If going to the Wounded Barracks to see those Transformers feels like going to an auto repair center (in a sense, it is), then when going to see the Herrschers and Valkyrie, Sun Xianyun feels like he has gone to A trip to the country of daughters...

From a long distance, you can smell all kinds of body fragrances wafting from a large group of girls.

This group of girls are fierce in battle, but most of them are at the age of sixteen or seventeen. It is the time when they are full of energy. At this time, the war is over and they can't calm down. They keep chattering about the battle just now. Some girls suffered serious injuries and couldn't suppress the joy in their hearts. They insisted on relying on their physical fitness far beyond normal human beings to continue tossing, which caused Jizi and other older women quite a headache.

Fu Hua hid in his room on the grounds that "after the great battle, he needed to retreat for some insights".

Because they were all girls, Sun Xianyun didn't stay here for too long, he just took a look and left - there is no way, these girls are too enthusiastic, and they don't shy away from Sun Xianyun, no matter where he looks, he can Seeing the picture that the blockbuster film cannot be broadcast without the Holy Light...

"Isn't it nice to see?"

Ji Zi, who saw the opportunity and left there, accompanied Sun Xianyun on the way back to the bridge.

She smiled and deliberately poked Sun Xianyun's waist with her elbow, her brows were raised high, and her eyes were full of teasing.

"I saw it. A few naughty babies deliberately lifted up their skirts in front of you. Tell me, what do you think?"

Sun Xianyun stroked his chin with his hand and pondered for a moment.

"I feel that it's not as good as... myself."

Ji Zi: "Ah, this..."

She suddenly remembered that the gender of the guy next to her seemed to be the same as Schrödinger's half-dead cat in a sense.

Rolling his eyes, Ji Zi instinctively raised his right arm to lift the ponytail behind him, but as soon as he raised his arm, his expression changed slightly.

"Are you hurt' 〃?"

Sun Xianyun was a little surprised. With her current physical fitness of the Herrscher of Flame, she would also be injured?

"My old lady was covered in dozens of laser cannons, okay?"

Ji Zi glared at Sun Xianyun angrily, gritted his teeth and muttered: "Damn it, I must burn those guys to ashes next time!"

"It's not serious, is it? Give me your hand."

Ji Zi didn't hold back, and generously handed his right hand to Sun Xianyun.

Gently squeezed her soft palm, checked Jizi's body, and after confirming that there was no serious problem, Sun Xianyun was just about to let go, when he found that Jizi was scratching his palm deliberately with his fingers.

"Aren't you going to check it in detail, my lord general? I feel a little pain in my chest."

"That's probably because the size you're wearing is a little too small. Change to a larger size."

Ji Zi was almost offended by Sun Xianyun's words.

At this time, Bronya suddenly projected a figure beside Sun Xianyun: "General, the enemy is abnormal... Well, Bronya came at the wrong time?"

Sun Xianyun, who had already taken a few steps forward, let out a bewildered "Hey", and looked back only to find that Ji Zi had unbuttoned the clothes on his upper body and was looking down at his chest.

"Is it small?"

Sun Xianyun: "..."

……Dividing line……

When Sun Xianyun came to the combat command room, Bronya was sitting on the huge mechanical arm of the heavy equipment rabbit, and the projection in front of her was constantly moving back and forth with red dots.

Nimfu next to her had a lollipop in her mouth, and immediately ran over when she saw Sun Xianyun.

"Master! We have made a major discovery!"

"Wait until the others come too."

Sun Xianyun sat directly in his seat, and it didn't take long for a group of officers to enter the command room.

After everyone was due, Nimf said: "Bronya and I have been closely monitoring the movements of all knowledge and control fleets with the help of the Palivis Obelisk. The Zhiguan fleet that was not guided by us seemed to be in a state of chaos, running around aimlessly until three hours ago."

After finishing speaking, Nimfu snapped his fingers, and a star map popped up in front of everyone. Each red dot marked on it represented an enemy army.

"Since three hours ago, some Zhiguan fleets began to gather. What's even more strange is that since an hour ago, the Zhiguan fleet with the largest number seems to be actively moving towards the location of other scattered fleets. It will absorb those meaningless wandering fleets into its own group, and then take them to the next place."

