I don't know if he nods the potato chips or the bed.

In the car.

Luo Feng said: "Red Empress, check the news about that meteorite just now."

"Okay, master."

"It's been checked."

8!5!61'0:97,-"82; "『"灵珑』  中控屏幕上,马上出现了几张图片。

Then there was an explanation from the Red Queen: "The landing site is in New Mexico, but it's not a meteorite."

"It's a hammer."


"It seems that my guess just now was correct."

"Odi's son, Thor, was banished to Earth."

When we were on the top of the mountain just now, Luo Feng saw that strange lightning phenomenon, and wondered if it might be Sol.

Because according to the development of the plot, the timeline of Iron Man 2 happens to be the time when Thor came to Earth.

It seems that I did remember correctly.

"Is there any action from S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

"Yes, master."

"Nick Fury sent Agent Coulson to go, and he is on his way now, and is expected to arrive at noon tomorrow."

Luo Feng thought for a while, and then said: "Red Empress, after you leave the car for a meeting, I'll go and see that Thor's Hammer."

"Okay, master."

Luo Feng stopped at the side of the road casually.

When he got out of the car again, he had already summoned the emperor's armor.

With the red queen indicating the direction, Luo Feng instantly soared into the sky and flew straight to the landing place of Thor's Hammer in New Mexico.

The reappearance of the Emperor's Armor naturally attracted the attention of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Tony.

"Sir, Emperor Xia has appeared."

Tony, who was remodeling the studio, immediately stopped what he was doing when he heard what Jarvis said.

Look at the big screen projected by Jarvis.

"Where is Jarvis going in this direction?"

Tony asked suspiciously.

"It should be New Mexico, where the meteorite hammer landed."

Tony nodded, but the next moment his eyes changed: "Jarvis, what did you just say?"

"A meteorite hammer?"

"Yes, sir."

"The thunder just now was caused by the meteorite hammer falling into the earth's atmosphere."

"And the meteorite hammer is now in a desert in New Mexico."

Immediately, Jarvis called up some related pictures.

Among them, the pictures taken by the satellite are abnormally blurred, but the blurred shape of a hammer can still be discerned from them.

Just now, he and Ethan didn't care about this matter, so Jarvis didn't say much.

After watching it, Tony could only turn his head to look at Ethan: "Ethan, what do you think about this matter?"

Ethan also came over and shook his head helplessly: "I've become numb since I left that ghostly place with you."

"What I have experienced has completely refreshed my worldview."

"It's just a hammer falling from the sky, nothing unusual."

Ethan's appearance of giving up on himself made Tony say enviously: "It makes sense, maybe his master will follow him to the earth soon."

2.2 "Maybe a badass, so my new energy is going to speed up."


Tony hit another hammer, breaking the wall on the other side.

The production of new elements is still a bit of a huge project.

Inside S.H.I.E.L.D.

Nick Fury also watched Emperor Xia flying in the direction of New Mexico: "Could it be that his purpose,

Nick Fury's face sank, and SHIELD hadn't touched the hammer yet.

How could someone get there first?

For a long time, these things from outer space have been the property of their S.H.I.E.L.D.

This time, someone suddenly rushed in front of him.

Let Nick Fury have a feeling of being stolen.

"Where is Agent Coulson now?"

Also that hammer? "

Hill behind him replied: "It's halfway, and it's expected to arrive at noon tomorrow at the earliest."

Nick Fury was stunned: "Why so slow?"

"He drove there."

Nick Fury: "???"

"No, this hammer is not simple. We need to transfer some more people to it, let's call Barton to it.

"Barton seems to have just returned..."

Nick Fury glanced at Hill: "Now is the time when he is needed."

Only then did Hill realize his collision: "Understood, head."

"But head, what if our people haven't arrived, this hammer will be taken away by the golden mecha first?"

Nick Fury's face sank: "Then dispatch all search forces, find him, and get the hammer back."

This is the face of SHIELD!

As long as it is something that falls from the world, in Nick Fury's view, there is and only S.H.I.E.L.D. can control it!

It would be a disgrace to S.H.I.E.L.D. if it was taken by someone else first!

Chapter 91 Disliked n seedling spray hammer hammer

"Red Queen, are we almost there?"

Luo Feng, who was in flight, asked the Red Queen.

"Just twenty to ten kilometers ahead, master."

Luo Feng moved his feet, and his speed soared again, like a shooting star in the dark night.

And this scene was also seen by Heimdall who was observing the atrium.

"what is that?"

"When did something like this appear in the atrium?"

Heimdall watched in disbelief that a golden mecha was flying at an extremely fast speed.

And Luo Feng, who was flying, suddenly froze and stopped in mid-air.

"What's wrong? Master?"

"It's all right, Red Queen."

Luo Feng turned his head and looked into the endless starry sky: "Someone is watching me!"

All of a sudden, Luo Feng guessed who it was.

Heimdall who can see through the Nine Realms with eyes-looks!

Since it wasn't malicious, Luo Feng didn't care and continued to fly towards Thor's Hammer.

Heimdall, who was looking at the golden mecha, suddenly saw the golden mecha and stopped. Immediately afterwards, a scene that made Heimdall unbelievable happened.

The golden mech turned his head and looked in his direction.

In an instant, Heimdall broke out in cold sweat.

Is it?

He found out?

But when Heimdall thought about it carefully, this was simply impossible.

The distance between Asgard and the atrium alone is countless light years away. If there is no Rainbow Bridge

Even with the space jump technique, it takes a dozen consecutive jumps to reach Asgard.

How could it be discovered at such an infinite distance?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Heimdall kept comforting himself, but his palms were so nervous that they were about to sweat.

For thousands of years, his observations have never been discovered.

The next moment, as the golden mecha turned around, Heimdall breathed a sigh of relief: "Sure enough, he wasn't found."

"I knew how such a powerful person could appear in the small atrium."

"What are you looking at?"

Odin unexpectedly appeared behind Heimdall, startling him all at once.

"King, what else do you want?"

"I don't know, according to your request, are you observing Sol's movement in the atrium?"

"And Thor's Hammer."

Odin nodded and continued: "I came here to tell you one more thing, that is, after I am assassinated by Loki later, he will definitely pass on my will and become the new king."

"Yes, he does like that."

Heimdall nodded, waiting for Odin to continue.

"Then he'll find you, not allow anyone to use the Rainbow Bridge, and go to Earth and help Thor."

"Yeah, he can do it."

Heimdall continued, "So what do you want me to do?"

"Don't do it. When the time comes, Alfheim and the others will ask you to help teleport, so just teleport there."

"I think they are still very loyal to Thor."

Heimdall nodded: "Understood, king."

"Okay, I'm going back to wait for Loki's assassination, remember to act like a character."

Suddenly, Heimdall thought of another question: "King!"

Odin turned his head and looked at Heimdall.

"My lord, what if someone in the courtyard can pick up the hammer of Thor that you have cast the spell on?

Odin raised his eyebrows: "That spell is actually more aimed at Sol."

"It would be a good thing if Thor's Hammer was taken because of this."

"Sol will sooner or later understand one truth, that is, he is the god of thunder, not the god of hammers

Heimdall bent over: "It's okay, Wang."

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