Sun Xianyun breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, the energy barrier outside the fleet was gradually removed.

——This is a special shield that can effectively maintain the stability of internal laws under the blessing of Sun Xianyun's psychic power. It can ensure that the fleet can smoothly exist in areas of abnormal laws.

"General, Bronya tried to contact the central star port and found that the communication was strongly interfered by unknown reasons."

As if a childish voice with a natural milk fragrance sounded, Bronya turned his head and said to Sun Xianyun after operating the holographic projection panel in front of him for a while.

"It's normal. Didn't we completely lose contact with Ulandal not long ago? Let's try to see if we can successfully call them."

Bronya nodded, and began to try to call the advance team led by Yolandal according to his words.

"No, General, the communication channel is always silent."

Many people suddenly looked worried. In order to appease them, Sun Xianyun shook his head slightly, signaling that everyone should not worry.

"Don't worry, they're fine. Although I can't get in touch, I can vaguely sense that Rita is still alive. Well...maybe I can try to call her?"

Destiny S-rank Valkyrie, this is Rita's former identity.

But not long ago, she already had a brand new identity.

Herrscher of Ice.

The original Herrscher of Ice should be Anna Shaniat, but now Anna is still a Valkyrie sent by Destiny's subordinates to fight in the alliance, while the Herrscher of Ice has become Sister Tazi.

——Anyway, Sun Xianyun will never admit that the reason why he did this is because of the phrase "wake up, owner of the refrigerator".

As the Herrscher on the alliance side, Sun Xianyun is her Honkai God to Rita. Although this universe is not in the Shuhai system, Sun Xianyun's power from the Honkai Will has been greatly restricted, but feel yourself There is no question whether the Herrscher under his name is still alive.


"Rita, squeak when you're alive."

no respond.

If it was in the original world, Sun Xianyun could completely rely on the connection between the "God" and the Herrscher to achieve spiritual dialogue regardless of distance.

"It seems that the interference here is really strong. No wonder we can't get in touch with Youlandale and the others, but it's not without a solution..."

Sun Xianyun turned to look at the eldest lady, and asked, "How long will it take to rebuild a sufficiently powerful communication network relying on the Obelisk of Parrivis?"

The data flow kept flickering in the eyes of the eldest lady, and she replied after a while: "The star system level communication network can be completed in an instant, but the star cluster level communication network takes about a week, and the ones that span the entire universe can even be connected with the local central starport. The communication network, the time to build it again is...uncertain."


"Well, Dad, this universe has too many problems."

As soon as the eldest lady raised her hand, a holographic projection of a model of the universe appeared on her palm.

"It can be seen that the normal space-time structure of this universe should be completely consistent with the local universe. Under this structure, the universe is not infinite. In fact, according to the latest theory, the universe under the virtual environment There can't be a structural model of 'infinity' because 'infinity' is a rather scary concept."

After a pause, seeing that everyone was looking at him curiously, the corner of the young lady's lips curled up in a cryptic manner with a certain pride in being a teacher.

"What does 'infinite' mean? It means that no matter how inconceivable, the probability is very small, under the premise of 'infinity', it will become a situation of '[-]% happening'—in other words, Dad, if we The universe is infinite, so there must be a galaxy that is exactly the same as the Milky Way in a place that we have not explored, and there is a star region that is exactly the same as the solar system, and even... There is another group of galaxies that are exactly the same as ours Then, he will lie on the bed in the exact same pose as you and watch the exact same video with the exact same mobile phone.”

"This is infinitely terrifying."


Kiyana couldn't hold back a layer of goosebumps.

If you think about it carefully, the infinitely small probability is placed in the infinitely large universe, and this extremely terrible situation will indeed happen.

"So, our universe, and the universe as a whole, should be in a 'finite but unbounded' situation under normal circumstances, that is, its volume is finite, but it has no boundaries."

Kiyana's eyes turned the mosquito coils completely.

"Stop reading, master, stop reading..."

"Listen to me, idiot! This is more or less related to the knowledge of space. You are a herrsrscher of the sky after all. It is only good to learn more!"

Ji Zi walked behind Kiyana and raised her hand to slap her. The latter immediately threw herself into Mei's arms with tears in her eyes and began to beg for comfort.

