What was published above was almost the same as what he knew.

The irresponsible father tried every means to blackmail after he was released from prison. This incident was exposed because the poor-quality paint made the nearby residents very disgusted.

There are no photos of Kyoko and the others, but there are corresponding reports.

That was probably the question and answer between the reporter and the victim. In the comment area of ​​the news, almost all of them were condemning the bad father, and there were even a lot of vicious words.

Because there is no need to wear a mask, you can insult others at will.

Are you planning to use this method to protect yourself?

Nangong thought about this matter, and his intuition told him that the situation was not that simple.

"So what did you do while you were missing?"

Masaki's question refocused him.

"I went to see the duo of spirit-killing warriors you mentioned, and one of them is a cosmic being who came to Earth at some point."

"You killed him?"


It is necessary to think and look at problems rationally, and Nangong has already suffered in this regard.

"And then I learned something."

He looked at the bustling night scene outside the window, so he understood better what he lacked.


Masaki snorted irrefutably.

"If there is nothing else, I will go back to Kumamoto."

He still has a lot of things to do, such as developing robot monsters that can fight monsters.

I also want to artificially make giant stone statues, but the problem is that the analysis of stone statues is not complete enough, and the only thing I have mastered is the technology of turning stone statues into light and turning light back into stone statues.

However, this is all unique to stone statues, and it cannot be done with other materials.

Night, sleep, on this night, Nangong dreamed the same scene again.

The battle between the two empats, but this time the scene of the city's destruction was reflected under the water.

Everything comes from the heart, his fears manifest in his dreams.

What is it that the giant who is haunted by darkness is afraid of?

The beautiful water star is divided into day and night due to its rotation, but in the universe, there is no such division.

In distant galaxies that are not known how many light-years away, there are many invaders who joined the empire, and the Lebik people who were leading the plot under the leadership of Tisnok were also among them. The shrinking technology they possess is great. thing.

Magma was holding the silver box in his hand at this time, and what it contained were the two violent twin monsters he had tamed in other galaxies.

Heading towards the earth again, the interior of the empire no longer has the prosperity it had before.

Everyone knows that the torrent of the times is changing, not only the rebels, but even the civilizations that originally joined the empire betray from time to time.

This is a group of invaders, do you expect them to have any sense of companionship?

At the beginning, with Dysnook and the Imperial Stars, they could still be suppressed, but now both of them are dead.

Magma knew that he was not capable of governing the country, so there was only one thing to do.

Cooperate with the Kirielod people, let the human beings on the earth give their patron saint the most profound betrayal.

This is his revenge.

Head towards the border planet again, regardless of the artillery fire on the frontal battlefield.

In this universe, there are not many strong people who can become gigantic, and they are basically gathered in a star field at this time.

The most powerful one is Grozan, who can fight against several people alone and still not lose the wind. Even though he is called immortal, he still relies on this special ability to move across the battlefield even if he does not have the power of the stars of the empire.

"The imperial star is dead!"

Someone said that.

"You should be able to see that the empire is finished!"

He kept saying similar things.

"Boring, I'm here only because I want to fight with the strong, if I don't want to fight head-on, get out!"

The brutal cold spread out in all directions, engulfing everything around.

They had to dodge, and the soldiers who couldn't dodge all became ice sculptures, and smashed together with the ice warships falling from the sky.

"This guy!"

In an instant, everyone realized that this enemy had to be killed, and so did the Imperial Stars, who would do anything to fight.

They don't want to encounter a second such existence.

Sensing the hostility, Grozan sneered.

At this moment, the rebels were stopped.

"Wait, I'm here to fight Grozan, you go support the others."

The man who came forward was stained with blood. He came all the way from the rear, and facing his statement, the others looked at each other.

"I'm counting on you here, Guregel."

Soon, there were only two people left on the battlefield where no one else was allowed to intervene.

One of them is the strongest general in the empire, Grozan.

The other person is Guregel, the general of the rebel army who has recently risen to fame.

Fighting Qi rose up, with scorching heat.

"bring it on."


The two collided instantly.

This is just a microcosm of the battlefield. Even if the huge planet is outside the atmosphere, you can see the flames constantly exploding. In the universe, it is even more exaggerated. Countless lights are intertwined. Every bright explosion is the death of life. fireworks.

Thousands of warships gathered in the star field, and countless people fought here.

Will the future universe be bright or dark?

In a corner of the vast universe, on the blue water star, the location is Australia, and the meteor that pierced the sky fell on the earth.

While the TPC was investigating, a roar was heard.

Riding on a comet, the comet monster Doraka came to a new feeding ground.

Gorzan, Dorakao, the interval between the appearance of the two monsters did not even exceed 24 hours.

This is a monster from the universe, and at almost the same time, it was an ancient monster that woke up on the island of Northern Ireland.

Its name is Siglas, the tornado monster Siglas, who was also awakened by the Kiriarods from a long sleep.

