'what. '

At this moment, Ye blinked quickly, making sure that she read correctly.

The young man with a poker face who always seemed to be thinking about something had a smile on his face, as if seeing others happy made him feel happy too.

The eyes of the two met, Nangong didn't quite understand why the other looked surprised.

'So the cosmic beings are also human beings. '

Mr. Nishinomiya, who had been acting together and experiencing the atmosphere of the New Year after a long absence, stroked his beard.

Not to mention all, at least the vast majority of people cannot survive alone.

At this moment, a long queue appeared in front of their eyes.

This scene was extraordinarily lively, or it could be said that it was so lively that it made people feel hot. The four of them were a little surprised for a while.

"Hey... isn't this going to be queued until dark?"

Wu complained dissatisfiedly, she would not have joined in the fun to pay homage if she had known earlier, anyway, she had never done such things before, and now she could just go back and make lunch in time.

This sentence made Ye have to feel that her sister is really impatient.

Obviously, before going to bed last night, I kept pressing my phone, looking for information about New Year's visits.

As a result, as soon as I saw the troublesome things in front of my eyes, I wanted to give up immediately, 3 minutes of heat.

He Liang glanced at each other, just as they were thinking about how to keep her, Nangong said:

"Is there anything special about New Year's visits in Japan? I don't know much about these things."

As soon as he heard this, the dance became energetic in an instant.

"Don't say it's particular, it's the ultimate trouble!"

In fact, it's not that troublesome, but the initial 'washing away the dirt' is very troublesome.

"When it comes to visiting this shrine, it goes back to---"

Should I say that I am a good teacher, or do I simply like to popularize science knowledge with others?

During the three days of the stay, Nangong had already fully felt this characteristic of Wu.

But I have to say that he really knows a lot of things, at least he can really cook noodles.

After that, the girl was very active in popularizing science, from history to culture, from culture to customs, and the team ahead was also slowly advancing.

Nangong listened carefully and didn't find it boring.

Liang and Ye looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders. Just by listening to it, you can tell how much Wu checked yesterday and how seriously he looked at it.

As a result, as soon as I saw trouble, I wanted to leave, and I didn't care about yesterday's effort at all.

I really don't know whether this is free and easy or heartless.

Meanwhile, mingling with the queue, the youngest of the three sisters was squinting her eyes.

"Why did you pull me out?"

Compared with this long queue, she thought it was more interesting to play with the silly Shiba Inu at home.

"This question has been asked five times."

The second sister, Ryoko, smiled and answered the questions with statistics.

"Doesn't asking five times show my dissatisfaction!"

Hey hey hey can you two be a little self conscious?

Don't keep forcing your sister to do such boring things, okay?

"Don't frown, Xingzi, such a rare good face, it's a waste."

It was a completely fake falsetto, and a low neutral voice came out of Kyoko's throat. She gently lifted her sister's chin, and then she was given a big white eye.

"It's not cute, can you really get married if this goes on?"

Kyoko found out that her sister's oil and salt didn't get in, while sighing, she lamented her sister's difficult character.

It's not that it's bad, it's simply doing its own way.

"Married? Are you kidding me?"

Kyoko's expression suddenly became menacing.

Instantly understanding her thoughts, Kyoko's expression also became serious.

"There is nothing wrong with being married."

She knows what kind of heart knot her sister has, and she also knows that the world is vast, and there are countless people who will make countless choices about one thing.

They are just the unlucky ones.

The two looked at each other, and the atmosphere suddenly became stiff.

"Ah, it's almost our turn!"

One sentence attracted the attention of both of them, and Ryoko seemed completely unaffected by the atmosphere.

Hearing her words, Kyoko also looked away.

'It sucks. '

I didn't expect to be in such a bad mood on the first day of the new year.

"Then let me recount the movement of worship."

"It's no use."

Kyoko said angrily, and sometimes she wondered why Ryoko always put on such a light expression. Could it be that she didn't feel uncomfortable about other things at all?

Soon, it was their turn to worship.

