What kind of arm strength is this?

After all, domestic flowers are more fragrant than wild flowers, right?

Gaddy rubbed his master's cheek vigorously, and he was delighted at the reunion between the two parties.

are you happy?

Every day is a joy.

The master is still the master, is there anything to be unhappy about?

Actually... there is.


Move your eyes along the taste, there is a barbecue on the street.

"to beat."

There are only two things in Nangong's body, one is a mobile phone and the other is a harmonica, and nothing else.


It has long been burned by the Kyriaelods.

Gaddy lay pitifully on his master's shoulder, and could only sadly feel the fragrance go away.

"You can eat what you have when you go back."

Touching the top of the head, Nangong said so.

When the sun became difficult to see due to the shadow of the building, he also took Gedi back to Nishinomiya's house.

The key was inserted and twisted, and after the door opened, there was another clicking sound.

The little King Aire ran out staggeringly from inside, and the next moment, there was lightning and thunder.

Crescent corner paused for a moment, Gedi stuck out his tongue with his usual expression, and suddenly licked Nangong's face.

You'll never be this close to him, understand?


In the silence, this is a provocation, an undoubted provocation!

With a leap, King Airi quickly climbed up Nangong's clothes onto his other shoulder.

go down!

No!You just go down!

Get out!

You are the one who should go!

'I think I kind of know what's going on. '

Gedi's unhappiness, King Airi's unhappiness, and the fact that they don't get along at all at this time, it turns out that's the case, and the puzzle is solved.

Nangong's new doubt is - why are these two pets able to grab his clothes so tightly and run around on him?

"It's so welcome."

Noticing the situation here, the old man who walked out of the living room sighed so much.

"Is this a good thing?"

The hood of the down jacket behind his head has become a battlefield, and King Aire and Geddy are rolling around in it.

100 million methods are still too many, so just go ahead.

Chapter 130 A Change of View

It's annoying, if you really want to say it is annoying.

The 16-year-old girl is dissatisfied with the arrangement of her elder sister. What is there to go for a walk without Geddy?

Where are you going for a walk?It's no fun running out alone, it's better to study in the room.

Kyoko complained about Kyoko's arrangement in her heart while walking obediently on the street.

Just as she almost always happens between parents and children, although she is asked to do something and do it, she still complains about the parents' arrangement.

'No no no, she's not the parent. '

She is obviously just a sister, how can she be called a parent?

The brain is thinking wildly, but the body is honestly moving forward along the line it has always been.

In the park that everyone is keen on, there are not a few citizens who go out with their pets at this time. The dogs bark continuously, and the owners even know each other.

'By the way, why did I come here without a pet? '

Kyoko complained about her inexplicable actions, and just as she was about to turn around and leave, her voice was attracted by the barking of dogs over there.

Because it is really loud, and it looks quite familiar.

Isn't that Geddy?

The line of sight followed, and a young man in a down jacket was standing there, not knowing what he was holding in his hand.


For a moment, Kyoko's expression became a little subtle, because it was the clothes she had vomited all over.

I believe that no matter who it is, it will definitely be unpleasant to see such clothes being worn by people they know.

The next moment, the young man threw something forward.


Geddy happily... walked out.


Why did you go out?

Wasn't it a frisbee that was thrown?

Soon, Kyoko, whose eyesight can still be considered excellent, saw the little... toy that changed color slightly in the light?

Whether it is a toy or not is another matter, but the paper airplanes that are stacked are actually ordinary paper airplanes float slowly, and then fall down.

Geddy walked there, opened his mouth to wait, and snapped the paper airplane into his mouth.


Kyoko rushed up immediately, and just when Geddy was about to walk back, his eyes widened.

The girl who always took it for a walk ran out of nowhere and slapped it on the face.

"Spit it out!"

Hearing this, although Gedi didn't know what happened, he quickly spit out the bitten paper airplane.

His eyes blinked, quite innocently.

Yeah, of course it's innocent, not innocent, the one who threw the paper airplane there!

"are you an idiot?"


Before Nangong could react to the incident of Xingzi running out, he was scolded severely.

"Are you the master, you actually let your pet stuff paper into its mouth like this!"

That's not a good thing, there are many reasons why dogs like to chew paper, just remember that if swallowed it has bad effects.

I usually try to keep the paper as far away as possible, and Geddy never bites the paper.

As a result, the authentic owner put the paper into its mouth as soon as it came back. Who is this person, does he have any common sense?

It is precisely because he cares about Gedi that he is so angry.

Nangong could only accept the reprimand honestly. He couldn't say that Gedi was actually very smart, and he wouldn't swallow paper at all. It just made him look foolish.

'By the way, when did you get along so well? '

Quietly looking at the Shiba Inu watching the theater over there, he was puzzled in his heart.

One minute later, Xingzi, who had completely learned about the paper, let out a sigh of relief, and Nangong had to sigh that a top student is amazing, and he has memorized all the content in such a long paragraph.

"So why are you throwing paper airplanes?"

"Because I don't have a Frisbee."

Nangong Lan, a man with a clean sleeve, doesn't even have a wallet, and often lives with poverty.

Frankly speaking, he thought of throwing King Airi as if his brain was flooded, but after careful consideration, he would definitely fight again, so he gave up.

'because there's no Frisbee'

This reason was so upright that Kyoko didn't know how to reply.

After a few seconds, she shook her head helplessly.

"So can't you do something like running?"

If the owner runs around, the puppy will also run around, and a walk is just a walk, so there is no need to get entangled in the Frisbee.

"No, if you run..."

Nangong touched the little King Aire hidden in the hood, what if he accidentally threw it out?

This doesn't work, that doesn't work either, what do you want?

At this moment, Kyoko suddenly felt a furry touch.

At some point, Geddy started rubbing her legs in circles.

In order to ease the relationship between the owner and the good guy, Shiba Inu decided to divert attention by being cute.


He squatted down and started rubbing his face.

Kyoko also has to admit that the process of getting in touch with pets has changed from "It's so troublesome, I don't want it" to "It's so cute, let me touch it"

Even if I jumped from here and died outside, I wouldn't take care of any pets!

So cute.

While touching the top of her head, chin, and cheeks, she felt her emotions eased a lot.

On the other hand, Nangong understood that the other party was just an ordinary girl, and she would naturally be attracted to cute things.

Standing up again, Kyoko calmed down a bit.

And she discovered one thing, which was something she had vaguely noticed last time.

'Not responding...'

The strong feelings I felt when I was with a man didn't happen when I was with this person. Why?

Was it because he'd seen the worst of it all?

Kyoko later heard from her sisters and friends, and of course it was this person who brought her back to the shop.

"Can you talk to me?"

Her mental state is sick, she fully understands this and wants to overcome it.

After all, if you can't go on like this forever, you will not be able to integrate into society.

The other party's unexpected speech surprised Nangong, and he nodded after reacting.

"no problem."

Just... what to talk about?

'What should we talk about? '

This is a good question, fortunately, Kyoko doesn't know what to say.

The only intersection between the two is the coffee shop. The problem is that she and her sisters don't use it, and they don't know what coffee is like. They only take a cup to refresh themselves after they are tired from studying.

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