Below him, the entire ship, without exception, sent the "enemy" away with the most solemn ceremony.

When the final light curtain finally dissipated, the entire starry sky was filled with dissipated energy.

These energies form a cloud-like scene, making the originally empty starry sky more magnificent than the most beautiful nebula.

"Master, there is no trace of the knowledge tube being active, and the memetic infection response has also disappeared."

Nimfu stood beside Sun Xianyun and whispered, the little girl's eyes were red, and she spoke with a strong nasal voice.

"The 960s are really...all gone."

"No, they didn't go."

Sun Xianyun shook his head and pointed forward.

"Billions of years later, the gravitational force will re-form new stars here, and the matter that makes up those stars will come from them. Just like what Hercules said before, they will reappear in this universe in the form of stars."

Liu Peiqiang wiped the corners of his eyes and said, "I never thought that the first battle of the United Fleet would end in such a way—by the way, we have experienced an epic, right? Witnessing an ancient and great battle The end of civilization."

"Although I have learned about the invisible and intangible enemy on the other side of the virtual world before, the so-called memetic infection. But this is the first time I have experienced its horror so personally..."

An officer sighed in a low voice.

"...Is this the enemy we will face in the future? It is hard to imagine what will happen if we are also infected with something that can drive such a resolute soldier crazy."

Everyone is in a low mood.

An enemy like infection can't be seen or touched, and there is no entity at all. Only when it erodes specific things can people have a clear attack target, but this also means that there will be a lot of sacrifices.

To deal with viruses, humans still have some means of disinfection and sterilization, which can deal with memetic infections, but the whole army finds that they don't seem to have many effective means.

"I'll stop this for you."

Sun Xianyun said suddenly.

He had a firm face, lowered his eyelids slightly, and rubbed the handle of the instrument knife with his fingertips.

"I will become the barrier of the alliance to prevent the infection from eroding you, and you will become the sharpest swords. One day, we will fight to the other side of the virtual world and completely wipe out the source of all disasters!"

Everyone was a little depressed at first, but it was lifted again by Sun Xianyun's words.

……Dividing line……

The war is over, but the Combined Fleet cannot withdraw immediately.

Previously, due to the disintegration of all the out-of-phase spaces within the scope of the large void, those originally sealed Zhiguan fleets escaped, and at the same time, several relatively well-preserved Xel'Naga ruins also appeared in the world.

Before the Zhiguan fleet was dealt with, all the attention of the United Fleet was focused on them, and he had no time to investigate these ruins.

Now that the crazy Zhiguan has been eliminated, Sun Xianyun can finally free his hand to find out.

Xel'Naga, the great pioneer of the original era of the universe, wandered in the gaps between different universes after transcending, and even created the ancients of the two races of Zerg and Protoss in StarCraft without accident. Inheritance also needs to be properly handled.

But Sun Xianyun didn't have much hope for the harvest of those remaining relics.

——If there were any good things preserved in these ruins, the Zhiguan who had escaped from trouble would have gathered and ran over, so they wouldn't be staring at Sun Xianyun and gnawing on them.

The reason is naturally because Xel'Naga's most valuable wealth has already fallen into his hands.

The supremacy of the Suzheng agreement and the supervision of the guards, the relics record a large number of crystallizations of technological heritage.

The fact is just as Sun Xianyun expected, the only few remaining ruins are just some records of Xel Naga.

These materials are of great help to social science scholars who study alien civilizations and the history of the universe, but they are of little use to Sun Xianyun.

But Sun Xianyun still has doubts in his heart.

The remnant soul of the captain of the spaceship captured in the Subspace Trek before mentioned that a Xel'Naga heritage called "Endless God Machine" was found in the big void.

According to him, the endless magic machine has the ability to calculate the ultimate mystery of the universe, answer all doubts, and even allow people to reverse time and space and go back to the past.

This is also the reason why the captain tried to find the endless magic machine and go back to the past to prevent the civilization in the big hole from opening the ruins.

But the United Fleet searched for many places in the big cavity, but they couldn't find the endless magic machine.

