Looking up, I can only see Empat's red breastplate, surrounded by light, and inside is a giant, the giant of light.

--------------------------------------------Dividing line

"What the hell! What the hell!"

Running away in fear, the one chasing behind the spaceship is a strange existence.

This universe is very broad, and you will encounter some inexplicable monsters from time to time.

There are strong ones, such as Bemonstein, whose single body can travel freely in the universe, and belongs to the superior predators, and even monsters are its food.

There are weak ones, such as Dorakao, who can only rely on passing comets to move between different planets.

And what they encountered at this time was one of the best among them, named Chimaira, a vampire monster dominated by them.

Its voice can control weak monsters, its skin is both a shield and a sword, and its mist can even turn other creatures into monsters, and be controlled by it for eternity.

That is a veritable Destroyer, and this Destroyer is chasing their convoy here.

The incoming light was just a hair's breadth away from hitting, and no one wondered what would happen if it got wiped.

"There's no way to shake it off!"

Even though it has no wings, why can that monster move freely in a vacuum? !

They are glad that the spaceship will not be invaded by the fog, and they will not be turned into puppets of each other.

They can't be thankful, because they can't get rid of it, and no one understands what a cosmic monster like Chimaira is going to do.

Maybe it's just a wild beast. At this moment, the monster behind the transport team opened its mouth slightly, as if making a sound.

Can it be delivered?


"It's about to hit!"

It was a sharp blade, and Dorakao, who came from nowhere, swung the sickle in his hand.

The fleet was forced in this direction on purpose, and Chimaira laughed at the weak beings, controlling beings weaker than herself.

The transportation team became chaotic in an instant, they were scattered, and their spaceships were really insignificant compared with the monsters.

The basic defensive light bounced off Dorakao's hard skin.

Is there no hope?

He tried his best to lift it up, but found a sickle thrown at him.

Suddenly, the trajectory of the sickle changed, and although the vacuum could not transmit sound, it could transmit light.

The purple light wheel came from nowhere, and in an instant, several Dorakao's bodies had spinning sawtooth, and the crazy cutting light wheel cut them into pieces relying on the advantage of numbers.

Before Chimaira could react in time, the oncoming gold knocked her flying hard.

The severe pain made it roar, and the asteroid with a little gravity splashed dust that would not fall.

"That, that's—"

In the line of sight is the dissipated golden light, and the giant with blue eyes rushed towards the monster on the asteroid.

This journey is not peaceful.

110 Chapter Seven Another Earth

"This, what is this..."

Everyone in the transportation team looked at everything around them in shock. The six Dorakao controlled by Chimaira before were now drifting away due to inertia.

Their bodies were broken into several sections, but they didn't have any blood.

The highly compressed and condensed eight-point light wheel even scorched the cut surface. What shocked them even more was the fact that the monster died.

Dorakao is indeed a low-level cosmic monster, but it is indeed outstanding in terms of physical defense.

Such an existence in an instant...

"What the hell is that?"

The area where asteroids gather is the route they chose to escape Chimaira's pursuit.

At this time, there are two huge beings on one of the asteroids.

One is a monster, the other is...a giant?

The light here is dim, making it difficult to see clearly, only the back is seen.

The next moment, his figure disappeared, and he quickly rushed to Chimaira who was smashed to the ground.

'The eighth... No, adding those just now is No.14. '

Nangong thought silently in his heart, he brought Baltan's companions forward in the universe as a photosphere, saw many cosmic beings attacked by cosmic monsters, and then subconsciously took action.

Not because of this regret, but thinking about why so many monsters are berserk.

The two approached, and immediately afterwards, Chimaira's action was not an ordinary standing up.

Here is the universe, on asteroids, the influence of gravity is almost negligible.

So as long as the force is applied, an exaggerated response can be transmitted.

It pushed its arm hard, and its heavy body floated upwards. Its flying ability adjusted its posture, and its sharp horns released blue thunder.

However, it is not the only being capable of flying. Lightning penetrates the floating dust and marks the surface of the asteroid.

Empat completed the dodge, superimposed speed and strength, and punched the enemy directly.

From extreme speed to stillness, the heavy blow was easily blocked, and the difference in strength was reflected.

Chimaira held the opponent's fist backwards, and pulled it along with her spinning body.

However, the throw was interrupted halfway, and what hit it was the blue beam from Empat's crystal lasing.

The penetrating attack made the monster aware of the danger, and it let go and threw the enemy out.

Empat's body was spinning out of balance, gradually melting into the darkness.

What dispelled the darkness was the thunder that was released again.

The attack came in pursuit, and he turned the angle with the trend, stepping on the asteroid floating behind with both feet.

