The sky here is as blue as the earth, except that the sun in the sky is not orange, but bright blue, it seems to be no different from the earth.

Finally, at a certain moment, a trace of abnormality appeared in the sky.

As a purple vortex appeared and expanded rapidly, even without relying on any observation equipment, human eyes could see a huge space-time vortex in the sky—bigger than the sun.

A planet completely wrapped in purple clouds slowly emerged from the vortex.

"At last, our new comrade!"

The person in charge had a smile on his face.

"Everyone! Be sure to do a good job in reception! Comrades from Hudson have just arrived, we must play a revolutionary style! Help them—no, together with them, build our common new homeland!"

After the brief speech, the person in charge looked to the sky again.

At this time, the entire Hudson mother star has broken away from the space-time vortex, and the purple cloud covering the surface has gradually faded away.

In this way, the whole picture of the entire planet can finally be seen by people.

After seeing the dilapidated star body, the dismembered continental shelf, and the exposed mantle and even the earth's core, everyone who was still cheering enthusiastically fell silent.

It's not that they haven't learned about Hudson's situation in the previous materials, but when they really saw the scene where their home planet was shattered, the rabbits who were developing here all felt a burst of depression in their hearts.


PS·I just got home at 06:30, so I’ll write two chapters first, and I’ll have another chapter to rest for a while before typing~Hey~.

Chapter 615 The starry sky can be so beautiful

When the purple clouds covering the entire sky disappeared, the Hudson people who had been sitting quietly in the center of the squares in countless shelters stood up one after another.

They raised their heads in a daze.

The line of sight passes through the shield of the dome, and from the scattered clouds and mist, one can see a beautiful blue star like a pearl.

Its surface is a clear blue sea, and white clouds float in the atmosphere.Much of the landmass is covered in a welcome shade of green.

Blue, white and green.

The simplest color is nothing more than that.

However, it was such a combination of three colors that made all the three-eyed Hudson people stunned when they appeared in the starry sky.

Their lifespan is not long. The long-term harsh environment and artificial directional cultivation have allowed the Hudson people to use almost racial self-mutilation methods to transform themselves little by little over a long period of time into a short-term growth period, which can become a human being as soon as possible. Qualified workers, a race that immediately enters the aging period after working with all their strength for just a few decades.

They don't have old age, because all Hudsonians who enter old age choose to commit suicide.

They don't have medical care because they can't afford to expend resources on treating injuries.

They also don't have any entertainment.

Therefore, no Hudsonian has even a little spare time to go to 490 to enjoy the beautiful scenery that the universe bestows on intelligent life.

What's more, natural stars like Xin'an Star have long been disassembled by them in the long past. What the new generation of Hudson people have seen since birth is a dark starry sky and a broken parent star.

When the Xin'an star, especially the vast galaxy behind the Xin'an star, was fully displayed in front of them, the reaction of the Hudson people was heart-rending panic and bewilderment.

"So... is this... the real starry sky?"

Raising his head, Roseda murmured, his three eyes opened wide, even though the whites of the eyes were bloodshot.

"It's so beautiful."

"It's really beautiful."

Sun Xianyun suddenly appeared next to Roseda, and looked at the Milky Way with him.

Without the hindrance of the atmosphere, it is impossible for only a thin dome shield to conceal the magnificence of the Milky Way.

Even though he has seen it countless times, even if he can cross the void physically, every time Sun Xianyun looks at the sea of ​​stars, he can't help but marvel at its magnificence.

"Have you seen that long river made up of countless stars? We call it the Milky Way, and the galaxy we are currently in is the Milky Way."


Roseda repeated the name with tears in his eyes.

"There, here, in that place, the four brightest stars form the Phoenix constellation, and the Phoenix Federation in the alliance is located there. There is also that direction, although I can't see clearly, but there are members of the alliance there, they are The Moritas. Our solar system is in this direction, and the Proxima Centauri next door lives with the Brog tribe in the alliance."

Sun Xianyun stretched out his hand, and pointed out the positions of some special stars in the starry sky to Roseda.

"That direction is invisible to the naked eye, but if you use observation equipment, you can clearly find a very beautiful nebula there. We call it the Cat's Eye Nebula."

"That direction is the Andromeda Nebula. Although we haven't explored there yet, our footprints will soon be all over the entire Andromeda."

