Gradually, Sun Xianyun and others finally understood what happened.

A universe that was originally consistent with the underlying logical structure of the No. 1 local universe showed signs of law collapse due to unknown reasons, and the collapsed fragments hit the local universe.

The consequence of this is that the time and space of the star area where Sun Xianyun is now has become unstable. If left alone, the unstable time and space will collapse, and the collapse will spread at an incredible speed, just like a domino Like dominoes.

It won't take long for this universe to return to the embrace of the void.

The Dasnaks lived here, and they were the first to notice signs of disaster. At that time, they had already become vassals of Zhiguan. If there was a problem, they would naturally call him Dad.

In the end, with the help of Zhiguan, the Dasnaks finally found a solution that can cure the symptoms although it cannot cure the root cause.

Space-time blockade.

Letting the time and space of the entire star region be in a "pseudo-independent" state in a certain sense is equivalent to digging out a small piece from a complete universe, completely isolating this part of the star region from the surrounding normal space-time environment.

In this way, the blocked star area will only become more and more chaotic, but the outside world can survive.

But if you want to do this, you can't do it with knowledge alone.

The successful implementation of the space-time blockade requires the Dasnaks to pay a very heavy price.

Although the extremely powerful and special spiritual power of their race is not yet able to reach the threshold of spiritual power, they can already do many incredible things. Therefore, as long as the spiritual power of all the individuals of the Dasnak family is completely released, it can be achieved. The great cause of time and space blockade.

The price is that they have to completely and forever give up their bodies, and transform into a spiritual and energy life that cannot be understood by conventional intelligent life.

This kind of abandonment is irreversible. The technology used by the Dasnaks directly erases the possibility of their physical existence from the conceptual level. In other words, under the definition of the truth of the universe, the Dasnaks will "¨. Allowed to have a body".

As if the speed of light in a vacuum is constant at 30 kilometers per second, Dasnaks cannot have a physical body, which has become the underlying logic of this universe.

What is even more uncomfortable is that the entire Dasnak family must be imprisoned in this chaotic time and space forever, and endure the raging time and space storm alone—because they must continuously release the spiritual power of every individual in the whole family , in order to maintain the independence of this piece of time and space, otherwise this star area will reintegrate into the normal material universe.

"So, such a big thing, why doesn't the curator, who is also a vassal of knowledge management like you, know?"

Sun Xianyun asked a question.

However, the answer he received made him and all the officers and soldiers of the United Fleet fall into silence.

"Why take the initiative to tell others? 』

『The reason for notifying the former tutor is because we need the help of the tutor, but there is no need for the curator to inform. 』

"We have no intention of publicizing this experience, which may be regarded as tragic by outsiders, and we do not need praise and admiration from others. 』

"Dathnak is Darthnak. 』

『Dathnak thought he should do it, so he did it. 』

"That's all. 』

The answer from Dasnak made everyone feel as heavy and eternal as Mount Tai.

Chapter 680 Is Sister Tazi's rollover already a law of the universe?

Outside the headquarters building of the International United Congress on Earth, there is a monument to the unknown soldier, with such a sentence written on it in four languages: Chinese, English, French, and Russian.

"Your names are not known, and your deeds endure forever."

This is used to commemorate the countless anti-fascist fighters who died in World War II. Similar monuments and inscriptions also exist in many countries.

Somehow, after Dasnak answered Sun Hyun-yoon's question, he thought of this sentence.

This is just an unknown corner of the vast sea of ​​stars. There may still be a large number of civilizations in the universe, doing the same things as Dasnak, but no one knows their dedication and great achievements.

A certain idea that has always existed suddenly became firm at this moment.

Sun Xianyun sighed and said: "Maybe you don't care, but in my opinion, all civilizations that have created great achievements like yours should be recorded and let future generations look up to them."

Archives, or Memorial Plaza.

Perhaps, it should be at the headquarters of the alliance, no, it should be at the exit of the time-space hub, and such a place should be established, and all the great achievements of the civilizations that are known to the great alliance along the way, regardless of whether they belong to the alliance or not, will be erected and passed on. Travelers who travel between time and space can know what is behind this peace and tranquility just by looking up.

Dasnak certainly didn't care about Sun Xianyun's decision, but since the mentor wanted to do this, he naturally had his reasons.

