The more soft colors match the gorgeous appearance, it gives people a strange feeling.

If you get closer here like this, you can smell the sweet fragrance even more.

Unaware of any sight, Nangong waved his right hand, and Huatian was burnt to black ashes by the purple flame in an instant.

The smell that I smelled before has weakened and replaced with a burnt smell.

However, weakening is weakening after all, but it is nothing more than weakening.

'What's the matter with this smell? '

Even if there is no fragrance from the yard, you can still smell the sweetness coming from other directions and from all directions.

Nangong rushed to the living room again, and walked this way to the other person's room.

"Wu, Ye, are you there?"

Turn around and continue towards the opposite side.

"Ling, can you hear me?"

Knocked on the door and got no response.

"Feel sorry."

After apologizing, he twisted the handle directly, and without permission, Nangong broke into Liang's bedroom.

On the single bed, I don't know what kind of dream he had, but the boy still had a gentle smile on his face.

"Liang, open your eyes, can you hear me?"

Nangong walked to the bed, trying to wake him up.

However, just like the old man before, Ryo didn't respond, just immersed in his dream.

He immediately turned and went to Wu and Ye's room, and the two sisters did the same, but closed their eyes.


"Okay, so high..."

The younger sister fell asleep peacefully, while the older sister was still talking in her sleep.

It's the same here, no matter where you are, you can smell the sweet air that people can't ignore.

The content of the dream flashed again in Nangong's brain. People were sleeping in the flower fields, but they were unmoved by the burning city.

Without any basis, he instantly understood that it was not a dream, but something that had happened in the long past.

"3000 million years ago... 3000 million years later... Could it be..."

Taking out the mobile phone, Nangong ran towards the door.

Could it be said that the ultra-ancient civilization 3000 million years ago was destroyed in this way?

Humans 3000 million years later...

On the street of a certain city, Hitler, who somehow left from the ruins of the sealed evil god, scanned the messy street.

"I really haven't made any progress."

Is it the same after 3000 million years?

Then will you abandon Ultraman?

"Tsk tsk... a miserable situation."

Those who are already sleeping will probably sleep more comfortably, and those who are awake...

"Really, really! Did you agree!"

The young people there held the air and didn't know what they were excited about.

"This is my strength! No one will underestimate me in the future!"

The hands of the man passing by made an L letter, as if imitating what Ultraman did.


The woman was simply smiling.


The Apo who accompanied her could see the yellow dust through her special eyes, mixed with the air, invisible but ubiquitous.

There are countless absent ones, and there are one after another Zijrafen flowers.

As long as there is soil, they can be seen opening in patches.

Yes, as long as there is soil, you can see them opening up in patches.

Of course, Nangong, who was running on the street, could also see the current scene. The office workers who threw their briefcases aside were hugging the wall and kissing, and someone was stuffing air into their mouths.

There is no doubt that everyone's face is happy, and different people see different desires.

What Nangong saw was a certain sense of ugliness. Some people kept pushing their waists, some people uttered vulgar words, some people cursed, and waved empty arms that seemed to be holding something.

He put down his phone, and there were very few names in the address book.

Kyoko, Kirino, Masaki, no matter who they called, they didn't reply.

Today is very special, so special that even if he took out his phone and turned on the Internet, he didn't make any new moves.

Even the latest news is old at 5:27.

There was no news in the morning, and the world seemed to suddenly become quiet, without any information bombardment, only ordinary people living in their own world.

Nangong threw out his right hand and burned the pale yellow flowers he saw into ashes.

Doing such things all the way, while advancing, at this moment, I suddenly heard someone's stop:

"Stop it, Empat, even if you do such a thing, it's pointless."

Turning around suddenly, standing there was a man in blue clothing and a blue hat. The robe-like clothing immediately reminded Nangong of the super ancient people in the dream.

"Who are you? Super ancient people?"

"My name is Luke. It's been a long time. I'm the new successor."

