"My name is Richard Bandar. I used to live in Canada. I died in the monster attack not long ago."

Immediately afterwards, the woman also introduced herself:

"My name is Shiori Tsukamoto. I was born in Japan. I was also killed by a monster attack, but we were rescued, and we were given the power given to us by the Kiriarods."

The two didn't really die, they were rescued before that, and the Kiriarods who once said they wanted to rule mankind gave them their current strength.

"Just as there are countries and factions among us humans, the same is true for the Kiriarods. They who planned to rule humans before have been stopped and thrown into prison. Now they are kind to humans."

Richard's words were interrupted, and Shiori continued:

"But they also know that their mistakes at the beginning made humans hostile and wary of the Kiriairods, so we appeared as a bridge for communication between the two."

They were once human, and the Kirilloids gave them power and kindness towards humans.

Is this believable?

Regardless of other things, there is no doubt that they saved the people of Osaka and defeated the monsters.

At the other end of the screen, the victory team in the TPC Far East base was also watching the press conference.

"Damn it, we just talk nonsense because we don't know anything!"

Xincheng stared at the speech on the screen angrily. Human beings basically don't know anything about the Kiriarods, so they just say what they say.

Can such a guy be trusted?

"Ye Rui, what's the result of the comparison?"

The intermediary captain asked his subordinates, since the two had already boarded the screen, the next step was to compare their appearances.

"Richard Bandar, a Canadian who lived in Vancouver before his death, died on January 2008, 1. His family was killed in the Raid King attack."

Ye Rui read out the information he found, and then immediately switched to the next one.

"Shiori Tsukamoto, a Japanese, lived in Kumamoto before his death. He died of the earth invasion on November 2007, 11. He also has no family."

It's almost as if it was deliberately planned, they are all people who have nothing to worry about in this world.

Everyone turned their attention to the screen again. At this time, the loud voice attracted everyone's attention.

"In that case, would you mind if we have a chat?"

As the camera pans, people in uniform walk in at the entrance.

Soichiro Sawai, as the director of TPC, came to the venue of this press conference.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The Kiriarods are a race that has arrived on Earth 3000 million years ago, and has been observing the development of human civilization ever since.

They witness the evolution process of human beings, and when the time comes, they will appear and move toward a new realm with human beings.

It's just that there are disputes among the Kyriairods, which is why the Kiriairods did such an excessive thing last time.

This time was different, they came here with good intentions.

As for the current situation of the two, human beings can complete a new evolution through the integration with the Kyriaelods.

Of course, this is just a special case, they do not covet human bodies.

In order to protect humans from monster disasters in the future, they will continue to fight, just like Ultraman.

As for resurrection from the dead, it couldn't be easier for the Kirielods.

The reason for the frequent occurrence of monster disasters is that a greater darkness is preparing to wake up, and there is darkness enough to swallow the universe hidden on the earth.

During the entire press conference, it basically became a question and answer between Director Sawai and the two, and at the same time, I learned a lot of things that I don't know if they are true.

The door of the combat command room of the Far East Base was opened, and Mayumi walked in.

"How about it?"

Before anyone else could speak, Xincheng couldn't wait to ask his sister.

However, the other party just shook his head with a puzzled expression.

"There is no abnormality, and the brain waves are normal. Now the people who have been resurrected by the Kirierods are very normal. Even if you ask them, they can't tell why. They just remember... until they die. before."

Mayumi didn't know how to describe it, dead, are they really dead?Died once?

From ancient times to the present, human common sense has always held the view that 'the dead cannot be resurrected'.

But today, whether it is the resurrected people or the people who witnessed their death, the concept of 'death' is confirmed, and then this concept is reversed.

They are resurrected.

This is a joke that makes people laugh.

"There is definitely a problem, there is absolutely no problem."

Horei kept saying that as a scientific researcher, he really couldn't accept such a thing without common sense, which had neither scientific basis nor precedent.

Yes, there are problems.

Even so, Mayumi couldn't say anything.

"Facing them themselves, facing their relatives, we really can't say such a thing."

The inspection is still going on, and what the medical workers see the most from the people being inspected and from the family members of each other is mixed with joy and anxiety.

No one wants to lose someone they hold dear, that look simply says 'you can't take him or her'

Mayumi knew that none of her colleagues could say those questioning words.

For a moment, the entire victory team fell into silence. They had all seen the grief of those who lost their loved ones, friends, and lovers, so they understood the mood of the medical staff at this time.

"Is this also the method of the Kyriairods?"

Zong Fang's deputy captain said, but he didn't know if it was true.

In any case, there is really no weirdness at the moment.

To attack, or to arrest those two men?

