……Dividing line……

Sun Xianyun's return, in addition to allowing the United Fleet to counterattack in an all-round way, also attracted the attention of the Tyrann Empire and the Zerg.

In other words, it attracted the attention of Mengsk, who has now become one with the original Zerg master.

But the other party is very cunning.

He was still hiding in the subspace, and he hid extremely deeply.

If you want to lure Mengsk out, you have to make the other party feel confident in taking Sun Xianyun.

Through the previous communication between Lexington and the Queen of Blades, Sun Xianyun quickly judged the current situation——

——If Mengsk has been completely reduced to Amon's lackey, then he will definitely not be able to bear the "Sun Xianyun who may have captured all the essence of Aurus", even if Amon himself ends up in person possible.

——And if Mengsk is still resisting, or even simply maintaining a certain independence of his own, then in order to completely defeat Amon, Mengsk will also find a way to capture Sun Xianyun when possible and swallow him. Absorb the essence of Aurus 2.4 to gain the power to fight Amon.

Since no matter what the situation is, Sun Xianyun has now become a target that must be arrested by the opposite side, so Sun Xianyun simply exposes himself directly.

In the starry sky of the decisive battle, amidst the artillery fire that tore apart time and space, Sun Xianyun's figure suddenly appeared.

He tried to hide his own psychic power as much as possible, but mobilized the xel'naga essence from Aurus.

Gradually, in the dark deep sky, Sun Xianyun's body suddenly emitted a dazzling white light. In the end, his whole body was covered with pure white flames.

The flame was so dazzling, and the energy reaction was so huge that it was captured by the opposite side immediately.

Then, thousands of beams of destructive power shot at him! .

Chapter 728 Emon, Let's Do It

It's not that people in the Koprulu sector have never seen a single powerful creature.

Among other things, the Queen of Blades is one.

While few have ever seen her in full swing, rumor has it that the Queen of Blades is capable of destroying even a medium-sized fleet single-handedly if she is desperate.

However, when the United Fleet entered this universe, the locals realized that the so-called powerful individuals they had known in the past were just like a joke.

This army of unknown origin, although their military strength is insufficient, their combat effectiveness is extremely powerful, especially those humans who can traverse the starry sky—although no one believes that they are humans—everyone has a weapon not weaker than the Queen of Blades. Strength.

Therefore, when Sun Xianyun suddenly appeared in the starry sky, the opponent immediately unreservedly launched a saturation attack on him.

All warships with a range that can reach Sun Xianyun, as long as they are not really unable to move, will immediately turn their muzzles to lock on Sun Xianyun's coordinates, and then fire with all their strength. twenty one

The human Viking fighters, the Zerg dragons, and even the Protostadarin tribe's Phoenix fighters formed a huge formation and rushed towards him.

Sun Xianyun's body changed from extremely quiet to extremely dynamic in an instant, barely avoiding all kinds of laser cannons, and then pulled out the long-unused Ship Saber Kaitian. The next moment, there were suddenly a lot of fighters around.

Tadalin's aircraft carrier even directly activated the auxiliary jump system, directly teleporting the Phoenix fighter to Sun Xianyun's surroundings.

Sun Xianyun could see the madness on the face of the Tadarin pilot in the Phoenix fighter plane closest to him.

With a wave of his hand, a thousand small floating cannons suddenly appeared behind Sun Xianyun.

With a large number of floating cannon matrices, his body drew a deft arc in the starry sky, easily circling with those Phoenix fighters and the follow-up Viking fighters and Zerg dragons. It didn't take long for the first batch of besieging him to attack him. The units are all wiped out.

But soon, enemy units several times more than before appeared again.

Along with them, there were various starship guns that locked on him and fired continuously.

Gradually, a thousand small floating cannons behind Sun Xianyun were shot down, and he himself was directly hit by the main guns of the starship several times.

After the floating cannon matrix was completely destroyed, Sun Xianyun swung his knife again, this time calling out ten thousand floating cannons...

……Dividing line……

On the podium, Jim Raynor wanted to speak several times, asking if he really didn't want to support Sun Xianyun.

But when he looked around, he found that everyone had indifferent expressions on their faces.

"no need to worry."

Lexington's voice suddenly came.

"He didn't use all his strength at all. Now he is just dealing with the opponent. He is even deliberately showing weakness, just to dissuade Eamon and Mengsk from their vigilance."

In the picture, Sun Xianyun was hit by the main gun again, and then was submerged by several Zerg units in a suicide attack.

If you look carefully, you will find that Sun Xianyun's attack frequency and movement speed have weakened compared to the original one, which seems to give people the illusion of a great consumption.

The speed of this was well grasped by him.

But this is not enough.

After splitting a human battleship with absolute violence, before Sun Xianyun had time to evacuate, the bombardment of three Yamato cannons swept past.

Obviously, this was prepared by the opposite side long ago. At the cost of sacrificing a battleship, Sun Xianyun's movement was delayed, and then the Yamato gun was used to attack.

After the Yamato cannon hit, Sun Xianyun appeared again, the white flame burning on his body was much dimmer than before.

He turned his head to look at the three human warships that had just opened fire on him thousands of kilometers away, with some hesitation on his face, and finally put away the ship-killing knife.

The body blurred for a moment, and when Sun Xianyun was about to leap away from the battlefield, the surrounding space was suddenly stagnant.