"Later, we noticed that some younger civilizations from the outside world were trying to enter this chaotic area of ​​time and space. 』

"In order to prevent them from destroying the Nether Cloud Node, we had to create a race to guard the gate to this star area.It's a pity that the chaotic laws here have seriously affected our work. When sending that race out, they were seriously disturbed and mentally disturbed. But fortunately, the core of their action logic is to guard this point no problem. 』

"However, more than 1000 years ago, we found that the chaos of space-time was increasing, because a second fragment hit here.In desperation, we asked our former mentor for help, but at that time, the mentor was going to go somewhere to recover some dangerous inheritance. This trip was too dangerous. The mentors seemed to think that they were in danger, so they could only provide some extremely limited help. Let me wait, maybe in the future, he will have successors who will arrive here to complete unfinished tasks for them. 』

"According to the technology left by our mentor, we created the key and sent her to the outside world. To open the key, we must have the power to resist chaotic time and space. When the key touches this power, it will unlock the restrictions we left behind." , Let her take the initiative to bring the other party to us. 』

"The mentor once said that if they are doomed to perish, if they are lucky enough to have a successor, then the successor must have the ability to break the situation. 』

"After sending the key out, we also completely lost the power to interfere with the outside world due to the increasingly chaotic time and space, and the gatekeepers we sent out are completely uncontrollable..."

In this way, all things are connected.

The whole Dasnak family abandoned their bodies and turned into spiritual and energy forms of life to perform the task of time and space blockade.

They created the group of slave pirates to guard the entrance here, but in the process, those pirates had serious mental problems due to the chaotic time and space and the broken law.

More than 1000 years ago, as the chaos of time and space suddenly intensified, in order to usher in the last hope, Dasnak created the key-the heart of the Coral Palace... No, it should be Electra, this girl can only touch The restriction will be released only when the object meets certain conditions, and the target object will be led into the interference zone.

This specific object is undoubtedly the existence that can control psionic energy.

Apparently, the late Zhiguan last commander, it was precisely because he realized Sun Xianyun's particularity that he did not hesitate to hand over the entire civilization's heritage to him, and then led his clansmen to die heroically.

But there's a huge problem here—

The universe is so vast, the contact between Sun Xianyun and Electra is very small in terms of probability.

What if the two never met?

Or, what if there has never been someone like Sun Xianyun in this universe?

『Teacher, we firmly believe that you will definitely appear. 』

Dasnak explained.

"Although we can't officially step into the Void Realm, we are very close to the Void Realm. Our former mentor once said that if we have enough time to develop, maybe we will become the second Xel'Naga. 』

"In the age when he still had a body, the Great Prophet of our race once prayed to the void and received revelation at the cost of his life. 』

"That revelation told us that the Guardians of the Galaxy will eventually appear, and that my race will return like lightning!" 』

Are you a Roman too?Say!What does Jun Shiyi have to do with you!

Sun Xianyun frowned, always feeling that the style of painting suddenly became wrong, one moment he was still talking about a grand epic, and the next second he suddenly became ghostly again.

However, with the transcendent particularity of the Void Realm, it seems that it is not a strange thing to accidentally see a movie of the future through it.

After all, even the concept of time itself is derived from the virtual environment.


Sun Xianyun clapped his hands.

"I'm here to clean up the mess."

"Also, if I'm not mistaken, the StarCraft universe that Ulandale and Rita Trek are in is probably the one that is collapsing."

"So, before we arrive here, do you know the advance team we sent here in advance?"

"Master, you mean that female creature that seems to have the strange curse of 'no matter what you do, it will eventually lead to failure'?"If so, then the fleet that the person is in has indeed strayed into the chaotic space-time storm and strayed into the collapsing universe... How strange, according to our calculations, the direction the fleet is traveling in is theoretically impossible to appear at that time The space-time channel that connects the two universes is right...』

Rita, has your law of overturning reached the level of the law of the universe? ?

Sun Xianyun slapped herself on the face dumbfounded, wondering if she would cry a lot if Sister Tazi found out about this.

Chapter 681 Formatting this starry sky and restarting this universe

As Dasnak beings in the energy state, it is naturally impossible for them to adopt the technology that ordinary intelligent life is familiar with.

Being able to communicate with Sun Xianyun directly through the fleet's communication network like now is also because the other party converted the thought signal into a regular signal through the cloud of the void and entered the fleet's network.

This is why neither Nimf nor Bronya could find the source of the signal after a long time—because there is no source at all, or in other words, the network formed by the entire void cloud is the source. A chaotic space-time itself is the source.

So, where is Dasnak?

