But he was not the only enemy, and hundreds of figures appeared again and again immediately.

Seeing the astonishing number of enemies, her face also became serious.

Invincible!This is her own judgment.


A cold voice came out of Li Mengyou's mouth, and her eyes showed endless chill.

The green kites beside them spread their wings, and the terrifying hurricane engulfed countless blue flames, attacking all enemies who dared to block their steps.

In just an instant, several magic cards blocking the way were torn into pieces.

The students of Qingfeng College also broke through the gap opened by Li Mengyou.

Long before they came, their dean had already clarified the stakes in this secret battle.

Knowing that the biggest threat is the magic card masters of ordinary colleges who are not very talented.

Under Li Mengyou's decisive command, these people didn't get any cheap from Qingfeng Academy.

A large group of people chased after, and another group ran ahead.

Wherever it passed, birds were startled, and the scene was extremely spectacular in an instant.

And such a big movement naturally attracted the attention of many people.

This naturally includes Xie Xiao!

"Huh? Why is there such a big commotion (⊙_⊙?)"

Xie Xiao stepped on the branch and just picked off a golden leaf. He raised his head in bewilderment when he heard the movement.

He is now completely addicted to the fun of collecting and cannot extricate himself from it. After the system checks and sweeps away, there is nowhere to hide all the rare items.

To be honest, he has already collected eight materials of Yingling level, and even one of epic level, which is the golden leaf he is holding in his hand now.

[Holy Golden Vein Leaf] (Epic): Hidden in the thousand-year-old sycamore tree, it is a rare treasure deeply covered by the lush sycamore leaves. Because it contains the essence of the whole sycamore tree for thousands of years, taking it can wash away the body Impurities, improve talent.

As for the treasure guardian monster?

Hehe, look, Joan of Arc is getting angry again!

So Xie Xiao didn't have any difficulty obtaining these things at all.

After all, there are only two steps:

Oops, found it!bring it you!

Now Xie Xiao is a little tangled, should he join in the fun?Or continue your collection business?

After much deliberation, he still chose the latter, and still felt that prostitution for free was more pleasant.

But it's a pity that he didn't want to make trouble, but trouble was staring at him!


"What a stalker."

Li Mengyou couldn't help frowning slightly, although their speed was very fast, they had already thrown them away by a large margin.

But they persevered in catching up,

Although sooner or later there will be a moment to completely shake them off, but if there is nothing to do during this period of time.

And the longer this period is, the less chance they will get in this secret realm.

This kind of result is unacceptable, God knows how long they can chase?

"So, we have to make a break!"

Just when Li Mengyou was thinking about the feasibility of this choice,

The direction they were heading happened to be where Xie Xiao was! ! !

0····Ask for flowers0······


Hearing the whizzing sound of piercing the air getting closer and closer to him, Xie Xiao didn't need to think about it to know that it was the group of people who made the noise approaching.

This made him roll his eyes, he didn't care about everything, how could he still find himself?

Escape is impossible!

Don't look at Xie Xiao who is usually gentle and even a little funny occasionally, but it is undeniable that he has an unparalleled arrogance in his heart.

It's just that this kind of arrogance is usually hidden deep, and it won't be shown easily.

"Pray for them sincerely, but don't mess with me."

Xie Xiao clasped his hands together, pretending to be praying, but it looked like that.

Because Xie Xiao didn't deliberately lower his voice, Liya and the others naturally heard Xie Xiao's "prayer".


This made them cover their mouths and chuckle, what do you mean don't mess with you.

Xie Xiao had just finished praying for less than ten seconds, when the bushes beside him began to make noise.


First, a woman in a water-blue robe rushed out of it.

Afterwards, dozens of figures sprang out, without noticing Xie Xiao who was separated by a bush.

It just passed over so lightly, without taking away a cloud.

Li Mengyou probably didn't expect that the person he was thinking of was only a bush away from her.

This also made Xie Xiao heave a sigh of relief. It would be best if no one messed with him. After all, it is very troublesome to do it.

But the good times didn't last long, and just as he was secretly rejoicing, another group of people rushed out.

And there are far more people than the previous group, and the most important thing is that Xie Xiao directly faced them face to face...

The kind without any hindrance...

All of a sudden, the wide-eyed and small-eyed situation suddenly made the situation on the court extremely embarrassing.

