The ability he possessed suddenly was uncontrollable. Sun Xianyun almost didn't go crazy in the base at that time.

It was originally a normal person's sight, but when the screen turned, the eyes could suddenly see all kinds of invisible light and hear all kinds of ultrasonic and infrasound waves. At that time, Sun Xianyun didn't even dare to look at anyone - because he accidentally glanced over Behind a teacup on the table, the teacup instantly disintegrated into a pile of elementary particles...

The appearance of a lot of weird abilities made Sun Xianyun extremely dangerous in an instant. For this reason, he was directly isolated, relying on the unchanged Lexington to communicate with people outside.

In fact, Lexington is not without any changes. She and Sun Xianyun are essentially one person, and the awakened psychic power also affects her, but it seems that because Lexington is a ship girl, her body is essentially different from that of Sun Xianyun as a human being. For this reason, Lexington's psychic power is very weak. Apart from mastering some thoughts, he has not become a humanoid natural disaster like Sun Xianyun.

Then, after three full days of isolation, Sun Xianyun's berserk spiritual energy gradually calmed down.

Although there will still be some uncontrollable and sudden activation of some abilities—for example, I accidentally saw Zhang Lili’s Victoria’s Secret just now—but fortunately, some highly destructive abilities seem to be completely silent. Even if Sun Xianyun wants to activate, put himself His face was red and his ears were red, but he didn't respond.

At least you don't have to worry about staring at someone who is pregnant with just one look.

Oh no, it's not pregnancy, it's directly decomposed into elementary particles.

It was only later that he realized that it was his uncontrollable psionic energy, which "deleted" the strong and weak interaction force and electromagnetic force between the particles that constituted the object he was looking at—of course, this is a later story.

Then, after a series of tests, the ability that Sun Xianyun can freely control now is the same mind power as Lexington. The limit of the full power state has not been tested yet, but look at the side that is directly crushed by an invisible force. A main battle tank with a pile of scrap iron knows that it will definitely not be bad.

In addition to mind power, spiritual dialogue is also one of the abilities that Sun Xianyun can freely control now. He can directly transmit his voice to the mind of the target without relying on any equipment.

The scope of the effect is unknown for the time being, at least when Sun Xianyun was in the suburban base, he directly sent a greeting to Mr. Yang in the center:

——Old man, have you eaten yet?

He almost scared old man Yang to the hospital on the spot.

In addition, Sun Xianyun has developed a sixth sense that transcends the five senses similar to "spiritual perception", and can accurately perceive all the wind and grass within the mathematical circle around himself as the center—as long as he is willing.

If it is farther away, there will still be fuzzy perception, but the accuracy will be greatly reduced.

In addition, the traditional five senses have also been greatly strengthened, and vision, hearing, etc. have surpassed the limits of human beings.

He even has the ability that can be called "danger perception". For example, just a few seconds before those soldiers shot at him, Sun Xianyun seemed to be aware of all the opponent's next actions, and which second he would buckle down. The trigger, the posture when firing, how many rounds will be fired in a row, the trajectory of the bullet, etc... ear...

Compared with the by-products researched from the source code of the Red Queen, the auxiliary combat system equipped on the power armor of [Tianjun 01] is more useful.

"It can even be called future vision? It's just that the effect doesn't last long. For example, I could 'see' the guy before he shot. He would fart when he fired the third bullet."

The next moment, the comrade next to the soldier Sun Xianyun pointed at slapped his helmet: "Damn! I said it doesn't taste right!!"

Zhang Lili: "........."

Chapter 139: After returning home, the morality immediately collapsed

The emergence of psychic power has aroused the country's strong interest.

After this kind of "superpower" that only existed in various fantasy works in the past has manifested in reality, the Academy of Sciences can't wait for Sun Xianyun to cooperate with the experiment 24 hours a day.

Of course this is not realistic at all.

But even so, the state tried its best to collect all the data it could.

What can be confirmed at present is that when Sun Xianyun activates psychic energy—no matter what kind of ability it is, and whether it is passive or active—at the moment the psychic energy is activated, the surrounding magnetic field will be disordered, and various complexities that humans have never seen before. The signal will play with the sensors of various detection equipment like garbled characters.

Several scientists drew over on the spot after seeing the detection signals fed back from those devices.

Fortunately, Sun Xianyun can't use those extremely dangerous abilities for the time being, and the abilities that can be used, no matter whether they are controllable or not, are just harmless.

