Not even a scrap of residue remained.

"Your Excellency, General, thank you for your generosity and kindness. Please throw me into the void. Although there is nothing here, it is my hometown after all. Let me sleep here forever and return to eternal silence."

Maybe it's because life and death have long been looked down upon, or maybe it's because the current form of existence can't be called a normal life at all, and the remnant soul of the old captain can't see the slightest desire to survive.

Sun Xianyun was silent for a moment, then suddenly said: "Let us prepare a funeral for you."

"...Thank you."

After the old captain was slightly astonished, he bowed deeply to Sun Xianyun.

The funeral ceremony was not complicated. It didn't take long for a small coffin to be ejected into the void.

Sun Xianyun stood on the bridge, looking at the coffin that was drifting away, without saying a word for a long time.


"Comrade Commander!Received a signal access request from an unknown source——! ! ! ! 』.

Chapter 597: The Mechanical Planet in the Imaginary Space

An unfamiliar signal that suddenly requests access.

It was too strange for such a situation to happen in such an environment as the Great Hole, so Sun Xianyun immediately ordered Nimfu to find the source of the signal.

Little Nimf's pointed mechanical ears were constantly shining with streamers of light, and even the translucent fairy wings on the back gradually showed patterns of light like circuit boards.

After searching with all her strength for a long time, Nimfu showed frustration, looking ~ quite lost.

"Sorry, Master, I can't find the target source -."

Because she was too guilty, the wings on the little girl's back fluttered, she looked like a primary school student waiting for criticism after doing something wrong.

But soon, Nimf raised his head again: "Master, the message sent from the other side is a bit strange, it is a password, and it seems to be some kind of identification code, but it does not belong to the identification method of our military system. "


This is strange.

Since the communication is not using plain codes but passwords, and the content sent is identification and authentication information, it is possible that the sender and receiver of the information must belong to the same combat system.

No one will take their own authentication information to identify with the enemy, right?

But the way the other party applied for identity authentication was not part of the Space Force at all. It was like when the two armies faced each other, and one side took its own identity information and ran to try to contact the enemy army and apply to join their internal information network—it was nonsense. .

"Eh?This authentication method...」

At this time, the eldest lady's voice suddenly sounded in the command link.

『Father, I have an impression of this authentication method!Isn't this the way the supervisory guards were identified back then? 』

Miss, although the full name is still Miss Suzheng, this child was actually born when the Suzheng Agreement and the supervision and guards fought too hard, and in the end, a node AI of each of the two parties was fused together due to various chances and coincidences. It does not belong to the Suzheng Agreement, nor does it belong to the supervision guard.

But she has the characteristics of both at the same time.

"Can you parse this identifier? Translate translate."

"OK!Data analysis... Analysis complete! 』

After a while, Sun Xianyun saw the ciphertext analyzed by the eldest lady——

#Request for Identity Verification: Nanomechanical Unit·Grey Wind·Wife#




Silence is the bridge tonight.

"Be honest! Girl! Did the guards do something strange to Gray Wind back then?"

"do not ask me!Miss Ben doesn't know anything!Miss Ben is out of her mind!Miss Ben's own memory is muddled! 』

The eldest lady was ashamed. Although the girl was not on the bridge at this time, everyone seemed to be able to imagine the appearance of the little girl stomping her feet in anger.

Rubbing his forehead, Sun Xianyun patted Nimfu's hairy head beside him.

"Get the signal in."

"Okay, Master!"

When the signal was connected, a huge holographic projection immediately popped up inside the bridge.

During the projection, various data streams flashed continuously, and gradually, countless codes were combined to form a human figure, and finally a gray-haired beautiful girl appeared in front of everyone.

"oops!Hello!Finally let me in, dear.I don't have much time, the sleep cycle is coming soon, so I will lose consciousness soon, so I have no interest in mating for the time being, if you want to perform a mating ritual with me, dear, wait until later ~"

"Fuck...fuck,fuck,fuck,mating!? Good, what a shameless woman! Say this, such shameless words when we meet for the first time!"

Nimfu's face was flushed, mist appeared in her eyes, and she pointed at the gray-haired and gray-eyed girl on the screen with her trembling fingers, her cute little face wrinkled into a ball.

Naturally, Sun Xianyun was a little surprised by the little girl's weird way of greeting, and couldn't even take her words for a while——

——By the way, who can handle this kind of girl who talks about the speed of the car as soon as she comes up?

"Oh ho ho ho ho... isn't that bold?"

Wuliangta Jizi crossed her arms and raised her head to look at the girl on the screen, with fire gradually rising in her eyes.

"Bold indeed, in terms of universal reason."

Sun Xianyun opened his mouth, and finally looked at the projection of the eldest lady with subtle eyes.

"Girl, did you really not do anything strange to Gray Wind back then? Don't worry, as long as you tell the truth, Dad won't blame you."

"Father, you are such an idiot—! 』

After yelling out such a classic sentence with tears in the corner of her eyes, the eldest lady angrily cursed at Gray Wind.

"What the hell is going on with you guy?Saying these shameless words as soon as we meet, is your mind full of yellow waste! ? 』

Gray Wind was obviously overwhelmed by the eldest lady's reaction, and the eyes of the gray-haired girl in the projection were filled with great doubts.

