Trying to find the 'others' that Jack said.

Just when the hearts of several people reached their throats, a familiar voice came from another direction.

"Jack, what are you doing in my lab so late?"

Jack followed the sound, and Norman, who was wearing a white coat, opened the curtain and walked out slowly from behind the isolation curtain.

Jack frowned: "Norman..."

Because he could feel that the current Norman gave him a completely different feeling from before.

Norman also frowned, glanced at Jack, and then at the corpse on the ground.

He said: "What's wrong with you little brother, why are you lying on the floor of my laboratory."

Just when Jack was about to say something, his face suddenly changed.

As if realizing something.

It seems that apart from them, only Norman is left here!

"Norman, did you do it?"

Hearing Jack's question, Norman looked at Jack suspiciously: "Do you think I killed your little brother?"

Being asked such a serious question by Norman, Jack also became a little uncertain.

Because logically speaking, if you want to kill a person so easily, you must be a killer-level figure.

But Norman...

Obviously impossible.

Could it be that reformer who ran back?

Just when Jack dispelled his doubts about Norman and planned to tell Norman his guess.

I saw Norman leaning down with one hand on his head.

The next moment, I heard Norman laugh loudly: "Hahaha... I can't help it, Jack, you idiot!

"Hahaha... I killed your little brother, and you still doubt yourself."

"You idiot, hahaha!"

"Norman, you tm!!!"

Feeling being teased, Jack suddenly became bloody.

He completely lost his sense of proportion, picked up a chair on one side and threw it at Norman.

In his impression, Norman is a scientific researcher with no power to restrain himself.

Maybe he was able to kill his little brother just now, but he just used some means.

However, what happened next completely overturned Jack's perception of Norman.

I saw the chair fly straight over and hit Norman's body.

The metal stool legs on the chair twisted and bent in an instant, as if it was not the only person hit.

Instead, it hit a hard concrete wall.

Jack's pupils shrank sharply.

"Jack, it hurts."

"However, I'm also excited!"

Norman grabbed his white coat with one hand and pulled it hard, the white coat on his body was instantly torn apart

A green exoskeleton armor was exposed.

"Boss??? This... what is this thing?"

Jack's younger brother asked in a trembling voice.

Before Jack could answer, Norman jumped onto the experimental table next to him, and looked at the younger brother with regret.

"He is a good boy with a high thirst for knowledge."

"I'll tell you before you die."

Norman pointed to the green exoskeleton on his body: "This is called a full-body exoskeleton."

"At the beginning, the military asked me to study wearable combat mechs, but the energy problem has not been solved."

"I have studied this set of full-body exoskeletons that can greatly improve human strength, and also use special bulletproof materials."

Norman shook his head, and continued: "But those ignorant guys in the military think that the cost of a full-body exoskeleton is too high."

"Not what they wanted."

Seeing Norman's madness to the point of going mad, Jack asked, "Norman, have you been injected with a genetic enhancement drug?"

Norman pointed to Jack: "goodboy! That's right, strictly speaking, it's an optimized genetic enhancement drug."

"I appreciate your thirst for knowledge, so I will let you die quickly."

The eyes of Jack and the others were all attracted by Norman, and they didn't notice what was behind them at all.

A green aircraft slowly took off.

At this moment, only Jack noticed the strange sound behind him.

Turning his head, he saw a big bat-like thing flying towards them.

At the front position, there are two sharp weapons that exude a cold glow.

Jack's face changed suddenly, he pressed down on a younger brother beside him, and then yelled at the two younger brothers in front: "Get down quickly."

But it was already too late, the sharp blade at the front of the aircraft directly pierced their chests.

He brought the two of them to the front of Norman.

The two vomited blood, and looked at the sharp blade piercing through their chests in disbelief.

Looking up again, they saw a crazy Norman in front of them.

"It's a pity, Jack. You could have died together..."

Norman looked at the two breathless younger brothers in front of him, and with a light pull, the bodies of the two people were pulled off the aircraft, and they were thrown on the ground like trash.

Then he looked at Jack lying on the ground and shook his head.

At this moment, Jack felt extremely terrified of Norman in front of him.

Can this still be considered a person...

Chapter 110 The Green Goblin Osborn

Chapter 110 The Green Goblin Osborn

Watching Norman throw away his little brother's body like throwing garbage.

Jack understood that the side effects of Norman's use of the strengthening potion were stronger than that of the reformed man who escaped before.

Now Norman's second personality can be said to have completely broken away from the human category.

Norman wiped the blood off the aircraft as if nothing had happened.

At this moment, Jack's younger brother was already dumbfounded.

Although I used to be by Jack's side, I have also seen the murder scene between the underworld.

But never has there been such fear.

"Boss... what should we do now?"

The last remaining little brother swallowed in fear. At this moment, his only spiritual support is Jack beside him.

Jack also understood that the probability of surviving in front of such a madman was almost zero.


Jack looked at the younger brother beside him, and said lightly, "Do you believe me?"

The younger brother looked at Jack, completely unable to think of any other answer, and could only nod his head: "Of course I believe you, boss."

"No matter what, the person I trust the most is you!"

"Even if you let me die, I will believe you!"

The fear of the situation in front of him made him a little speechless.

He also really believed that Jack would take him out of here.

Listening to his younger brother's words, Jack smiled: "Then you go to die!"

Before the younger brother could react, Jack pulled out the dagger C that he had always carried with him.

Directly into his little brother.

They stabbed him several times in the stomach.

The little brother touched his stomach, looked at the blood on his hand and asked with difficulty:

Before Jack could answer, Norman's mocking laughter came: "Wonderful, wonderful!"

"Jack, it's really yours."

"It's much more exciting for you to kill someone than me."


Jack put away his knife, looked at Norman and said, "Norman, I let you watch such a wonderful performance."

"Can you let me go!"

Wanting to survive from a lunatic like Norman, Jack only thought of such a way.

That is to make this madman feel happy and happy.

And the only way right now is to kill his little brother himself.

Norman smiled: "Of course, we have been a cooperative relationship from the beginning."

"I have never restricted your personal freedom."

"You can leave anytime you want."

Norman made a very gentlemanly bow farewell ceremony, and the door of the laboratory opened in response.

Jack looked at the slowly opened door, as if he had seen the dawn of hope.

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Jack walked slowly towards the door.

Although he didn't look back, he was still guarding against Norman's tricks behind him.

Norman, on the other hand, kept looking at Jack's back, and the aircraft around him rose slowly again.

"Shh... don't make noise, I told him to leave."

Norman made a silence gesture to the aircraft beside him, as if speaking in this aircraft

The aircraft was under his control, and after hearing this sentence, it slowly descended back to the ground.

Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the gate, Jack knew that he had made the right bet.

Be a lunatic like Osborn, and you can really live in his hands.

Just one step away from the gate, when Jack stepped out.

There was a sudden bang from behind, and the next moment two sharp blades pierced through Jack's chest.

Jack didn't take the last step, because when the aircraft pulled back the knife, it brought Jack back.

Norman walked to the side of the aircraft with a look of pity: "You little villain, didn't you say that you have let him go?"

Jack, who was lying on the ground, was bleeding from his mouth.

Looking at Norman in horror, he slowly spit out two words: "Evil... devil


Norman listened to Jack's last words.

He nodded as if in full agreement.

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