The legs were bent to take advantage of the force, and the asteroid that was used as a pedal floated slightly, and then a large piece was cut off by the lightning that followed.

Chimaira's yellow eyes fixed on the enemy that could cause damage to it, and the swinging head made the horns move, biting the nimble giant tightly.

It can always see that the opponent is constantly moving with the asteroid as a shield, and the distance between the two sides is getting closer.

Every time the attack swept, an asteroid was torn apart, dust and flying debris mobilized by the force of the lightning burst.

At this time, looking at the gravel belt, the fragments gushing out from different positions are mixed with the dust but will not disperse. There is no gravity to attract them, so they can only float like this.

Could it be that the giant intends to use the dust as a cover?

As Chimaira's horns continued to swing, no enemies flew out from behind the cover.

The lightning stopped for a moment, and the back of the asteroid whose front was pulled out of the gap was pierced again.

Empater stopped shooting suddenly, and Spesium's light easily dug a hole.

From the entrance of the cave, purple highly compressed particles shot out, directly blasting towards the raging cosmic monsters.

It's a pity that the distance is still a little farther, and Chimaira rose to avoid it.

The light is dodged, so what about the pursuit?

The flying speed in the universe has also increased significantly, and Empat, who seems to be teleporting closer, has a knife in his right hand and a fist in his left hand, and first slashes down.

Chimaira, who backed away in time, noticed something strange before she could be happy.

The route that the right arm crossed left a purple trace, just like a painter's brush adding color to a blank drawing board.

The crescent blade spurted out, and its huge body moved sideways, grazing past it.

It was at this moment that Chimaira's evasion route was predicted.

Empat swung his left fist suddenly, the vibration was transmitted through the arm, and the force was exerted, and the enemy who had been hit hard on the face was knocked away by one blow.

However, his speed was faster than the speed of the enemy flying backwards, the distance between the two was shortened instantly, and the giant clung tightly to the opponent.

The series of punches hit from different angles, Chimaira roared in pain, and the red tongue shot out from the opened mouth, it was not stabbing, but entanglement.

The front end was forked, wrapped around Empat's neck unexpectedly, and the tightening movement caused the giant's head to lift slightly.

He could see the yellow lightning extending from his tongue, so the five fingers that were put together formed a purple sharp blade and stabbed straight up.

The two colors sputtered arcs between the clashes, and Chimaira still had her mouth open, spitting out the poisonous mist stored in her body at the attacking enemies.

In an instant, the white mist directly enveloped the opponent, the inside contained paralyzing toxins, transformed light beams, and strong corrosiveness.

Empat felt the pain, and then Chimaira felt the pain too.

The mist moved backward abnormally, instead flocking towards the existence that spewed it out.

The invisible Otto power turned into a gust of wind, blowing the poisonous mist back towards the enemy.

His purple-stained hands are crossed and placed on the left and right waist respectively.

Dash forward, swing out, and briefly cut through the mist with a cross-cut, creating two intertwined wounds on the enemy's chest.

The real hand thanked Pat for being sure of the opponent's position, and the mutually symmetrical arms joined together to form a cross in front, and the other shore flowers bloomed and gathered in front.

It didn't take even 0.1 second for the blade-like light to hit. Chimaira wailed, but couldn't transmit it in the vacuum.

The lethal particles gushed out from the previous wound and quickly spread throughout the body.

The accumulated damage in the body exploded in one breath, and the monster that had been running across the universe for many years exploded from the inside out and was burned to pieces.

Empat put his hands down slowly, convinced of the death of the enemy.

Turning around, his eyes locked on a messy gravel belt.

Consciousness releases the power of thought, and the gravel and dust are all gathered together and squeezed into a new piece, which is not considered a big stone.

"Okay, so strong..."

The transportation team who watched the whole battle froze in place, staring at the giant there.

Cyan pupils and a blue crystal on the chest.

Where does this look seem to be...

"and many more!"

In an instant, I recalled it.

It is said that in the depths of the distant universe, on a remote and unknown planet, the overlord of the universe died at the hands of a giant with blue eyes.

His name is 'Ultraman'

The ultimate person.

In the blink of an eye, that existence disappeared to nowhere.


Is it Ultraman?

Why is he here?

'No, not the time to think about these things. '

"Go ahead!"

Their task is to transport supplies to the battlefield. The advantage of the rebel army has been established, but it is precisely because of this that the empire has fallen into madness.

Monster weapons, planet-destroying technology, biotoxins, crazy enemies can do it all.

This war is not over yet.

The transport team continued to set off, and in the far corner, the spaceship that was staying was also re-held.


The gushing energy enveloped the two again, and the ball of light moved forward rapidly.

"Excessively unusual."

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