With Qin Mu's science popularization revealing the secret...

They already have a clearer understanding of the alien civilization in ancient times.

Level [-] civilization.

The position of the stars can be manipulated at will, and in order to protect the "laboratory" of the solar system...

The existence of ten stars at the same time did not cause the deviation of the orbits of the eight planets.

It is enough to illustrate the power of alien civilization.

For oxygen...

Such a very likely poisonous thing, research is imperative.

Just finished a meeting.

Just after walking out of the conference room, Ban Donglin received a call.

"Live broadcast platform? Popular science live broadcast?"

Listening to the other party's self-introduction.

Ban Donglin was taken aback.


On the other side of the phone, he made his intention clear.

Invite researchers from their research institutes to enter the forum, and when they find time, spread some scientific knowledge to the people in the forum.

"This is a good thing."

Ban Donglin thought about it and agreed.

Now Qin Mu is constantly popularizing science.


The whole people have formed a studious atmosphere for studying the classics of mountains and seas and exploring the secrets of ancient times.

Compared to watching variety shows, live games, and female anchors before, it was much better.

Of course he has to support this kind of thing.

It didn't take long.

He called the people of the institute again and held a meeting.

Mainly explained the matter of this forum.

"This forum is an embedded forum in Qin Mu's live broadcast room. After you settle in, you will be roughly equivalent to administrators. In normal times, answer Qin Mu's questions for the whole people. I hope you don't embarrass our research institute!"

Briefly describe the matter.

The researchers in various fields below immediately opened their eyes wide.

Let them, professor-level people, answer questions?

"Classroom, don't worry, we will leave all the in-depth questions they can ask! 353"

"Tsk tsk tsk, the atmosphere of the whole people is eager to learn, I didn't expect this forum to be so popular now..."

"I just logged in and took a look, good guy, just post a random post, and it will be [-] floors in an instant!"



Everyone in the research institute has registered a forum account.

And according to their ranks, relevant certifications have been carried out.

And Ban Donglin also clicked on the forum and started browsing.

Soon there was a question post.

[The picture on the back of the moon, the prison in Guanghan Palace, is it true or not?Has my country's latest lunar exploration results come out? 】

After seeing this post.

He was taken aback.

His expression became serious.

"Old Zhang, there should be a new picture sent back..."

He couldn't help muttering.

This time, in the myth and legend about Yi shooting the nine suns, Qin Mu told the truth about the back of the moon.

In the last century, pictures taken in that country...

It turned out to be the legendary Guanghan Palace, the exclusive prison used to detain traitors who betrayed Chinese civilization!


That is, after all, a photo from the last century.

It's been too long.

And these years, the aviation industry has developed rapidly, and they finally have the strength to go to the moon to find out!

thought here.

Ban Donglin couldn't sit still anymore.

He walked out of the research institute directly, took a special car, and started heading to Yanjing Aerospace Institute. .

Chapter 93 A video that subverts the three views


aviation office.

Soon, Ban Donglin arrived here.

The person who received him was Zhang Huaiyi, his friend for many years and the current person in charge of the Aviation Institute.

As soon as we meet.

Ban Donglin then cut to the chase and said, "Old Zhang, I heard that you have finished exploring the moon?"

Zhang Huaiyi was slightly surprised.

With a frown, he said with a smile: "You are quite well informed about the news. The lunar exploration has indeed been completed. This time it has been a complete success. It is very important for us to understand the moon and go into space in the future."

Ban Donglin frowned tightly, and asked again: "Can you show me the photos you took?"

This time he came...

The main purpose is to determine whether what Qin Mu said is true or not!

Although he already believed [-]% of it.


A prison was built on the back of the moon, which is the legendary Guanghan Palace. This truth really shocked him.

The Guanghan Palace in ancient myths and legends is actually a prison for traitors!

Once this news is released, it will definitely trigger a major earthquake in the scientific community!

Zhang Huaiyi looked at his long-time friend in front of him, and nodded: "Yes."


He took out a set of the latest high-definition photos.

They are all pictures taken by the rover on the moon.

flat surface.

The picture of the azure blue earth was taken 36 kilometers away.

The vast expanse of starry sky.

The endless ground plane.

Each one is showing the traces of human beings in the starry universe, which is extremely shocking.


After reading these photos, Ban Donglin frowned again.

"Old Zhang, these are photos that have been ascertained a few years ago. What I want to see are the photos on the back of the moon!"


This strange planet.

For countless years, he has always faced the world head-on.

But on the back, it seems to keep secret.

According to what Qin Mu said, the back was made into a shield against meteorites, as well as Guanghan Palace!

As for why not build on the front...

It is because the heroic spirits buried in the Pangu project were buried frontally.

The ancestors wanted to see these heroic spirits at the first sight every time they looked up at the moon.

Instead of seeing the traitor in Guanghan Palace!

"The back? You came this time to see the photo of the back'~?"

Zhang Huaiyi was a little surprised.

It seems to understand the origin of Ban Donglin.

After pondering for a while, he nodded: "Alright, it just so happens that the picture on the back has just been sent back, let's go and have a look together."

Photos of the far side of the moon...

Transfer and restore are slower.

Even he hadn't had time to look at it yet.

that's it……

Under the leadership of Zhang Huaiyi, Ban Donglin came to the aviation data archive room of the Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

A staff member sent an updated file.

Zhang Huaiyi didn't suspect anything, and opened the file in front of Ban Donglin.

Inside the file is a set of photos.

There are more than ten sheets.

All are from the back of the moon!

"In fact, these photos are not much different from the front. On the back of the moon, most of them are some craters and pitted craters..."

Zhang Huaiyi explained while flipping through the photos.

He thought that Ban Donglin was just simply curious.

But talking and talking.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a photo in hand.

Mouth opened, but could no longer close.

"What's the situation? Did you take the wrong photo?"

Looking at the photo in his hand, he couldn't help picking up the file bag.


On the file bag, there are six words written impressively, "A real shot on the back of the moon".

Unbelievable, he picked up other photos this time and looked at them carefully.

It turned out that behind every photo, there is a huge city silhouette.

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