Ulandal, who was about to return to the team, suddenly sensed something, and became vigilant again.

"Master, there is a very strange energy reaction."

Nimfu tugged on Sun Xianyun's sleeve as a reminder, and soon, everyone knew what the strange energy reaction this girl was referring to.

It was a guard that directly emerged from the surrounding walls in the form of phantom projection, just like the previous floating cannon.

These guards are all over two meters tall, and their entire body looks like a mass of blue flames roughly shaped like a human, with a prismatic crystal in the center of their torso.

"Master! These guards are completely formed by energy structures. The crystals in their bodies should be the core of some kind of restrained energy. The energy density and strength stored in them are quite high... Hiss! Any one of them is equivalent to tens of millions of tons Cold nuclear fusion bomb! What the hell is this!?"

After a brief analysis, Nimf's expression changed on the spot.

Chapter 601 Get out of the way, I'm going to start pretending

Continue to move forward silently.

Compared with the entire mechanical planet, this archive is naturally so small that it can be ignored, but in fact it is actually a huge single-structure building with an area of ​​several hundred hectares conservatively estimated.

On the way forward, Nimfu has not stopped analyzing the data of the entire archives, but many more important materials seem to be stored in a way that is completely isolated from the outside world, so that the little girl cannot be contacted, and can only be accessed through sporadic A little bit of fur data for preliminary analysis.

If you want to know what is stored here, especially the so-called entropy recursion, singular cycle and Omega theory, it seems that you have to go deep into the archives.

Halfway through the march, Icarus suddenly spread his folded wings, and his indigo pupils turned blood-colored.

"Master, there are enemies..."

Although the tone was as flat as ever, the flickering lights on the outstretched wings of the Queen of the Sky showed that she had entered a fighting stance.

Although it is a straight corridor from the entrance to the present, in fact, this so-called corridor is extremely spacious, with a width of about 520 meters and a height of about [-] meters, so that Sun Xianyun even suspected Sarna The most difficult thing is a huge race - before they ascended.

The place where the group of people are at this time is the center of the "corridor". Suddenly there was a sharp piercing sound from both sides. Icarus immediately launched a large number of small permanent tail-tracking missiles. These missiles, which are only the size of a fist, have various Considering that this place is located in the internal space after all, the small missiles launched by Icarus are not that large.

A series of explosions sounded on both sides of the crowd. Although the smoke was shrouded, it could not hinder their sight.

Attackers, are a group of strange spherical autonomous weapons floating in mid-air.

These self-disciplined guards are all metal spheres with a radius of about one meter, divided into two hemispheres on the left and right, and a gorgeous gun barrel protrudes from the gap in the middle. At this time, countless metal spheres are densely packed around everyone. Floating, thrown out of formation by a storm from Icarus' counterattack.

"Something like a floating cannon."

Ji Zi let out a loud haha ​​at first, and the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judge in his hand changed from double spears to a large sword in the raging fire.

"Let me come - I will launch an NB attack!"

Holding the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judge, he jumped up in the air, facing a large group of floating cannons in front of him, Ji Zi turned around and swung his sword down.

"Here, the sentence is pronounced!"

——You're here, Miss Himeko.

The crescent-shaped flame blade instantly raised the surrounding temperature, and the Herrscher of Flame, bathed in flames, made a long-range strike first, then plunged headlong into the group of floating cannons with the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judge.

After Jizi rushed out, Rita, Youlandelle, and Fu Hua also found a direction and started to clean up the floating cannons that appeared suddenly, while the rest of the ship girls surrounded Sun Xianyun and Lexington. The weapons installed are all starship cannons. Just now, it is fine to shoot directly at Chaoge outside. Now in the archives, it is better not to use such powerful weapons as much as possible.

But even if you don't use naval guns, just relying on your super physical fitness, it is enough to smash one with a punch on top of the shield.

The floating cannon guards who came suddenly were quickly wiped out, but soon there was a piercing sound of beeping around.

More floating cannons appeared.

These guys were not ejected from an open window, but directly appeared in the form of illusory projections from the alloy floor on both sides, above and even under their feet. When the whole body was separated from the wall, The illusory figure will quickly condense into a solid body, and then quickly join the battle.

"This is... information-energy-matter conversion technology!?"

Seeing this scene, Sun Xianyun let out a low cry.

