After talking with Cao Kai just now, Sun Xianyun has been monitoring everything in the town.

This is a very mysterious state, as long as it is everything within the shared field of vision, Sun Xianyun can grasp it clearly, even clearer than looking directly with the naked eye.

Even, he can see people who are blocked by buildings through thermal imaging.

While observing the situation in the town, Sun Xianyun quickly drew up a relatively safe driving route, and then shared the data with the marines who were in charge of rescue.

With Sun Xianyun here to carry out aerial reconnaissance and guidance, the Marine Corps went all the way unimpeded. Although there were some detours, fortunately, there was no danger.



In the field of thermal imaging, Sun Xianyun suddenly found that a guy hiding in the building actually lifted something that looked like an RPG.

And directly in front of it is clearly the Marine Corps vehicle that is about to pass by.

The armored vehicle naturally wouldn't be worried about this small RPG, but the problem was that the small passenger vehicle responsible for transporting the masses behind the armored vehicle couldn't stand it.

"court death!"

Sun Xianyun's eyes narrowed immediately, and a gleam of coldness flashed across. Lexington next to him had a thought, and a fighter jet roared past in the sky, and fired a missile at the building.


The missile hit the building precisely, and those who hadn't had time to launch the rockets were buried in the ruins as the building collapsed.

"These people are so courageous? Let's fight with the national flag?"

"Could it be... someone wants to make trouble?"

Touching his chin, Sun Xianyun was lost in thought.

Chapter 95: This is called self-decompression

Somewhere in the dark, a conversation is taking place.

"We failed."

"Did it fail...? It doesn't matter, but I just want to find something for the rabbit, and it doesn't matter if it doesn't succeed."

"A bandit is a bandit, and it's useless. However, we have also collected data on Rabbit's latest missile."

"Look, it's not fruitless, is it? Well, that's the end of the action. Let's withdraw the people we put in. The rabbit can fight us twice, so don't be accidentally discovered by them... "


……Dividing line……

Although Sun Xianyun didn't know the origin of the person who tried to attack the rescue convoy, he still had some doubts in his heart.

However, it is not his responsibility to consider this kind of thing, he just needs to report all the situation here, and naturally someone from the center will assign professionals to conduct intelligence analysis.

If they really found any clues or even decisive evidence, then those who planned these actions next will have to be punished in future foreign affairs exchanges.

It is necessary to spit out some benefits.

This is also the unspoken rule of 840 among the major countries in the world today-you can make troubles, but if someone catches you by the tail, I will not make it public. After all, everyone sees up. , making it ugly will only make others laugh, but you have to spit something out as compensation.

After such a incident, the Marine Corps responsible for the rescue became more cautious.

Fortunately, there were no accidents. The Marine Corps successfully found the trapped people. After transferring them to the vehicle, they also performed preliminary injury treatment for the two injured women on the way back.

Next, they only need to be sent to the warship for follow-up treatment.

It took nearly two hours on the way out, and it was the same on the way back. When the convoy arrived at the port, it was already dusk.

After all, this is a small and backward country, and its infrastructure construction is far inferior to that in China. It took more than half a day to go back and forth for a distance of tens of kilometers.

When the ambassador counted all the people and confirmed that there was no mistake in the statistical list, he immediately reported the matter to Sun Xianyun.

Sun Xianyun immediately ordered: "Return!"

With the sound of the whistle, the huge fleet slowly left the port.

Countless people stood on the deck, looking at the city that was fading away, and the people there who were looking at this side with envious eyes, feeling that the hearts that had been raised in their throats these days were finally let go.

Hurry up when you come, and naturally don't need to be so anxious when you go back.

Even Sun Xianyun was notified that there were still several cruise merchant ships applying for escort on the way back, and this escort task fell on him.

Interestingly, according to the Charter of the International Federation, the five rogues and some countries that are specially allowed can send fleets to carry out escort missions in areas where pirates are rampant, and the objects of escort are not necessarily limited to their own merchant ships, any merchant ship can apply .

So this time, among the few cargo ships that Sun Xianyun needed to escort, two of them were not from Rabbit's family.

In fact, among these raging pirates, any one of the five gangsters could easily kill them all, but everyone tacitly allowed the existence of some pirates.

Just kidding, if the pirates are gone, how can you use the excuse of escort to let your own warships run around?

This is also why, when encountering pirates, the warships in charge of escort basically choose to drive away instead of killing them.

——Except for Maozi, they were so excited immediately after meeting the pirates that even the chef who was drinking vodka in the kitchen would rush to the deck to have a good time with a gun.

Sun Xianyun still remembers a certain video on the Internet, where the blushing Maozi chef was holding a gun on the deck without even taking off his chef's hat, yelling "Suka Bulie!" While facing the picture of pirates chug chug.

Regarding the task handover of escort, Shun Xianyun directly threw all of them to his adjutant, making the adjutant shake his head and lament that his own officer was completely throwing away the shopkeeper, but he also had to cheer up to perform the task.

At night, in the bathroom of the Lexington.

Sun Xianyun held Lexington in his arms, and the two of them soaked in the bathtub.

As soon as you close your eyes, the scenes you saw during the rescue process will continue to flash in your mind.

Severed limbs, broken arms, blackened blood on the ground and in the ruins, corpses lying on the side of the road, and vultures circling around.

It is not that Sun Xianyun has not experienced war.