After concentrating his eyes, realizing that he couldn't jump away, the originally dim flame on Sun Xianyun's body became bright again, as if preparing to fight to the death.

At this moment, a disturbing raving sounded in his mind.

That was not any language that could be understood by intelligent life, just hearing the voice quickly dimmed and extinguished Sun Xianyun's newly rising flame.

The essence from Aurus began to spontaneously resist the strange power mixed in the ravings, giving Sun Xianyun a moment to breathe.

But soon, the speed of the babbling became rapid and the tone of voice became high-pitched. Sun Xianyun's originally clear eyes gradually became confused.

『Protect our commander——! ! ! ! ! 』

The urgent order from Lexing was spread across the battlefield in a very strange way.

Then, Sun Xianyun disappeared.

On the podium, Lexington finally smiled.


Belfast asked in a low voice.

"Will it be okay?"

"Don't worry." Lexington shook his head slightly, his eyes fixed on the direction where Sun Xianyun disappeared, "Eamon has made a move, we are only one step away from success."

To deal with him, the biggest problem has never been whether he can beat him or not.

but not found.

……Dividing line……

Endless void.

This is the name for the cracks in the myriad universes under the virtual world.

If the Void is an unlawful area where all concepts do not exist, and the material universe is a world with sound laws, then the endless void is a transitional state sandwiched between the two.

Here, the rules that constitute the self-consistent operation of all universes have been born, but they are independent of each other and have not been coupled into a complete system.

If it is more vivid, it can probably be understood as a pot of porridge cooked according to the rules.

The human brain structure is difficult to understand this state, and their fragile bodies are not strong enough to survive here for even a Planck time.

For countless years, only the super life form named "Xel'Naga" could survive here.

When Sun Xianyun appeared here, a huge black shadow suddenly pressed towards him.

The twisted objects that emerged from the void entangled his body.


He was raving.

"...everything about you belongs to me in the end."

He was about to absorb the essence of a powerful xel'naga, and he fell into joy. The arrival of success made him finally relax his vigilance.


"Bastard!! Humble bug!!"

"Hahahahahaha! Emon...you never thought I'd be waiting for you here...!!"


Chapter 729: Emon: I got up, it took a second to shoot, what can I say?

Needless to say, Mengsk deserves to be the one who can cause so much trouble to Kerrigan, who has become the Queen of Blades, throughout the entire StarCraft plot.

Under his cruel and cunning appearance, he still has amazing wisdom and extraordinary endurance. If it is not limited by the strength limit of the human body itself, Mengsk will definitely grow up to be even more troublesome than Eamon opponent.

Just like now.

"You can actually do this step..."

Even Emon, who had spent countless years, was amazed by Mengsk's behavior. In order to avoid his detection, this guy reassured him that the other party had been completely swallowed and became his lackey. own consciousness.

After retaining his own existence, Mengsk threw out the part of his consciousness that was torn out as an abandoned child, successfully fused it with the Zerg master, and deceived Emon into thinking that Mengsk Sk has completely disappeared.

Then, the real Mengsk hid, and even allowed everything about himself to be absorbed into Amon's body, just to give Amon a gorgeous backstab at the most critical moment.

He succeeded.

When Amon was about to absorb the essence from Aurus in Sun Xianyun's body, Mengsk finally jumped out.

But he also failed.

Because he is not Xel'Naga after all.

Even if he had devoured Emon's running dogs before, Mengsk hadn't become an existence capable of confronting Xel'Naga. His physical essence was not enough to support him to complete sublimation, and his spirit could not reach the pure state.

Mengsk, who is unqualified both physically and mentally, has no chance of winning in the face of the real Xel'Naga—even if it is depraved.

After going through some means to completely make Mengsk disappear, Amon himself was also a little seriously injured. The battle between the two took place in Amon's body. No matter who wins in the end, this body will suffer serious trauma.

This made Emon extremely angry. Without Mengsk's backstab, in his situation, he only needed to swallow Aurus, and Emon believed that he would be sure to face the other side of the void.

But now, even if he absorbed all the essence of Aurus, Amon would only be able to return to his original state if he died.

Fortunately, he wasn't completely useless—he had been coveting Sun Xianyun's body for a long time.

This is an individual with psychic qualifications, and Amon is sure of this.

The essence from Aurus was taken away from Sun Xianyun's body bit by bit by Amon, and the pleasure brought by the shortfall made him tremble with joy.

After the essence was devoured, Amon finally started to devour Sun Xianyun.

"Oh oh oh oh oh!"

"Psionic power—this is psionic power!"

"This is the void!"

Amon was cheering, and the void was shaken by his emotions.

He didn't notice that a will that didn't belong here was coming.

That will watches, waits.

It is also replacing Amon little by little.

However, when Amon's body was filled with spiritual energy from Sun Xianyun, he suddenly let out a cry of pain.

The originally docile spiritual energy became manic, wantonly destroying his body, and the void shook like never before.

The will that was replacing Amon seemed to have noticed something, and it disappeared in a blink of an eye. At the same time, the gaze from the Void fell on Amon.

After a while, he heard a burst of laughter.

"Stupid guy, the Void Realm cannot be reached by this kind of heresy."

After a while, there was another low sigh: "The little guy is quite gloomy, I'll come here later, um... In the end, he came a step late and let him run away."

Amon's thinking became confused, and he couldn't understand what happened, but suddenly heard Sun Xianyun's voice.

"What ran away?"

Then, Amon completely lost consciousness.

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