At this moment, I felt someone approaching.

Turning around, as if for equal communication, he changed back to his evolved posture, and the two Baltans came out of the atmosphere and came to his side.

"Thank you. Your actions have truly saved the Baltan family that was on the brink of destruction. It's just that we have nothing to repay you now. Please forgive me."

For Danis, the so-called hostility and the so-called goal are all because of the choices he had to make under such circumstances.

As long as there are other choices, he will not repeat the same mistakes and make aggressive actions.

"What kind of official award are you talking about? Is your brain flooded when you are a general?"

Here is Diana, who has no mercy in her mouth.

"I wish you could be more polite to me."

Nangong subconsciously complained, you are too impolite.

In particular, 'can you let me cut something down' is particularly impolite.

"Then, it's time for me to return to Earth."

When the matter is settled, who else does the earth need to protect.

The reason for the frequent occurrence of monster disasters has not yet been found, and similar phenomena have occurred both on the earth and in the universe.

Not only that, but I still remember what the enemy who didn't know what existed at Christmas had said.

The ruler of darkness, the evil god, what the hell is that?

Whatever it is, it cannot be left alone.

"and many more."

At this moment, Danis spoke up, and there was one thing he wanted to know no matter what.

"Why do you want to help our Baltan family?"

From the perspective of the earth, it is the evil existence that once attacked and tried to invade.

From the perspective of the universe, it is also the minion who once aggressively invaded and even created a large number of weapons for the empire to help the evil.

Looking at the universe, no one is a friend, and the current situation is nothing but self-inflicted.

"Because... people change."

Of course, Nangong knew what the Baltans had done. He was not qualified to forgive anything on behalf of others. He just saw a race that was on the verge of extinction and was reflecting on itself.

He also did bad things once, and Dijia told him at that time that he had to make up for it, so he was what he is now.

"Diana's words made me decide to act."

With a population of 300 billion, there are only [-] left today, and the price is heavy enough.

"This unwarranted belief may lead to regrettable consequences."

Not knowing whether to be joking or serious, Diana made a dangerous statement.

"In that case, try not to make me regret it."

If Baltan once again embarks on the path of aggression and expansion, then I will destroy it.

Finally nodding to the two, Empat turned into a golden light again, and disappeared like a new star before their eyes.

"Listen, don't make him regret it."

Diana's pincers tapped Danis on the shoulder.

What she said was not so much to Nangong, but to the person beside her.

If the Baltans repeat the same mistakes, the green-eyed giant may no longer come as a 'savior'.


What happened to the education at home?

Why is there such a daughter who is against her father?

What a headache.

What Nangong didn't know was that Danis and Diana, who had completely different ideas from the Baltan star, were actually father and daughter.

"But Ultraman... No, this is also the name given to them by humans on Earth."

Danis shook his head, putting down this widely circulated title first.

"Empat and Tiga, where did they come from? Even our Baltan family has a history of thousands of years, and we have never heard of such existence."

It is too abnormal, where is the origin?

Why doesn't the whole universe know about them?

It is impossible for such a powerful race to remain unknown. Could it be that it was a once-destroyed race?

"Occasionally I think it's great that Ultraman only has Tiga and Empat."

Diana said something that she must never say to Nangong, because she didn't know that Empat's power was actually inherited.

"If there are millions, tens, or hundreds of millions of fighters like them like other races, then this universe will be over."

When there is no one to check and balance too powerful a force, an absolute dictatorship will be formed.

Think about it, being able to go on interstellar travel alone, opening wormholes connecting different locations by virtue of one's own ability, its own combat power is at the top of the universe, and it can even destroy planets, not to mention having wisdom.

The intelligent race will eventually embark on the route of developing technology. Technology cooperates with powerful forces and hundreds of millions of people... Should the safety of the universe be placed on their moral standards?

"If there is such a family with such a moral level, then the peace of the universe will no longer be a dream."

Danis spoke dreamlike words, how could there be such a good thing in this world.

The two descended to the new home planet again. In order not to make Empat regret it, the Baltan family started again here.

In the dark universe, in a world that humans cannot yet reach, the battles between civilizations and civilizations, and the battles between monsters and intelligent life are repeated.

The intensification of the war destroyed countless planets and ecology, and the berserk monsters attacked different creatures. Where did the abnormal phenomenon come from?

Who is fleeing, followed by bloodthirsty monsters.

The golden light struck, and a huge silver back was reflected in the line of sight.

’ I wondered if something like this was going to happen. '

It is possible that someone will be attacked by a space monster, since it happened...

In the next instant, the giant and the monster collided.

This is what is happening in the depths of the universe, and here on Earth, people have returned to their daily lives.