The eldest lady continued to explain:

"The structural model with limited volume but no boundary is determined. As long as you spend time or have sufficient technology, after reaching the so-called edge of the universe in terms of volume, it will appear in an instant under the 590 three-dimensional space-time bending effect. The other end of this finite universe."

"It's like in some games, the scene map is limited, but when you control the character to reach the far right of the map, and then take a step forward, your character will suddenly appear on the far left of the map. This is the standard space model, Finite but unbounded. It’s interesting to say that if a creature in this space-time structure has the ability to see infinitely far, then he will see the back of his head.”

Then, the eldest lady tapped her finger lightly, and the universe model on the holographic screen began to change.

Its edge showed signs of collapse.

"And this is the current situation in this universe. Due to the failure of the underlying logic, its space-time structure has been distorted and destroyed at the high-dimensional level, making this universe a box-like world that resembles a fully enclosed box. It is not only The volume is limited, and there is still a boundary—there is a place of chaos of laws, a place infinitely close to the void, and all substances born under the logical and self-consistent rules of the main material universe cannot exist there, unless money is added... ah No, I mean unless you can get Dad to cheat like we did."

With a wave of her hand, the holographic screen was turned off, and the eldest lady sighed.

"And this is where the problem lies. Our current communication network technology is established based on standard structural models. To deal with this universe where the basic space structure has problems, there is no problem in establishing a small-scale communication network, but the coverage is large enough. Especially if it is required to cross the world...then we need to re-establish a set of algorithms that specifically deal with this structure.".

Chapter 689: Let's Eliminate Bugs First

In the case where even communication has become a problem, it is naturally impossible for Sun Xianyun to lead the fleet to run around like headless chickens.

If he really did this and let him do it, then the group of elite officers under him who have received a complete military education may be able to collectively wipe their necks and apologize.

Therefore, after a brief discussion, the United Fleet chose a seemingly remote and desolate galaxy as a temporary base.

This galaxy has a binary star system, two stars revolve around each other's gravitational balance point, and several solid planets and gas giant planets are distributed around the periphery.

The United Fleet chose the relatively spacious area between the orbit of the second planet and the orbit of the third planet to berth, and directly threw the planet that was almost transformed beyond recognition here. The gravitational confinement field to avoid interfering with the normal trajectory of other celestial bodies - speaking of being able to transform a barren planet into this shape so quickly, it is entirely because Sun Xianyun and the others did not consider the problem of living at all during the process.

As long as the harsh living environment requirements of intelligent life are not considered, the speed of transformation will naturally be countless times faster-the most intuitive example, at least they don't have to bother and spend a lot of time rebuilding the atmosphere and magnetic field.

Next to this front-line base star, the eldest lady also threw out her own body, and the two planets are so close together, it has become a cosmic spectacle.

After that, it is natural to be busy with the preparatory work.

Especially the communication network reconstruction task as the focus of work.

The lady with full production efficiency spent a week producing a batch of floating matrices for herself as functional plug-ins for the Obelisk of Parrivis. These matrices even made Some basic technical adjustments, according to this girl, once it is put into operation, I can't guarantee it when I contact the central Xinggang in the rear, but it is still no problem to greet the child in Suzheng 2.

——That's right, it is Suzheng 2, which is the hole card, and traveled to this universe with the Ulandale team.

"Speaking of which, the space-time structure of this universe seems to be collapsing quite quickly...¨ˇ..."

Sun Xianyun looked a little worried.

When Trek first appeared, he could still communicate with Suzheng 2 through the highest command authority, but now even he, the command center of the Suzheng agreement, can't contact the other party.

"It stands to reason that as long as they are in a fairly normal star area, it is impossible for them to fail to contact. This situation can only happen because the opposite side has strayed into some strange place-I bet it is definitely that terrible maid. The chaos caused!"

——This is the evaluation made by the eldest lady.

Then, the time is on this day.

"Commander, we have discovered a situation."

In the main flagship of the Gray Wind, after receiving the report, Sun Xianyun led people to look at the picture sent back by the hyperspace probe through the holographic screen.

At the edge of another galaxy near the galaxy where the United Fleet is stationed, a big chase is going on right now.