"And there, the Pleiadian Seven Sisters. There are many legends about the Seven Sisters."

"Oh, by the way, the Morita people I just told you about, don't you know, their home planet is Vega in our human legends, and there are beautiful legends about Vega..."

Sun Xianyun spoke very slowly, his voice was very deep, but Rothda listened very carefully.

Unknowingly, countless Hudson people surrounded them, listening to Sun Xianyun's story about the starry sky, while staring blankly at the Milky Way in the sky.

Since the birth of this civilization, looking around is barren.They never thought that the starry sky could be so beautiful and there could be so many stars in the sky.

At the end, Sun Xianyun turned around and extended his hand to Roseda.

"Welcome to join the Star Sea Alliance. We are an organization led by the Tu family, dedicated to maintaining the peace and prosperity of the Star Sea and achieving common progress."

"Fight against natural disasters, against meme infection, against all enemies that threaten the peace of the universe, protect the weak and protect ourselves."

"We will make laws for the universe, but we will never impose our own will on others."

"After joining the alliance, you will receive the full support of every member of the alliance. They will help you through the most difficult reconstruction period at the beginning. Correspondingly, after new members join the alliance in the future, I also hope that you can help them.”

Roseda sniffled, recalling the human etiquette he had learned before, and shook hands with Sun Xianyun.

"The Hudson people will join the alliance, and the direction of the alliance flag is the direction in which our whole family is striving to move forward."


Sun Xianyun laughed.

"Speaking of which, I remember that Hudson doesn't seem to be a good name in your language. Do you want to consider changing the name of the whole family?"


Thinking of this, Roseda immediately nodded in agreement.

A new era has arrived, and the name Hudson, which means "lonely man", no longer applies.

"Great teacher, can you please give us a name?"

"You call me a mentor, I admit it, but it's not appropriate to give a name. Again, we will never treat other members of the alliance with a condescending attitude. But I have a suggestion-I remember the names of your race Is it called Eslaya? It means "beautiful, bright", why don't you consider changing it back?"

Roseda didn't hesitate.

No matter what advice Sun Xianyun gave them, Lostada would accept it all—even if Sun Xianyun said directly, "You may as well be called Erlang God from now on", Lostar would change the name of the entire race to Three Eyes on the spot...

Now it's just changing it back. Besides, Eslaya is a beautiful name, and Rothda will never refuse it.

"Very good, then starting today, there will be new comrades in the alliance, the Eslayan race. Now, let's go to Xin'an Star together."

"Your new home is on a large plain with plenty of water, less than a hundred kilometers away is the settlement established by our people there. The center has already arranged reception staff. If you need help with any difficulties, you can go to them. But I think, before officially starting to build the new home, you should go to the solar system, our leader has already planned to meet you."

Mentor leader?

As the king, Roseda suddenly became nervous.

Chapter 616: Impossible!Absolutely impossible!

The Hudson people... No, now this group of three-eyed people should be called the Eslayans. Under the arrangement of the Tujia, the Eslayians chose to live in a place not far from the Tujia's development site in Xin'an Star. Settled down on the distant Great Plains.

They will establish temporary settlements here, and then use these settlements as a basis to expand into the first batch of cities.

As for their original dilapidated parent star, it will be preserved in the form of a memorial hall after the orbit is precisely designed to ensure that the original gravitational field environment of the galaxy will not be excessively affected.

After the initial period of busyness, as the king of the Eslayans, Losda personally led people to the earth, and formally met Mr. Yang.

For the arrival of Roseda, the old man gave a very high-level reception, and the etiquette was the same as when he met General Mimitar, Queen Morita, Queen Morita, and Phoenix Federation Speaker Corano. -.

The major news media have reported the history of the Eslayans overwhelmingly, telling the story of this race’s struggle to survive in the past tens of millions of years. It is indistinguishable from human beings except for the eyes, which made this race win great sympathy on earth for a while.

Following the news programs and live webcasts, Luosda signed a brand new statement on behalf of the entire Eslayan tribe, Mr. Yang and the representatives of the other three members of the alliance on Earth. plus one.

As the "Morita's ambassador to the Alliance Headquarters", the kitten girl Elixir sits in a small group among a group of big shots, trying to make a serious and cute image of me signing with a small face. , directly killed a large crowd of onlookers...

