Never forget it easily!

Evil organization!

It's really hateful!


As soon as the screen turns, the camera zooms out.

It is a deserted island.

Then the camera suddenly pulled down!

What appeared in front of everyone was a huge research institute.

Hundreds of busy scientists, titanium alloy gates, etc. flickered in the camera.

Finally, it stopped in front of a giant petri dish.

Inside, there is an elf curled up with all fours, with a long light purple tail dragging behind it, and the complex infusion tubes are connected to the head and limbs!

The next moment those eyes snapped open!

Petri dish broken!


The entire island and the lab have been destroyed!


"How could they treat Pokémon like this!"

Dr. Oki was blown away!


"Team Rocket! There's a Team Rocket logo on that island!"

Xiaozhi was also very angry.

I already knew that the Rockets were bad, but Xiaozhi didn't expect them to be so bad!

"Yeah! But that Mewtwo looks a little ugly!"

Sakura said in agreement, but in the end, her attention turned to her appearance.

Xiaoxia covered her face in collapse.

In such an important scene, sister, do you only care about the appearance of the Pokémon?

As expected of you!


Then the screen changed again.

The huge research institute was transformed into a magnificent castle.

"This is the strongest Pokémon trainer in the world!"

"Also the strongest Pokémon!"

"Master Super Dream!"

The woman in front of Mewtwo introduced Mewtwo to Pokémon Trainers all over the world!

It also made everyone's eyes widen in surprise.


"This... is really too arrogant!"

Yu Longdu couldn't laugh, nor could he get angry.

Think about the introduction of Mewtwo!

Think again about the super dream you saw in the petri dish just now!

This is a Pokémon created because of human ambition!

It seems understandable that Chaomeng has such a character?

Damalanchi stared closely at the white screen, for fear of missing the details.


But then the screen changed!

It became the scene of Mewtwo fighting!

"It's really too weak!"

Chaomeng's voice fell, directly blocking the attack of the Gyarados!

The armored rhino was also thrown away directly!

Chaomeng standing there didn't even move his feet!


"Pokémon of the super power type also has the gene of fantasy..."

Sakagi's eyes were shining.

"This video is still useful!"

Clearly this is the future scenario.

He knows what Chaomeng will do after waking up in the future, so he can start preparing to control Chaomeng in advance!

You can also get the reward that belongs to Chaomeng!

"It was originally my Pokémon, and the reward should of course belong to me!"

"But this super dream is too fierce."

Sakagi said slightly dissatisfied.

He is not worried that Chaomeng will see the video. He has contacted the research institute just now, and Chaomeng has not yet woken up.


What Sakagi didn't know was.

On the new island, in the busy research room.

After confirming again and again that Chaomeng was still in a deep sleep state, the scientists withdrew.

Hearing the sound of the door closing, Chaomeng's eyelids in the petri dish trembled slightly.

Then calm again.


There must be a price paid for their actions!

Chaomeng doesn't know how he woke up!

But the video played in his mind and the conversation in the chat room made Chaomeng realize that this might be his chance!

Read it first!

Then just wait for him to start revenge!


The picture on the video screen is still going on.

Dream appeared!

Everyone's eyes widened in surprise.

"This is the Phantom Pokémon Dream!"

Chapter 10 Mewtwo Changes

Dreams have always existed only in legends, and no one has ever seen them.

Chaomeng is even more, no one knew Chaomeng's name before.

"But as long as they appear together, no one will doubt their relationship."

Damalanchi was tired and didn't want to talk.

"Recombination of fantasy genes is something that the Rockets can think of!"

Add chaos to their elf alliance!


"The existence of the replica is to be stronger than the main body!"

With Mewtwo's angry voice, Mewtwo and Mewtwo had a fierce fight!

The screen lens is pulled up!

The following is also the battle between the clone and the original Pokémon!

Bulgaria Seed, Squirtle, Charizard, Pikachu...

As long as the battle between Mewtwo and Mewtwo doesn't stop, their fight won't stop!

A collision between superpowers and superpowers!

Whether it is Mewtwo or Mewtwo, they are able to use almost all Pokémon's abilities!

The screen turns again!

The battleground between Mewtwo and Phantasm has returned to its original place!

Chaomeng and Mengmeng both emitted a reddish-purple light!


The attacks of Mewtwo and Mewtwo are about to collide!


Xiaozhi's figure appeared!

He took the common attack of Fantasia and Mewtwo!

The whole person turned into a stone and fell to the ground!

No matter how Pikachu discharges electricity, Xiaozhi, who has turned into a stone statue, has no reaction.

In an instant, tears came down.


"This... when is it?"

Xiaozhi scratched his head, feeling stupid.

Is he the one who rushed up?

Xiaoxia and Xiaogang were also dumbfounded.

Why is it Xiaozhi again!

Only the Pikachu held by Xiaozhi exploded!

"Pika - Chuu!"

One hundred thousand volts!

Xiaozhi's whole body was burnt, and his hair stood up in a mess.

Pikachu finally nodded in satisfaction.


Confirmed, this is no problem for Xiaozhi!


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