Even the various documents in the Xel'Naga ruins have not mentioned much about the clues about the endless magic machine.

Abrak speculated that the Endless God Machine itself has a fairly high artificial intelligence and the ability to move freely, maybe it is no longer in the big void.

Sun Xianyun couldn't find the endless magic machine, so he had no choice but to give up.

"Maybe, if I have the opportunity to go to the world of StarCraft in the future, I can ask about it after meeting Xel'Naga."

Compared with the battlefield cleaning and aftermath work in the big cavity, the more important thing is to go to Zhiguan's home planet.

Hercules previously informed Sun Xianyun of the coordinates of their home planet, and said that after they bid farewell to this starry sky, everything there is a gift for the new generation of Galaxy Guardians.

"But the problem is that Zhiguan's home star is not in any natural galaxy."

After analyzing the coordinates in detail, Nimf came to a vexing conclusion.

"It is located in a barren star area that is no different from the Great Void, probably in the direction of the Andromeda Nebula, but it is farther away from the earth than Andromeda. It is a completely artificial galaxy-the star is a huge artificial power furnace, surrounding that There are several super-large star rings in the huge power furnace, and if you want to go there, you can only jump through a stargate-like device reserved at a very secret coordinate point in the Andromeda Nebula..."

After finishing speaking, even Nimfu couldn't help admiring:

"It is actually possible to manufacture things similar to stars. Their technology... can only be said, if they are not crazy, but keep awake and fully utilize the production capacity of their home galaxy, we cannot be opponents at all.".

Chapter 646: The True Strength of the Fallen Empire

Stargate technology is like a god for low-end civilizations, but it is not something too sophisticated for super civilizations that have reached the forefront of the universe.

Excluding the free transition technology such as the self-coordinate positioning engine, the conventional system of most of the worlds in this universe or under the virtual environment is sub-light speed-hyperspace navigation-star gate.

The so-called hyperspace navigation is to use naturally occurring large-mass celestial bodies as gravitational beacons to allow ships to fly faster than the speed of light between two different beacons. Of course, some civilizations with sufficient technical strength can develop on this basis. Man-made gravitational beacons, such as Zhiguan, which has been closed.

This has also led to the fact that ninety-nine percent of star sea civilizations can only shuttle back and forth between different galaxies, and it is impossible to jump around in barren star regions such as the Great Void.

Hyperspace navigation is subject to theoretical restrictions, and there is a limit distance after all, but the star gate is different. Theoretically, the instantaneous crossing distance that the star gate can achieve is unlimited-but it is only in theory. In fact, almost all The stargates created by civilization still have a limit value, and stargates have a huge limitation: stargates under conventional technology must correspond in pairs to open subspace passages.

In other words, the ship can only go to another stargate through one stargate, and cannot be launched in one direction like a quantum bullet.

——Except for the L star gate, of course, because this is an out-of-standard technology left by Xel'Naga.This thing is essentially a top-end version of the quantum bullet bow, which can span an incredible distance and directly bounce the ship to the designated coordinate point in the large cavity.

Therefore, don't think that the so-called "strategic pivot" does not exist in the interstellar age. If there is such a galaxy, there are only one or two of its nearest neighboring galaxies, and the distance between them is just right. At the extreme value, then this galaxy will become an excellent "important checkpoint" similar to human civilization in the pre-space age.

By defending here, the incoming enemies can be blocked from the real rear area to ensure safety.

The military strategy department of the Rabbit Family has done analysis and research, and thinks that the location of the solar system is not good. There are several galaxies adjacent to the solar system except Proxima Centauri, and the distance between these galaxies and the solar system is theoretically absolute. Most interstellar civilizations can achieve hyperspace navigation capabilities. In other words, the solar system seems to be located on a large plain, and it can jump from all directions without danger.

In response to this situation, the staff members who are prepared for danger in times of peace have formulated a complete set of defense plans, the core of which is to expand the human defense network from the solar system to the outside, and establish powerful defense projects in several strategically important galaxies that have been carefully searched for in the surrounding areas— —Since the solar system is not easy to defend, I will simply expand the scope of the defense and block a few key galaxies that must pass through to enter the solar system.

