Because those red silk threads actually tried to parasitize Behemos!

this moment.

Only then did Behemoth truly realize, what is fear?

All along, Behemoth has been adhering to absolute calmness.

Even when the soul was bound, he still took every step of the way, and finally strangled Barr, and successfully exchanged the other party's soul for his own new life.

Even though he was terrified at that time, everything was still controlled by Behemos.

But now...

After seeing Kaqi's extreme and twisted behavior, Behemoth was completely terrified.

In the face of endless despair.

He even thought of destructing himself to get out of the predicament.


Kaqi didn't give the opponent this chance at all.

From the moment he was caught, all the energy in Behemoth's body was swallowed up.

Kachi is like a foodie.

Energy, blood, until the last parasitic body.

Every step is extremely sophisticated.

It is precisely because of this that even if the true god is in the opponent's hands, there is no possibility of escaping at all.

Although Behemoth couldn't accept it.

But it must be admitted that...

It won't be long before I will become a member of the red thread ball.

"Lord God, help me..."

"Please, save me!"

At this time, the embarrassed Behemoth was like a lost dog.

His retreat was completely blocked.

Apart from continuing to pray to that existence, there is no other way.

"Ludicrous traitor."

A hoarse voice came from the red thread.

"Where do you think this place is?"

"The bottomless abyss."

"Without proof of identity, even the true gods may be swallowed by those worms of the void when they shuttle."

"So, you should give up the idea of ​​survival and obediently use it as a container for me to occupy!"

What scares Behemoth the most is...

In this voice, there is actually the ability to bewitch.

Kaqi's ability is extremely single, but extremely terrifying.

The most important part of parasitism is that the other party can control everything about the parasitized person.

Including memory and ability.

That is to say...

Kaqi not only mastered the tenacious vitality of the Zerg.

Terrible fighting techniques of demons.

There is even the wisdom of the devil.

Many in one.

He has completely built himself into an iron plate, without any weakness at all.

Behemoth's spiritual world was already devastated to the extreme. At this time, under the bewitching power of the devil, his eyes gradually blurred.

He seems to have accepted Kaqi's exhortation.

Therefore, there is no longer any resistance, and a pair is fully prepared to act as a parasitized person.

And just when Kaqi was just one step away from occupying success.


The opponent was affected by an inexplicable energy.

Countless red nematodes looked up at this moment.

But it is located at the top of the Kingdom of God, I don't know when...

At this moment, a sea of ​​gray mud appeared! .

Chapter 310 The eighth chapter of mourning and mourning, the end of life! 【Subscribe】

The ocean appeared above the sky?

This may sound a bit unbelievable.

But really...

Appeared at the top of this destroyed kingdom of God.

The ocean is blue and vast.

Can make people feel relieved.

But the silt ocean in front of him was different.

The dark gray mud is full of foul smell.

And in it, there seems to be countless schools of fish swaying ~, looming.

"That's not a school of fish."

"It, like us, is - an independent life."

"Can't the forces behind the traitor take action?"

"It's a big deal."

Dense voices came from the red thread ball.

Kaqi's ability is very powerful.

He will deprive the possessed of everything, including thinking.

At this time, after distinguishing the truth of the black spots floating in the muddy ocean, they started talking strangely.

Kaqi saw the nature of that sea of ​​silt.

Those black shadows that are constantly floating are tens of thousands of human heads.

The reason why Kaqi said that the abilities of each other are similar.

that's because……

Those heads are still alive.

Their eyes radiate unspeakable pain, and the corners of their mouths speak of silent grief.

Tears slid down sunken cheeks.

Drip into the mud, and then repeat.

What is mixed in this mud are the tears of countless creatures!

In addition to the regular heads.

There are many more twisted and ugly races than bugs, demons and devils.

Some are simply a combination of beast and human.

Some are elemental giants.

The whole head was burning with flames.

Fire and water are incompatible.

This is an immutable rule.

But in this sea full of silt, they blend together wonderfully.

Compared with Kaqimu's dull collection.

The expressions of the heads in this muddy ocean are undoubtedly more vivid.

It can be judged by the naked eye.

Compared with the silt ocean, Kutch is a loser.

And at this time, the tumbling heads actually focused their attention on Behemoth:

"Little guy, it's time to wake up."

"Do you really want to be part of each other?"

But at this time, a sudden and resounding voice exploded in Behemoth's ears.

this sound.

It was like tens of thousands of beasts roaring.

The moment he heard it, Behemoth almost thought his eardrums had burst.


His attention was reoccupied after he saw the scene above.

Everything that happened in the interstellar cemetery reappeared in Behemoth's mind.

Countless twisted and terrifying heretics gathered in front of that existence.

Think carefully.

Behemoth's pupils widened.

He has seen each other!

At the time of being awarded the flute and thus getting lost in the blowing loop.

Just beside Behemoth, there was a dark gray figure.

The opponent has a human body shape.

But the whole body is composed of one head after another, with painful expressions.

Limbs, body.

Wherever he looked, there were roaring heads.

The owner of the head tried to call for help, but the sound made in the interstellar cemetery turned into an inexplicable flute sound.

met each other.

Moreover, they played the same piece of music together!

"My Lord heard my prayer and came to save me?!"

Behemoth knows better than anyone that the horrors in the interstellar cemetery.

Except the origin of all darkness and chaos.

The figures entrenched around each other are also not simple characters.

And now, Behemoth's conjecture has been confirmed.

The opponent actually broke through the dimension and landed directly in the abyss.

Unlike the human world, what needs to be broken through is only the shackles of the dimensional wall.

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