He did not deny the identity of the super ancient, and the man who claimed to be Luke said something that cannot be ignored.


What does it mean?

No, this kind of thing can be discussed later.

"Do you know what's going on here?"

Nangong desperately wanted to know the answer, the scene in the dream was too frightening.

The last thing he saw was the countless human beings buried with Huahai, and the hot building finally buried everything.

In that scene, everyone is voluntarily accepting death.

"Do you want to stop them?"

"Do you still need to ask?"



The same question, the same rhetorical question, built on the sea, the interior of the TPC Far East base is also in chaos.

The person who sleeps more soundly is the person who seems to be doing something he likes, but is actually doing nothing.

What exactly did they see?

What do you think you are doing?


The girl named Dina questioned Daeko, who said she wanted to stop this.


Dagu couldn't understand what the other party meant.

"They came to perish voluntarily. There is nothing to force them. Why stop them?"

There was no mockery in Dina's eyes, she really felt that way.

"You said voluntary? Under such circumstances, you can't even make a normal judgment, so how can you say it is voluntary?"

Looking at this scene, Dagu, who has a deeper understanding of "psychedelic" because of the incident in Mexico, certainly cannot agree with the so-called "voluntary".

"That's not right."

Dina shook her head and denied Dagu's statement again.

"It's not that Qijiela chose humans, but humans chose Qijiela, just like 3000 million years ago, Dagu, don't you know what happened 3000 million years ago?"

What happened 3000 million years ago?

In an instant, Dagu's mind flashed half a year ago, from the inside of the time machine, what You Lian once said, saying that human beings no longer need light, so the light left the earth.

"Compared to the Giant of Light, people chose Zigera instead."

Father and daughter, should it be a coincidence?They said the same thing at the same moment.

Kumamoto City, the interior of the coffee shop, Kyoko who was forcibly pulled into the shop was sitting on the seat, looking at something.

While Luke stared at such a scene, he didn't respond to the scene he had seen along the way, and seemed to be familiar with it.

"It seems that you know almost nothing."

He saw Nangong's abnormality, and he was really puzzled.

After the destruction of the ultra-ancient civilization, it seems that there is really nothing left.

"Please tell me in detail."

Nangong lowered his head, he wanted to know what happened in the past.

Camilla, what's going on with them?

What happened to the sleeping darkness?

What is this so-called Zijla?


Who are the existences that have not been bewitched?

Geddy is one of them.

"It's a pity that its mind is not mature, otherwise it may be able to answer many of your doubts."

There was a little nostalgia in Lu Ke's eyes. The so-called light will not be biased because of different races, so even the cute puppies get the light left by 'them'.

The nostalgia was quickly thrown away, and his face returned to seriousness.

"Thirty million years ago, humans abandoned the Giant of Light and Ultraman."


It's not that Ultraman left the ultra-ancient humans, but the ultra-ancient humans abandoned them.

"Our civilization is highly developed, and then one day, we came into contact with the existence called 'monsters', and what saved us from their mouths was the light from the distant Orion constellation."

The giant of light is not the existence of the earth, but the existence of the universe.

"In that era, not only was the living environment harsh, but the most dangerous thing was the number of monsters. Living in this era, I am afraid it is difficult for you to understand. But at that time, the earth was even bigger, and different types of monsters formed populations and roamed the land. .”

Giant beasts cover the sky and the sun, and strange birds soar into the sky.

"During the difficult days of lingering, the light that descended from the sky protected us. After that, it has been protecting us. There is no need to mention the things in it. The key is the result after that."

Lu Ke's words also made Nangong tense up.

"We developed on the earth and established a developed city. Although we failed to develop to the whole world due to the population, we did establish a highly developed technological world. However, we were destroyed by desire."

that desire...

"The reason is Nazigera's openness. People are immersed in a happy world and think that dreams are heaven. What's more, we have already mastered the ability to fight against monsters, so we arrogantly think that there is no longer a need for the mysterious world." Terman."

"So Ultraman also abandoned you?"

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