And some civilizations with sufficient strength and relatively cautious will choose to place their important home planets behind the critical galaxies, just like the ancient Rabbit Dynasty is always happy to choose some safe places protected by natural terrain and artificial barriers Same as the capital city.

Oh, except for the Song Dynasty, there is no danger at all in the Bianliang area of ​​Tokyo.

This kind of habit is not exempt even the Zhiguan who is a fallen empire, or it is precisely because he has fallen into some kind of extreme autism that Zhiguan simply gave up the natural galaxy and chose a barren space outside the galaxy , Man-made a super-large stellar-like power furnace, and built several ring worlds around it as his own happy house of dead houses, and then left only a pair of star gates as the only external communication arteries.

Now, Sun Xianyun led the joint fleet, crossed the only pair of star gates, and entered this Zhiguan's home.

Hercules didn't teach Sun Xianyun the method of activating the Zhiguan star gate, and I don't know if this is a test that guy left on purpose, but it won't trouble Sun Xianyun.

——Who allowed Abrak, the former Zhiguan servant, to be in the big league?

The curator was Zhiguan's most powerful vassal back then, and Abrak knew exactly how to activate Zhiguan's star gate.

"Is this the hometown of Zhiguan?"

Inside the bridge, the eldest lady was sitting on a one-legged high stool, dangling Bai Shengsheng's legs, biting the lollipop in her mouth.

The girl's body is still located in the node fortress, and the body she uses now is a spare body temporarily created by her with reference to the technology of the three little omnipotent angels of Icarus, rather than a pure quantum projection.

At that time, this girl excitedly submitted several proposals to Sun Xianyun, all of them were beautiful big sisters with protruding fronts and backward curls. She wanted to take this opportunity to grow up successfully in one step, but Sun Xianyun mercilessly rejected all the proposals .

A doll's head should look like a doll's head, and it's scary to suddenly grow up, you know?

"Except for a few more rings, it's no better than the star rings that my lady left in the Phoenix constellation back then!"

The eldest lady refers to the star ring created by the supervision and guard node of the Phoenix Federation to take in other races for refuge during the war.

The star ring in front of me is not just a simple artificial ring world, but a cross-like structure formed by two huge star rings of the same size with circular cross-sections perpendicular to each other, enclosing artificial stars in the center.

In the space around the star ring, you can see a numbing number of space buildings. The purpose of these space buildings is unknown, but I also know that they must be various research institutes, war factories, docks, and defense platforms. Wait.

Densely packed almost the entire space around the star ring.


As the United Fleet gradually approached the ring world, Liu Peiqiang could already see the cold sweat breaking out on his forehead.

"The scanning results show that, not counting the warships sealed in the dock, just counting the ships directly thrown into the interstellar space, the number exceeds one million! There are tens of millions of various defense platforms. If you risk your life, you must prevent even one of your compatriots from returning here, once this place is activated, the consequences will be disastrous!"

"This is still their military power in a state of depravity and silence." Sun Xianyun also had a solemn face, "Think about it, if the degenerate empire is no longer silent, once awakened, and fully activates its own production capacity, how much power they can explode ?”

Thinking of this, Sun Xianyun sighed.

As expected of the legendary fallen father and awakened grandfather.

Fortunately, this legacy belonging to Zhiguan is now all inherited by the Alliance—there is no living person in the entire galaxy.

Back then, Zhiguan really brought the whole family with him, and the whole family rushed into the big cave in one wave.

Perhaps, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of Zhiguan realized that what they did was more dangerous than good. In order to avoid the invisible and intangible meme infection along the corroded compatriots in the big void, it was transmitted to the homeland across time and space in an incomprehensible way. The people in the galaxy, therefore, desperately left with their families, right?and.

Chapter 647: The Rabbit Prepares to Realize the Ultimate Ideal

After all, Zhiguan is an alien life that is completely different from humans, and even different from any race in the alliance.