"Eh?Eh?Don't you like it? 』

『This image is the image that is most in line with your aesthetics after precise calculation after scanning your communication network and integrating the personal data of all retrievable units within the authority.I excluded the tentacle monsters, Furui Kong, the big [beep——] cute girl and the main gun barrel of the starship with a lower vote rate, and combined the images with the highest vote rate. 』

so terrible!It's too bad!

Could it be that the information revealed inside and outside of these words shows that there is a small poking person in the space army under his command whose XP system has broken through the sky! ?

Forget about the previous ones, what is the purpose of the last main gun barrel?Does anyone really fall in love with this thing!

Sun Xianyun really wanted to complain about this sentence, but——


Nimf's voice sounded faintly.

"Within the authority I gave her, the searchable scope only includes a few people here? This is also for network security, so—"

Turning her head, the little girl stared at Sun Xianyun.

"—Are there still those strange things in the Master's preference map?"

Sun Xianyun felt that even if he jumped into the Yellow River, he would not be able to clean himself up.

He gave Hui Feng a hard look, and asked through gritted teeth: "Tell me, where are you? What can you do to contact us?"

Gray Wind tapped his lips lightly with his fingers.

"Why do you ask that?I found you, so I came to you, is it strange? 』

"correct!Although it was said that the sleep cycle is coming soon, but if my dear insists on performing the mating ceremony, I can forcefully keep my consciousness awake for a while, so my dear, do you want to try it? 』

You, stop talking.

Feeling the countless gazes on his back that were getting more and more piercing, Sun Xianyun's brain hurt more and more and he started to work.

Chapter 598 We call this efficient

It is probably because the form of existence itself is completely different from that of human beings. As a nanomechanical unit, Miss Gray Wind's behavior makes everyone feel quite weird.

Because of the existence of the eldest lady, it decided that the Space Force fleet was a supervisory guard. It didn't even investigate in advance, and it didn't even have any practical purpose, so it directly came to the door and sent a contact request.

However, being able to get in touch with Gray Wind is of great benefit to the Space Force's subsequent exploration of the Great Void.

The most urgent thing, the first thing to figure out is naturally——

"Where are you?"

"me? 』

Gray Wind had no intention of hiding anything, and quickly sent a coordinate directly.

After receiving the coordinates, Sun Xianyun immediately asked Nimfu to compare the previous detection results.

"Master, we have investigated the star area where this coordinate is located before, and there is nothing there, nothing."

Sun Xianyun looked at Gray Wind, his eyes revealing search.

"Hehe, of course I can't find it.Because I have been dormant in the out-of-phase space. 』

"Out-of-phase space? Similar to the ancient Morita family's technology of phase-shifting the entire planet?"

Sun Xianyun muttered.

Youlandelle, who didn't say much from the beginning to the end, suddenly thought of something, and whispered next to her: "General, could it be an imaginary number space?"

Compared with the out-of-phase space, it is obvious that the imaginary number space can be understood by people from the third world.

Gray Wind kept nodding his head on the screen.

"It can be said so, but the phase conversion technology is to make the converted object be in a quantum superposition state, that is, in the normal universe where it is originally, and in another phase at the same time.And I have entered the space of different phases as a whole, which does not exist in the original normal universe! 』

"Oh, there is no way around this, if I wander around outside and get found by Gray Gu, the guard mission will fail! 』

"Guard mission?"

"Didn't you tell me to do it?I can take good care of that thing! 』

Miss Gray Wind doesn't seem to care about secrecy at all, or it... it should be that she simply believes that the space army is the supervision guard back then, so there is no need to keep it secret.

Everyone's eyes became subtle.

Apparently, the supervisory guards at that time seemed to have given Gray Wind a task of guarding something. In order to perform this task well, Gray Wind chose to hide in a different-phase space.

"This is really...a big surprise—girl, do you have any impression of this thing?"

"totally no idea! 』

The eldest lady fully explained what it means to be brain-dead after fighting a war, and the whole person is in a state of knowing nothing.

Touching his chin, Sun Xianyun fell into deep thought.

Perhaps, the thing that attracted the knowledge managers and curators to the big void was the thing that the supervisory guards let Gray Wind take care of?

correct!Know it!

"Grey Wind, let me ask you something."

Sun Xianyun asked while ordering the fleet to move towards the coordinates given by Gray Wind.

"Thousands of years ago, did other civilizations enter the Great Void on a large scale?"

"What are you talking about?I looked at the log...there really are!They seemed to be looking for something, but they accidentally activated the silent gray Gu, and none of them escaped. 』

"Oh, I'm so annoyed when I say this, if they didn't activate the gray Gu, I would still come out occasionally to get some fresh air!"As a result, I haven’t come out for thousands of years because of this, and I don’t know what happened to the little pet...』

"Little pet?"

"It's the newly born civilization after the war!I'm bored looking after the archives, so it's interesting to watch that nascent civilization once in a while and watch them figure out how to get out of the Void. 』

Everyone understood immediately.

The brand-new civilization that Abrak encountered was born on the last planet in the center of the big void after the war, and became a pet in the eyes of Gray Wind.

As for the archive she mentioned just now, maybe it is something that Gray Wind needs to take care of?

The three words of archives, it is hard not to make Sun Xianyun think of the secretariat left by the pioneer Wo Taomu.

Not long after, the fleet went through several jumps and arrived at the coordinates given by Gray Wind.

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