"Let's put it aside, it's what people call '90% success'."

Sun Xianyun smiled, and then stopped paying attention to this matter.

The third brother is also desperate to save face and suffer. Not long ago, he saw the rabbit successfully launched the rover to the moon, and he hurriedly followed up, but the lunar landing spacecraft hit the moon surface and turned into a pile of unrecyclable objects.

They quibbled that "we succeeded 90%! The launch, orbit, and landing were all successful, but there was a small problem in the final stage! So it was 90% successful!"

It seems that they also smashed the satellite of Maozi and Yingjiang by the way, and the few families are still arguing.

I don't know how long it has passed, the leveling work of the moon surface was finally completed, and Sun Xianyun also came to the open space.

After letting everyone else disperse temporarily, Sun Xianyun took out the moon base in the system space with a thought.

The huge lunar base appeared in front of everyone in an instant. Because of the buffer equipment at the bottom, it did not crash directly on the ground, but landed slowly.

After the base was completed, countless mechanical arms stretched out from each cabin, firmly inserted into the moon surface, and fixed the entire base.

Some astronauts went inside the base and began to try to start the fusion reactor, while others deployed solar panels outside.

"The base is powered on successfully!"

"Start the self-test of each module!"

"The dome outside the storage room is slightly damaged, Yang Cheng! Go and fix it!"

"Liu Ping! Go check the airtight door!"

"The gravity generator is working fine!"

"The oxygen generator is working fine!"

"The pressure inside the base is starting to increase!"

"The pressure increase is complete!"

The busy preparation work was finally completed, and everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Everyone walked into the airtight door one after another, and after the sealing was completed, they all took off their exit suits.

"Huh...! It feels completely the same as on Earth!"

Walking in the moon base, everyone had joy on their faces.

Under the feet is a white special alloy floor, and the bright guide lights on both sides of the floor emit a soft blue light.

The sides and the top of the head are transparent curved domes, and you can see the incomparably gorgeous space beauty outside with a casual glance.

"By the way, what about the anti-meteorite laser cannon?"

"Don't worry, general, I just checked and everything is normal."

"General, we have received greetings from our space station comrades..."

"Hahaha... If you don't tell me, I'd have forgotten that there are still three of us in the space station."

Everyone in a good mood laughed and laughed, and Sun Xianyun and Lexington also had smiles on their faces.

Although it is only a small lunar base now, it is undeniable that the country has taken the most solid step into space.

"Okay, keep busy, I'm going back to Earth."

Looking at these people, Sun Xianyun said so.

Naturally, it is impossible for him to stay in space all the time, unless the country builds a space city in the future.

Or Lexington itself has become a starship, permanently docked in outer space.

After confirming the situation of the base, Sun Xianyun and the three pilots left the moon in the spaceship after there was no problem.

People on the ground thought that the astronauts on the moon were still busy building the base, but in fact the base had already been built.

However, it will be some time before the official announcement.

Come to think of it, there will be another wave of joy across the country, right?

Sitting in the spaceship, looking back at the receding moon and the bright red flag above the base, Sun Xianyun raised his mouth.

It was morning when we set off, and it was already the evening of the next day when we returned to the ground again.

Sun Xianyun and others who successfully landed at the ground launch center were warmly welcomed by everyone.

"Thank you! Thank you very much, Comrade Sun, for your help!"

The person in charge of the space agency was so excited that he shook Sun Xianyun's hand, almost crying.

The old man has suffered all his life. He originally thought that he could die in peace after seeing the completion of the construction of his own country's space station in this life, but he did not expect to be able to complete it in one step and witness the construction of the lunar base.

"Mr. Li, there is no need to be like this. We are all contributing to the country and are comrades."

Sun Xianyun patted Mr. Li's shoulder lightly, watching the old man wipe away his tears, Lexington at the side simply took out a tissue and wiped it for him.

Around, many people also have red eyes.

They have worked hard all their lives in such a work unit. Because of the need for confidentiality, many things can only be buried deep in their hearts. Not to mention friends, even their spouses and lovers cannot disclose it. If they want to share their personal daily life on social media, they need to go through a lot of review. , it is absolutely impossible to go abroad.

Even so, they have no regrets, just to see this day come?

Chapter 161 Prelude to the Great Era: Changing Situations

"Hello host, hello audience friends in front of the TV, this is my country's lunar base, and I'm astronaut Yang Cheng..."

A few days later, audiences from thousands of households saw the interior of the Tu family's lunar base through the TV program.

In the clean and tidy base, astronauts wearing indoor overalls stood in front of the camera, waving their hands with smiles and greeting audiences across the country.

Through the lens, people can clearly see the interior of the base, and they can also see the desolate moon outside through those transparent domes.

While various live reports were being carried out on TV, the major media also put relevant news on their front pages one after another. Even the tabloid media, which usually only focus on celebrity entertainment gossip, also tried their best to compare themselves and this aspect. News gets involved.

The country is full of joy, and the sense of national pride is unprecedentedly high. In foreign countries, amidst a large number of praises, it is inevitable to mix a large number of yin and yang comments.

One of the most striking is that some people think that the rabbit's moon landing was a hoax from beginning to end.

These people asserted that it only took a few days from landing on the moon to the establishment of the base. It was impossible to build such a huge base in outer space with human engineering power in such a short period of time.

In addition, the biggest evidence they produced was the gravity of 627 in the lunar base.

Even if the rabbits have announced that they have mastered the technology of artificially simulating the gravity environment on the ground, they still cannot dispel the prejudice of these people.

After all, Eagle Sauce’s moon landing has been recognized by all major countries in the world. At that time, it was still the most serious period of confrontation between the two powers. If Eagle Sauce was really fake, then the Red Empire, its biggest enemy, could not have found anything. I really think The well-known intelligence agency of the Red Empire, Kogbo, is just a display?You must know that the capitalist camp in that era was infiltrated by the Red Empire into a real sieve.

