"do not mind."

So, he walked into the familiar dressing room, put on the waiter's shirt and walked out, at least he could go back in this way.

'go back? '

Suddenly, he realized that now is not the best time to leave?

Why go back?

'I have to apologize after I said it. '

So of course going back.

Thinking this way in his heart, he walked towards the gate, Gedi barked and stayed.

At this moment, Uniform also stood up to say goodbye, Kyoko and Ryoko's absent-mindedness could still be seen.

"Then come again next time."


After saying goodbye, the two stayed in the store, and the two walked out of the store.

"What happened in the past?"

Uniq wants to know what kind of pain his friend is having, and wants to share it with him.

"When the other party wants to say it, they will naturally say it."

Nangong can understand the other party's thoughts better.

"The so-called wound is not something to show off."

Instead, want to heal it and never show up again.

It's like he never thought of telling others how unwilling and uncomfortable he was when he 'died'.

"If you really care about Bai Chuan, don't ask these things in front of her."

Let time calm everything down quietly.


After a moment of silence, Uniform responded.

In her mind, what came to her mind was the previous memories. Kyoko had warned her not to casually explore other people's affairs. In a sense, it was indeed fulfilled now.

The sound of the ambulance gradually faded away, and there was not a single man left who was in a mess.

The two walked towards the main road, and on the second floor of the coffee shop, Kyoko was hugged by her sister.

"Don't worry, sisters will take care of everything."

Caressing her sister's long hair, Ryoko comforted her.

That man can't do anything, or in other words, what he can do will become a bargaining chip in the end, and this side is waiting for him to act.

They are no longer the children who could only cry at the beginning. If they want to come to their door, of course there is a way to fight back here, and it is very simple.

Without Kyoko noticing, Ryoko's expression turned cold.

In a sense, the appearance of that man gave them a chance to take revenge.

One comforted her sister on the second floor of the coffee shop, while the other walked to the street, where she bent down and picked up the cigarettes that fell out of the vending machine.

Open, take out, ignite, inhale, the taste of nicotine is so nostalgic.

Once vowed never to smoke again, but such things as vows may be made to be broken.

Things from the past flashed through Kyoko's mind, and the first thing that appeared was the woman on the hospital bed.

She said that she had regretted countless things in her life, and the only thing she didn't regret was giving birth to them.

Everything started from the illusory love, and the unmarried and pregnant girl was kicked out of the house.

The man who promises 'love' doesn't promise 'responsibility'

After that, after a long, long time, the father who came to the door vowed to change his past, and the mother was very happy.

But this is just the beginning of the lie, the man who has lost his support is looking for the next one to rely on.

He pretended so much, father, husband, how conscientious he was, and after that, his fingerprints and signatures were pressed after being drunk.

Finally... closing her eyes, the scene that she deliberately forgot appeared in front of her eyes again, and Kyoko threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stamped it out angrily.

The mother was a great woman, she never complained about everything and worried about them until she died.

As for the father...

'Since you are shamelessly running in front of our eyes, go to hell. '

The personality inherited from the father contains viciousness and calculation. Kyoko, Ryoko, and the twin sisters showed the same gloomy expression at almost the same moment.

At this time, the young man who returned to the Nishinomiya's house was worrying about one thing.

He didn't want to admit it, but he had to admit that he did seem to want to stay here, or in other words, he wanted the connection between people.

"what happened?"

Wu asked.

"It's nothing."

Nangong replied.

After questioning and answering, the family was very gentle and did not ask him why he left.

Instead, the question was—why did you change your clothes?

He raised his head, Wu, who was playing games, and Liang, who was forced to be pulled over together, were sitting in front of the TV, and Ye, who was reading a book.

Losing your parents, and turning against your father, which side is more uncomfortable?

'No, this is not something that can be used for comparison. '

Nangong shook his head, shaking off the strange thoughts.

What he cared more about was what Ryoko said, there is a solution, how to solve it?

