Sprinting, pulling up, the slashing claws could not touch anything, Feiyan No. [-] went straight into the sky, behind it, seized the opportunity, and released the full power of the Texas cannon firing at full power, the orange energy cluster It hit the monster hard.

Even so, it only left scars on King Red's chest, and his strength was insufficient.

"Da Gu, come on!"

"it is good!"

Falling vertically, the light radiated, continuously burning the monster's head, pulling the joystick, Feiyan No. [-] passed over the enemy, and flew in the air nimbly.

Just attacking and harassing the slow-moving monsters like this, King Red wanted to fight back, but he couldn't do it.

Its biological instincts realized how different the world seems to be today, and the images of the battle were transmitted to the TPC Far East base through two fighter jets, and the entire TPC could be shared through the Far East base.

Not all monsters and humans are helpless, and not all monsters have incredible energy use.

In the American branch, the commander and his subordinates are watching the screen.

This was a test, and it was also a test. The officer standing beside him clenched his fists unconsciously, and the expression on his face became ferocious.

Accompanied by heavy breathing, his body trembled with anger, and in the end, he slowly calmed down.

"very good."

The commander felt a little satisfaction in his heart, but he didn't relax, because this was just the beginning.

At this moment, the combat communication initiated from the side of the European branch came.

The reason why humans have no way to target monsters is not because humans really don't have powerful enough weapons.

It's simply because the monsters' enemies are too subtle every time they appear. If those weapons are used, the entire area will be turned into a sea of ​​flames and razed to the ground.

And this time...

"I suggest a full-scale bombing of this monster directly. Duodara Island is an uninhabited island with no development value, and it will not cause actual losses."

The image on the screen is already very clear, this monster can't fly, otherwise it wouldn't be enraged and trapped by the winning team at the same time.

"I agree too."


Soon, an almost overwhelming majority of votes passed the proposal.

As a result, the army began to operate. Indeed, the invasion of the Imperial Stars almost completely disintegrated the earth's armaments, but would any civilization not develop weapons with all its strength after encountering such a thing?

The decisions of the upper echelons were passed on to the Far East base, which in turn was passed on to the winning team.

"What? Bombing?"

Bombing such islands?

Zong Fang was stunned for a moment, and then noticed that this is indeed a rare place where this can be done.

"Feiyan No. [-] and Feiyan No. [-] will hold back the monster as usual, and after making preparations, they will use bombing to eliminate it."

The voice of the intermediary captain can be heard by every team member present.

It is obvious that the situation has not been ascertained, and it is necessary to solve it directly?

"Do you want to destroy this island too... Tsk! I know!"

Xincheng held the joystick tightly, an order is an order, and soldiers can only obey.

Maintaining the original pace, the two fighter jets are still restraining the monster.

At this time, King Red finally realized that if it continued like this, it would only waste its energy in vain, and its fighting spirit was overwhelmed by the instinct of eating, so it made such a move.

Ignoring the attacks of Feiyan No. [-] and Feiyan No. [-], it walked to the other side of the island, and successive attacks hit it on the back, but it was ignored.

Stretching out his hands, King Red hugged the hill on the island.

"It wants to do... what?!"

Lina's eyes widened. In front of the victorious team, the monster that woke up from a dream pulled with all its strength. For half a second, for a second, in an instant, the sky fell apart, and almost a whole hill was pulled up by it.

is it possible?

How much does a mountain weigh?

Even if you are not on the ground, you can't feel the shaking, and you still can't react immediately.

The gravel fell down with gravity, King Red didn't feel heavy, otherwise he wouldn't have lifted the mountain easily.

The next moment, it jumped up together with the mountain, and then fell again. What does the monster's movement mean?

"Fire, Dagu!"

Xincheng shouted, even if you don't know what the other party wants to do, it doesn't mean you can let the other party do whatever you want.


Zong Fang's voice also pulled the other person back from the shock.

The two fighter planes fired at the same time, and the scorching light hit King Red's body.

Once, twice, refers to the number of times it jumps and falls, and finally...

Horii's eyes widened, the island was sinking, relying on the weight, King Red was planning to sink the entire island to the bottom of the sea.

Why do you want to do this?

Could it be that there is something very important to it on the island?

The water splashed everywhere, and the animals that lived on this island had no means of escape. The tens of meters high monster just fell into the water, and the light of pursuit was only steam rising from the water surface.

"damn it!"

Not powerful enough!If Feiyan No. [-] and No. [-] are strong enough, they won't let each other run away at all!