If he looked at it with a skeptical eye, he suspected that the two were deliberately mixing with the media.

He said that he hoped that human beings could understand Kiriarod better, but in fact?

In front of the media, if TPC takes them away, it will turn into a troublesome situation, which is really terrible.

"Let's talk about everything after Director Sawai comes back, Mayumi, please record all the information of the citizens."

In the end, the intermediary team leader came to a conclusion, whether to arrest or not, the decision must be made by the director.

First of all, there must be a certain degree of surveillance on the people who have been resurrected from the dead. After all, no one knows whether it is the original them or someone else inside.

Things stopped temporarily, and Dagu was deeply disturbed in his heart.

He is aware of the prophecy, and what Kirino said is gradually becoming a reality.

The Kirielods seem to be turning into gods, so why did Ultraman turn into a demon?

'What should I do now? '

Looking for a chance to knock those two down?

But will this really go well?

Or is it because of attacking them indiscriminately that Ultraman becomes a demon?

The more I think about it, the more I can't find the answer. Dagu is a person who can't hide his thoughts on his face, and his expression has already been seen by Xincheng and Jujian.

How heavy is the responsibility to carry all human beings on our shoulders?

They don't know.

The victory team temporarily stopped its activities. At the same time, there were huge crowds of people in the hospitals in Osaka and the hospitals that still exist.

Unexpectedly, no one was injured in today's disaster, but this is not a good thing.

Those who were rescued by the Kirielod people were not injured at all, and those who could not be rescued could not even find their bodies.

Maybe it evaporated completely, maybe it was crushed under the ruins.

Checks one after another, there is absolutely no problem with the body, and those who have completed the checks can go back.

Perhaps because of the TPC's rigor, the victim's family members were also disturbed, asking different questions on the way home.

"Please don't ask any more questions. I really don't know what's going on. I even told about my bed-wetting in the third grade of elementary school and the love letter I sent to my classmates in the fifth grade. Can you let it go?" I?"

Helplessness was written on the young man's face.

"Do I have to tell you where my private money is before you will believe me or this me?"

Hearing this, the woman beside him frowned.

"You still hid your private money?"



"This, there are very tortuous reasons for this..."

The tone became very weak.

This is just the case of one of the lovers.

"It's okay, don't you think I'm fine now?"

On the other side, the same young man was saying the same thing.

"Look, it's really a little pressure for me to hold you... Well, I think there is still a little pressure. Of course, I don't mean that you are heavy."

The husband and father who found he couldn't do it picked up the child with his right hand and his wife with his left.

This is one thing that makes a family.

"It's fine, it's fine."

Middle-aged parents are touching their daughter who has just graduated.

"What would you like to eat tonight?"


This is the father with his son after being relieved.

"You kid really worries me to death. What kind of shit, you have to live a good life. Don't think that you can die with peace of mind if you say a handsome line, you bastard!"

"Hey, hey! Is this the attitude you should have towards someone who died once!"

This is a pair of good friends, one of them has red eyes but still knocks his friend's head vigorously, it seems that he wants to hide his happiness.

The same emotions are shown in different hospitals, that is, lost and recovered love, friendship, family affection, love, and people are so connected.

What a beautiful feeling that was, but some people questioned this feeling, and he had to question this feeling.

Nangong Lan, a young man who used to be an Ultraman, is at the entrance of the hospital, and beside him is Diana, a Baltan star who accompanied him.

Using consciousness and ultra-psychic power to search for abnormal places, the see-through ability of both eyes penetrates the flesh.

Although seeing the scene inside the human body made him uncomfortable, he still tried hard to find something different.

Soon, both Nangong and Diana frowned tightly, and couldn't find any abnormalities, and there were no non-human fluctuations on people's bodies.

"Are they really able to resurrect the dead in order to appear like gods?"

While puzzled by this, Nangong was also shocked.

"It's not resurrection, it's just that it didn't die completely."

Diana explained.

"It may be difficult for people on the earth to understand, but living things will experience two deaths, the first is the death of the body, the death of the brain, the second is that the soul after losing the body cannot be maintained, the second death, That's when you're really dead."

The death of the body and the death of the soul, after all, there are still monsters that turn into resentment after death in this universe, which also proves the existence of the soul and the second death.

"That is to say, if the soul is not dead, it is possible to save it?"

Nangong's simple summary made Diana nod.

"However, the earth doesn't have that kind of technology yet. It's better to say that civilizations with this kind of technology really exist in the universe? At least we don't have it in Baltan. I'm starting to believe that the Kiriarods claim to be a race 3000 million years ago."

What a powerful technology if a civilization can last for 3000 million years.

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