It has been five days since Empat left the planet, and the haze covering the earth seems to have completely disappeared. Try to live, and death may come at any time. The world is like this, but it is returning to normal.

It seems that because it was too relaxed and comfortable when there were Kirielod people, some people began to hope that they would come back.

But that's only a small part of it, and TPC's publicity efforts are not in vain.

The enemy's sugar-coated cannonballs confuse human beings for a while, but after all, they can see clearly what is right.

It was because of the existence of Ultraman that the worst situation was avoided.

They can't speak, they can only prove themselves with actions, and they are the guardians of silence.

What is real and what is false, human beings do not have the ability to see through the truth at a glance, but at least, we must believe in the battles and feelings so far.

On the streets of Tokyo, quite a few people gathered together, and they watched with great interest the young man dancing his sword in the open space.

A Taidao is in full swing, reflecting bright silver light, which is dazzling.

Every movement is full of power, and the natural look gives people a natural feeling.

People discussed and applauded from time to time. Of course, the most important thing was the money thrown into the bowl.

"Ah! You! It's you again!"


Before the audience could react, the sword dancer picked up the bowl containing a lot of money and started sprinting.

Sheathing the blade and jumping up, the exaggerated athletic ability of turning over the audience in one breath is addictive.

"Bastard! Don't go! You violated the law of controlling dangerous weapons! Hurry up and get caught!"

"Idiot, you can't leave if you say you can't leave!"

After leaving a word, the young man ran away at a speed that the police officers could not catch up with.

After a few minutes, he breathed out in the alley.

"Let me see... [-]! I met a big money!"

Just when he was happy, there was a slightly mocking voice:

"Zamxia, look at your embarrassed appearance."

This is the sword master of the universe.

"It's long-winded, anyway, I am working hard to make money with my own labor, which is different from criminals!"

"But I thought I heard the police officer say you violated the Dangerous Weapons Act?"

Mephilas, who appeared there at some unknown time, looked at Zamsha with a surprised expression.

"If you want to care, why are you still on Earth?"

"Shouldn't I ask you this sentence?"

The two cosmic beings who came for Ultraman are still staying on the earth, and they both think that the other party has left.

A few minutes later, Zamxia sat in a high-end restaurant with a face of embarrassment.

It's true that if you have money, the service is very considerate, but the problem is that he is too bad, and he feels uncomfortable.

"The battle between the rebels and the empire has reached a fever pitch. More and more civilizations have joined the rebels. The empire wall has pushed everyone down. In order to reverse the situation, they have invested a lot of weapons that should have been banned."

Although Meferas is on the earth, he has more or less ways to pay attention to the situation in the universe, which is completely different from the bumpkin in front who kept nodding his head.

'Are you a spaceman or an earthling? '

She couldn't help but have such doubts in her heart.

"I'm not interested in war. Simply killing and being killed doesn't make a good story. I will probably stay on Earth until the war is over."

It's still very peaceful here, besides, aren't there still two powerful warriors guarding the earth?

"So, I'm actually waiting for an opportunity. I lost to Ida Jinglong last time, and now I have a new breakthrough. This time, I want to compete with Empat and Di Jia in the original posture. .”

This is Zamsha's own plan, and he doesn't want to leave after knowing the chaos in the universe.

Because it was very troublesome, it was not that no one approached him at the beginning and wanted him to join the rebel army, but he was really not interested in war.

Rather, no one in their right mind would be interested in such a thing.

Although I'm not interested, I can still support it. After all, it is a just war to regain sovereignty, and some things cannot be protected without war.

There was still a while before the food was served, and at this moment, Mephilas suddenly raised her head. Unlike Zamsha, she caught strange fluctuations.

"I thought there was seems to be my illusion."

Space... No, it should be a different dimension.

Strange existences appeared among the tall buildings without even stirring up a speck of dust, stepping on the road.

The sudden behemoth made people unable to dodge, and the vehicles collided with each other and rear-ended in a row.

The drivers who made an emergency stop, as well as the passers-by on the side, none of them took the injured out of the accident vehicle.

The reason is simple, the behemoth moved.

Chaos erupted in an instant, and the appearance of the monster was reflected on the surface of the building.

Its body and limbs were covered with armor, and two sharp needles protruded from the shoulder armor. The human-like face was expressionless at first, but when he noticed the confusion, the corners of his mouth turned up.

Coming from a different dimension, the demon god Ainomena appeared on the earth, and she had one thing that she had to solve first.

A strange existence that can weaken his ability has come to this world, and this existence cannot be allowed to live.

Sensing the opponent's position, Aineng Mina's body caused damage to the city just by walking around, with crushed vehicles under her feet.

110 Nine Chapters of Different Dimensional Invasion

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