"We're everywhere. 』


The eldest lady bit the lollipop in her mouth in amazement: "You have been beaten until you have no corpses, the kind of 'everywhere' that blood plasma and flesh smeared all over the walls?"

"Don't interrupt!"

Sun Xianyun gave this girl a big chestnut.

The difference in life forms made Dasnak not care about the young lady's complaints just now, and the other party directly explained his current situation.

"In the interstellar dust that permeates the entire chaotic time and space, in the atmosphere of those gas giant planets, and even in the energy network of the void cloud that most civilizations cannot detect at all, there are our people. 』

"We wandered in the form of spiritual bodies and energy bodies, and integrated everything that was left of us into this star area, so that we can perfectly release our spiritual power to maintain this crumbling barrier. 』

"So, your spirits are also facing the tearing of this chaotic time and space, right?"

Yixian sighed silently, she couldn't bear to see such a scene.

"It's no wonder that no matter how much the advance team and the unmanned ships searched, they couldn't find you, because as long as you enter this star area, you are directly in your 'bodies'."

"So, what do I need to do to solve the problem in this star area? You should be unable to hold on any longer, right?"

"The network of the Void Cloud itself is a derivative of our power, and we can use it to provide great help to our mentors. 』

"This assistance needs to be carried by the key, so what the key unlocks is not some tangible treasure, but the support that contains the strength of our entire clan. 』

"The next step is what you need to do, teacher—to format this miniature universe with the authority of the Void Realm!" 』

Sun Xianyun: "........."

So the method you use to solve the current problem is to simply and rudely return everything to zero?

The computer system cannot be repaired. Reinstalling the system solves all problems?

You just kill me!

Formatting a universe, even a miniature universe, a pseudo-independent chaotic time and space, sounds like it is simply not something that humans can do!

……Dividing line……

Things were not as difficult as Sun Xianyun thought.

Formatting a small universe sounds grand... well, in fact it is indeed tall, and it is so tall that there is no limit.

In theory, if you can format a miniature universe, you have the ability to restart a complete universe.

Although Dasnak is not qualified to touch the authority of Void Realm and master the power of psionic energy, they are infinitely close to this position, just like Xel'Naga back then.

So their research on psionic energy and virtual realm was quite in-depth, to the extent that even Sun Xianyun was amazed.

Dasnak has a complete set of theories on how to reset the entire world with this high-dimensional power above the world.

It's just that they themselves don't have the ability to implement the plan drawn up by this theory.

It's like a person who understands every step of the atomic bomb from the extraction of the most basic raw materials to the production of the final product, but he has no raw materials or equipment, so he can't make an atomic bomb.

For a total of 72 hours, the Dasnak clan "instilled" the relevant knowledge they had mastered into Electra's mind through their race-specific communication methods. During this process, Sun Xianyun communicated with Electra received this knowledge spiritually.

In other words, a certain ornamental fish became a bridge connecting Sun Xianyun and Dasnak.

As for why Sun Xianyun didn't directly bypass the ornamental fish, after the psychic energy diffused and resonated with Dasnak's spiritual body in the entire interference area, it was naturally because he himself was still somewhat lacking in refined operations. His own spirit can disturb this already fragile time and space.

"It's been three days..."

On the bridge, Xiao Shi, who logged in at the top, hit a pair of straights, then raised his head and glanced at Sun Xianyun, Lexington, and Elektra who had been motionless for three days on the high platform.

Turning his gaze, seeing that Jizi on the opposite side hadn't played a card, Xiaoshi couldn't help urging: "Aunt Jizi, hurry up, Aunt Jizi. Befa, pour auntie a cup of cappuccino, auntie, let's start you!" The Bomb Show - ah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah!"

"Cappuccino, right? Bomb show, right? Gambling monster, right?"

Ji Zi directly threw away the cards in his hand and began to pinch Xiao Shi's face and pull them to both sides.

Pulling and pulling, Ji Zi suddenly noticed that Xiao Shi's expression had changed.

Suddenly, Fu Hua, who was kicked out by Xiao Shi, slapped Ji Zi's hand off, and stared at her expressionlessly: "I need an explanation."

"I'll say it, I'll say it!"

Qiyana, who also participated in Fighting the Landlords, raised her hands high.

"Xiaoshi is called Teacher Jizi's auntie! Compared with Teacher Jizi, you are the class monitor——oooooooooooo!?"

Opening his eyes, what Sun Xianyun saw was Qiyana who was being taught by Fu Hua with his fists.

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