The most eye-catching thing is the sharp angle of its head. Its mind and body are completely the maker's thing.

"Go, Baksim, and destroy TPC's Far East headquarters!"

Walking out of the different space, behind the unicorn super beast Baksim are reassembled fragments, and the passage between the different dimension and this world is blocked again.

At the same time, not in Japan, but at the far end, the South American country of Argentina, its capital Buenos Aires, the crimson in the dark sky is so eye-catching at night.

What exactly is that?

"Barabba, use your power to destroy another Man of Light!"

The fragments 'stick' back again, and it is not known what came out of the inside.

Before the citizens could figure out what was happening, they fell from the shock.

The road didn't crumble under its exaggerated weight, and the strength his master had given it allowed him to move without affecting his surroundings.

The shadowless and transparent Assassin Super Beast exists in another country.

And the tangible unicorn super beast quickly locked on the owner's target, and the TPC Far East base was completely paralyzed, doing nothing.

Zheng Mu ran into the combat command room, where work was carried out in an orderly manner, and the connected laptop was carrying out the next work.

TPC professional electronic network experts are using the new framework system provided by Zhengmu to intrude into the hacked TPC network. The next moment, the headlights of the combat command room are on.


The black hand of another dimension has some understanding of the situation here, so it is incredible.

The unexpected situation surprised him. In his opinion, it is impossible for human beings with extremely backward technology to resist him, but the fact is the opposite.

At this time, Baksim's head was forward, and the high-heat bullets shot out from the tip of his nose fired more than a dozen rounds within half a second, and they were about to penetrate the TPC's sea base.

The gathered radiance directly faced the attack of the bullets, and the high-heat bullets were detonated one after another.

First the air was shaking, and then the ground was shaking as well. Baksim, who was knocked back a few steps, roared angrily.

In front of it, the light converges into a human shape, and the white eyes give people a soft feeling.

Di Jia stopped in front of the enemy.

'Sorry, just let me take advantage of you. '

The camera recorded the external situation, Zhengmu thought silently in his heart.

Whether it is Tiga or Empat, he knows who the real identity is.

That's why such a plan will be implemented. Ultraman will never leave the enemy alone, and this incident will ring a bell for TPC, and because the new framework network system will solve the enemy's intrusion, his status in TPC will also rise.

Even if the new framework network system can't solve the intrusion, it doesn't matter, there is also an anti-virus software Empat that can digitize and physically disperse viruses.

At present, it seems that there is no need for him to appear on the stage.

Due to not knowing the situation on the other side of the earth, Masaki came to the wrong conclusion.

Although the citizens of Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina, do not know what is going on, they can also see that something is wrong.

Either turn around and leave, or hesitate for a while before leaving.

During the jump of the arc, the light could not penetrate the darkness, and the lightning released before seemed to be sucked into the blue crystal, and Empat appeared in the city.

Following the sensed unique fluctuations, Nangong came here.

But in his eyes, there is no enemy.

The appearance of Ultraman means that monsters will definitely appear, so hesitation was abandoned, and people began to retreat.

Among the tall buildings, no one is there except the giant.

In the unusual situation, the mastermind behind the scenes laughed.

"Can't see it, Empat."

This is how it can be called an assassin super beast.

"But it's beyond my expectation that you came here so quickly."

In other words, can these two Ultraman appear in every corner of the earth as they please?

In this case, it is meaningless to deliberately distance the distance between the two super beasts.

"Give it to me, Barabbas."

After giving the order, Barabbas, who had remained silent all this time, quietly turned his gaze to the target who made a fighting move.

How to fight against an invisible enemy?

"Die, Empat!"

The hatred was vented with the movement, and the front end of the meteor hammer in Chaoshou's right hand shot out, and the spike that could penetrate no matter what kind of metal aimed at the enemy's timer.

Smash it together with that beautiful crystal... That's what I thought.


Is it an illusion?

Those cyan pupils seem to be looking at this side?

In an instant, Empat, who was away from his body, flashed a transparent cone.

'It's not an illusion! '

Arrows of purple light pierced the night, and fierce sparks dispelled the darkness.


In Empat's eyes, there should be nothing ahead, but the attack hit.

'Stealth. '

After understanding this, the reason why he was able to capture the exact location is actually very simple, just because he heard it.

Nothing else, as described in some literary works, when the enemy attacked, he heard the sound of the enemy's attack, so he captured the enemy's position along the way.

Now that you know where the enemy is, the next thing will be easy.

Dash forward, pull closer, and beyond that, the figure is fully outlined by Empat in a unique way.

Jumping up, bumping his knees, even though Barabas was a step behind, he still reacted.

The raised arm barely blocked the attack, a strong wind blew up, feedback came, and the green-eyed giant attacked the invisible enemy.

At the same time, near the TPC Far East headquarters in Japan, flames and high-temperature bombs raged. Baksim's approach was very clever, that is, a simple attack. Dijia couldn't dodge it. Once he evaded, the base behind would be destroyed. into pieces.

The distance between the two was no more than 50 meters. On one side was the attacking monster, and on the other side was the giant engulfed in the sea of ​​flames. The high-temperature bombs also crazily smashed into the flames, attacking the bound enemies.

The situation is so bad, it seems that Tiga is about to be defeated by such means.