More than a dozen dilapidated ships seemed to be running away with all their strength. These ships could not be regular troops at first glance, because their appearance looked messy, and behind this motley army was a unified, human-like army. style fleet.

The number is about fifty.

"Ah, the struggle within humans? I thought I found a bug."

As soon as Sun Xianyun finished speaking, the fleeing fleet entered a state about to jump.

"Are they crazy?"

Liu Peiqiang's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Forcibly launching the transition while being hunted down, they are not afraid of getting lost in the turbulence of the subspace? Or is it that the fleet chasing them can't even do the basic transition blockade?"

"Obviously, they have nowhere to go." Sun Xianyun whistled and looked at Nimfu, "What's the matter?"

"The internal communication of the target has been successfully monitored, Master, and we know the guy on the other side."

After finishing speaking, Nimf tilted her head, and everyone heard a burst of cursing.

"Damn it!Damn it!We shall be torn to shreds by the warp turbulence! 』

"Don't bet that we will be killed by the guys behind sooner or later, what if we successfully jumped to a safe place?" 』

"Jim!Are you sure you want to do this?We're likely to die...'


Jim Raynor?

One of the protagonists of StarCraft, a hot man who is unclear with Queen of Blades Kerrigan?

"is it him?"

"It's for sure—wow! Master, they are about to jump, and they will definitely be torn apart by the warp turbulence. Do we want to help?"

Sun Xianyun just thought about it for a while, then smiled and said:

"Start subspace interference and let the fleeing fleet come to us."

As the subspace interference was activated, the forced transition that should have been random, with a [-]% probability of death, was deliberately guided to jump out of the coordinates near the United Fleet.


Uncle Jim Raynor, who had just jumped out of the subspace and hadn't had time to congratulate him for coming back to life, saw the scene in front of him clearly, and the cigar in his mouth fell to the ground with a click.

"Jim! It's my boat! Don't throw your cigars around—oh Shet! What the hell is this!?"

The captain of the Huberian, Matt Horner, just cursed, and then screamed because he looked up and saw the combined fleet in the distance.

"Old friend, I... am I dreaming?"

"I hope it's a dream too."

Jim Raynor had a dull expression and gave a wry smile.

"Where did we run to? I don't think that guy Mengsk will have such a huge power here... By the way, where is this place?"

"Use the elimination method." Matt Horner looked serious, "First eliminate the bugs."

"And then it can't be humans. Guess what I saw, planetary fortress! If humans have this ability, can't they hold their heads up in front of the protoss?"

"Sorry to disappoint you. 』

An incomprehensible means of communication suddenly forcibly invaded the Hyperion, and Sun Xianyun's figure appeared on the holographic projection that popped up suddenly.

"As you can see, we are genuinely human... well, at least some of us are. 』.

Chapter 690: What the hell are they doing here! ?


Silence is Hyperion tonight.

After the awkward atmosphere lasted for a while, Jim suddenly grabbed Matt beside him: "Brother, do I look okay? Is there anything wrong?"

Before Matt could answer, Jim Raynor immediately let go of him, looked at the screen and patted his face, trying to show a harmless smile.

"Hello, honorable commander of the unknown powerful fleet, my name is Jim Raynor, and I'm the captain of this team."

Jim Raynor saw it clearly.

He is very sure that the fleet in front of him is absolutely impossible to have anything to do with that tyrant Mengsk. If Mengsk really had this ability, he, Jim Raynor, would not be alive today.

Protoss is also impossible, bug?

Don't be ridiculous, that's even more impossible.

Therefore, this is an alien force that is completely unfamiliar to the Kopru sector.

"Hello, Jim Raynor.This is the United Fleet under the Pan-Universe Rabbit Alliance, and I am Sun Xianyun, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Fleet. 』

The name of an organization I have never heard of.

Jim Raynor glanced vaguely at Matt beside him, and the other side shook his head towards him.

"Ahem, nice to meet you, Commander, may I ask why you came to Kepu 393 Lu Xing District for...?"

"Find someone. 』

Sun Xianyun bluntly stated his purpose.

"We have an advance team that strayed into this universe during a survey mission, and we are here to pick up our fellow citizens. 』

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