As for the setting of Stellaris, relying on psychic energy to communicate with the so-called virtual world, and then bargaining with the four vendors, Sun Xianyun has no idea.

He would not take the risk of doing such a thing. If he accidentally contacted Yuanshen and asked that guy to add a BUF720F to the country, it would be bad.

After another whole week of observation in the base, Sun Xianyun was finally able to go home.

The mission was carried out at the end of February this year, and I returned after a month. It was already the end of March.

The willow branches have sprouted new buds, and the winter swallows have returned to the north, making their homes in the nests built under the eaves.

Lexington was lying lazily on his side on the bench placed in the corridor outside the main hall. He had an exquisite figure, and his legs under the skirt were bare, white and smooth, and gently closed together.

The beaded and jade-run toes are lightly embellished, echoing the light pink Danko on the neatly trimmed shellfish of his wife's slender fingers.

In the bird's nest not far above the head, following the return of the mother swallow, the chicks popped out their small heads one after another, raised their heads and opened their mouths, making crisp and melodious birdsong.

Turning his gaze away from the hungry chick, Lexington slightly bent a slender leg, and turned his eyes to the courtyard.

Then he yawned, leaned over, and rested his fair side face on his jade arm.

I was exhausted last night.

Perhaps it was due to overactive thinking after awakening psionic powers, or maybe it was because they finally returned to their long-lost home yesterday, so excited that one person and two bodies almost stayed up all night.

Because I am myself, I know how to best please myself.

Because I am myself, I know how to explode XP.

The result is--

"I'm not here to be your babysitter ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!"

Chaoge walked from the side with wet hands, with dissatisfaction evident on his puffy face.

"It was so hard to come back from vacation and you came back, but you asked me to wash your sheets!? Why didn't you let me push you from behind!? It saves you the trouble of doing it yourself!"

Saying this, Chao Ge's pink face became more and more rosy.

She couldn't help thinking of the picture she saw before——

"Do you still need to wash that thing!? It's all broken! It's broken! Brother Xianyun is so perverted!!!"

"You show that brother is there."

Lexington pointed to the courtyard from a distance, and then yawned again, showing the weak posture of a servant supporting himself.

"I am your sister Lexington."

"Didn't you still emphasize that you are one person before? What about moral integrity?"

Lexington yawned again: "I was so excited last night, I lost it all."

Chao Ge suddenly opened his round eyes like a deer, and couldn't believe that there are such shameless people in this world.

The little girl seemed to have been greatly stimulated, and she stood there blankly, aba aba aba...

In the courtyard, Sun Xianyun was not disturbed by the movement under the corridor at all.

He sat cross-legged on the bluestone slab, propped his chin with one hand, and stared at a flower bud in front of him without blinking.

At some point, Chaoge strolled over.

"What are you doing, brother Xianyun?"

Feeling the fragrance brought by the little girl's approach, Sun Xianyun didn't look back, and said with a serious face: "I think, I can make it bloom earlier."

"Use that psychic power?"

Upon hearing this, Chaoge's eyes lit up immediately.

She was so curious about this magical ability.

So, the little girl simply squatted down next to Sun Xianyun, and the two of them watched this flower bud that was expected to take a few days to bloom.

A few minutes later, he blinked at Chaoge feeling his eyes were sore, and looked sideways at Sun Xianyun: "Brother Xianyun, are you still okay?"

Sun Xianyun, who failed in the attempt, twitched the corner of his mouth, and then stretched out his hand to forcibly pull the flower bud open.

"Okay, it's blooming now."

Chao Ge hit Sun Xianyun's arm with a head hammer on the spot.

In fact, Sun Xianyun really has a feeling that he can make it bloom in advance.

This feeling is very subtle, or in other words, psychic power itself is a rather subtle ability, with various specific manifestations, but according to Sun Xianyun's own speculation and the analysis of the Academy of Sciences, all the different manifestations are ultimately the same in essence .

Whether it is mind power or super senses, even if it is the unusable staring at someone who is pregnant, the essence is the same principle.

The Academy of Sciences has a vague guess, but it is very immature.

That is, the so-called psionic energy seems to directly act on the underlying rules of the universe through some kind of spiritual will.

But this statement is too bizarre, and those scientists who agree with this inference are also extremely rare.