Today's earth is ushering in a period of frequent outbreaks of monsters that are deliberately directed to be fierce.

The alarm sounded, and the European branch, the American branch, or all the TPC departments sounded the alarm. Dorakao was still adapting to the environment of the earth, but Seaglas was different.

What it needs, which is originally a monster on the earth, is food after waking up from hibernation.

Accompanied by the action, the surrounding ocean began to move violently, and the waves became higher and higher, and its existence alone was enough to cause disasters.

Chapter 95 The Sea and the Sky

"A cosmic monster that can fly freely in the air, and an earth monster that can move freely in the sea. What we are facing now is the terrible situation where these two monsters appear at the same time."

First Gorzan, and then the two newly appeared monsters, regardless of the conspiracy behind it, if it is not resolved quickly, the victims will increase further.

"First of all, it was the cosmic monster that landed on the earth with the meteorite, and it was named Dorako. Now it is being surrounded by troops from Europe, America, and China. We need to be responsible for the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, which is named Sigora. The earth monsters of Sri Lanka."

After the intermediary captain finished speaking, Ye Rui quickly switched the images on the screen.

It is now 8:47 in the morning, the sky is full of dazzling sunshine, flowing white clouds dotted the blue sky, a leisurely scene.

But the sea is different, the turbulent waves that seem to be caused by storms rise wave after wave, and big waves hit the shore from time to time.

"Since the appearance of Seaglas, the water in the Irish Sea has been out of control. It seems to have the ability to manipulate the ocean. If this continues, not only Northern Ireland, but even Europe will be submerged by tsunamis."

Another monster that can cause natural disasters.

"The victorious team will coordinate with the army to kill Seageras. According to the observed information, the monsters seem to have set off such a wave for eating."

A new picture appeared on the screen again, this time it was the scene seen in the deep seabed.

The monster opened its mouth wide, and a large number of fish were entangled in the attracted sea water, sucking them into its mouth.

"Just for eating...no, nothing."

Lina stopped abruptly in the middle of her speech. The reason why the monster was attacked was not because of eating, but because of the tsunami it set off. The huge waves are now hitting the land one after another.

71% of the planet's area is ocean, and human beings live on land. If there is such a monster that manipulates the ocean for its own survival, it is probably a creature that cannot coexist no matter what.

The basis of coexistence is communication and consensus. The question is, does Seageras have the intelligence to communicate?

"Lina, let's solve the immediate crisis first and then think about other things."

Although the intermediary captain wanted to comfort the other party, but now is not the time to dawdle.

Any delay could have irreversible consequences.


Lina knew this too.

"Then, the winning team is dispatched on Dolphin 202."

With an order, except for Ye Rui and Ju Jian, the other five people quickly moved towards the hangar.

Every second counts. Considering the victim situation, there is no doubt that Seaglass is more dangerous.

In Australia, Dorako, who was planning to find food, was constantly besieged, and the fighter jets developed by TPC poured their firepower on the monster.

The high-temperature light made it howl, and even if it couldn't penetrate the skin, it still made it feel irritable.

The waving arms continuously tore through the air, but unfortunately the two scythes used for close hunting couldn't hit the fighter.

This is why TPC decided to get rid of Seageras first. Compared with the other side, this monster here seems to be more primitive, without too special abilities.

Immediately afterwards, in addition to the light, even the missiles were fired together.

Armor-piercing projectiles have become the standard configuration of TPC fighters. The missiles that hit the skin of Dorako penetrated into the interior and then caused an explosion.

Before the pilots were happy, they couldn't help but round their eyes.

The bullet that pierced King Red's skin didn't work as expected, and Dorakao was unharmed. It seemed to be irritated and became even more angry.

In the next moment, the cloak that had been drooping behind him unfolded from side to side and turned into wings.

'Hey, that thing isn't going to fly...'

"Screw you!"

Before he could finish his thoughts, he had to pull the joystick, and the wing of the Huolong, which was trying to avoid it as much as possible, was cut off directly. Among the fighter jets that spun and fell, the pilot who ejected found that there were many people who were hit like him.

"What the hell!"

The thin wings didn't have the strength to support the heavy body at all, even so, the monster still flew high.

Light rays, missiles, in an instant, the battle of air dominance turned into an air battle, and it was different from doing nothing on the ground. Dorakao started hunting, and it wanted to kill all the little bugs that prevented it from finding food.

The firepower is intertwined, but it can't cause damage. The monsters flying freely in the air attack, even if they avoid the scythe's slash, they are still out of balance.

What kind of aftermath will a monster of this mass cause when it sprints?

The gust of wind alone is enough to affect everything around.

"Headquarters, emergency, emergency!"

It was never expected that such a thing would happen, and the video data of the scene was sent back to the headquarters.

The upper echelons in the base frowned, they didn't think about why this monster could fly, that was something scientists considered.

Among the American branch, who stepped forward.

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