Xingzi stepped forward first. She picked up the wooden spoon with her right hand, picked up water, washed her left hand, and changed hands to wash her right hand.

Change hands again, pour some of the remaining water into the palm of your left hand, rinse your mouth with it, and finally wash your left hand again, stand up the wooden spoon, and let the remaining water drip down.

Put the five-yuan coin into the money box, and ring the bell to announce the arrival of the worshipers.

Bow at [-] degrees twice in a row, clap your palms together in front of your chest twice, and make a wish in your heart.

What kind of wish should I make?

'I hope our family can live peacefully in the future. '

Make a wish, drop your hands, and take a final bow.

"it is good."

This is the end of one, the problem is... There are branch halls besides the main hall, which sucks.

The problem is that they have all come, and they can only accompany their two sisters to the end.

Queuing, action, these things always take a long time, and before you know it, the sun is hanging in the sky right above.

"I want to go back."

After finally completing the visit, Kyoko felt a little headache, why should she believe in such illusory things.

"Wait, there is one last step."

"I know, I know, draw lots, right? Take your time."

There are also a large number of stalls in the shrine, which is already an annual tradition.

'The words show that they come every year...'

I'm still complaining about always coming, what does this mean?

'It means that I am still the same person I was at the beginning. '

Thinking this way in my heart, I stretched out my right hand, and soon, I pulled out the stick.

'Good luck. '

Well, at least a bad guy didn't spoil the mood.

Putting away the drawn lottery, Kyoko turned around and prepared to leave the shrine.

The movement was very fast, and it could be seen that he didn't want to stay here for a second.

Someone was watching her without her noticing.

Nangong felt entangled in his heart. In a sense, he could be said to have disappeared for more than a month on his own. After experiencing these things at that time, maybe the store manager thought he was dead.

Sure enough, it would be better not to meet again at this time.

But when Gedi was in the store, he not only helped him at the beginning, but also helped him now, how should he repay this kindness?

What flashed in memory was that silly dog ​​face.

It's not that Nangong doesn't want to see it, it's just that...

I don't know how to face it. Before that, Gedi once had a master, that is, Empat's former soul.

His later successor is in a mess now, and it is precisely because he cares that he doesn't know how to deal with it.

Complicated thoughts swirled in his mind, just as Nangong was about to look away, a man came into view.


He didn't wear any hat or sunglasses to hide himself, but when Kyoko walked by, he turned his head, locked on to the ignorant girl, and followed.

"Sorry, everyone, I suddenly have something to do."


"Sorry, let me apologize later."

Nangong can't be sure what's wrong with the matter, but if because of his inaction, something happened to the Bai Chuan family who have been kind to him...

It must be that I will never forgive myself in my life.

"Really sorry!"

After apologizing three times in a row, Nangong quickly went against the team, went around from the side, and ran outside the shrine.

'Apologize three times...'

The old man thought silently, feeling relieved.

Chapter 81

It's like a three-point line composed of stalkers, with Kyoko at the front, a man who doesn't know who it is behind, and Nangong at the end.

And at this time, he was convinced that the other party was indeed following the girl.

'who is it? '

Thinking this way in my heart, but not acting rashly, what if it is someone I know?

Nangong still quietly followed behind the other party, while the man he followed was watching the front of the girl who had entered high school and was underage.

' Very similar. '

Although not as similar as her older sisters, she still inherited her mother's blood.

Back then, men and women fell in love and had a relationship. After that...

Thinking of this, he stepped forward and called the other party's name.


Hearing this call, the girl in front froze for a moment. In her memory, there should be no man who would call her that.

If there is one...

She turned her head, and the person in her eyes was old, but not as old as she imagined, and she was [-]% similar to the one in her memory.

Kyoko knew this person, of course she did, how could she forget.

Nangong's expression changed because what he saw was not a touching farewell.

The girl's lips were trembling, not only that, her breathing became rapid, and she wanted to shake her head, but found that she couldn't even control her body very well.

If you want to stay away, you definitely don't want to get close to this man.

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