You said yes, the five heroes of Jianqiao?

——But even if the Red Empire has acknowledged Ying Jiang's great achievements in this regard, there are still various conspiracy theories about moon landings all over the world.

Therefore, it is not surprising that there are now overwhelming rumors of fake rabbit moon bases abroad.

Many people even think that the rabbit's anti-gravity cars are fake.

Anyway, it’s already 2021, and some people think that the flat earth theory is the truth. The earth is a ball, which is a huge conspiracy created by the joint efforts of all countries and scientists in the world...

However, whether the world believes it or not, the major countries have used various means to confirm that the rabbit has really built a huge permanent base on the moon.

All kinds of satellite photography, ground-based telescope observations and other means have come into battle, and the same conclusion has been reached without exception.

In desperation, even Yingjiang could only pinch his nose and congratulate Rabbit's great achievement with a livid face. At the same time, he expressed the hope that their astronauts could also enter Rabbit's base for "communication".

Maozi even came to the door directly, and cut straight to the point: [-]% off natural gas, arrange two of us, OK?

The rabbit summed up: medium!my friend!

As for how Maozi sent his own people to the moon?

Rabbit rubbed his little hands and said: How about you give me a discount and I will pick you up?

Maozi thought for a while, and guessed that he could go to Ah San's side to get a sum of money in the name of foreign military sales to make up for the expenses here, so he nodded decisively.

The two parties shook hands with each other, smiling.

In the end, the rabbit is satisfied: Sajia can finally eat technical food!

As a result, as soon as Maozi left here, the back feet popped out again.

Dai Ying: Rabbit, in fact, all our messes before were misunderstandings, and it was the hawks who sowed discord behind the scenes, so look, this cooperation?

The rabbit stretched out his hand: this number!No bargaining!

Dai Ying: Let's discuss it, our family is a bit tight now, why don't we send a princess over as a package?

Rabbit's face changed drastically: We don't want to do it, we don't do it!

There were creases on Dai's face: Oh, it's not what you think, friendly visit, friendly visit!In addition, I have solved the 5G ban for you, and even helped you lobby other countries, the market is huge!

Only then did the rabbit nod: On the road!

The Gallic chicken saw that the belt was on, and it must not be left behind-the great and proud Falanxi nation can lose to anyone, but it cannot lose to the belt!

Gallic chicken: Black Africa south of the Sahara Desert is basically my territory, I have said hello, and you can open mines there in the future!

Rabbit: Oh my friend, you are so generous!

The above, although somewhat exaggerated, are largely indistinguishable.

All in all, taking advantage of this wave of lunar bases, Rabbit squeezed a lot out of these countries.

In the past few days, Mr. Yang woke up with a smile from time to time when he was dreaming at night.

Then, he waved his hand: "We must intensify the construction of the space army, and strive to build our country's first starship force faster and better!"

The starship construction, which has already invested a lot of manpower and material resources, has received even greater help.

And this is not without benefits. Such a large-scale construction can drive an unbelievably huge upstream and downstream industries, which greatly stimulates domestic productivity.

For this reason, the country even suspended the progress of the construction of engineering spaceships, and all the resources used in this area were allocated to starships.

In such a commotion, another big news hit everyone without any warning——

"According to the careful consideration of the national education department, in order to adapt to the upcoming space age, we will open new majors in 13 key universities across the country next year, including interstellar exploration, interstellar navigation, space engineering, and alien exploration..."

"Supporting elementary, elementary, and high education will also be reformed to a certain extent, and some subjects originally scheduled for colleges and universities will be transferred to the high school stage..."

On a news program one night, the host reported the news beamingly, and in an instant, the whole country was blown up.

Rabbit has always attached the most importance to children's education, and now the changes in this area have immediately attracted the attention of parents and students across the country.

Some people who are about to go to university this year cried and cried, and some even decided on the spot that no matter how much they scored in the college entrance examination, they would have to repeat for a year, and then apply for these brand new majors.

And Sun Xianyun also received a call from his cousin——

"Brother! Brother! I will go to college next year! Which major do you think I should apply for!?"

On the phone, my cousin, who will take the college entrance examination next year, was so excited that her voice changed.

Chapter 162 The construction of Befa and Chaoge's hulls is completed!

Time, unknowingly came to November.

After entering winter, the temperature in the capital began to drop sharply, and people put on winter clothes one after another.

Waking up in Belfast in the morning, feeling the drop in temperature, although she was still dressed as a maid, she also added a knitted scarf to herself.

When he came to the courtyard, Belfast looked at the whiteness of the garden in surprise.


The first snow of this year came quietly last night when everything was silent, and when I got up early today, it had already covered the branches with a thick layer.

She put her hands to her mouth and breathed out a mouthful of white mist.

After preparing breakfast for Sun Xianyun, Lexington, and Chao Ge who had been at home on vacation, thinking that it was still early, Belfast swept snow in the yard.

When the snow in the courtyard was swept to the corner and piled up, he walked out towards the fans in a daze.

Because the Space Force started its official construction, Chaoge, who was about to be upgraded to a starship, stopped his regular training and stayed at home during this time.

Seeing the snow in the courtyard, the little girl's drowsiness was swept away immediately, and under Belfast's somewhat reproachful eyes, she yelled and threw herself at the snowdrift beside her, rolled a few times, Lying on his back in the snowdrift, he showed a cute smiling face at Belfast.

"Keep your voice down, the commander and Lord Lexington are still sleeping."

When he finished speaking, Belfast heard footsteps behind him.

Turning around, the maid raised her skirt politely to salute.

"Good morning, Commander, breakfast is ready for you."

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