Information-energy-matter conversion technology, also known as "unlimited conversion technology", is a theory that is only imagined even in the current Tujia Research Institute.

The transformation between energy and matter has been realized by human beings to some extent. The essence of nuclear reaction is to convert it into huge energy and release it by losing a part of its mass. This point has also been mastered by other human countries. For scientists, in addition to converting matter into energy, there is also a research direction for converting pure energy into matter.

On this basis, the element of "information" is also added to realize the arbitrary transformation between "information", "energy" and "matter", which is the so-called unlimited transformation technology.

According to the assumption, the most intuitive expressiveness of this technology can even allow humans to ignore the so-called laws of mass conservation and energy conservation to some extent, and then give birth to a new grand unified theory-information, mass, and energy are unified. The combination of the former is the real conservation.

The real birth of this theory was inspired by the scientific research institute after studying psionic energy and virtual world.

Sun Xianyun witnessed the entire birth process of these brand-new floating cannons. Under his psychic perception, he was convinced that these floating cannons were a bunch of orderly information when they first appeared in the form of illusory projections, and were transformed into Energy is converted into matter, and finally materialized into an autonomous machine that can participate in battle.

Sun Xianyun is still shocked that Xel'Naga can do this step, but the battle on the other side is still going on.

Although more floating cannons appeared, they did not bring any pressure to the girls. If it hadn't been for the consideration that the entire archive would be destroyed if too much effort was taken, these floating cannons would have been fired by Jizi alone. Judge can solve it all.

Don't underestimate the destructive power of Herrscher's map cannon!

As the last floating cannon turned into scrap iron and fell to the ground, Ji Zi carried the Heavenly Fire Sacred Order, ignoring the burning flames on the sword, raised his head slightly and let out a breath.

"It's not very strong."

"Be careful, the battle is not over yet."

Ulandal, who was about to return to the team, suddenly sensed something, and became vigilant again.

"Master, there is a very strange energy reaction."

Nimfu tugged on Sun Xianyun's sleeve as a reminder, and soon, everyone knew what the strange energy reaction this girl was referring to.

It was a guard that directly emerged from the surrounding walls in the form of phantom projection, just like the previous floating cannon.

These guards are all over two meters tall, and their entire body looks like a mass of blue flames roughly shaped like a human, with a prismatic crystal in the center of their torso.

"Master! These guards are completely formed by energy structures. The crystals in their bodies should be the core of some kind of restrained energy. The energy density and strength stored in them are quite high... Hiss! Any one of them is equivalent to tens of millions of tons Cold nuclear fusion bomb! What the hell is this!?"

After a brief analysis, Nimf's expression changed on the spot.

Chapter 602 Xel'Naga's Gift

With all the defenses of the entire archives removed, the next in-depth exploration activities will be unimpeded.

Nimfu took the lead, and the little girl walked in the front. Her pace was fast, and she led Sun Xianyun and others all the way deep into the core area of ​​the archives.

Gradually, changes can be seen in the front.

After entering the archives, some temporarily incomprehensible force greatly compressed the radar detection range of the ship girls. At this time, as they gradually approached the center, the girls finally detected what was in front of them.

It was an inexplicable space.

The wide corridor came to an abrupt end, the walls on both sides disappeared, and further forward was a cliff made of metal.

Standing on the edge of the cliff and looking forward, there is a huge hollow.

There is no top and no bottom.

The space is filled with mist of unknown composition. This kind of mist can not only block people's sight, but also can limit any detection method.

And in front of the cliff, a bridge composed purely of light connects the cliff, extending forward to the depths of the mist.

Belfast stepped on the light bridge carefully, and found that the light bridge, which looked like a holographic projection, could actually carry weight, allowing her to stand firmly on it.

When the metal high-heeled boots on the soles of the feet stepped on the light bridge, a circle of ripples slowly spread out.

Nimf squatted down on the edge of the cliff, lightly poked the light bridge with her fingers, and the light of the pointed mechanical ears flickered.

"A magical state between energy and matter, it's incredible, such a superb technology is used to build a bridge, why?"

"Maybe, it's for the sake of looking good?" Chao Ge interjected next to him, "This Guangqiao Bulling Bulling is so beautiful."

"Yes, yes, just like my wings, hehe, how beautiful they are!"

Astrea flaunted spreading her light wings, twirling left and right, and she didn't care if no one paid attention to her, and she could have fun there for a long time by herself.

"Okay, let's move on."