"¨. It's like... well, like the peasant army that engulfed the refugees in ancient times? It's like a snowball getting bigger and bigger."

After thinking for a long time, the little girl came up with a suitable way to describe it.

Sun Xianyun's expression gradually became serious.

"Have you been monitoring the internal communication on the other side? Have you found anything?"

"No, there are still all kinds of meaningless clutter, but what's even more strange is that the largest fleet that Bronya and I have been focusing on has remained absolutely silent very strangely, and no longer sends out any signals ——Master, do you think the other side has regained normal consciousness?"

Nimfu's guess made everyone's hearts sink.

If Zhiguan no longer goes crazy and regains the ability to think normally, then their next battle will become more difficult.

"What happened on the other side?"

Sun Xianyun muttered.

"According to this situation, how much time can we still win?"

Nimfu's eyes flickered immediately, and then he replied: "If there is no abnormal change in the gathering speed on the opposite side, with the current situation, we will not be able to face the same number of Zhiguan fleets for more than half a month next time. "

Liu Peiqiang suggested next to him: "Commander-in-Chief, do you want to send someone to investigate? Can you try to mobilize them again?"

"It is necessary."

Sun Xianyun nodded slightly. Since the enemy has undergone unexpected changes, they naturally need to thoroughly figure out the reasons before the next battle.

"In addition, predict the movement of this strange enemy army. We'd better transfer those scattered Zhiguan away before them, and try to delay the time for them to gather into an army!"

Everyone looked at each other tacitly and nodded.

""""clear! """".

Chapter 640 Interstellar foul language

The so-called free jump, its real name should be "self-made coordinate positioning engine", which allows the ship to set up jumps at any point within the radius of the jump without relying on the gravitational force generated by a massive celestial body such as a star as a beacon. coordinates, and then enter the transition state.

Its description is simple, but in fact this kind of engine has extremely high technological content and is quite dangerous. Abrak once said that apart from the ancient civilizations that survived the last era, so far there is no new civilization in this universe that has mastered this engine. engine technology.

After all, Sun Xianyun is also a person who has experienced several worlds. Other members of the alliance have also detected the universe they are in. According to calculations, technology similar to the self-drawing coordinate positioning engine is a rare thing in any universe—even if it is an independent one. In the Japanese universe, only the civilizations of the Reapers and the Wisdom Sphere have mastered this technology.

Optimus Prime once bluntly stated: Even with them, even Cybertron, if you want to travel between the stars, you need a large-mass celestial body as a beacon.

In the No. 1 local universe, although Zhiguan obviously has the self-made coordinate positioning engine technology, unless it is absolutely necessary, their interstellar navigation still needs to rely on beacons, and if there are no natural beacons, they can barely rely on artificially induced beacons. Do jump positioning.

Therefore, the beacons scattered all over the big void and shot to various places by quantum bullets 743 in the long past constitute a traffic network.

It is convenient for knowledge management, and it is also convenient for the combined fleet.

"Through this existing transportation network, we have so far managed to induce the sporadic fleet to stay away from that abnormal army very smoothly. The strange thing is that the other side should have discovered our actions, since they voluntarily abandoned those who were attacked by us. It can be judged by the behavior of attracting the scattered fleet groups and turning them to coerce other armies that we have not yet worried about. But the problem is that apart from doing this, the opposite side has no other countermeasures-this is not logical. "

In the combat command room of the Gray Wind, Liu Peiqiang summarized the results of the operations during this period.

"For this reason, we even sent Comrade Gray Wind's replica ship as a bait, purposely swaying around the strange enemy army, but the other side turned a blind eye to our army."

Holding the black tea from Belfast, Sun Xianyun took a sip, pursed his lips, lowered his eyelids, and glanced at the star map in front of him.

"Is it because the replica ship has no obvious marking?"

"Not! 』

Xiao Huihui projected a virtual human figure beside Sun Xianyun.

"I even made the replica ship line up in front of the group of idiots to form a big screen, and used the flashlight on the outer armor to play the provocative words 'I know you are a idiot, the identification is complete', but there was still no response from the other side. 』

"Maybe, they can't read Chinese?"

Someone raised his hand weakly to make a suggestion.

Gray Wind was taken aback for a moment, then slapped his forehead.