In the TPC base, new orders were also sent out.

"Stop launching, repeat, stop launching."

"Is there a submarine nearby? Track and investigate immediately!"

The bottom of the sea that humans cannot touch, but pure spiritual life forms can do it.

'Biological instinct?interesting. '

The Kyriairods knew it, she woke up King Red, and knew that there was no other existence on the island, so why did the monster do this?

The reason is actually very simple, it is a simple inducement to make the enemy feel that there is something on the island.

'It seems that an interesting existence has been awakened. '

This cunning is worthy of a monster that survived 3000 million years ago.

'The next thing is...'

How could a mere monster be enough? It was far from enough, and there were more.

It's a pity that during the time when the ultra-ancient civilization flourished, almost all the monsters were wiped out, and the Lord of Darkness was raging again. How many monsters are there left on the earth today?

The one who can make up the number... is the guy from the universe.

Since the earth is now a period of frequent monsters, why not let more monsters come?


For the Kirielods, that was too much of an eyesore.

Giants protect human beings but do not require faith, which completely conflicts with them who need faith.

She disappeared at the bottom of the sea, King Red has already dived underground, and the next step is probably to find the food he needs.

This is what happened at the bottom of the sea, while at sea, Feiyan No. [-] and Feiyan No. [-] hovered. It was the first time that they had such an intuitive understanding of the seriousness of the monster disaster.

What kind of serious consequences will the monsters that have been defeated before then really mess up?

Show it clearly now.

"Everyone, let's go back to the base for a while to repair. Feiyan [-] and Feiyan [-] don't have the ability to dive."


No results were obtained, and the winning team returned to the base.

And those who knew that the battle had taken place here did not include any media.

Inside the city, people are still living their lives and enjoying the convenience brought by technology.

Basically, most people will not go to any mountain to explore when they have nothing to do.

Even the name of Suna Mountain has been almost forgotten. There is no remarkable landscape, and there is nothing particularly eye-catching.

Those who can remember this name are all old people who lived near here in the past.

This mountain is still desolate, and the temple that was originally enshrined has long been abandoned. Of course, it doesn't matter if it is not enshrined, because the function of this temple does not lie in this.

Today, someone stepped here.

"I feel a strange power, come and have a look...why, there seems to be something alive."

The blond-haired and blue-eyed Magma, who mimics humans, is wandering around the world at this time. He and the Kyriarods have already had a plan for Zhou Xiang. For this reason, it is necessary to make the monster disasters on this earth more frequent. .

If possible, he would really like to ask Grozan to send troops over and directly blast the blue planet into pieces.

It's just that it can't be done. The army of the empire can only be evenly matched with the rebel army. If it is taken away, the only thing left by His Majesty will be nothing left.

Even if he is actually not interested at all in that so-called empire, the empire is the only thing that can be called a relic.

"Is it this thing?"

With a random slap, in an instant, the statue covered with moss and cracks was shattered, and the ancient knife fell aside due to the impact.

After a long time, even so, the ghost is still alive.

What is enshrined here is a beating heart.

Suddenly, the ground began to vibrate crazily, and the bodies that were sealed everywhere returned due to its call.

Tens of seconds later, in front of Magma's eyes, the heart, body, limbs, and head, monsters with such vitality are quite rare in the universe.

At this moment, the vicious face with white hair lifted up.

The falling broadsword collided with the defensive blade, and countless sparks splashed out.

Before the monster called Su Nagui could chase after him, the power exploded directly in his abdomen, and the dilapidated temple even collapsed due to the impact on his back.


He stared at his palm, then, he clenched his fist and hit the ground fiercely.

"Jing Long! Jing Long! My strength should not only be this little!"

It was so weak that it was difficult to even control the body.


Walking out of the ruins, Magma raised his eyebrows.

"Since your strength is so weak, wouldn't it be good to recover?"


Su Nagui suddenly raised his head, the man in front of him seemed to be different from the people he had seen in the past.

"Don't be so excited, I let you out just to get you free."

It's funny that Magma can smell the blood on the opponent.

"But I want to remind you that if you mess around now, you will die immediately."

After leaving these words, he turned and left, and there was still some time before the comet Ziyifeng came to the earth.


Staring silently at the opponent's back, Su Nagui put away his favorite big knife.

As the other party said, underestimating human beings will suffer, and he is the best example.

"Ida Jinglong, just watch over there, heh, heh, hahaha!"

Su Nagui left towards the outside of the mountain, leaving only the ruined temple.

Is it lucky?

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