As a result, all their equipment, ships, and even the residential areas around the world are impossible for alliance members to use normally.

The huge fleet, the large number of factories, etc., have to go through some transformation before they can be used by the alliance.

However, compared to these, the most precious thing in this legacy is actually the vast variety of technical materials.

A hyperspace strike technology that can directly lock the target and launch it without relying on the guiding beacon.

It is more effective than simple shields, armor, even interference force fields and space-time coordinate concussion bombs. It is a defensive technology that can instantly transfer a starship into an out-of-phase state such as the imaginary space and immune to enemy attacks.

It is countless times more efficient than the existing planetary transformation of the Tu family, and it is almost like cultivating watermelon-like "mass production of habitable planets" technology.

Extinguish a star, or accelerate the formation of a brand new star in a nebula.

A material transformation technology that can be called magic or even alchemy.

Even if all the miraculous technologies mentioned above are excluded, the large factories with high production efficiency that drive humans crazy are enough to make people desperately want to take them all away.

With the help of Abrak, the more in-depth understanding of the heritage in Zhiguan's homeland, the more surprising and even shocking the United Fleet and even the entire alliance will be.

Even Abrak himself kept exclaiming - after all, the curator is only Zhiguan's vassal, not Zhiguan itself, and it is impossible to truly understand how deep the background of a fallen empire like Zhiguan is.

That is the astounding wealth that has been accumulated since the last era, and it is the confidence that allows them to sit firmly in the first echelon of civilization even after countless destructive wars that have spread throughout the universe.

Research teams from various worlds from behind the major leagues soon settled in Zhiguan Homeland, a star area that has been confirmed to be named "Pioneering Homeland".

All the experts and scholars are eager to absorb all the knowledge they can absorb. Some theories that cannot be understood because they are too advanced and the technology gap is too large are carefully sealed by the alliance. These will become the foundation of the alliance and gradually become Nourishing, nourishing the big leagues.

Gradually, a voice emerged within the top management of the alliance.

——The legendary, so-called beautiful world that everyone yearns for infinitely, can only be realized under the premise of "extremely rich material production", seems to have really seen hope.

It doesn’t need to be thoroughly understood, just a little reverse research is needed to grasp how the incredible productivity of some knowledge-managed factories is achieved, and the alliance can realize the miracle of "inexhaustible social products" in one fell swoop.

"Under the current situation, as long as we digest some of the proven technologies, we can easily make everyone have all the necessary materials needed to live a happy life! This terrible production capacity is almost There is no limit!"

"However, if this is done rashly, so that everyone can easily obtain living materials unconditionally without basic labor, will it lead to the collapse of social order? Let people fall into the comfort and enjoyment of not thinking about progress?"

"Can the ideological consciousness of the people keep up with this crazy production capacity? Will we cultivate a large number of lazy people who do nothing all day long and only eat welfare?"

"I think we can give it a try. Even if such a situation does occur, with this terrible production capacity, we can easily afford it."

"It's not a question of whether you can afford it. You don't have to do anything, even if you lie at home all day, you can live a material life that only people with millions or even millions of years can enjoy in the past. I guarantee that there will be countless People destroyed it on the spot!"

"We have to trust the people! XX, the attitude shown in your speech is too high, and you have already separated from the people!"

"I'm just talking about the facts! I don't want to see all the people of the Rabbit family in the future become useless people who only want to eat welfare but are unwilling to do anything!"

"Then, is it feasible to allocate a certain workload to each person who can participate in social production, and after completing the workload, they will be eligible to receive sufficient supplies?"

"Who will distribute it? Who can ensure that the distribution is fair and reasonable? Who can guarantee that there will be no alternative forms of exploitation in which someone transfers their own work to others?"

"How about... Let Nuwa come?"

"But in that case, wouldn't all the operations of our civilization be controlled by non-human AI?"

When the United Fleet returned to the solar system, a heated discussion had already begun among the central executives headed by Mr. Yang within the Alliance, or within the Rabbit House in the No. 1 local universe.

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