Probably because of the deep integration and contact with negative energy, Nangong found that he seemed to be able to feel the negative emotions that had not yet turned into negative energy.

'Don't be stupid. '

While feeling worried in his heart, his expression was also noticed by the old man.

'In the end what happened? '

What is going on?

On the earth, there is still a quiet and peaceful scene. The new year, the celebration is not over yet.

However, there are still people who take this planet as their goal.

"Is it time?"

"not the right time yet."

In communication, the gate divides the world, and on one side is the world where humans live.

The existence of the so-called Kirielod people needs the belief of the earth people, and they want to become the gods of the earth people.

Therefore, the Ultraman is the existence that gets in the way. Originally, they should be the existence of the 'Guardian God' during the prelude before the Dark Dominator wakes up.

Unexpectedly, the giants 3000 million years ago were still alive.

"Did it go too far initially?"

"Well, it's too much."

Because the perennial preparations were destroyed, unwillingness turned into anger, so that he made an irrational move.

In the eyes of people on Earth, the current Kyriairods have become enemies, but their reputation can be reversed.

As long as Kiri Ailuo De really become a 'god' just fine.

"Aren't you doing something interesting?"


The woman who was communicating suddenly turned her head, and the man with blond hair and blue eyes entered the room from nowhere, with a smile on his face, but cruelty in his eyes.

The kick was easily blocked, as if for provocation, the man who broke in pinched the slender white calf with his backhand.

"who are you?"

After a short contact, she realized that the other party is definitely not from the earth, and it is impossible for an earth person to have such a physical quality.

"I am Magma, and I also have a deep hatred with Ultraman."

Let go, pull closer, and in an instant, the woman didn't have time to react, she got close to the other person, and her waist was also hugged.

"How about we get along?"

Magma bowed his head, leaned close to the opponent, and whispered in his ear.

He wants to use everything available on the earth to defeat and kill Ultraman.

Chapter 83 The Awakened Monster

The time was January 1, the second day of 2. Because of worry, Nangong came to the door of the coffee shop, and what he saw was a messy scene.

An unbearable smell hit the face, paint of different colors was splashed on the shutter door, and the visual and olfactory impact was unbearable.


This is a commonly used method. If you dare not give money, they will dare to harass you endlessly, and either obediently take out the money, or don't even think about doing business.

This kind of rogue's method is really disgusting, and at this moment, the sound of the wind chime rang.

"Oh, you came so early, are you planning to come back to work?"

Kyoko came out, facing this terrible environment, she seemed to be prepared.

Wearing rubber gloves with both hands, she picked up the key and thrust it into the lock. Then, she frowned.

After moving a step, Nangong could easily see that the key couldn't be inserted.

"It's really well done."

Kyoko put the key away again, and something had bet on the inside of the keyhole, so there was no way to put the key in, and of course there was no way to unlock and open the door.

The reason why the other party didn't lock the front door was probably to make the shop clearly aware that they were being targeted.

How can such behavior be prevented?

Are you guarding the door in the middle of the night?

Before Nangong could speak, the other party extended an invitation first.

"Come for a cup of coffee?"

There was not much haze on Kyoko's face, and her expression was not much different from usual.

Why?Is it because of what I said yesterday that there is already a solution?

Nangong felt puzzled, but still entered the coffee shop.

Because there was no way to open the shutter door, the light inside was as bad as night, and the electric lights hanging from the ceiling were turned on, and the exhaust fan turned on made the air a lot better.

Walking into the bar and walking to the front of the bar, one is inside and the other is outside. Unlike the store manager and clerk before, it is now the relationship between the customer and the merchant.

"As the first guest of 2008, what would you like to order?"

Kyoko had a smile on her face, and Nangong thought about it, and found that his understanding of coffee was actually only the cans in the convenience store.

"Any recommendations?"

It's really embarrassing to work in a coffee shop without knowing anything about it.

After all, it's just a porter.

"How about a warm cup of hot chocolate on a winter morning?"

Very suitable for such a day.

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