However, in places that ordinary people can't see, there are constantly mobilized space forces, shipyard factories that are producing starships at full capacity, and batches of soldiers who have formally enlisted after emergency training...

Today's rabbit family is somewhat strange.

Ordinary industries related to people's livelihood and the crucial military industry are no longer as closely related as they used to be.

As the weapons and equipment of the Space Force become more advanced and specialized, it is no longer possible for many military technologies to be used by civilians. Correspondingly, it is difficult for civilian productivity to help the military industry.

As a result, Rabbit's space force and the entire military industry seem to be shifting towards the Red Alert series system-that is, they do not participate in the normal production and life of society at all.

Even if Mr. Yang signed the highest document on comprehensive preparations for war, the impact on the people would be minimal.

The factory is located in space, and the resources are directly mined from the asteroid belt. All preparations for war materials are not carried out on the earth at all, and even the battlefield is not on the earth.

In the past, the first level of combat readiness was to make the productive forces of the whole society serve the military, but now even if the rabbit wants to do this, he will be shocked to find that civilian productive forces cannot help at all.

Since it can't help, then simply let all this not affect the normal functioning of society at all.

As a result, the focus of the entire society's current heated discussion falls on the Eslayans.

But soon, a sudden big news changed everything.

『The space-time hub, the super star gate that has received much attention, has been officially built and passed the audit and verification. It will be officially opened in seven days. 』

"The completion of the space-time hub will bring unprecedented benefits to the development of our country and even the entire human race.With the space-time hub, we can exchange and learn with like-minded comrades in other universes, and make progress together...』

"Previously, relevant experts from the Academy of Sciences have successfully contacted compatriots in other universes through the latest technology..."

With the official report of Yang Ma's news that night, the whole society, no, the public opinion of the whole world was in an uproar.

Parallel universes, different time and space, the conjectures related to them have been enduring for decades since the first person proposed them. Although the earth has never stepped out, human beings in the past have already begun to imagine what the end of the universe will be like Scenery, many people even fantasize that after crossing the end of time and space, they may be able to reach another universe.

Now, this conjecture has been confirmed!

The rabbits have actually achieved such an incredible feat of opening up the passages between different universes, and even before the construction of the space-time hub is completed, they have already connected with the other world!

Even more unbelievable is the case of those universes that have been officially linked to the home universe mentioned in the news broadcast.

"...Wandering Earth?"

"Transformers!? Optimus Prime?"

"Independence Day? Give me a pee, am I fucking dreaming?"

"Who... who has Wu Zhanlang's contact information, or Da Liu's, I seriously suspect that they are actually from another world, otherwise how can the novels and movies they write correspond to a real world !"

"Hasbro's stock price has skyrocketed, along with Paramount and Moe Factory, because one of them created the Transformers IP, and the other made the Transformers movie! Disney fainted in the bathroom hahahaha..."

In the preliminary news, only the Wandering Earth universe, the Transformers universe, the Independence Day universe and the 2012 universe are the only things that can’t be helped. With the completion of the space-time hub, the Pan-Universe Rabbit Alliance has really come out, and we will continue to communicate with each other in the local area. People in the universe will definitely find something wrong with these different worlds—isn't this the movie world we have here! ?

For a while, there were doubts, excitement, and madness. Everyone was anxiously waiting for the official opening of the space-time hub and the arrival of humans from other universes.

In this hustle and bustle, there are a few countries that suddenly have some small thoughts.

Eagle Castle, Palace of Olympus.

Mei Xizong, who was struggling to be re-elected, slapped the desk in front of him, blushed and stared wide-eyed and said to the staff in front of him:

"Chance! Chance, gentlemen! This is our chance!"

"Leaving aside the Wandering Earth universe, shouldn't the Transformers and Independence Day universes be the home of our Eagle Castle!? We can wait until people from other universes arrive in this world and invite them to visit!"

"Especially those Cybertronians!"

"I believe that our concept of freedom can definitely resonate with that Mr. Optimus Prime!"

"But... Boss, what if Optimus Prime, who is facing him, believes in the Communist Party?" Someone suddenly asked in a low voice.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

At this moment, Boss Cao possessed the beautiful rare sect waving his arms.

"That's the movie we made! Mr. Optimus Prime must be on the side of freedom! Gentlemen! Get ready to welcome our friends from another world!" Yi.

Chapter 617 "Sisters" Acting Alone, Supervising Guards of the Big Hollow

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