Not only is Loki okay.

Also found - a big backer...

After confirming that Loki was fine, Sol immediately stood up and looked towards the broken Rainbow Bridge.

At this time, there is a huge black hole under the Rainbow Bridge.

Asgard has the protection of Odin's divine power, as long as you don't jump into it, you will be fine

What the black hole connects is any place in this universe.

Of course, if it is impossible to pass through the black hole, then the result is to be broken into pieces by the black hole.

The other side of the black hole connection.

On a huge meteorite, Loki respectfully kneeled on one knee.

This kind of respect has never been seen even for Odin.

And in front of him is a throne.

There are five people standing beside the throne, and the person sitting on the throne is like a mountain.

In the twilight of the stars, a purple wrinkled face looms...


Chapter 140 Five, Luo Feng, You Have a Good Figure

Chapter 140 Five, Luo Feng, You Have a Good Figure


George took Gwen into the police station, along the way many people saw Gwen and greeted him warmly.

When he was a child, George often brought Gwen to the police station.

Therefore, in the police station, many people knew Gwen, and most of them watched Gwen grow up.

As soon as he entered the police station, George saw a familiar figure in the hall and shouted, "Peter."

Peter, who was standing in the lobby waiting for George, turned around and saw Gwen next to George with a dazed expression.

"Morning, Uncle George."

"Morning, Gwen."

Gwen also raised her hand and said hello: "Hi, Peter."

"Follow me into the office first, Anna should be here soon, let's wait for him first."

Peter nodded and said, "Okay."

From yesterday's information, Peter knew that Anna was the doctor in charge of the homeless.

Entering the office, Peter asked, "Uncle George, has there been any movement at Osborne Industries recently?"

He was worried that Norman had more than one test subject.

And after he resigned, he could no longer freely enter and exit Osborne Industry as before.

George shook his head, took out a piece of information from the document in front of him and handed it to Peter: "No, in fact, although we can't arrest Norman."

"But surveillance is still allowed."

"It's business as usual at Osborne Industries during this time, without any problems."

Peter flipped through the documents in his hand and heaved a sigh of relief.

In his opinion, Norman should have discovered the side effects of the enhanced potion, and he dared not mess around again until these side effects were resolved.

But what Peter didn't know was that Norman took revenge on the general for his own reputation and future.

He has already injected himself with a strengthening potion, and has derived a crazy and evil second personality.

"One Five Seven" then also got the power of Mephisto.

As long as there is this power, more serious side effects will not be reflected in Norman's body.

"Peter, are you moving out of New York?"

Seeing that the matter between the two of them was finished, Gwen asked.

Peter closed the information in his hand and said, "Yes, go to the countryside to teach."

"Uncle Ben found this job through someone."

"I feel-feel that it should be quite suitable for me."

Gwen understands that the present New York is more like a sad place to Peter.

The two scientific studies that he participated in successively ended with such results.

But these faults are not on Peter.

On the contrary, Peter's genius is obvious to all, but...

Thinking of this, Gwen felt a pity for a while, and could only comfort him: "Then I wish you luck, Peter."

"You too, Gwen."

George stretched out his hand and said, "Peter, I will work hard on you first today."

"Sure, Uncle George."

The two held hands together, and then George's door was pushed open by his subordinates.

George's face changed.

He has made a rule before that unless it is an emergency, you must knock on the door before entering his office

"what happened?"

George frowned at the detective.

The detective looked - Peter and Gwen in the office.

Some things, not everyone can know.

The two also noticed the look in his eyes. Gwen said first, "Peter, let's go out and wait for Cousin Anna."

Peter nodded, "Okay."

When the two left, the police detective who broke in hurriedly closed the door.

After this series of actions, George knew that something terrible must have happened.

Before he could ask, the detective was holding a document bag in his hand.

Nervously said: "Boss, this time the matter has become serious."

"what happened."

The police detective handed out the document in his hand: "The general of the New York Army was assassinated last night."

As soon as this remark came out, George froze in place.

Then he immediately took the document in his hand, and the more he looked at it, the more frightened he became.

"What do the people over there say?"

"The people over there suspect that the murderer is very likely to lurk in New York, and we want the New York police to investigate with all our strength."

"To die is to see a person, to live to see a corpse."

George put away the documents in his hands, and said in a deep voice, "Come on, let's go to the scene."

After finishing speaking, George pressed the phone next to him: "Order down-go, all requests from Peter and Anna will be fulfilled."

"Also, pay attention - the next deputy director."

A deep voice came from the other end of the phone: "Understood, boss."

After finishing speaking, George walked out of the office with the document bag, and when he came to the lobby, he saw Gwen and the two of them

And Anna who just walked into the gate of the police station.

All three of them were there, and George also went up to greet them: "Gwen, I can't take you home later."

"Remember to go back early, not too late."

"I have something to take care of."

Gwen nodded with a smile and said, "Okay, Dad."

"Anna, this is the Peter I mentioned to you."

"Peter, this is my niece Anna."

Under George's introduction, the two became acquainted.

Then George continued to order other things in the police station, and then left the police station.

"Let's go take a look at the condition of the reformer first."

"it is good."

"What about you, Gwen?"

Gwen glanced outside the door, thought for a while and said, "I won't accompany you guys anymore."

"I'm going out too."

Seeing Gwen's appearance, Anna smiled: "Lost looking for Luo Feng?"

Gwen blushed, and did not refute Anna, but said: "Cousin, go and solve the case quickly."

"I go first."

After speaking, he ran out without looking back.

The two of them didn't notice Peter's lonely eyes.

Seeing the back of Gwen running out of the police station, Anna smiled and shook her head: "This kid

"Mr. Peter, let's go down-go and have a look."

"Miss Anna, you don't have to be so polite. Actually, I'm also Gwen's friend."

"Just call me Peter..."

Gwen slipped out of the police station, looked around, and walked to a small dark corner.

The next moment, a spider web flew out of it, and Gwen also left the police station along the way.

Gwen swung towards Luo Feng's direction, and a strange feeling became more and more obvious as time went by.

"Strange, how do I feel-feel..."

Gwen leaned against the wall of a building, looking at her hands in a daze.

"Red Empress, can you find any problems?"

The red queen replied after scanning: "Miss Gwen, everything is normal."

Although she had the red queen's answer, the strange feeling in Gwen's heart still existed.

just like……

There is a person in his ear, constantly covering up something.

"Miss Gwen, there are violent arrests on the Ninth Street."

As soon as the Red Queen's police report appeared, Gwen shook off the useless thoughts in her mind.

The spider thread shot out from his hand, and he swung towards the ninth block along the best route planned by the Red Queen.

Gwen, who had just arrived at the ninth block, saw two people, one of whom was running with all his strength while holding a pistol.

From time to time, he fired two shots behind him.

Behind them, there are naturally several police detectives from the district.


Facing the bullets coming from the front, the police detective behind him could only quickly find a place to hide.

"Are you-he-fucking crazy!"

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