The armor-piercing projectiles fired out further accelerated, and then, towards the chest, towards the head, towards the arms, the special missiles hit accurately and pierced into the skin.

The huge explosion set off a storm, even covering up the screams of people fleeing for their lives.

The smoke is billowing, is it because it works?The monster took a step back, trampling the wreckage in its path even more.

Soon, after the black mist dissipated, some pieces of its skin fell off.

Pain, this feeling is transmitted to the brain.

With a roar, King Red found a throwable that could be used.

Glass shattered and rebar snapped.


When a building nearly [-] meters high is thrown towards you, how do you avoid it?

The answer is that there is no way to avoid it.

"Tommy! John!"

The two fighter jets were smashed into pieces in an instant. During the two explosions, the wreckage fell, and the thrown building smashed into three shorter buildings.

Is there anyone over there?

The pilots had no time to think about the problem, so they could only concentrate more.

Sensing a useful weapon, Red King grabbed another building and twisted it.

Countless shards of glass fell, and the huge projectile was thrown fiercely.


Whether it is rising or falling, there is absolutely no time to avoid it.

'It's over. '

The moment he realized this, a radiance appeared in front of his eyes.

The wreckage of the building was firmly caught, and for Red King, a loathsome light appeared, it still knew this power, this light that kept hunting its kind in the past.

The Blue Hurricane passed by the side of that huge body, and felt a warm red light.

The giant's body quickly turned silver and red, because he knew that there were still millions of citizens in this city.


Following the captain's order, the Blue Hurricane, which was capable of attacking, fired a volley. The high-temperature attack hit Red King's body. Although it couldn't cause damage, it successfully attracted its attention.

Seizing this opportunity, Di Jia quickly moved forward and hugged the enemy before he could react.

Roaring and struggling, but there was nothing they could do. The fleeing citizens heard the whistling of the wind and raised their heads subconsciously. Ultraman picked up the monster and took it away, while the Blue Hurricane moved forward rapidly, trying to keep up with them.


The roaring sound couldn't have any influence on Ti Jia, he directly suppressed King Red with a powerful strange force.

The lights below have almost disappeared, bringing the enemy to the uninhabited development zone in Liao, and then slamming him hard.

For the Red King who cannot fly, it can only swing its body weakly in the sky, and Indiga's adjustment landed on its head.

While the smoke and dust were flying, it fell to the ground, but it didn't feel dizzy at all.

At this moment, Tiga, who swooped down from the night sky, clenched his right fist, and before he hit, Red King's huge tail moved.

With an upward pump, the loud sound reverberated, and the power of the boxing was interrupted before it broke out completely, making the tail one step faster.

With a muffled grunt, he fell on the ground and rolled around, and finally lay down on the ground, feeling pain in his back.

In front of Tiga, Red King relieved the damage by relying on his strong physical fitness, and he rushed directly to his enemy without any scruples about his surroundings.

The shaking ground made the giant react. The speed of the enemy could not be considered fast, and the powerful thighs seemed to have some difficulty in running.

Then, a blue light flashed across his forehead, and his bent arms vigorously supported his body to somersault forward.

The sudden movement made King Red raise his head and twist his body.

When Tiga, who switched to the air type, landed, the big tail that was thrown at high speed seemed to be able to smash the air.

However, that speed was so slow, it directly stayed in the air with the ability of anti-gravity, when King Red turned around, he was hit head-on with a powerful flying kick.

After it was repelled for a few steps, what followed was the enemy's kick, which was purely relying on its legs because it was completely unable to use its body strength in the air.

Right, right, right, the whole person is like a rapidly spinning top, Dijia frantically slaps the enemy's face with his right leg, even the surrounding environment is affected, and the tornado sucks in the surrounding dust.

"Oh, God......"

Hurriedly came to support, but found that the American branch flying team could only change direction to avoid being involved.

In just ten seconds, King Red endured at least a hundred kicks, and even his body became uncontrollable.

And Tiga also felt the pain in his legs, and the effect of strength is mutual.

Turning around for the last time, his right hand turned into a palm knife, blue and white lightning gathered in his hand, and then slashed fiercely at King Red's neck.

Even the sound of the wind could not contain the howling. Inside the tornado, a huge monster flew sideways for more than ten meters and then fell to the ground.

The turbulence caused by the battle was gradually subsiding, but it succeeded, and brought a smell, which was the smell of blood from King Red's mouth.

There is no need to keep your hands, Di Jia opened his hands, and the blue and white light gathered on the palm of his head and then collected at his waist.