The red light was covered by the flames that illuminated the night sky, and in an instant, the sea of ​​flames was pushed back against it.

120 Nine Chapters The Enemy Hidden in the Dark

Outside the TPC Far East base, the fire that was enough to turn the nearby forest into ashes and evaporate seemed to be attracted by something, and the energy accumulated more and more, but it was always blocked.

First a slow half second, followed by an extremely fast half second.


Baksim, the super beast that is proud of behind the scenes has powerful power, just like its concept of "weapon", whether it is flame spray or high-temperature bomb, it has the power to destroy the city at will.

However, this power seems to be too weak for the existence of Ultraman.

Every time he overcomes difficulties and death, he will become stronger. The scarlet giant is wrapped in heat, and his right hand is thrown backwards, and the flames are forcibly torn open.

The soaring defensive power of the powerful type made Tiga abruptly move forward against the attack, and the initial dilemma has been solved.

He clenched his left fist and swung it forward.

On his chest was a spot of light that exploded from the hit of the high-temperature bomb. Under this damage, Baksim's head was directly tilted with a straight punch.

The super beast, who was much taller than Dijia, staggered back for the second time. At this moment, Dijia bullied him.

Right hand, left hand, one up, one down, grabbing the enemy's unbalanced flaws, and directly raising them high with both arms.

With a war cry, Baksim was thrown directly into the distance.

100 meters, 200 meters, just as it was about to fall, it saw an attacking giant.

Switching back to the compound type, with the combination of speed, flying ability and physical ability that the strong type does not have, the anti-gravity kick kicked Baksim's abdomen again.

Across the forest, the TPC Far East headquarters shrunk almost invisible.

Below is the wilderness, the soil is overturned and pushed, and in front of the formed mound is the fallen super beast.

Baksim moved his hands forward, standing up while spraying flames.

Soon, instinctively realized something was wrong.

The high-temperature sea of ​​flames spread all the way forward but couldn't attack the enemy. It had nothing to do with the controller's thoughts. As a super beast, the fighting instinct made it give up attacking and raise its right hand.

Seizing the opportunity of the entanglement between the two, Baxim turned around and waved his hand, his spiked palm was blocked by his arm.

Dijia kicked forward hard, and at the same time, a high-heat bullet hit him in the chest.

Kicks make super beasts back, heat bullets make giants back.

The distance between the two was widened, and Di Jia immediately jumped sideways and ran away, and the chasing flames brushed against his back, bringing a scorching hot feeling.

Step down with your right foot, bending slightly.

Tengzhi jumped up and swept away with his right leg.

A blow from the side struck Baksim's neck, and the heavy force caused the super beast to shake.

"I see."

As a third person who does not participate in the battle, the controller can understand the situation more clearly. The different colors on Ultraman's body represent the difference in emphasis on the side.

In order to protect the TPC base before, red has strong power and defense, but now this four-color has slightly weaker offense and defense, but superior speed.

The sounds almost overlapped. Dijia's series of punches hit Baksim's chest. The high-heat bullets released by the enemy missed the hit, because the first uppercut punched his head up high.

The white-eyed giant stepped forward again, clenched his fist with his right hand, and pressed the palm of his left hand on the fist. It seemed that his left hand was pushing his right hand, and hit the super beast's abdomen hard with his elbow as an attacking weapon.

One blow, two blows, left and right fists bloom on the enemy's head.

The balance between speed and strength was achieved and the power of 1+1>2 was exerted. Baxim's head, which was constantly being knocked off, could not rely on the high-heat bullets at the tip of his nose to contain him in close combat.

It forcibly clapped its hands forward and bumped into each other.

Di Jia, who had already jumped up, rotated his body, flipped his legs forward, stepped on the back of the enemy's head, and rushed forward to the ground.

Turning around quickly, the light arrow in the palm of his hand shot out, directly hitting the enemy who also turned around.

The roar of the beast was deafening, but Baksim seemed to be in good spirits.

'What kind of defense is this? '

Dagu felt a little tricky for a while, and took the palm light arrow at the position where the chain fist hit, but he didn't get any wounds.

Throw out three glowing arrows again and explode on the enemy's chest.

"Hahaha, it's useless."

The controller sneered, even if the combat skills are superior to those of super beasts, it is meaningless if there is no way to break through the defense.

The next moment, Di Jia crossed his hands in front of the timer, and swung forward suddenly.

The azure blue light bloomed, and Baksim's huge size instantly swallowed the bursting shotgun beam.

From the neck all the way to the abdomen, the attack that hit at the same time directly brought strong force, making it unable to move freely.

At this moment, Tiga, who crossed his hands in front of the timer for the second time, used a completely different trick.

The first attack is to restrain the enemy, the second attack is to kill the enemy, and the blue crescent blade is thrown out.

Embedding, cutting, in an instant, a huge opening was cut out, the incision was directly burned, and the blood that was supposed to gush was completely evaporated.

The third attack was for the final blow, with both hands spread out left and right, and the crystal between the foreheads flashed blue light.

The air-type nirvana Lampal Light Bullet returns to the waist along with the energy constriction, prepares to attack with the enemy's weak point as a breakthrough, and then...


Suddenly, the horn on Baksim's head shot out.

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