When Sun Xianyun stepped onto the Guangqiao, everyone hurried to follow.

The light bridge is not very wide, about three or four meters, there are no guardrails on both sides, and the bridge itself is even more transparent. If someone who is afraid of heights stands here, he will be scared to the ground, and his legs will be too weak to walk. road.

When walking halfway, Rita suddenly pointed to the fog on the right and exclaimed: "What is that?"

In the fog, there seemed to be something glowing, but because all detection methods were severely suppressed here, none of the girls present could see what it was.

However, Sun Xianyun was not affected.

A faint purple awn glowed in his pupils, and after a while, he could clearly understand exactly what he was looking at.

"Crystal? No, not a natural crystal, but some kind of artificial crystal."

It was a huge prismatic crystal, over five meters high.

When Sun Xianyun stared at it, the crystal actually reacted, floating in the air and slowly approaching.


A deep, indescribable sound echoed throughout the space.

Belfast said: "Look, the fog seems to be parting."

Sure enough, as she said, the fog that had almost covered the entire space gradually dissipated, and the power that blocked sight and suppressed radar detection finally disappeared.

When the fog cleared away, people discovered that there were huge prismatic crystals floating in the air everywhere in this huge space.

These crystals are crystal clear, exuding blue light, the light is soft but not dazzling, and at the same time, there are continuous light particles like special effects scattered from the crystals, floating irregularly around.

The originally dark space became beautiful because of the light emitted by these crystals, like a fairyland.

The blue light emitted by the crystal reflected on the girls' already delicate and peerless appearance, making them look like fairies in Qionggong, which aroused people's imagination.

"What a nice view……"

Chang'an murmured, but suddenly found that runes suddenly appeared in the crystal that Sun Xianyun was watching and kept approaching.

"Is this the text of Xel'Naga?"

Nimf quickly compared the Xel'Naga characters recorded in her database with the runes in the crystal.

It's a pity that the records in the database come from the captain's remnant soul, and these civilizations that were born after Xel'Naga left this universe will not be of much help to Xel'Naga's rune research at this time

There are too many runes that have never been seen before, making it impossible for Nimf to decipher the translation.

"Sorry, Master, I can't translate what's in here."

"No, maybe there is no need for a translator."

Sun Xianyun shook his head.

Under his gaze, the crystal finally floated to the edge of the bridge of light.

Sun Xianyun stepped forward and gently covered the crystal surface with his right hand.

The seemingly solid crystal actually penetrated directly after Sun Xianyun's palm covered it.

Afterwards, messages flooded into his mind.

Sun Xianyun laughed.

"Sure enough, as I expected, the Xel'Naga is already a civilization that has reached the stage of detachment, and left this universe in an alternative way of ascension. This is the treasure house they left for the latecomers. As such a super civilization , it is naturally impossible to leave such backward information as purely written records.”

"These artificial crystals are a very delicate carrier of information storage technology. The information that a single such crystal can store is about to catch up with half of all the information on the entire human network at present, and this is not its limit at all. "

"In addition, its information reading does not rely on traditional deciphering. If you want to extract the internally stored information, you must rely on it—psychic power."

Speaking of 2.5 here, Sun Xianyun glanced back at the girls behind him.

"This archive is prepared by Xel'Naga for the descendants with psychic powers. Without this qualification, anyone who comes here can only return without success—no, they don't even have a way to reach it at all. here."

"Nimfu, your previous detection was wrong. Those construction guards are not the last guards of this archive. The real final guard of this archive is actually this archive itself."

Little Nymph was a little ashamed, but she was more proud that her Master was recognized and inherited by such a great pioneer as Xel'Naga.

Sun Xianyun stopped speaking, he closed his eyes, and began to patiently accept and understand the huge information pouring into his mind like a wave from the crystal.

Chapter 603 Filling a sinkhole——Sun Xianyun: The Suzheng agreement was actually mine! ?

With all the defenses of the entire archives removed, the next in-depth exploration activities will be unimpeded.

Nimfu took the lead, and the little girl walked in the front. Her pace was fast, and she led Sun Xianyun and others all the way deep into the core area of ​​the archives.

Gradually, changes can be seen in the front.

After entering the archives, some temporarily incomprehensible force greatly compressed the radar detection range of the ship girls. At this time, as they gradually approached the center, the girls finally detected what was in front of them.

It was an inexplicable space.

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