Lampal's light bullet aimed at King Red's cut by the hand knife, and the final blow hit directly. In an instant, a burst of electric current traveled through King Red's body and exploded from the inside out.

Withdrawing his right hand, the purple and silver giant flew towards the sky and disappeared into the distant night sky. The timer on his chest was still blue.

The pilots who were watching him also put down their right hands. Those who had experienced the invasion of the Imperial Stars had long regarded Ultraman as a comrade-in-arms who fought together, although this comrade-in-arms was taciturn.

The battle is over, it's time to go home.

They didn't notice the unformed spiritual body, and even Tiga didn't notice the existence that deliberately hid himself.

"Damn Tiga...becoming stronger again."

The more he fights, the stronger he becomes. Ordinary monsters can't even pose any threat to him.

"But wait, this is just the beginning."

The Kirielod people like a saying of human beings very much—nobility is the epitaph of a noble person.

It is precisely because of this that the super ancient civilization will be destroyed, and the giant of light... is ridiculous.

With a detailed plan in mind, and to act for it, the Watcher disappeared on the ground as a vanguard.

It's 5:48 a.m. in Canada, and the sun hasn't risen yet.

Japan's time is 13 hours ahead of Canada's. In other words, it is 18:48. In the TPC Far East base, Dagu is being knocked on the head.

"Dagu! Why are you so slow in such an emergency situation!"

"Yes, sorry!"

I can only apologize, what else can I do if I don't apologize?

You can't say 'Oh, I turned into Tiga to protect people as soon as possible and went to Canada to fight and then came back'


Watching the interaction between Lina and Dagu, I chuckled in the middle, it's actually quite interesting to look at Dagu suffering like this.

"Calm down, Team Lina, Team Dagu is only 7 seconds late, don't be too harsh on him, how about this, just punish him by running around the base ten times."

In any case, in order to conceal his identity, one cannot favor him too much.

According to his current physical fitness...


Dagu quickly saluted, then turned and ran towards the combat commander's room, leaving Lina shaking her head helplessly.

In the corridor, his expression was still sad.

No matter what, late is late, Altman is always a step behind.

On the side of the base, the transparent glass reflects the sea surface dyed red by the setting sun. Under the shining of the setting sun, that person stands in front of the entrance in an ordinary family in Kumamoto City.

"I'll go for a walk, it's fine."

"Go early and return early."

During the exhortation, Nangong nodded, and then left the Xigong's house.

The twilight colors had all but faded away, it was winter and the sun always went down early.

I've been thinking about it all day, but I still can't think of anything.

The enemy is the Kirielod, in other words, a spiritual life form that can drive flames and control others.

Where are they hiding?Where can I find it again?

If it was in the past, Nangong would use the ability of digitization to directly find the person who promotes the "Altman's original sin theory" on the Internet, but now he is an indefinite time bomb, and the broken pieces will be light particles or other things What?

The question is, if he doesn't do this, how can he find the Kiriarods?

With billions of people in the world, how to find them?

'It sucks. '

This kind of situation where the enemy is in the dark is too troublesome.

Suddenly, the piercing gaze interrupted his thinking, and he didn't even intend to hide it.

Nangong turned his head quickly, at the other end of the alley, the man was staring at him.



During the line of sight contact, the corners of the man's mouth were raised, and he spoke, speaking three syllables with slow lip language.

' Empat. '


He immediately turned and left, disappearing around the corner.

Nangong leaned forward and quickly chased after him.

After the corner is the street, bustling with people.

The man blends into the crowd, moving at an unpleasant pace.

It was almost a conspiracy, deliberately luring him to follow.


After hesitating for a while, Nangong followed.

Can't drop clues.

Chapter 87 The Inescapable Reality

It can be said that he was drawn into this park. It was just nightfall, and it was supposed to be time for evening walks, but no one was here.

It was definitely an abnormal situation, but Nangong still followed.

Who is the opponent?

Gazing with a unique visual sense, you will soon get the answer.

It's just a vigorous spiritual body without any physical body. Where has this scene seemed to be seen before?

Of course I've seen it, that's...

"It's been a long time, Empat, looking at you, it seems that you have realized who I am."

The man seemed to be talking leisurely, completely ignoring the current situation.

"Kirierod, what are you planning to do? And why did you come to me?"

Nangong adjusted his center of gravity, as if intending to subdue him, but this action only caused a burst of ridicule.

"Stop bluffing, Empat."

The Kirielod disguised as a human raised his hand.

"You should know that you can't fight at all in your current situation, right?"

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