He participated in several sea battles in the ship girl world, but although the wars in that world were equally cruel, because they were on the sea, coupled with the characteristics of the ship girl and the deep sea, he would sink soon after being sunk. Into the sea, the visual impact is not great.

As for the world of Transformers, not to mention, the fight between the steel giants is exciting and has a great visual impact, but there is no picture of blood flying.

Sun Xianyun even participated in the battle with the mentality of watching a big movie on the spot.

Only this time, Sun Xianyun saw the modern human war scene for the first time in a real sense.

To say that you don't feel anything about it is to lie to yourself.

He clearly remembered the tragic scene of a mother kneeling on the ground, tightly protecting her newborn child in her arms, but half of the child's head was blown away, and a small part of the mother's left half of her limbs disappeared.

Beside the dead mother and child, there was a heart-piercing man crying—that should be the child's father, the mother's husband.

After that, Sun Xianyun watched the man with his own eyes, picked up a broken steel bar from the ground, and pierced his own throat.

That scene touched him too much.

At that time, all he pretended in his mind was the task, and Sun Xianyun didn't think there was anything wrong with it, but now that he has settled down, as the hot water in the bath washes away the physical fatigue, the mental fatigue keeps flooding into his mind along with these shocking images.

The arms holding Lexington's body couldn't help but exert a little force, and at the same time Lexington also turned around and lay in Sun Xianyun's arms.

He/she needs to deal with the shock.

Holding Sun Xianyun's face, Lexington kissed it.

In the bath, there gradually sounded a rather messy sound of splashes.

Chapter 96 Have you completely immersed yourself in your gentle hometown?

Ghost aircraft carrier.

——This is what Lexington is called today on the Internet, especially on the Internet.

Fortunately, before arriving at the evacuation site, not many outsiders could see Lexington while sailing on the sea, but when the fleet passed through the Suyishi Canal, Lexington, which was exposed to the sight of a large number of foreigners, gradually It also made people feel that something was wrong.

Why does this aircraft carrier look like there is no one at all?

In order for an aircraft carrier to operate and exert its combat effectiveness normally, at least thousands of people need to work together on the aircraft carrier.

Even if you can't see the situation inside the hull, there should be a lot of ground support on the deck.

But the problem is that from the beginning to the end, no one saw any activity on the deck of Lexington.

This makes people puzzled - is it possible that this is an aircraft carrier with a high degree of automation that does not require ground support?

This is impossible!

Human beings' current technology simply cannot do this!

But the problem is that the fact that no human activity was seen on the Lexington at all is completely unexplainable.

In addition, no news about this aircraft carrier has been disclosed before, and it suddenly appeared in the public eye, making people even more unable to help but imagine.

So the title of "ghost aircraft carrier" fell on Lexington.

Although most domestic netizens are basically refuting this statement because it is their own baby, but they do have a lot of confusion in their hearts.

It happened suddenly, without any warning signs, and I only knew the string number was 99, but I didn't know the specific name of the ship, and the technological content was frighteningly high...

All kinds of mysteries have made people pay more and more attention to the Lexington.

The rabbit must have acquired some alien technology, right?

It's like some conspiracy theories always say that there are alien crashed spaceships and alien corpses in the so-and-so area of ​​the eagle sauce.

Browsing these complicated news on the Internet, Chao Ge pouted, turned off the computer, and turned to look aside.

On the sofa, Mrs. Lie's eyebrows were full of gentleness. She was sitting with her legs together, and she was gently massaging Sun Xianyun, who was resting her head on her lap.

Green and slender jade fingers passed through Sun Xianyun's hair, and occasionally he would suddenly bend down and kiss his forehead, nose tip and even his lips.

As for Sun Xianyun, he held up Mrs. Lie's lock of long hair hanging down to Xue Chengfeng's chest, played with it, sniffed it lightly occasionally, and then muttered something.

Chao Ge: "..."

Something is wrong!

Something is wrong!

Of course she knows these two people... no, this guy's narcissism index is up almost every day, but today this situation seems to be especially serious!

"That... Brother Xianyun..."

Chaoge called tentatively.

Sun Xianyun glanced at him, and Lexington stretched out his small hand to caress his face.

Then Sun Xianyun immediately turned his attention away and closed his eyes.

"what's up?"

"Ah this..."

Chaoge opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but didn't know what to say.

After hesitating for a while, she finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Brother Xianyun, are you not feeling well?"

"No, I'm fine."

It can be seen - you have been completely immersed in the gentleness.

And it's your own gentle hometown!

Chaoge cursed in his heart.

Sun Xianyun knew what was going on with Chao Ge, but he didn't intend to explain.

Considering that this is a military mission after all, Sun Xianyun has not had fun with himself since the departure until yesterday.

But yesterday's spirit was somewhat stimulated, which made Sun Xianyun a little bit defensive.

As a result, moral integrity is further reduced.

Feeling that the atmosphere with one person and two bodies over there was about to start to burst into pink bubbles, Chaoge shuddered suddenly, thinking that it would be better for his own sake not to delve into what happened.

Although this girl doesn't have much integrity left at all.

……Dividing line……

a few days later.

The fleet finally returned home.

Outside a certain port in the southern region, the destroyer where the adjutant is responsible for transporting the masses is separated from Lexington and Chaoge, and will dock here and let the people on board disembark.

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