Hundreds of figures surrounded Xie Xiao.

They looked at the three girls behind Xie Xiao covetously. After all, the three girls were even more beautiful than Li Mengyou.

The appearance of the sky and the country seems to be not a miracle that should appear in the world at all.

"Sisters, hand over everything. Of course, it's not impossible to not hand in, but hey, hey."

The eyeballs of the leader were about to pop out, and he smiled maliciously.

He didn't even notice that Xie Xiao's eyes were almost narrowed, and his whole body exuded an unprecedented dangerous aura.

Picture: Bai Zhen (paired with the above) VI.

Chapter 73 Kill!

Xie Xiao's eyes narrowed into an extremely dangerous arc, and the aura on his body was as deep as hell.


Obviously, Li Ya and Joan of Arc also noticed Xie Xiao's current state of mind, and couldn't help shouting worriedly.


Although he said so, his face was already gloomy and dripping water.

"Since you are going to die, then I will satisfy you a little bit!"


He called out in a low voice.

Bai Zhen understood instantly, and with a wave of the holy flag in her hand, countless buffing skills were blessed to Xie Xiao's body along with the light.


Xie Xiao twisted his neck, his joints were constantly crackling like fried beans, and the aura on his body became more and more condensed.

But those people on the opposite side didn't notice it at all, instead more and more people began to say hello:

"Little boy, if you are sensible, hand over everything to "Six Six Seven" and let us get out of the way of these beauties."

"Hey, sisters, why don't you just follow us, we will definitely treat you well."


These people don't even look like students, they're just a bunch of hooligans with brains.

Xie Xiao's eyes became extremely stern, and a bloody red gun appeared in his hand.

"Control your strength a little bit, don't let them retreat so simply."

He whispered to Liya and the others softly, but the words seemed to be full of endless murderous intent.

"Hmm." ×2.

Li Ya and Bai Zhen also had bad eyesight, and if they dared to speak rudely, they would have to bear the consequences!

"Received, no matter what, let them leave something."

Hei Zhen even said with a sinister smile, the true nature of the Dragon Witch seemed to be fully aroused.


As soon as the words fell, Xie Xiao rushed out like an angry dragon.

The target was directed at the little man who dared to speak out and tease first.

Seeing Xie Xiao rushing towards him, he immediately became a little flustered, and hurriedly put his magic card in front of him, trying to block Xie Xiao's footsteps.

But he didn't even move his eyes, raised the red spear slightly in his hand, and the enemy who blocked him was stabbed right through.

"Don't come here!!! Father Zhang Er..."

The man had no sense of security at all, and even tried to use his father's name to scare him.

But it was obvious that Xie Xiao didn't take this kind of trick at all, nailed him to the ground with one shot, and at the same time made him hold back all the remaining words in his throat.

Then there was a scream like killing a pig: "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"

Large swathes of blood gushed out from his pierced shoulder blades, and showed a completely unstoppable posture.

When did Zhang An receive such inhuman treatment?

This immediately made his snot and tears spurt out together.

In the past, relying on his father's power, he was domineering in the original city, and he did a lot of bullying. No one has ever dared to do anything to him.

Even in the Aolong College where he is studying now, he is very happy.

With the joint efforts of hundreds of people, even the students of the fifth courtyard were driven away, which made him even more proud of himself.

But he didn't expect that one day he would run into such a ruthless stubble like Xie Xiao!

"Oh? Really? What's your dad's name? I can't hear you clearly, can you speak louder?"

Xie Xiao picked out his ears indifferently, as if listening attentively.

Of course, that was under the premise of ignoring the movements of his hands...

I saw that he completed the two actions of pulling out and inserting with lightning speed. (Hey! Why did I change color?)

The red spear pierced Zhang An's other shoulder again.


Zhang An was so stimulated by the pain that he couldn't speak at all. At this moment, he just wanted to get out of this damned secret realm quickly.

But it was clear that there was nothing he could do.

There are two ways to trigger the exit jade token, one is to trigger automatically before receiving lethal damage, and the other is to actively crush the trigger.

But he was nailed to the ground and his hands were useless, so it was difficult for him to move even a single move, let alone crush the jade token and leave the stage?

Haw!Listen~~, it's the sound of broken eggs!

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