it anymore, and began to compete with Xiaoshi for control of his body, so Xiaoshi's movements looked extremely weird afterwards , just like a stroke.

Then fell off the ledge again... well...

Shangxian's fame in the first life was completely squandered in less than a minute.

Chapter 591: Gray Gu!

Many things seem beautiful, but often they can only be viewed from a distance.

If the distance is too close, most of what you see will become unsatisfactory.

Just like a beautiful woman, no matter how peerless her appearance is, it is pleasing to the eye, but if she uses a magnifying glass or even a microscope to observe the details, the final result will probably only be a sigh of disappointment.

Nebula, of course, is the same.

Thousands of light-years away, or even farther away, what you see is magnificent and grand, and you can only marvel at the vastness and majesty of the universe.

But when the fleet really entered the interior of the nebula, everything around them lost that shock.

In the space filled with interstellar dust, looking around, one can only feel that one is in a harsh environment full of smog and sandstorms, but the clouds that cover everything within sight are ashes as numerous as the sands of the Ganges River.

Gravity is one of the four fundamental forces.

As long as it is given enough time, even a cloud of interstellar dust will gradually gather together under the influence of gravity.

The pressure in the center is increasing day by day, and finally at a certain critical moment, with the first fusion reaction, a brand new star is born.

This is the case with the so-called nebula, which is the tomb of the stars after their death, and also the cradle of the birth of the stars.

Life and death have reached a delicate balance in the universe.

However, the time it takes to live to death once is often measured in hundreds of millions of years.

It has been [-] million years since this once prosperous star region turned into a barren void.

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