"Yes!I'm going to try 'friendly communication' with them again in the language of Zhiguan! 』

This time, Xiao Huihui's provocation obviously worked. The weird fleet that was focused on was really enraged and began to attack the girl's replica ship.

But the problem is, the strength of the replica ship is obviously lower than that of this fleet, but the opponent did not kill them all. Instead, in the middle of the attack, they retreated inexplicably!

They retreated and retreated, and the other side even acted a little panicked and even chaotic. Most of the ships successfully escaped from the battlefield with a single jump, but they also left a very ordinary battleship as a prisoner of Xiao Huihui.

This is the best-preserved warship among the Zhiguan battleships captured by the United Fleet until now.

"That's why you don't want to throw all the garbage on Miss Ben."

On the surface of the node planet, in a temporarily opened dock, this dock that has been slightly rebuilt to accommodate a part of the free movement of humans has now become the storage place for the captured Zhiguan warship.

The eldest lady who appeared in the form of a projection standing beside Sun Xianyun complained angrily.

"The smell of meme infection on this is so heavy! Woooooooo... Dad, your precious daughter is no longer clean..."

"Okay, okay, bear with it for now, isn't it the same with the special ship we recovered earlier?"

What Sun Xianyun was referring to was the Zhiguan starship that had the ability to strike beyond time and space and caught the United Fleet off guard by an attack.

After being recovered, because there was no place to store it temporarily, the battleship was also placed in a dock on the node planet, waiting to be transported back to the solar system for systematic reverse research after the war.

Sun Xianyun and Lexington, with Belfast, Xiaohuihui's quantum projection, and several other officers wearing power armor, entered the interior of the battleship along the hole that was specially cut out in the armor.

"My lady has carefully scanned the situation of this battleship. It has no damage, and the members inside should not panic when they retreat. 』

"It always feels like it was specially left for us?"

Belfast walked beside Sun Xianyun and Lexington, and muttered when he heard this.

"Really similar."

Sun Xianyun nodded, and led everyone into the bridge of the battleship not long after.

The other structural parts of the ship have been checked upside down, and nothing special was found. If the other side really left the ship on purpose, then the clue could only be in the bridge.

The battleship bridge of Zhiguan is circular, and the ground is paved with countless hexagonal alloy plates. There are faint red lights in the edge gaps, and in conjunction with the other lighting equipment inside the bridge, which are all red, Make the space look weird and depressing.

"Is there anything like a logbook?"

"Not at all, it was emptied beforehand. 』

The eldest lady looked very helpless.

Sun Xianyun was a little confused, he walked to the central console, subconsciously tapped his fingers on the table.


Suddenly, Sun Xianyun discovered something unusual.

On this console, there is actually an area for detecting palm prints.

A palmprint detection device that is obviously only used by humans.

"Do you know that there are species that are about the same size as ours? Aren't they bird people with claws?"

Sun Xianyun turned his head to look at the crowd, and everyone shook their heads in unison.

Since it is impossible for Zhiguan to use this thing, there is only one possibility.

This is reserved for the United Fleet, or even for Sun Xianyun himself!

With this in mind, Sun Xianyun carefully raised the psionic energy, and then pressed his palm on it.

The next moment, a large piece of blue starlight appeared in front of everyone.

These starlights kept wandering and converging, and finally formed a line of text.

"what!This is Zhiguan’s text, I will translate it for the translator, it says: You are the stupid X, your whole family is stupid X』

The eldest lady read out aloud with a tone without any emotional ups and downs.

Sun Xianyun was silent for a moment, then took a few steps back, letting Xiao Huihui's quantum projection stand at the forefront.

"Girl, people scolded you."

Chapter 641: A Letter from the Enemy

Gray Wind stared blankly at the sentence that Zhiguan had specially left for him, and opened his mouth, Aba Aba didn't know what to say for a long time.

Not only her, everyone including Sun Xianyun was stupid.

Zhi Guan spent a long time deliberately leaving a well-preserved battleship, and even evacuated all the people on it, just to exchange greetings with Xiao Huihui?

"Hmm, it seems that the opposite party is also a lover! 』

The eldest lady hugged her chest with one hand and touched her chin with the other, she nodded seriously.

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