However, those who agree with this statement also have their reasons. At present, it seems that the source of this psychic power is the game Stellaris (Stellaris). For this reason, a group of guys in the Academy of Sciences who usually don’t play games at all almost didn’t take a certain stupid ass. All the foundations were turned out.

After researching for a long time, they all agreed that the Zelo tribe who raised their family and ascended in the setting discovered the other side of the universe [virtual realm], and then acted on the virtual realm through the spiritual will of their own race. The existence of "amplifiers" further reverses the power to the material universe and tampers with the underlying rules.

Only in this way can the god-like power of the Zelo tribe be realized.

Of course, the story of the Zelo tribe in this process also brought them a deep shock - after realizing that the abuse of psionic energy and the power of the virtual world would collapse the material universe, the Zelo tribe actually split into two factions. Disregarding the life and death of other civilizations in the material universe, they want to completely raise their clan to become [Gods], while the other faction would rather sacrifice their entire clan than destroy the peace of the universe. Into the Void Realm, turned into the Void Realm Evil God.

But now, Sun Xianyun once again opened the door to spiritual energy.

He doesn't know when he will be able to fully master this ability and then communicate with the void, but he believes that that day will come sooner or later.

Chapter 140 Alien: Earth, please turn off the free mic, thank you.

The edge of the solar system, the Kuiper belt.

A spaceship with a red star logo passed through the transition and suddenly appeared.

Then, under the control of the autonomous AI, the spacecraft adjusted its course and headed towards the earth. At the same time, pieces of encrypted information were also transmitted to the earth at the speed of light.

After a while--

In a space center in the west.

"Report! We have received a signal from Exploration 1 to return to the solar system!"

In an instant, the space center that had been prepared for a long time was fully operational.

According to their calculations, the exploration spacecraft will return to the solar system in the near future.

Although there is an error in terms of time, fortunately, it is still within the allowable range.

Along with the arrival of the notification signal, a large amount of exploration data was sent back together.

Of course, because the country has not yet mastered the speed of light compensation communication technology, it is still a huge problem to exchange information across long distances. Time to send back some basic information such as photos.

Therefore, specific and detailed information will not be known until the spacecraft successfully returns to Earth.

But even so, some few words have already made the experts in the space center look dignified.

Following a call directly to the center through the confidential line, Mr. Yang, who had already fallen asleep, was called up.

Rubbing his forehead and looking at the report sent by the space center, although Mr. Yang had expected this day to come, he never thought it would come so soon.

And... on Proxima Centauri!

"So, it's so close, let's not mention it, there is no reason why the Hubble telescope and other equipment on Yingjiang's side can't detect it. It's only a few light years away. Why haven't we found that there... there is alien life! ?”

It's fine if it's an indigenous civilization still in an agricultural society.

But according to the intelligence of Exploration 1, the opponent's civilization is obviously a former space civilization that can launch spacecraft!

Such a civilization must have figured out the technology of electromagnetism, which can also be proved from the space vehicle encountered by Exploration No. 1.

That being the case, it makes no sense that human beings have not received the electromagnetic signal from Proxima Centauri until now!

It’s only a few light-years away. Even for human beings, the earliest TV and radio signals may have already drifted to Proxima Centauri. Maybe if the aliens there have enough technology, they can still watch Yangma a few years ago. What about the news...

Human beings have mastered this technology for several decades, and the ghost knows how many electromagnetic signals have been actively or passively emitted into the universe.

Proxima: Monkeys from the Solar System Next Door!Turn off your free mics!It's noisy!Who the fuck is singing in the middle of the night, bastard!

"Could it be that... their communication technology is not the same as ours? So their signals are ignored by us as cosmic clutter?"

……Dividing line……

After dawn, a secret meeting room in the center.

Mr. Yang, who hadn't slept almost all night, had dark circles under his eyes, looking at the high-level people who also basically didn't sleep much, and...

A certain Sun Xianyun, who is full of energy, and Lexington, who has a rosy face and a radiant face, are short of Lexington who wrote the words "I was very satisfied last night" on his forehead.


After coughing, Mr. Yang said, "You should all know the matter. The Exploration 1 we launched encountered a space vehicle of an alien civilization on Proxima Centauri."

Subsequently, a photo was displayed on the big screen in the conference room.

In the photo, in the dark space, there is a strange-looking aircraft floating in the universe.

The light source of the picture comes from the searchlight carried by Exploration 1 itself.

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